Chapter 206
"Although the brave guard camp outside the city is far away, you can still see some details through the telescope."

As Sun Chuanting said, he handed Gao Mingheng his telescope. As for Chen Yongfu, he had it himself.Then, he went on to say: "First of all, the military uniforms of the brave guard camp outside the city are not neat. If you observe carefully, you will find that they are actually put together. The farther away they are, the more uniform they are." Showing off, this is one of them!"

After hearing this, Chen Yongfu and Gao Mingheng picked up binoculars to watch carefully.

"Secondly, just look, just now the brave guard battalion outside the city attacked the siege bandits outside the city, and indeed there were people killing people, but now the battle is at a stalemate, that is, the bandit elite resisted the brave guard battalion, but they were acting. It's definitely not a real life-and-death fight. This can also be seen through the telescope."

"If you observe more carefully, you can see that when the bandits and the Yongwei Battalion were fighting, they all turned their heads to look at the top of the city. One or two are fine, so what's the point? , They are waiting for the movement in our city."

"There is another one. Look at the reinforcements of the rogues. The same is true. Many of them are turning their heads to see the movement on our side of Kaifeng City. Originally, their speed is very fast, but there is no movement on our side. The speed of the reinforcements of the rogues is instead Slow down!"

When Sun Chuanting said this, he sneered and said: "The thief is really courageous, he will not hesitate to kill and injure so many people, perform such a scene, and still want me to be fooled, it's just a dream!"

Chen Yongfu and Gao Mingheng observed carefully while listening to his explanation.

This time, they really found out the flaws that Sun Chuanting said, and the more they looked at it, the more they felt that Sun Chuanting was right.

After all, Chen Yongfu had led the army to fight for a long time, he was the first to be sure, put down the binoculars, and couldn't help but said in amazement: "Just now even the last general was fooled, but I didn't expect that my lord has sharp eyes, and I discovered the thief's conspiracy all at once, my lord is wise." !"

After Gao Mingheng heard this, he also admired Sun Chuanting very much, and said convincingly: "The lower officials are also convinced. If you don't sit in Kaifeng, you may really be able to succeed in the conspiracy of the thieves!"

Just now, they almost unanimously thought that it was best for them to go out of the city to meet the Yongwei Battalion and take the opportunity to defeat the bandits.Almost fell for it!
Therefore, the two of them had to admire Sun Chuanting's careful observation, and he found so many flaws without himself noticing.

So far, both of them are convinced by Sun Chuanting.

In fact, they misunderstood a little. Sun Chuanting did not observe more than they did. The reason for the difference in results was due to other reasons.

From the very beginning, the bandits created a commotion outside the city. Chen Yongfu and Gao Mingheng were deceived because they longed for the arrival of imperial reinforcements in their hearts.Seeing everything outside the city, they subconsciously thought that the reinforcements from the imperial court had arrived.

However, Sun Chuanting is completely different from them.

After Sun Chuanting saw the situation outside the city, his first reaction was that the Yongwei Battalion was fake.

Because when he left Beijing, he already knew that the Yongwei Battalion was expanding its army, and it was impossible to send rescuers to Kaifeng in a short time.

In addition, the plan for the Battle of Kaifeng is to hold on to Kaifeng and consume the background of the thieves.At least until September and October.The best thing is that the newly trained army can first defeat the Jianlu who entered the customs at the end of the year, so that the capital is safe, and then send troops south to rescue Kaifeng.

The same is true, he, Sun Chuanting, arrived in Kaifeng according to the order, and from the very beginning, he made a policy of sticking to Kaifeng. For this reason, he did not hesitate to implement military control, uniform distribution of food and grass, and send the old and weak in the city to the Yellow River. to the north.

Strategically, as well as tactically, Sun Chuanting was able to discover immediately that the Yongwei Battalion outside the city was a fake.

He has seen the situation in the military battle bureau, and knows that if the Yongwei Battalion goes out again, they will definitely wear new armor, if not all of them, at least some of them will be equipped.

However, when he observed through the binoculars, he didn't find that the brave guard camp outside the city was equipped with new-style armor at all!

Of course, the most conspicuous thing was the army of the Yongwei Battalion outside the city, they were fighting with cold weapons, knives, spears, swords and halberds.

However, Sun Chuanting knew very well that the Yongwei Battalion after the newly expanded army would mainly use firearms.

Under such circumstances, Sun Chuanting was convinced that the Yongwei camp outside the city was fake.

With this kind of understanding in his heart, when he observes through the telescope, it is easier to find flaws than Chen Yongfu and others who want to think that the brave guard camp outside the city is really observing.

At this time, Sun Chuanting did not explain these, but only talked about the flaws of the actors outside the city.This is also the case, which attracted Chen Yongfu and Gao Mingheng's admiration.

The people around Sun Chuanting on the top of the city knew that the thieves were actually acting outside the city, but they didn't expose it, and let the guards continue to cheer.

Those who know the inside story are just watching the show.

Outside the city, the bandit leaders were anxiously waiting for rescue from Kaifeng city.

wait, there is no movement;
Wait, there is still no movement.

Li Zicheng, who was hiding in the crowd, was a little anxious, because he knew that the longer he acted, the easier it would be to be exposed.

Therefore, he immediately issued an order to make the Yongwei camp have more "casualties" and the fighting to be more "intense".

When the military order was passed down, the battle at the Yongwei Battalion was louder and louder.

Even the king of Zhou was startled, and he rushed to the city with an excited face. He was still far away from Sun Chuanting, and asked loudly, "Is it true that the reinforcements came to rescue Kaifeng?"

If another vassal king dared to come to the city, Sun Chuanting would definitely not give him a good face.

However, King Zhou's generosity impressed him very much, so he didn't care about King Zhou's departure from King Zhou's mansion, so he said lightly, "No such thing!"

After hearing this, Chen Yongfu quickly explained: "Master Sun discovered that the Yongwei camp outside the city is actually a bandit pretending to lure the city to send troops out!"

When the King of Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but be disappointed, but at the same time he was glad that he had the famous Sun Chuanting in charge, so he praised Sun Chuanting a few words and went back.

As soon as he left, the people on the top of the city naturally refocused on the situation outside the city.

"My lord, the thief seems to be unable to continue acting!" Gao Mingheng looked outside the city and quickly reminded Sun Chuanting.

This time dragged on for a long time, seeing that there was no movement at the top of Kaifeng city, the thief's performance began to be perfunctory.

Seeing this, Sun Chuanting smiled casually.

Suddenly, a few riders seemed to have rushed out from the Yongwei camp and ran towards the city.

When Chen Yongfu saw it, he smiled and said: "My lord, it seems that I have come to ask for help, and we need to send troops!"

Sure enough, the few riders came to ask for help from Kaifeng City under the pursuit of a group of thieves.

Seeing this scene, many generals in the city rushed to Sun Chuanting's side to ask for a fight, asking for troops to rescue, and they will not come again when the opportunity is not lost!

Naturally, they rejoiced afterwards that the thief was acting, it was really dangerous!
Half an hour later, Li Zicheng, with a gloomy face, gave an order with hatred: call it a day.

He can already be sure that the strategy of luring the defenders has failed!

Many people were puzzled by the defenders on the top of Kaifeng City, why didn't they send troops out of the city to meet them?
There are even many people who privately think that Sun Chuanting, the superintendent, has a name for nothing. Although he has led troops to fight for many years, he is actually afraid of death!

Unexpectedly, fighting and fighting, those soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion actually shook hands with the Liu Bandit and made peace, and the two sides went to the Liu Bandit Camp side by side.

This scene left them stunned!
Of course, after they reacted, they immediately understood that the brave guard camp outside the city was a fake!
Knowing this, they immediately felt scared.If he had just left the city to rescue, he would have fallen into the trap of the thief.

Once the army leaving the city is wiped out, under the blow of morale, the troops are not enough, and Kaifeng will be in danger!
Thinking of these, almost everyone in Kaifeng City got to know Sun Chuanting again.The confidence in being able to defend Kaifeng City under the leadership of Sun Chuanting once again skyrocketed.

Compared with the morale in Kaifeng City, there is no need to talk about the bandits here.

Not to mention the low morale of the rogue team, which was arranged as cannon fodder this time, and was killed by their own people, not to mention how low the morale was, even the elite rogues were also low in morale.

No, in the tent of the Chinese army, all the gangsters' faces are not good-looking.

For this trick to lure the enemy, they paid a lot, but in the end they were watched a monkey show by Sun Gouguan in Kaifeng City!

Paying such a high price, the ending is so embarrassing.Naturally, shirking responsibility has become the main theme in the Chinese army's account.

Either A accuses B of showing up, or B accuses C of acting poorly, or it is Ding's responsibility...

In short, inside the tent of the Chinese army, it was noisy and lively!

"Enough!" In the end, Li Zicheng lost his temper and shouted sharply, "What's the use of accusing him now? Can Sun Chuanting die?"

Hearing his words, the Chinese military tent immediately fell silent.

Luo Rucai took a look at the people in the Chinese army tent, then turned to look at Li Zicheng and said, "Officer Sun Dog is not so easy to deal with. He stays in Kaifeng and won't come out. We have nothing to do!"

When Li Zicheng heard this, he stared at Luo Rucai with cold eyes.

He understood what Luo Rucai meant, that was to bring up the old matter again, probably because he didn't want to open the seal again.

He must win this Kaifeng city.But Luo Rucai kept dragging his feet like this, which made him very angry.

When he was really about to get angry, there was suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps outside the tent of the Chinese army, and then Gao Yigong broke in.

He was so excited that he told Li Zicheng, "General, there is good news!"

Although he was not punished because of the striker's defeat, he was eventually sent by Li Zicheng to patrol the perimeter.

At this time, Li Zicheng was a little curious when he heard what he said. What good news is there at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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