Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 209 The Holy Monarch

Chapter 209 The Holy Monarch
After hearing this, Liu Weichao reminded him: "You are building a railway in the capital, but the Jianren will enter the customs and plunder in the second half of the year!"

"Ah..." Emperor Chongzhen lost his voice when he heard it, and then he frowned and said, "This is really a troublesome matter!"

It is basically a high probability that Jianlu will enter the customs at the end of the year.

Faced with this situation, there are actually two options.

One is to keep the enemy out of the Great Wall, so as to ensure that the inside of the pass will not be damaged.But in this way, it is unlikely to inflict heavy damage on Jianlu.

The second is to put the Jianlu into the pass, and then use the Yongwei Battalion after the strong army and the Jingying to dispatch together to encircle and wipe out the Jianlu who entered the pass at a suitable location, at least to inflict a heavy blow on the Jianlu.In this way, there is no guarantee that Jianlu will not destroy the railway and the people's livelihood in the capital.

Weighing these in mind, Emperor Chongzhen asked Liu Weichao, "What do you think should be done?"

Liu Weichao did not answer immediately after hearing this, but thought for a while, and then asked Emperor Chongzhen: "I want to know, if the Jianlu really invades in October, can the new army you train be able to defeat the Jianlu with confidence?" , even if it is not wiped out, at least it can be driven out?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he frowned and answered him: "After the expansion of the Yongwei Battalion, there will be [-] troops, and after the training of the Beijing Battalion, the strength will also reach about [-]. I just went to see their training, and now it is almost finished." For queue training, we need to send out muskets for them to practice."

After a pause, he added: "Whether it's Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, or Sun Yingyuan, they all replied to me, saying that once the new army is trained, equipped, and paid enough, they can restore Liaodong for me!"

As soon as Liu Weichao heard it, he immediately asked again: "Then can you make all the preparations and provide logistical guarantee?"

"I'm trying to sell everything I want, and I must ensure that the new army can get what they want!" Emperor Chongzhen replied without hesitation.

Speaking of this, he hesitated again and said: "It's just that the steel production is insufficient, and it is limited by the transportation of iron ore. Therefore, this is not just trying to solve this problem!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao smiled and said, "If that's the case, what are you afraid of? You will leave the matter of the Jianlu invasion to your generals to solve. You just need to make overall arrangements."

Speaking of this, he paused and said with a smile: "Then I will look for information on railway construction now. As for the steam locomotive, it is actually very simple, as long as you replace the power conversion device, there is basically no difficulty. In terms of manpower, you You can get ready first."

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly replied: "Okay, okay, I will call the cabinet, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of War and other yamen to discuss the matter of manpower."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and then asked again: "Well, can you send me a copy of the historical process of your world from the construction of railways by the army to the company?"

"No problem!" Liu Weichao nodded immediately after hearing this, "This is easy to find, I'll give it to you later!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen happily hung up the communication, and then immediately delivered an order, urging Concubine Tian Gui to hurry up.

Afterwards, he drove to the Wenhua Palace again, and told relevant people to attend the meeting.

When Emperor Chongzhen hadn't arrived at the Wenhua Palace, there was movement on his mobile phone, but it was Liu Weichao who sent the information he wanted.

After he watched the transformation process from the army to the railway soldiers, and then to the state-owned enterprises, he knew it in his mind.

No, Emperor Chongzhen was in a happy mood, and even the first assistant He Fengsheng and others could feel it when they met.

When Wang Chengen, the eunuch who was in charge of the official seal, saw it, he immediately showed a flattering smile and asked, "Long live, is there a happy event? Tell me, so that the servants can be happy too?"

He knew that if Emperor Chongzhen had something good to say, he would really like to tell others about it.Therefore, there is this saying.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he really scratched his itching spot, so he pretended to be casual and said indifferently: "I think the matter of the guards should be settled!"

When these people in the Wenhua Palace heard this, they couldn't help being greatly surprised.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, the guard system established by Emperor Taizu had a tendency to decay by the middle of the Ming Dynasty.Therefore, in the end, the army that can really fight must be recruited, not the army of the guard.

It will be even more so at the end of Ming Dynasty.The guards set up everywhere are a mess.

However, although everyone knows that the guards cannot be relied upon for war, it is very difficult to abolish the guards.

After all, the guard house was set up by Taizu, and if one of the military households could not be settled well enough to serve the country, it was very possible to make trouble.

Now, Chongzhen suddenly said that he was going to solve the problem of the guards. After hearing this, everyone present was naturally pleasantly surprised.

However, the chief assistant He Fengsheng was more cautious, and after thinking about it, he still said: "Your Majesty, is the guard station abolished? If this is the case, I am afraid it will cause turmoil!"

"No!" Emperor Chongzhen heard this, and said lightly, "It's just reform, not abolition!"

"Long Live Lord's solution must be good!" Wang Chengen next to him said, "The first assistant just listen to Long Live Lord. If you think there is a problem, it's not too late to speak up!"

"..." Upon hearing this, He Fengsheng hurriedly played to Emperor Chongzhen, "It's the old minister Meng Lang, please show me your Majesty!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "I have decided to set up a railway prison in addition to the twelve prisons in the palace. The military households in the guards will be transformed into railway soldiers, and the inner palace will pay the money."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised.

The emperor wants to fight against all the guards alone?So how much will it cost each year?

As soon as you hear this phenomenon, you can tell that there must be something strange in it.

Therefore, Du Yinxi, who had been silent all this time, asked, "May I ask your Majesty, what is the meaning of this railway soldier?"

This is the first time they have heard of this word, what does it mean?
They were keenly aware that the reason why the emperor would be so generous might have something to do with what happened to the railway soldiers!

Therefore, the others also looked at Emperor Chongzhen curiously and listened to his explanation.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at Du Yinxi and explained to him: "The railway soldiers don't fight, they just build roads. But they are not ordinary roads, but railway tracks for steam trains to travel."

Hearing this, the people below were even more surprised.Then He Fengsheng asked: "Your Majesty, if it is to build roads, it is enough to recruit civilians. Why do you need to go through so much trouble?"

"Alas, how difficult people's lives are, how can I not know it!" Emperor Chongzhen sighed after hearing this, and said, "For labor, I think that I will gradually abolish it when the national power grows stronger. It's just that I can't do it now." , but if you can use the law of recruiting civilian husbands, you don’t need to recruit civilian husbands!"

Hearing this, the people present couldn't help being a little surprised.The emperor's words revealed the future national policy. This is something that has been done in all dynasties. The emperor wants to abolish it?
If this is the case, the current emperor will definitely be praised by all people.However, it will be even more difficult for the court to do things in the future!
For these people present, their participation in this matter will probably go down in history, but they will also be hated by the emperor and officials later.

Chief Assistant He Fengsheng hesitated for a while, and finally decided to remind Emperor Chongzhen, and said this idea.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he shook his head with a smile and said, "Do you think this is something I came up with out of thin air? I'm looking at the current situation. In fact, there is already a substitute for silver. I think it's good, so I'll just implement it in an all-round way!"

This was the case in Liu Weichao's era, so it must be correct to change according to the direction of historical development.

Of course, he was right.

After Zhang Juzheng implemented the one-whip method, if there is a situation of labor, it can be converted into silver, that is to say, silver can be used instead of labor.

Hearing this, He Fengsheng and the others thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized.

There is no fixed number of local labor services. Depending on the situation, the government can impose labor labor.And labor can be used in money, so from another perspective, the abolition of labor in the future is no longer doing things for the government for free, but the government collects taxes from other aspects, which is actually tantamount to labor.

The old bottle is replaced with new wine, which is almost the same, but it can make the common people think that the most painful labor is gone!
Thinking of this, He Fengsheng, who had been up and down in the officialdom for the longest time, immediately thought of something, and asked Emperor Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, will you charge money for the road paved with railway tracks?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help but appreciate it.Because he knew that He Fengsheng and the others had never seen railway transportation at all, but he could infer from the limited information that the railway toll was involved.

So he replied: "The laying of this railway is very expensive, and I have to raise railway soldiers. Is it reasonable not to charge money? Of course, as long as you don't take the railway or take my train, I don't charge any fees, only those who take the cars." The money, this is always no problem, right?"

Hearing this, the people present immediately connected this train with the horse-drawn carriage they had in mind.Thinking about it this way, they naturally agree with Emperor Chongzhen's statement that of course they have to pay for the car, which is very reasonable!
The most important thing is that the emperor also made it clear that it is also possible not to take a car, and there is no charge. In this way, how many people will take a charge car?
I'm afraid the emperor will lose a lot if he builds this railway!

Thinking about it this way, no one has any objections, and no one is robbing the railway for a living.Just thinking, the emperor should not regret it when the time comes, and will withdraw money from the treasury to go to the guard house, no, railway soldiers!

Emperor Chongzhen was also cunning, he didn't explain clearly the prospect of railway transportation at all, and it can even be said that he deliberately misled his courtiers, making them think that the carriages on the railway were similar to ordinary horse-drawn carriages.

Therefore, the guards were changed to railway soldiers, which belonged to the newly established Railway Department of the Inner Palace. No one else had any objections, and the court meeting was passed smoothly.

Even Emperor Chongzhen's move won the praise of the government and the public, holy king!
(End of this chapter)

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