Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 212 Human life is like a mustard

Chapter 212 Human life is like a mustard

The location of Kaifeng, the seat of the Weihui Mansion to the north of the Yellow River, is Ji County.

It can be said that Ji County is the largest city in the surrounding area, and the feudal king Lu Wang was enfeoffed here.

The first Lu Wang was the younger brother of Emperor Wanli with the same father and mother, but he was dead at this time.The current King Lu is his third son Zhu Changhao, who is thirty-four years old.

Needless to say, the Weihui Mansion must be a good place for Emperor Wanli's younger brother to entrust him here.Even Emperor Chongzhen said at the beginning that Weihui's mansion connects ten provinces in Nantong and Shenjing in the north.

In addition, Chen Yucheng, the British king of the later Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was captured alive by the Man Qing because of the betrayal of a traitor. When he was escorted to the north of the capital, he also passed through the Weihui Mansion.

Don't say anything else, let's just say that at the moment, outside Ji County, there are crowds of people coming from the south and rushing into the city.

In panic, the shouts of adults and the cries of children became a commotion.

Groups of soldiers were yelling loudly, cursing these common people to move faster.

On the top of the city, a group of officials were watching the situation outside the city, all of them seemed worried.

I saw a man dressed as a general, and said to the leader: "Master Huang, the general is worried, the bandits will definitely follow, if Wei Hui is not protected, if His Royal Highness Lu is lost, you and I will all die what!"

Hearing his words, other officials also echoed.

"Yes, yes, my lord, these are old and weak, the city can't accommodate so many people!"

"My lord, you can't let it in anymore. Otherwise, what should I do if the bandit abandons Kaifeng and attacks me, Wei Hui?"

"My lord, His Royal Highness King Lu also sent someone to ask, saying that Master Huang let so many old and weak people into the city, what is An De's intention?"


The headed official had a very ugly face. Hearing what they were saying, he suddenly turned to look at them, and shouted sharply: "When I received the food before, why didn't I see that you had the intention to shirk?"

Speaking of this, he pointed to the people outside the city who were entering the city and said: "The emperor's decree is clear about the food, and it is for them. Now that the food is collected, he wants to keep people out of the city and let them Did the bandits catch them and threaten Kaifeng?"

"It was stated in the imperial decree that if anyone does not cooperate, the official's Shangfang sword can be cut first and then played!" The leading official cupped his hands in the direction of the capital and said in a harsh voice, "This official has been transferred from the beginning. Wei Hui, what is it for, you are here for them, how can you keep them out?"

Speaking of this, he sneered again and said: "His Royal Highness King Lu, don't worry about it. Either he should learn from King Zhou and help the people of the whole city, or the King Fu of Luoyang will be his end!"

Earlier, King Lu had already proposed to go out of the city and go elsewhere, but he directly rejected it on the pretext that there was no such precedent, unless there was an imperial decree.

The reason why he has such courage is because he is Kaifeng's pusher Huang Shu, who participated in the first two battles of Kaifeng.After Sun Chuanting arrived in Kaifeng this time, he passed an order to him, asking him to cross the Yellow River north with Kaifeng's old and weak, and serve as the magistrate of Weihui Mansion, and he was also given the Shangfang sword.

It has to be said that Emperor Chongzhen really racked his brains for the Battle of Kaifeng.

Originally, the [-] old and weak people in Kaifeng were originally allocated to Yanjin and Weihui prefectures.However, if the thieves are found to show signs of crossing the Yellow River north, no matter what their purpose is, the old and weak in Kaifeng from Yanjin will be transferred to Weihui Mansion.

No, not long ago, Yanjin said that the bandits showed signs of crossing the Yellow River north, so they sent all the old and weak in Kaifeng to Wei Hui.

The reason why there is such a strategy is actually because Wei Hui still has a sheep here, and he can pluck the wool when necessary.

King Fu and King Zhou are representatives of the two situations. Emperor Chongzhen felt that King Lu should be able to see clearly who would be better to learn from.With the financial support of Prince Lu's Mansion, and Huang Shu's experience in the two battles of Kaifeng, it shouldn't be a problem to keep Wei Hui.

At this time, when these officials of Weihui Mansion heard what he said, they all dared not stand up.

Unless they want to surrender the thief, they dare not listen to Huang Shu's words. In such a critical time, that Shangfang sword is really not for display!

In addition, they themselves know that even if they want to surrender the thief, there is no way out.Those thieves have been making trouble until now, and they have already figured out the routine.There is some kind of project of chasing stolen goods and paying salaries. Officials like them are fat sheep in the eyes of thieves and must be killed!
Surrendering to the thieves is no different from courting death!
As a result, the city was quiet.

The people outside the city came in an endless stream, panicking.

Many old people and children rest on the side of the road when they can't walk anymore.

However, when the soldiers outside the city saw it, they immediately dispatched their men to chase them along the official road, telling them to hurry up.

"You old bastard, hurry up!"

"If you don't want to leave, don't you just die outside!"


All of them were so vicious that they almost beat people with a leather whip.

These old and weak people from Kaifeng naturally did not dare to speak back when faced with these soldiers and servants, so they could only move on.Even children dare not cry anymore, and walk with the elders.

Because although they are young, they have seen many such people, and they know that in this troubled world, if they don't listen to these people, the consequences will be very bad.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, dust was flying in the distance, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes came.

Suddenly, there was a cry from above the city.

"It's not good, is the thief chasing you?"

"It must be a thief, that direction is Yanjin, but there is no cavalry in Yanjin, there are still so many, it is definitely a thief!"

"Quickly, quickly, close the city gate!"


Before they could see it clearly, the officials on the top of the city panicked.

Several of Huang Shu's subordinates were brought here from Kaifeng, and when they heard the shouts from Wei Hui's officials, they immediately objected.

"What if it's someone from the imperial court? I haven't seen it clearly yet, so why panic?"

"There are still so many people outside the city who have not entered the city, just wait!"


Huang Shu remained silent, staring into the distance with a cold face.

No matter how much his officials quarreled, without his nodding, there would only be quarrels.

Suddenly, someone with good eyesight finally distinguished it, and shouted in panic: "My lord, it's the bandits, the cavalry of the bandits!"

"Quick, quick, close the city gate!"

"If you don't close the city gate, it will drag us down!"


Sure enough, the outlines of the cavalry in the distance could already be seen, and judging from their clothes, they could already be identified as thieves.

They galloped directly towards the city, not bothering the old and the weak on the way.Obviously, he also wanted to take the opportunity to seize the city.

When Huang Shu saw it, he ordered decisively: "An order from the head of the city, let the people walk around the city and go to the north gate."

When the general guarding the city heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, and quickly took orders, and ordered the city gate to be lowered.

Outside the city, there was a burst of crying and shouting, everyone wanted to rush into the city.

The soldiers outside the city also rushed back one after another, pushing away the old and weak who blocked the way, and almost slashed people with knives, trying to enter the city first.

However, the stone gate at the city gate was slowly lowered, cutting off their hope.

Crying, shouting, and the sound of horseshoes in the distance rang together.

Reminded by the shouts from the top of the city, those soldiers who hadn't had time to enter the city were the first to walk around the city, and drove the desperate old and weak to follow around the city.

In the panic and under the stampede, many old people fell to the ground and moaned, and they didn't even moan anymore.

There were also some children, sitting on the ground, crying in fright in the face of this panic scene.

However, everyone was running for their lives, and no one paid any attention to them.

In troubled times, human life is worthless, and it is the most common thing to ignore human life.

Outside the city, the figures of the Rogue cavalry became more and more clear.They came at a gallop and saw that the city gate was closed, and the people under the city made a detour.

So, they immediately divided their hands and followed the detour to intercept those people who were still outside the city.

And those people who couldn't escape were scolded by those high-headed thieves, brandishing whips and weapons, and drove them away from the city.

Few of the defenders on the top of the city fought back against the rogues outside the city, and watched helplessly as the rogue cavalry roared, driving the people still below the city away from the city.

"What's going on?" Huang Shu immediately shouted loudly when he saw it, "Bows, arrows and firecrackers, drive back the thieves!"

"My lord, don't, maybe the bandits will retreat if they don't take advantage of it."

"Yes, my lord, if the counterattack angered the bandits, what if they continue to increase their troops to fight?"

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. We have already taken in so many people, those outside the city, forget it!"


Faced with the rapid response of his subordinates, even seeing that the few subordinates he brought from Kaifeng were silent, Huang Shu knew that this was their unanimous idea.

In the end, he didn't say anything.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers on the top of the city watched the thieves outside the city arrogance, ignored them on the top of the city, and drove away the people outside the city who did not have time to escape into the city.

After everything calmed down, to the disappointment of the city leaders, the bandits did not retreat because of this, but set up a camp outside the city.Looking at this posture, it goes without saying that Wei Hui is about to be beaten.

Sure enough, on the second day, the bandit infantry arrived, with a total of [-] people, plus the previous [-] cavalry, and took up a siege posture.

"Listen, people in the city, hand over the people of Kaifeng, and I will spare your death!"

"If you dare not hand it over, when the city is broken, Wei Hui will be bloodbathed. You can decide for yourself?"


Before attacking the city, the bandits issued an ultimatum, causing the morale of the army in the city to become chaotic again.

Those local people in Weihui all found Huang Shu one by one, trying to get him to agree to the thief's request.Even King Lu sent people over to intimidate and lure Huang Shu, and also demanded to expel the Kaifeng people in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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