Chapter 218 Ming Wu
For such a result, Li Zicheng was a little hard to accept.

Kaifeng lost troops and lost generals, but found it difficult to capture after exhausting their efforts.It was not easy to get the news that there were as many as [-] old and weak in Kaifeng City, who were transferred to the north of the Yellow River.

Originally thought that capturing the [-] old and weak Kaifeng would surely capture Kaifeng by driving away the siege.Unexpectedly, of the more than [-] troops sent out, only more than [-] fled back, and they ended up in a disastrous defeat.

"What are you doing, you can't even beat the white pole army?" Li Zicheng roared in the tent of the Chinese army, furious.

"That's right, didn't you say that the White Pole Army only has less than [-] troops, and its strength is much worse than yours!" Luo Rucai also said with a bit of yin and yang, "Why did you get killed by that old lady!"

He is also very dissatisfied that Kaifeng is old and weak and can't catch it.Although he had shouted to leave several times before, he would of course be happy if he could win Kaifeng.

Now that he can't beat him, the unhappiness in his heart is naturally obvious.

Liu Zongmin's face was flushed by the training, and he quickly explained: "General, it's not my fault, it's just that the white-armed army went crazy and made the thousands of charging people wear extremely strong armor, so I was defeated. Yes!"

Generally speaking, in the army at the end of the Ming Dynasty, only soldiers of the servant level had higher armor levels, such as wearing scale armor instead of cotton armor.

The same is true, the servants are the elites of the army, and the ordinary soldiers are all foxes and tigers. It is okay to win a battle, but if you lose a battle or fight a tough battle, it is nothing, and it may even cause chaos.

This is also why in the war at the end of Ming Dynasty, it sounds like tens of thousands were defeated, but in fact they were just servants, and most of the troops were in vain.

At this time, when Li Zicheng heard it, he didn't believe it at all, and immediately said with a livid face: "It's been so many years, do you think I'm an old fool? Thousands of strong armors, why don't you say that the Baigan army is all extremely strong armors? ?”

It's not that he hasn't fought against the White Pole Army before, and he probably knows the specific situation.If you really need thousands of extremely strong armors, how can the White Pole Army be defeated more and more!
If it was said that the White Pole Army had only recently obtained so much armor, he would not believe it even more.

The rarity of solid armor is even more rare in troubled times.Every faction is doing everything possible to collect good armor, which is the capital in troubled times.

Even if the White Pole Army has great abilities, it is impossible to have so many solid armors at once!
Li Zicheng naturally didn't know that his opponent, Emperor Chongzhen, already possessed something called "science". With the help of later Liu Weichao, he was able to manufacture extremely strong armor like an assembly line.

In a sense, even if Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor, traveled to the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, it is basically unlikely to come back.

However, if the science of later generations begins to vigorously transform the late Ming Dynasty, the power of this technology will definitely have a major impact on the late Ming Dynasty!
This is the power of technology, the power of knowledge!
At this time, facing Li Zicheng's questioning, Liu Zongmin's face turned red, and he wanted to explain again.However, he also knew that there were thousands of people in the White Pole Army wearing extremely strong armor, which was a bit unbelievable.

Fortunately, Song Xiance also escaped back. Seeing this situation, he quickly opened his mouth to help and said, "General, I don't know where the Baigan Army got the armor. But it is indeed true. The arrow rain covered the Baigan army. Under the pole army, there were very few casualties, and it was impossible to cause any harm to them. This is what I saw with my own eyes, and there will be no fakes!"

Li Zicheng was a little surprised when he heard this.

Because of what Song Xiance said, he still believed it.

Seeing this, Liu Zongmin hurriedly said again: "Also, the swords and guns of the Baigan Army are also very sharp. Please see my saber, General..."

After saying this, he remembered, and quickly pulled out his saber to show it, and said at the same time: "This is all left from the confrontation with the white pole army."

I saw several gaps on the blade of his knife.As a person in the army, he knew at a glance that it was broken by the sword.

The knife used by Liu Zongmin is naturally a good knife.However, even so, the knife has become like this, so it can be seen that the swords and guns of the Baigan Army may be really sharp!
After reaching this conclusion, all the bandit leaders present were a little dumbfounded.

A question was in front of their eyes, how could the equipment of the Baigan Army become so sophisticated all of a sudden?
After a while, Niu Jinxing spoke suddenly: "I heard before that the knives and guns on the Wa country are very sharp, so you probably bought them from them?"

"Waguo? You said that the white pole army bought from the Waguo?" Li Zicheng couldn't help but asked in a cold voice after hearing this.

This is simply impossible!
"General!" After hearing this, Song Xiance came up with an idea: "If we can capture the prisoners of the Baigan Army and ask where the elite weapons of the Baigan Army come from? Then we can buy them or rob them. In any case, you have to get it. In this way, this..."

He originally said that the world is dominated by generals.But seeing Luo Rucai was there, he still didn't say anything.

However, Li Zicheng understood what he meant, and was immediately overjoyed. He quickly affirmed: "The military master's words are correct, and the white-armed army is less than [-]. We can defeat the white-armed army with our superior strength."

Afterwards, in the tent of the Chinese army, a group of thieves thought of a way to deal with the white army first.

However, what they didn't expect was that the Baigan army did not take advantage of the victory to chase after Kaifeng.

Moreover, the weather began to change again, and it was raining continuously, which was not suitable for combat.Even the water of the Yellow River has started to rise, and it is not convenient to cross the river.

All these things brought the fighting in Kaifeng to a halt.


Besides, on Emperor Chongzhen's side, although he didn't care about the affairs in the south, at this time, he really discovered it and did it himself. It was really difficult to do a good job.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was a little hard to imagine. Why did he handle everything in person when he was in the past? Where did he have so much ability?
No wonder since he ascended the throne, he wanted to learn from Emperor Taizu and Emperor Chengzu, and he was very diligent in governing, so as to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty.

However, after more than ten years of busy work, the situation is getting worse day by day.If there were no miracles, the country would be destroyed in two years!

Emperor Chongzhen felt these things, and he really understood that he had to spend so much time and energy in order to do a good job.

I guess this is the gap between myself and Taizu and Emperor Chengzu. They definitely don't need to spend so much energy.

I can't handle the affairs of the military bureau, the military academy and the academy of sciences, and the addition of a railway department!

No, not to mention the troublesome thing about transforming the guard station on the capital's side into a railway department, but the railway construction drawings sent by Liu Weichao are just very troublesome.

The rails require a lot of steel, but the ordnance and equipment of the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Battalion also need a lot of steel, which is a conflict!

So, in a video with Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen shared his feelings and thoughts with this friend from another world.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately laughed, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Actually, in the history of our later generations, there is such a point of view that it may be better if you don't care about everything, than if you don't care about everything!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being speechless when he heard this.He felt his heart being hit hard.

Liu Weichao knew that he might not feel well after hearing this, so he quickly continued: "Of course, this is just a hypothesis. After all, history cannot be repeated. No one can really know. If you don't care about anything, will you be more important than you? Take care!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen finally felt a little better.

Liu Weichao continued to talk, and he continued to listen: "This is what I think about this point of view, listen to it, do you think it makes sense?"

"Okay!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly agreed.

He didn't know it himself, maybe only when he was talking to Liu Weichao from another world, he would face his problems so calmly.

I only heard Liu Weichao say to him: "Look, you were just a vassal king before you were an adult, and you suddenly became emperor. At your age, in my world, you are still studying in school and preparing for the college entrance examination! In other words , that is, you don’t actually have experience in handling state affairs.”

"In addition, the situation when you ascended the throne was also very serious. Even a person with rich political experience may not be able to handle it well. In the end, you did everything yourself. Do you think your decision-making can be correct? You and Is it easy to be fooled by those who have been officials for so long to get along with each other?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen naturally didn't think that he was born a wise and powerful person. Of course, this view has been proved by reality.If it were for him when he first came to the throne, he might really think he would do well.

At this time, he nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with Liu Weichao's statement.

Liu Weichao continued to say to him: "In fact, the system of Ming Dynasty is already very complete. The system of the cabinet and the supervisor of rituals, even if your ability is insufficient, will not affect the operation of the country. The key is that you have to choose these people. Okay, instead of changing the first assistant later or something. You can think for yourself, is it you who are the most diligent in changing the first assistant?"

Emperor Chongzhen acquiesced, and there seemed to be a hint of understanding on his face.

"Of course, I'm an outsider. It seems easy to talk about it like this. But if I really want to change your position, if I don't know the follow-up history, I may not be able to do better than you! It may even be possible. , but not as good as you, at least I don't have such perseverance and perseverance as you!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen finally showed a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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