Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 227 Who doesn't want to be taken seriously

Chapter 227 Who doesn't want to be taken seriously
Just as Emperor Chongzhen and the Sixth Ministry of the Cabinet were discussing this matter, a young man stepped off the boat at the end of the Tongzhou Canal.

Ordinary people, after sitting on a canal boat for a long time, always have time to adapt when they first get off, but he didn't.

As soon as he landed, he heard someone calling him: "Young Master, Young Master, this way!"

Seeing this young man asked, he turned and walked over.And behind him, there were two people who looked like book boys, carrying large suitcases of luggage, and hurriedly followed behind him.

Just as soon as they met, the people who greeted him on the shore stretched out their hands to signal the luxurious carriage behind him: "My lord, this Tongzhou carriage is the best."

After hearing this, the man looked at the luxurious carriage, nodded and said, "It's okay."

Then he got into the carriage.

The two bookboys behind him were assigned to another carriage.The person who came to pick him up followed him into the carriage.

As soon as the people inside sat down, the carriage set off steadily.

In the car, I saw the person who greeted the young man just now said to the young man: "Young master, the villain has already inquired clearly. It is definitely a great thing for the emperor to call you to Beijing for eight hundred miles!"

Needless to say, this young man is Zheng Sen, the future Zheng Chenggong.

At this time, when Zheng Sen heard the steward's words, he couldn't help but asked curiously, "How do you say it?"

To tell the truth, he was actually still studying at Nanjing Guozijian.Of course, his so-called study is actually just to have some experience in it.Out of ten days, eight days were not in the Guozijian.Not to mention, I will read the Four Books and Five Classics seriously.

All of a sudden, the current emperor sent an angel, still in a hurry, to summon him to Beijing immediately, which completely stupefied him.

I am just a small Guozijian Jiansheng, and I was bought with money.Although Qian Qianyi, a famous Confucian in the south of the Yangtze River, was his teacher before, this teacher was dismissed by the emperor and expelled from the capital.

So, here comes the question, why did the emperor suddenly summon him to Beijing, or expedite it with eight hundred miles?
It's just that Qian Qianyi didn't dismiss him from office, even if he was the chief assistant of the cabinet, he never heard of the emperor spending [-] miles to rush to summon a prison student!
Time is short, there is no time to ask the meaning of the family, so I can only rush to Beijing.

But before that, it doesn't matter whether it's his own intention or the intention of the manager who serves him, he should first go to the capital to inquire about the situation, for his reference when he finally enters the capital.

Of course, Fujian's family will also send someone to report the situation urgently.

At this time, when he arrived in Tongzhou, Zheng Sen was naturally very happy to hear that the steward said that there was a great thing.

After hearing this, the steward hurriedly reported to Zheng Sen. He couldn't restrain his excitement and said in his tone: "Although the villain didn't find out, I don't know why the emperor summoned the young master, or who recommended him, etc..."

"..." When Zheng Sen heard this, he couldn't help being speechless. It's a good thing that he didn't find out anything?

You don't always think that the family is going to be ransacked and the family is wiped out. No news is good news?

Thinking of this, Zheng Sen immediately realized that his thoughts were too active, so he was ready to ask questions.

However, before he could say anything, he heard his steward continue to say: "...the villain found out that the emperor has issued several imperial decrees before, and they all rushed to summon him with eight hundred miles."

Generally speaking, eight hundred li express is rarely used.Because of this level of communication, it represents the most urgent thing.

Therefore, when Zheng Sen heard that the current emperor had issued several edicts to expedite the eight hundred miles, he couldn't help but become even more curious, and quickly asked: "Can you finish it in one breath, and want to suffocate me to death?"

Hearing this, his steward was a little speechless, and he didn't stop, and was interrupted by the son, but he said that he didn't finish speaking in one breath, which is too wronged!

But he is a son, so there is no other way, so the manager could only smile and speed up his speech and said: "The emperor hastily summoned three generals from the brave guard battalion [-] miles ago, and they will be knighted after they come back. They are..."

"Yes, is there anything else?" Zheng Sen interrupted impatiently when he heard this, as if his situation was very different, "Can you tell me something useful?"

Okay, boss, you have the final say!
The steward thought about it, then continued to smile and said: "Yes, the emperor also summoned Yan Yingyuan, the history of Jiangyin Dianshi, in a hurry for [-] miles. As soon as he arrived in the capital, he was promoted to the commander of the army and horses in the city. , and now he has been transferred to the Beijing camp as a general."

"Oh?" Zheng Sen couldn't help but get very excited when he heard this, and asked quickly, "Are you all going to be generals?"

Dian Shi was an unpopular official who was summoned urgently by the emperor at a distance of [-] miles. He was the commander of the army and horses in Zhongcheng.

I am a student of the Imperial College, and I am walking the path of a civil servant.However, if the emperor can promote himself by leaps and bounds in this way, then it is not impossible to consider becoming a general!
Zheng Sen had a good idea in his heart. On the other hand, his steward continued to report to him: "Not all of them, and Zuo Maodi, the Governor of Water Transport, was also summoned urgently by Babaili, and then he was appointed after he entered Beijing. Minister of the Ministry of Officials. In addition, Du Yinxi, the former prefect of Changsha, also became the right servant of the Ministry of War and the chief of the Beijing camp after entering Beijing."

"By the way, there is also the Baigan Army who was urgently summoned to Beijing from eight hundred miles away." The steward remembered something, and hurriedly continued to report, "However, Ma Xianglin, the chieftain of the stone pillar, was not knighted, but the villain found out , the imperial court changed his equipment, and then he won a big victory. Just a few days ago, the emperor granted old General Qin the title of Marquis of Zhongzhen!"

Zheng Sen was very happy to hear it. It was really a good thing. When he saw that the steward had stopped, he asked, "Is there anything else?"

When the steward heard this, he immediately replied: "The villain found out that Song Yingxing, a Juren from Jiangxi, was also summoned urgently by Babaili, but after arriving in the capital, there was no news. The villain added money to inquire, but only inquired There is no more detailed news about doing things in the military battle bureau."

"But, it must be a good thing, right?" Zheng Sen immediately confirmed it when he heard it.

After hearing this, the steward nodded and said, "It must be a good thing!"

Speaking of this, he paused and said to Zheng Sen: "Don't worry, my lord, as long as you are summoned urgently by the current emperor Babaili, it is all a good thing. The difference is that after arriving in Beijing, the benefits are more or less!"

Zheng Sen was happy when he heard this, and immediately said to the steward: "In this case, send someone home to report a letter, so that the family doesn't have to worry about it!"

"Okay, young master!" After hearing this, the steward got out of the carriage, leaned against the carriage, and gave orders loudly.

As for Zheng Sen, he wanted to drive happily in the car.

In Nanjing, even though he was surrounded by cronies and friends, he knew very well in his heart that it was because he was spending money lavishly.

Sometimes, there are some literati gatherings, and Zheng Sen can actually feel it. In fact, many people despise him as a rich man.I also bought a famous teacher with money, that's all.

On the surface, those people respected him, but in fact, they did not respect him as a person, but only his money!

As for family background, others only knew that his father was the deputy general of Fujian.This kind of background is actually not good in Nanjing.There are many more backgrounds than this.Not to mention, Wufu is always despised by those literati.

Now, for some unknown reason, I was summoned urgently by the current emperor with [-] miles, and I am likely to be reused.

Thinking of this, Zheng Sen suddenly felt that the speed of this carriage was too slow.

Just at this time, the steward got back into the carriage after giving instructions to the people behind, so he immediately ordered: "Hurry up, this speed is too slow!"

The speed of the carriage is actually not slow.Therefore, when the steward heard this, he immediately understood Zheng Sen's mood and did not expose it. He just smiled and followed Zheng Sen's instructions to make the carriage go faster.

After a while, the steward waited for Zheng Sen to calm down, and then he said to Zheng Sen: "My lord, this time I went to meet the saint, and the villain found out some things, you must pay attention to it yourself!"

Seeing the emperor is not meeting ordinary people.The first impression, good or bad, is likely to affect a person's life.

Of course Zheng Sen knew about this, so he nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll listen."

This matter cannot be sloppy, his attitude has been corrected a lot.But it can also be seen that he is obviously still excited.

Thinking about it, his father is so powerful that he has never faced a saint before.However, he was able to go face to face immediately!
Excited just thinking about it!
So, next, on the way to Beijing in the carriage, the steward told Zheng Sen all the precautions that he had inquired about.He even designed an image for Zheng Sen, what to wear, how to do it, what to pay attention to when talking, and even the situation at home, what to say and what not to say, all explained to Zheng Sen.

After driving for a day, Zheng Sen entered the capital city in the evening.

In terms of prosperity, Zheng Sen used to belong to Huoying Tianfu, that is, Nanjing, which is no worse than the capital.Therefore, he doesn't care about things on both sides of the street.

According to the usual practice, those who received the imperial decree had to report their arrival when they arrived in the capital.If the emperor is not free, he must wait for the emperor to be summoned at the post house when he is free.

Everyone will feel that they are important, and Zheng Sen is no exception.However, he was not so arrogant, he was so powerful that the emperor would receive him as soon as he heard that he had arrived.

Taking a step back, even if the emperor paid more attention to it, at this point in time, it is impossible for the emperor to call for an audience.

Therefore, after reporting for duty, Zheng Sen's original plan was to go back and take a good rest.

In the end, he never expected that it was almost dark, and the servant sent an order to him, saying that he should enter the palace immediately for an audience.

To be honest, Zheng Sen was very excited when he heard the will.

Because this shows that the emperor attaches great importance to him.

Who doesn't like to be valued by others, let alone by the emperor.

Therefore, with great excitement, he hurriedly followed the edict into the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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