Chapter 234
Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen and his civil servants and military generals discussed some specific details, until there was nothing to add, this time the imperial military meeting was considered to be over.

It can be said that in order to "welcome" the invaders of Jianlu, the preparation work was really done to the extreme.

They even took the weather into account, for example.

Both the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Camp will be armed with firearms. If it rains, the impact will be greater.

No, there is a lot of rain this month.

However, generally speaking, in winter, it rarely rains in the north, and under severe cold weather, there is more snow.

If it is snowing, it will have little effect on firearms.

Regardless of whether it is raining or snowing, as far as war is concerned, it has an impact on both the imperial court and the army.It can even be said that it has a greater impact on Jianlu.

As long as it is raining, the bow and arrow are basically useless because of the bowstring.And this is a major advantage of Jianlu.

In addition, in today's Jianlu army, there are already firearms used by the Eight Banners of the Han Army. Their gunpowder is not granulated, and their firearms are not made of fine steel, which is even worse than the firearms in the hands of the imperial court.

If it is really necessary to fight in rainy weather, even if the probability of this is very small, it is still possible to encounter it.The court officers and soldiers will not be afraid of Jianlu.

There is no other reason, but because all members of the Yongwei Battalion and the Beijing Camp are equipped with new armor, which is actually a kind of plate armor, which has a strong defense against bows, arrows, knives and guns.

In addition, the soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion and the Jingying Battalion will be issued waist knives, which are also made of fine steel, and their sharpness will be better than that of Jianlu.

All these are the confidence of Zhou Yuji, Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong to boast in front of the imperial court.

If there is any problem, the soldiers of the former Yongwei Battalion can be temporarily transferred to form an elite battle, which is analogous to the guard army in the Jianlu army, that is, the Ba Yala, or the household troops in the ordinary army.

It's head-to-head, how could it be worse?
Even if the Jianlu army is a strong army, not all of them can stand up to ten, and there are also layers of combat power.

At least Huang Degong and Zhou Yuji both came out of the Guanning Army, had experience in fighting captives, and knew the general situation of Jian captives clearly.

In fact, Yuan Shizhong's supplementary actual combat training is more, because Emperor Chongzhen has high requirements. Not only does he require great victory, but it is best to reduce casualties.

On the day when the discussion was over, Yan Yingyuan first received the imperial decree, mobilized more than [-] people from the Beijing camp, received a batch of equipment supplies, and pretended to be a caravan to go to Jizhou.

On the side of the Ministry of Officials, Zuo Maodi also returned to the yamen, and on the grounds of inspecting and verifying local political achievements, he sent his officials to verify the city defense situation of the cities north of Gyeonggi.Before leaving, he also hinted that the factory guard will probably send someone to verify, so that his officials must not neglect their duties, or even blackmail local officials, otherwise, they will wait to lose their posts, or even go to prison to question their crimes. , anyway, the current emperor likes to raid the house the most.

On the side of the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Camp, after discussing with the four participating generals, they decided to take advantage of the early time to send a large-scale new army for actual combat training.According to Emperor Chongzhen's will, from far to near, as time goes by, large troops must return to Beijing in time, and a small part of the army can return to Beijing later to deal with the possible early entry of Jianlu.

It can be said that the actual combat training in the Beijing camp, the large-scale attack, will definitely be a devastating blow to the thieves around the capital, and it is not a powerful level of suppression at all.

The four generals attending the meeting also ordered the veterans of the leading armies to pretend that the enemy in this suppression operation was Jianlu.

Five days to prepare, as soon as the news from Jin Yiwei arrives, he will set off immediately.

As for Emperor Chongzhen, he would have to spend extra money and food for it.In the past, he certainly couldn't afford the money.But now, all the money after the ransacking of the house is used for the military, but it is affordable.

Not to mention, Zheng Sen and the others had already rushed south a few days ago, and it is estimated that in a month or two, supplies will definitely be transported to Beijing.

Just like that, Emperor Chongzhen and the others made preparations wholeheartedly to welcome the arrival of the "evil guest".

At this time, far outside the city of Shenyang in Liaodong, the "bad guest" they were waiting for was also ready to go.

The slave chief Huang Taiji's health is not very good, but he still went out of the city to inspect the army.

Originally, it was impossible for Jianlu's looting army to set off so early.However, the destruction of the eight major Shanxi merchants made Huang Taiji lose a channel for obtaining materials in the pass.Compared with before, I have less confidence.

Therefore, he decided that the army should enter the customs as soon as possible and loot more places so as to obtain more population and supplies.

Even when he was in poor health, Huang Taiji did not dare to hand over the military power to Dorgon and other Heshuo princes, instead of letting them lead the team, he appointed Doro Raoyu Belle Abatai as the general who was ordered to lead the army.

This Abatai is the seventh son of the wild boar Pinurhachi. He has made small mistakes in his life, but never made big mistakes. In addition, he was born in a concubine, that is, his mother was humble, so he was excluded from the highest power core of Jianlu for a long time.

No, Nurhachi's sons are basically princes, or at least county kings, but Abate is just a Baylor.Even if the title of "Rao Yu" (meaning rich in Manchu) is added before the title of Baylor, it still shows how much Abate is discriminated against at the top of Jianlu.

It was also the same, although Huang Taiji often punished Abate because of things, he never demoted his title or official position, only fined money and so on.Now that he is in poor health, the command of the army is handed over to Abate, so he can rest assured.

In addition, Huang Taiji appointed Niu Hulu Turge, who was inlaid with a white flag, as his deputy general and became the second general to lead the army this time.

As for the expedition troops, they were drawn from the Manchu Eight Banners, the Han Eight Banners, and the Mongolian Eight Banners, with a total strength of [-].

In addition, according to the usual practice, the Mongolian tribes in the east have also been told to let them enter the customs and plunder together.It is estimated that the strength of troops after rendezvous in the grasslands outside the pass will reach as many as [-].

With such an arrangement, it can also be seen that Huang Taiji is not worried about the matter of entering the customs and looting.

The reason for this is actually simple.

First, this is not the first time that the customs has been plundered. The previous four times had no problems. It is impossible that there will be problems this time, right?

Second, the Battle of Songjin took all the effort and supplies, and wiped out the main force of the Ming Dynasty.In the rest of the pass, there are still thieves making trouble. Where can the Ming country get the troops to deal with the troops entering the pass?Even if there is, it cannot be elite.

If one hundred thousand troops enter the customs, if it doesn't go well, the names will be written upside down.

Another point is that Hong Chengchou, the governor of Ming Jiliao and the best at fighting, has surrendered to the Qing Dynasty.

For this reason, Huang Taiji had many in-depth conversations with Hong Chengchou.What satisfied him was that Hong Chengchou knew everything and said everything, which made him have a deeper understanding of the Ming Dynasty in the pass.

According to Hong Chengchou, the court of the Ming Dynasty was corrupt, the emperor was incompetent, self-willed, and thieves were rampant, natural disasters and man-made disasters, after the Battle of Songjin, it was absolutely powerless to recover.

When he first heard this, Huang Taiji couldn't help being overjoyed.

The situation in the customs is like this, isn't it an opportunity for the Qing Dynasty?

However, as soon as he got excited, blood rushed to his forehead, and he almost fainted.

This made Huang Taiji wake up, his body is not good enough, if he wants to plot inside the pass, he is already powerless.If it was ten years earlier, there must be a chance!

Realizing this, he held Hong Chengchou in his hands, otherwise he would go to get close to other prince Baylor.On the surface, he, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, respected Hong Chengchou and showed it to other Han people who surrendered. In fact, he was afraid that what Hong Chengchou told about the inside story in the pass would fuel the ambitions of other princes Baylor, especially Dorgon.

All these things made Huang Taiji not at all worried about this trip to the customs.Otherwise, he would still be able to clearly recognize which one is more important, the internal power struggle or the interests of the entire Qing Dynasty, and he would not just send Abate with such a weight to enter the customs.

He is like this, and so are the other Jianlu.Everyone believes that entering the customs is to make a fortune.Robbing money, robbing food, robbing women, robbing everything, what could make them more exciting and happy than this!

No, the entire family of those Jian prisoners who had their turn to go to the expedition were all beaming, as if they were celebrating a festival, sending off their family members to go out.

And those Jianlu who didn't have their turn complained one by one, why didn't they get their turn!Looking at those Jianlu who went to war, the eyes can be said to be really envious and jealous.

The reason for this is that those who enter the customs will share more loot, and they can also hide a share in private. As long as it is not too much, no one will hold it accountable, after all, they do it like this.

Entering the customs is to make a fortune, this is their consensus!
Outside Shenyang City, after queuing up and waiting for their Qing emperor to see them off, all of them were chatting in low voices and smiling happily.Without family members around, most of them talked about how juicy the women in the pass are!
There are also many people who are a little impatient and want to enter the customs quickly to enjoy.

After finally waiting for Huang Taiji to talk to those high-ranking generals, and when they were ready to go out, each one of them set out energetically.

They are like this, and so are the eastern Mongolian tribes that received Huang Taiji's order.

The difference between them and Jianlu is that those who can spare manpower to enter the pass to rob, then all go.

Therefore, all the Mongols, including Aohan, Horqin and other tribes, sent out all the men except for the necessary garrison troops, even those with a lot of beards.

The past few years have become more and more difficult. If you don't take advantage of the opportunity of the Qing army's entry into the customs, and follow along to grab one, when will you be able to make a fortune!
No one is stupid, grab it once and you will be comfortable for several years, so be sure to grab it!

Just when the Jiankui outside the pass "called friends and friends" and set off to plunder inside the pass, outside the city of Kaifeng, it was a critical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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