Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 238 Sun Chuanting's Judgment

Chapter 238 Sun Chuanting's Judgment
In the city of Kaifeng, no matter whether they were squires or ordinary people, because they missed their relatives north of the Yellow River, they didn't quite understand Sun Chuanting's actions.

There was dissatisfaction in the streets and alleys, and in private.

"It's not that the thieves have never attacked Kaifeng. If they can't beat them, they will naturally withdraw their troops. Why should they return their carbine?"

"That's right, it's been twice before. If you can't beat it, you can only go to harm other places. How can you keep staring at us in Kaifeng!"

"The bandits are making such a fuss. If they were so brainless, they would have been wiped out by the imperial army long ago!"

"Master Sun really doesn't know what's wrong, he's become so timid now!"

"Oh, I don't know what happened to them in Weihui? I heard that when the thieves crossed the river to catch them, some of them were too late to escape."

"You said that, I'm worried too!"


They missed their relatives, but although they could move freely in the city, they still couldn't go out, so they couldn't find their relatives, and they were very worried.

Following this, more and more complaints against Sun Chuanting.I think Sun Chuanting is a bit unreasonable!

Soon after dawn the next day, there was still no movement in the entire Kaifeng city.Mainly people in Kaifeng city, when there were thieves outside the city before, they didn't dare to sleep to death, worrying.But now that the thief had left, they relaxed their minds and fell asleep a bit, as if they wanted to make up for the previous sleep.

On the top of the city, the soldiers on duty also relaxed a lot.After all, there were no more thieves outside the city, so there was no need to be extravagant.

Suddenly, a soldier found that there were several horses galloping towards Kaifeng from outside the city.

In the distance behind them, there are still many riders, too far away, just at the end of the line of sight, so they can't see clearly.

But anyway, this is the case.

When the soldiers on the top of the city saw it, they all became vigilant.

"The thief is here, the thief is here, open the door quickly..."

They recognized that the few riders who had already run in were their companions, so they hurriedly opened the door.At the same time, they also saw clearly that countless cavalry were galloping towards Kaifeng.

"Clang clang clang..."

The alarm gong sounded, and the sound was rapid and loud.

One alarm gong, two alarm gongs, and many alarm gongs began to ring out in succession, and the sound of "dang, clang, clang" immediately spread throughout the city.

In fact, there is no need for alarm gongs to call the police. The sound of rumbling horseshoes brought a shock to the ground, and most of the people who were still in bed felt the shock.

For a moment, everyone was a little stunned: Is the thief really coming back?
On the yamen's side, Chen Yongfu sent Yebu to report the situation to Sun Chuanting in the lobby.

"My lord, the bandit cavalry ambushed in Niutou Mountain, and all the comrades who went in first were intercepted by them. The villains were the last group, so they were able to escape and return the letter."

There was no need for Sun Chuanting to ask any more questions, and he continued to report if he didn't accept them this night: "I haven't seen the number of bandit cavalry clearly, but it is estimated from their hiding place that there should be more than [-]."

At this time, Sun Chuanting had already felt the sound of the rumbling horseshoes outside the city, so he strode out immediately without asking any further questions, and just went to the top of the city to check the enemy's situation.

On the top of the city, Sun Chuanting saw that there were at least [-] cavalry from the bandits who came, and they should be all the cavalry under the command of Li Bandits and Luo Bandits.

Those people in the refugee camp outside the city were all talking to the Rogue Cavalry.Obviously, what is the thief asking?
Looking through the telescope, it is certain that those refugees are thieves.

Gao Mingheng, who came in a hurry, also took a deep breath after seeing the situation clearly.

If Sun Chuanting hadn't been cautious, the people of Kaifeng would all go to welcome the old and the weak back, and there would be chaos when people came and went.

The sudden attack by the rogue cavalry will definitely cause chaos. In addition, if those refugees and spies sneak into Kaifeng City and set fires everywhere and cause chaos in the city, Kaifeng may really fall.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get a little wet on his back, and almost fell short, that thief is too cunning!

But it's better now, because of Sun Chuanting's caution, the thief's plot failed.Now that the city is in full battle, and the thieves are all cavalry, it is impossible to attack the city.

Kaifeng is still stable!
Thinking of this, he said to Sun Chuanting with great admiration: "Your Excellency is wise!"

When the others heard this, they also echoed in succession!
Compared with the defenders at the top of the city, Liu Zongmin, the chief general who led the cavalry, had an angry expression on his face. He even waved his whip and beat the people in front of the horse: it was useless!
The general's exhaustive strategy has failed again!
It turned out that when Li Zicheng first called the leaders, he did announce his withdrawal.

However, he did not reveal his real plan until he left Kaifeng.

Most of the cavalry in the army were drawn out and ambushed in Niutou Mountain near Zhuxian Town, which means that there are so many old and weak on Kaifeng's side and Weihui's side. Once they leave, Kaifeng City will definitely go pick up.

Moreover, Kaifeng has been besieged for so long, and there is an army of white poles just north of the Yellow River, and they must really want to be transferred to Kaifeng to increase Kaifeng's defense capabilities.

When the cavalry came suddenly, they could not only kill and injure a large number of white-armed troops crossing the river, but they might also grab a lot of spoils, let alone take advantage of the situation to attack the city and take Kaifeng.

It's just a pity that Li Zicheng's opponent was Sun Chuanting, and this strategy failed.The scouts sent by Chen Yongfu found the place where the soldiers were hiding, so they had to come here ahead of time.Otherwise, it would be dispatched only after the controlled Kaifeng people went to report the letter.

Now, Liu Zongmin stared at the city of Kaifeng, which was waiting in full force, with a gloomy face, as if he was itching with hatred.

On the top of the city, Gao Mingheng saw that the ruffian cavalry had no chance, instead of leaving, he got off his horse and rested. Maybe the army of thieves will come back and continue to attack us in Kaifeng?"

Otherwise, relying on those cavalry troops outside the city, it is impossible to attack the city at all. I can't. Watch a show here, right?

Regarding this, Sun Chuanting did not speak, but just watched with a telescope.

On the contrary, Chen Yongfu explained to Gao Mingheng: "They came galloping from Zhuxian Town, and they need to give their horses enough rest and food, otherwise, the horses will wear out a lot."

"Oh!" Gao Mingheng heard it, and said "oh," and stopped talking.

As long as the main force of the thieves doesn't rush back, then nothing will happen to Kaifeng!
However, as time passed, Gao Mingheng felt something was wrong.

From morning to noon, and then from noon to afternoon, those thieves didn't even have the slightest intention to leave, and they didn't even intend to set up camp. They just sat there, outing?

"My lord, what is the mystery of the rogues outside the city?" Gao Mingheng couldn't understand, and asked Sun Chuanting who was still in the watchtower.

He found that Sun Chuanting frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Gao Mingheng waited for a while, but didn't hear Sun Chuanting's words, so he wanted to ask again, when Sun Chuanting suddenly said: "No, the bandits are going to dig up the Yellow River dam at night and flood Kaifeng!"

"What, do they dare?" Gao Mingheng couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, and said quickly, "If Kaifeng is really flooded, the entire Kaifeng mansion, including several nearby mansions, will be flooded by the Yellow River. Even if they take Kaifeng, What's the use?"

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!

However, Sun Chuanting heard from Emperor Chongzhen that the Battle of Kaifeng ended with flooding.Therefore, this matter has been hidden in his heart.

Now the rogue cavalry outside the city are very abnormal. They either leave after resting enough; or they camp and wait for the main force to return.However, those rogue cavalry did nothing, just sat there.

Others couldn't figure out the situation, but Sun Chuanting suddenly thought that the Liu thief was waiting for dark, and then dug up the embankment to flood Kaifeng!
For the thieves, since Kaifeng cannot be attacked, they will not make Kaifeng feel better.How many places are flooded is none of their business.They are thieves, and they can just move to another place.

However, the flood flooded Kaifeng and its surrounding areas, but the imperial court couldn't ignore it. Otherwise, after the flood, there would be plague, famine, etc. If the imperial court ignored it, there would be rebels everywhere.

This move is vicious and vicious, and it is definitely something that a thief can do.

Thinking of this, Sun Chuanting saw that Gao Mingheng was still stupid, so he ordered in a sharp voice: "Immediately act according to the plan prepared before, and do it immediately!"

After Sun Chuanting learned about the possibility of flooding Kaifeng from Emperor Chongzhen, he began to make preparations as soon as he arrived in Kaifeng.Now, this plan has finally come in handy.

In Kaifeng Mansion, there are two rivers passing through the city.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng was the capital, and the river was also used to transport grain, which was the lifeblood of Kaifeng.

Although hundreds of years have passed, the world has changed, and the Bian River has lost its original function, but the river is still there, and there is still water.If the water from the Yellow River floods in, it will inevitably flood the city and flood Kaifeng.

When Gao Mingheng heard Sun Chuanting's words and thought about the possible consequences, he immediately turned pale with fright, hurriedly got off the watchtower, and hurriedly acted according to the previous plan.

If the water gate is to be blocked, the continuous impact of the water of the Yellow River cannot be blocked, nor can it be sealed. The only thing that can be done is to strengthen the banks of the embankment, so that most of the water of the Yellow River can pass through the city, and minimize the impact on the water. The influence of Kaifeng city.

As a result, the city of Kaifeng was immediately mobilized.No matter who it is, when they hear this news, they dare not neglect.

Sun Chuanting's previous caution had already saved them once.Although there was no movement from the rogues outside the city, they did not dare to be careless. They would rather believe in Sun Chuanting's judgment. At most, the rogues would not dig the embankment.

Based on this idea, the banks of the two rivers in Kaifeng City are full of busy Kaifeng people, and the banks are reinforced with high walls.

Thanks to the preparations before, they wouldn't be in a hurry right now.

Most of the people were praying in their hearts, hoping that Governor Sun made a wrong judgment this time, and that the bandits would not dig the embankment!

(End of this chapter)

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