Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 246 What Textile Machine

Chapter 246 What Textile Machine
Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed. The cost has been reduced by more than ten times. Isn't this the same as fine steel smelting?

Okay, okay, what I want is such a baby!

With this in mind, Emperor Chongzhen hurriedly said to Liu Weichao: "Then you send these materials?"

In the original history, about the middle of the eighteenth century, John Kay, a British watchmaker, accidentally invented the flying shuttle.This shuttle is simple to say, it is a shuttle with small wheels installed in the chute, and springs are installed at both ends of the chute, so that the shuttle can travel back and forth extremely quickly.

After using this shuttle, the weaving surface can be greatly widened.In the past, with ordinary shuttles, two people had to cooperate, but now with shuttles, one person can complete the weaving work, and can weave wider cloth than before.

Therefore, the invention of the flying shuttle makes the weaving speed faster, which greatly improves the weaving efficiency.

According to the historical development, the appearance of the flying shuttle has greatly improved the work efficiency between cotton yarn and cotton cloth, which has caused the work efficiency between cotton and cotton yarn to become a bottleneck. After more than [-] years, textile The worker Hargreaves invented the "spinning jenny", which solved the work efficiency between cotton and cotton yarn.

According to the official statement, it is precisely because of the appearance of these two tools that the industrial revolution was kicked off, not the steam engine.

Because these two tools can liberate a lot of labor, and can also increase the output of products a lot at once.

At this time, with the help of Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen did not have to wait for the invention of these two tools, but could directly own them. It is foreseeable that they will be of great help to Daming in the textile industry.

The bottleneck of the textile industry in Ming Dynasty will be in the cultivation of cotton.

With the help of Liu Weichao, among the necessary needs of human beings, clothing, food, and transportation will begin to be affected.

Clothing, of course, is the textile revolution.

Food, that is, the vigorous promotion of sweet potato crops that started before, is planted outside the farmland, and will be a strong supplement to Daming's staple food; as for potatoes, because there are too few seeds, they cannot be fully promoted at present. The crops that began to be commonly grown in the south went to compare.

Okay, needless to say, the steam engine has been invented, and now there is a need to apply the steam engine to transportation.Moreover, the Department of Railways has been set up, and the railway has been practiced in the mining area. I believe it will not be long before the first railway in Ming Dynasty will come out soon.

As for the last item, housing, as long as the economic conditions improve, this is actually not a problem.

Ancient houses are not high-rise buildings. It is actually easy and low cost to build a mud-tile and adobe house.Of course, if it is a wooden house, it will be more expensive.

Liu Weichao has not yet given Emperor Chongzhen the method of making cement. It is not that he will not give it, but that Emperor Chongzhen is too busy.After Emperor Chongzhen was busy with several other matters and made progress, he would find a suitable opportunity to speak.

At this time, upon hearing Emperor Chongzhen's request, Liu Weichao immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, now that I have money, I will give you detailed information, whether it is a flying shuttle or a spinning jenny, I will give you the detailed structure." Break it down, and send you step-by-step information!"

Like all kinds of lathes, if he has money, he can have someone build one on the spot, and video every step of the way, there is no problem.He doesn't even need to do it himself. As long as he has money and a need, someone will help him with this matter. If he wants a video, there is a video, and if he wants a drawing, there is a blueprint!
When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he said with a smile: "I won't hide it from you, I'm excited when I hear such a good thing, and I wish I could have it right away!"

Liu Weichao listened and laughed too. He understands this feeling.

"By the way!" Emperor Chongzhen thought that Liu Weichao had been saying that he was rich just now, and that being rich had indeed brought him benefits, so he asked Liu Weichao, "Is there anything you need me to do? "

"Not yet!" Liu Weichao said gratefully to Emperor Chongzhen after hearing this, "The garment factory in my hometown has been set up with ten employees. In addition, I have also recruited five employees. Now the company's scale plus My family is nearly [-] people. I plan to set up a flagship store in the next step. It should make more money and be easier!"

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "The video of Tian Guifei and Chen Yuanyuan has more and more fans now! Well, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, can you make a video to introduce how you spend the Mid-Autumn Festival ?”

After speaking, Liu Weichao thought that to make such a video, and it can only be shot by Emperor Chongzhen's mobile phone, it may take Emperor Chongzhen a lot of time.

However, Emperor Chongzhen is the king of a country, and he is very busy now, so he might not be able to spare time.

Thinking of this, he quickly said again: "Forget it, forget it, this will take too much of your time, so forget it!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he quickly said: "No, no, as long as it can help you, what's the point of spending time? Just wait, I will send it to you in a few days!"

Liu Weichao's business is his Chongzhen Emperor's business; Liu Weichao's ability to make money means that his Chongzhen Emperor can make money and strengthen the country by the way!
In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen thought very clearly!

Hearing this, Liu Weichao was also a little embarrassed, feeling that Emperor Chongzhen really valued his needs.So, he took the initiative to say: "Okay then, I'll hang up first, and I'll send you the information about the shuttle and the spinning jenny later!"

Emperor Chongzhen was also happy when he heard it, and quickly hung up the video communication, and then thought: If he took out this shuttle, should he call it Chongzhen Feishuo?And that spinning machine, what Jenny is not Jenny, it sounds so ugly, why not change its name to Chongzhen Spinning Machine?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing. Spinning is something that women do. It's a bit inappropriate to put his year name on it. Why don't you give it to Concubine Tian, ​​and by the way, she can help Liu Weichao as a reward!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being happy.Seeing that it was getting late, I went to the queen's side according to the prior arrangement.

He kept the Mid-Autumn Festival in mind.Thinking that Tian Guifei's side is mainly about music and the like, then this matter can also be left to the queen.

No, after Emperor Chongzhen explained, Empress Zhou didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will deal with this kind of matter. After all the arrangements are completed, Your Majesty will come to shoot again!"

Originally, the empress was in charge of the harem, including things like festivals, so naturally it was her job to take care of it, and it was her job.

Not to mention, Empress Zhou knew very well that if she could help that Liu Weichao, she would be able to help her husband and her son.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen reviewed the memorial for a while before going to bed, and then went to sleep.On the Queen's side, she took her cronies and maids to copy the contents of the phone.

But this time, Empress Zhou was thinking. Suddenly, the phone rang, and Liu Weichao sent a message.

Now she reads a lot and is familiar with simplified characters.Just looking at it, she saw that Liu Weichao sent two documents, the first one was the information on the spinning jenny, and the second one, before she could see clearly, Emperor Chongzhen had already turned to look at her.

So, she quickly passed the mobile phone to Emperor Chongzhen, and said at the same time: "There are more materials coming!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It's so fast, hehe, good!"

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen so happy, Empress Zhou snuggled up to her and asked with a smile, "Your Majesty, what is this for? How do you look at it, it seems to be related to spinning?"

Emperor Chongzhen laughed when he heard it, and while reading the information sent by Liu Weichao, he explained to Queen Zhou: "It is related to spinning. These two tools can greatly improve the efficiency of spinning. From cotton to cotton cloth There will be huge changes in the process, and it will be of great significance to Daming!"

Empress Zhou couldn't help being surprised when she heard that it was so powerful, but her focus was somewhat different from that of men, so she asked curiously: "Jenny Spinning Machine, why does this name sound like it belongs to a Xiyi woman?" name?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he replied without even thinking: "It's the name of a Xiyi woman, but it doesn't suit our Ming Dynasty. I'm going to change it, so it's called..."

When he said this, he suddenly came back to his senses, and said in front of Queen Zhou that he would change the name to Tian Guifei as a commemoration, and he would probably overturn the vinegar bottle.

Immediately, he remembered that it seemed that Empress Zhou used to take maids in the palace to weave and do needlework for him.

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Chongzhen immediately changed his tune and said: "... Zhouhou Spinning Machine, what do you think?"

"Really?" When Queen Zhou heard this, she couldn't help being very happy, and quickly asked Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen felt the queen's surprise and was also happy, so he nodded.

Empress Zhou received an affirmative answer again, and was very happy in her heart, as if she was a few years younger.

But it didn't last long, she suddenly calmed down a little, and said to Emperor Chongzhen who was reading the materials: "Let's forget it!"

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, so he looked up at her and asked, "What's the matter, don't you like it?"

Just now he clearly felt that Queen Zhou was very happy, so why did she give up in a blink of an eye!
Empress Zhou said to him seriously: "Your Majesty, I think she should be called Kunxing Spinning Machine. She should be old enough to talk about marriage!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but froze.

Thinking about it, it seems that my eldest daughter has indeed reached the age. If I don't think about it this year, at least I will think about it next year.

If he gave his daughter the credit for the spinning machine, he would surely be able to find a better husband-in-law for her, right?
According to the ancestral system, the son-in-law of the Ming Dynasty is the same as the vassal king, who can only enjoy the glory and wealth and cannot be in charge of politics.

Therefore, the son-in-law of the Ming Dynasty was actually not very popular.

He hasn't worried about this matter yet, but Queen Zhou is.

(End of this chapter)

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