Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 249 The Emperor's Responsibility

Chapter 249 The Emperor's Responsibility

No matter how good a strategy or strategy is, if it is not implemented, it will be empty talk.

And if you want to implement it, you may encounter countless difficulties, both big and small.If the parties cannot withstand the pressure and are frightened by difficulties, even if they are implemented, the effect will be compromised.

As far as the current matter is concerned, it is a good idea for the bandits and Jianlu to take care of one end first, disable one end, and then concentrate their efforts to destroy the other end. However, the pressure will definitely be very high.If the emperor does not take responsibility, it will only become empty talk in the end.

Therefore, after pointing out the pressure, Du Yinxi stared at Emperor Chongzhen to see how he would react?

If it was before Emperor Chongzhen got the mobile phone, then he would definitely not be able to withstand such a great pressure, because all his taxes depended on Jiangnan.And a large group of courtiers from the south of the Yangtze River surrounded him, and the three of them became tigers. He would definitely believe the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River and the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

However, now that he knows the whole situation in Ming Dynasty, he is actually trying to survive. Since the country will be destroyed in only two years, why not give it a try according to his own ideas, maybe this can turn things around and rejuvenate Daming!

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen looked at Du Yinxi and stared at him, and said firmly: "Kaifeng alone can hold out for more than three months under the siege of hundreds of thousands of thieves, forcing the thieves to retreat! Everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River is even richer, how can it be destroyed by the thieves? If that local official leaves his post without authorization or falls into the city, I will want his head!"

In fact, there was another example that came to his mind, but he didn't say it.

Even Jiangyin relied entirely on its own defense force, and they all held on for eighty-one days.

But this didn't happen on the real plane, so he didn't say it, otherwise it would be more suitable as an example.

At this time, without waiting for Du Yinxi to finish speaking, he immediately asked again: "Tell me, Du Qing, how should we block it with white sticks?"

Du Yinxi saw that Emperor Chongzhen's will was firm, so he stopped talking, but said his thoughts: "Didn't the Shanhaiguan side say that the morale of the army is not stable? Therefore, I think that the white-armed army can be transferred to Shanhaiguan, not only It can stabilize the morale of the army and the people, and it can also guard the Great Wall when Jianlu enters the pass and the beacon fire comes, preventing Jianlu from easily leaving the pass. In this way, there are interceptions in front, and chasing soldiers from the Yongwei Camp and the Beijing Camp in the back. Jianlu must have lost a lot!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very happy, this is killing two birds with one stone!

When he was in the past, he sent Xie Xuelong to hold Shanhaiguan.Although it is delayed, there are still many things to do.It just didn't explode.Xie Xuelong will report on these things.

Originally, the Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to care if it could be delayed anyway, so he would wait until the Battle of Jizhou was over.

But now that there are more white-armed troops, according to Du Yinxi's method, it can not only deter those Guan Ning troops, but also block their retreat when Jianlu enters the pass.

Not bad!
Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard this, and immediately said to Du Yinxi: "This plan is very good, very good!"

After he finished speaking, he thought along this line of thought, and suddenly he felt less happy, and then said: "However, Jizhou is still relatively far away from Shanhaiguan. What if I choose to leave the customs through the Great Wall on the Jizhou side?"

Speaking of this, Emperor Chongzhen added: "Jianlu entered the customs, and it is very likely that he entered the customs in two ways, as I have said before."

After hearing this, Du Yinxi smiled and said, "It's not difficult. There are nearly [-] white-armed troops. If they are all equipped with new-style ordnance and armor, it should be no problem to divide up [-] troops and encircle and build captives along the Great Wall."

If it is an ordinary imperial court army, if it is rushed by the fleeing Jianlu, it is estimated that it will be overwhelmed soon, and it will not last until the pursuit of the Jianlu.

However, the combat power of the white pole army should be able to do it with the addition of new ordnance.

Emperor Chongzhen thought it was very possible, and immediately became excited again, so he hurriedly asked Du Yinxi: "Then what excuse should the other white-armed army use to go to Jin to ambush?"

To the west of Jizhou is the land of Jin.Originally in history, when the Battle of Jizhou took place, there were reinforcements from Jin, but they were defeated by Jianlu.

Of course it would be better to switch to the white pole army.However, you have to find another reason, otherwise, it would be bad if the news leaked out.

Du Yinxi obviously thought about it, so he immediately responded to Emperor Chongzhen and said: "Your Majesty, I remember that during this period of time, there have been many reports about conflicts between the former Beijing camp resettlement personnel and the local gentry. How about Send the white pole army into Jin for this matter."

He is the Chief of the Beijing Camp, so he naturally pays attention to matters related to the Beijing Camp.

The original Beijing camp soldiers and their families were arranged to go to the land of Shanxi, and the land of the eight major Shanxi merchants was allocated to them.

As a result, there were reports one after another, saying that the ownership of the land was unclear, and some said that the former Beijing camps were corrupt and occupied the local fertile land; but some said that the local tyrants took over the fertile land that was originally allocated to the original Beijing camp. .

Noisily, there were several reports, and everyone in the court knew about it.

Emperor Chongzhen originally asked the Metropolitan Procuratorate to send people to verify this matter, and the factory guards followed up as a result of the processing.

However, when Du Yinxi brought this matter up at this time, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed. This is a good reason!
After all, the local tyrants on one side and the former soldiers of the Beijing camp on the other side are not good enemies. If ordinary people go, they may not be afraid of anyone.

However, if you send the white pole army, you can forcefully suppress either side.

In this way, it is also logical to send the white pole army into Jin!

Emperor Chongzhen thought so, and said happily: "Okay, that's a good idea!"

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while and then said to Du Yinxi: "Then let Ma Xianglin's troops go directly to Jindi without going to the capital, and wait for the beacon fire warning there. Going to Shanhaiguan, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty is holy!" Upon hearing this, Du Yinxi immediately responded with a flattering voice.

So, after the two discussed the details, they immediately sent an envoy to convey the order to the Baigan army to divide the soldiers into two groups.

Generally speaking, the casualties of intercepting Jianlu who jumped over the wall would be relatively high. No army is willing to take on this kind of responsibility, let alone let the chieftain army do this kind of thing.Maybe it will be suspected, this is the court's plan to kill two birds with one stone, defeating Jianlu and weakening the chieftain's power at the same time.

However, after Qin Liangyu received the decree, he did not hesitate at all and immediately accepted the decree.Then she ordered her son Ma Xianglin to lead the troops to Jindi.Considering that her son's military strength is a bit low, she also gave her son a supplementary [-] troops.

Then she herself continued to advance to the capital with Sun Chuanting.And knowing that there is a heavy task coming, they even accelerated the marching speed.

Sun Chuanting saw all this and couldn't help admiring Old General Qin.He has always had a dead fish face, but when he talked to Qin Liangyu, he felt a little more warm.

On the side of the capital, as the situation in the south of the Yangtze River became more and more tense, after the news reached the capital, officials from the south of the Yangtze River in the various yamen of the capital went up to the imperial court to send reinforcements.

The Jingying and Yongweiying are expanding their army. Although they don't know the details, they can feel that this is an army that the imperial court can fight, so they clamored to send it out.

However, Emperor Chongzhen ignored this at all. The reason was that there were too many recruits, and sending them out too quickly would cause too much loss, and they might not be able to rescue them.

At such a moment, Qin Liangyu led an army of [-] white rods to the capital.

This made the officials from the south of the Yangtze River overjoyed, and they turned to play, saying that the Baigan Army could be sent to the south of the Yangtze River for rescue.

For this reason, when Qin Liangyu entered the palace to meet with Xie En, they all showed great respect to Qin Liangyu, and compliments without money were like flowing water, almost drowning Qin Liangyu.

But Qin Liangyu already knew in his heart what she was going to do next.It's just that if you can't say it, it's just perfunctory.

What she is really grateful for is only the current emperor, so naturally only Emperor Chongzhen will follow.

As for Emperor Chongzhen, he was naturally very happy that Qin Liangyu and Sun Chuanting had come to the capital.Immediately ordered to reward the officers and men of the White Pole Army and let them rest outside the city.At the same time, Sun Chuanting was conferred the title of Grand Master of the Hall of Martial Arts, the crown prince and Taifu, and he was short of a knighthood.

Of course, it's not that Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to knight Sun Chuanting.At this time, he had already disregarded the title of title.Those who can help him will never be stingy with a title.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, and Sun Yingyuan a count when they returned to Beijing, and Qin Liangyu was even made a loyal marquis.

The reason why Sun Chuanting was not knighted was mainly because Sun Chuanting was only a civil servant, which was different from being knighted by a general.

But he also thought about it, the battle of Jizhou must lead the experienced general Sun Chuanting.As long as he lost a big battle against Jianlu, it would be logical for him to use this to ennoble Sun Chuanting.

Otherwise, if you defend Kaifeng now, you will be conferred a title. How can you confer the title of Sun Chuanting when you defeat the Jiankui and exterminate the thieves later?

But even without the knighthood, Sun Chuanting's status in the court is even higher than that of the Chief Assistant He Fengsheng.Any fool can see that Sun Chuanting is now the number one favorite of the Chongzhen Dynasty!

No, after the awards were over, everyone else went back to their respective yamen, where they should go, but Emperor Chongzhen left Sun Chuanting and Qin Liangyu behind.

"Marquis Zhongzhen, stand still, I will take a picture for you!"

"Sun Qing, you too, stand up, I'm going to take a picture!"

"Also, Qin Qing, Sun Qing, you stand together, I will take a group photo for you!"


It was impossible for Qin Liangyu and Sun Chuanting to refuse Emperor Chongzhen's request, not to mention, this was not the kind of monarch who wanted his ministers to die.

But they were naturally curious as well, not knowing what the emperor meant.

Sun Chuanting was alright, he vaguely guessed what it meant to take pictures, but Qin Liangyu was completely confused.

They naturally didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen remembered Liu Weichao's request and took the photo.

Of course, he also thought that this is the most authentic portrait, which can be handed down to future generations and remembered by future generations, if the mobile phone can be used all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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