Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 252 Discovered two more good things

Chapter 252 Discovered Two Good Things
Everyone can understand their feelings.

After all, there may be a military disaster in their hometown, and it is reasonable for them to be anxious.

Even He Fengsheng was from the south, so he was also very concerned about persuading Emperor Chongzhen.

However, the result obtained is that the white pole army is already exhausted and needs to rest and replenish equipment, food and grass, etc., and is temporarily unable to go south.

Faced with this answer, although the officials from the south of the Yangtze River were anxious, they had no choice but to hope that the white pole army would finish its rest soon.

At night, Emperor Chongzhen contacted Liu Weichao, but as soon as he saw Liu Weichao appeared, he smiled and said to Liu Weichao: "I have something good for you!"

The Mid-Autumn Festival video has been given before, so what else is there?
Liu Weichao was thinking in his heart, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and immediately asked in surprise: "Is this a video about Old General Qin?"

"Yes!" Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile when he saw how surprised he was, "And it also includes military drills, which must be what you want to watch. By the way, I will also shoot the video of the Beijing camp drills for you." Got one."

"Okay, okay!" Liu Weichao was very happy when he heard it, and quickly demanded, "Then I'll hang up, you send the video first!"

After hanging up the video communication, only after a while, Liu Weichao received several videos, and immediately opened them to watch.

It can almost be said that he finished it in one sitting.

After reading it, I looked excited, and when I was about to take a closer look, suddenly, the phone made a "ding dong" and received a WeChat message.

Well, why is she?Liu Weichao looked at the profile picture and felt a little puzzled, so he clicked on it to see what it was about.

"Brother Liu, this weekend is my first concert. I have reserved ten VIP tickets. Can you and your creative team come to watch together?"

Liu Weichao read the content of the text message and couldn't help feeling a little speechless.

This princess of Shenzhen City, is she still thinking about asking Concubine Tian Gui and the others personally?

When negotiating the contract before, the other party had requested that people from Liu Weichao's side come to guide in person, and the money can be added.

Although Liu Weichao liked money, but he couldn't do it, so he had no choice but to refuse.

After adding WeChat at that time, there has been no contact.

The Princess of Shenzhen City did not take the initiative to contact him, nor did he take the initiative to contact the Princess of Shenzhen City.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, the princess of Shenzhen City would contact him on her own initiative.

Perhaps seeing that Liu Weichao didn't reply, Princess Shenzhen sent another message.

"My dad watched the rehearsal and was very satisfied. He felt that Gufeng's concert was unique. Not only was the program good, but it was also innovative. It would definitely achieve the desired effect. I just thought, this honor should also be given to you and One for your team. Why don't you come over and witness this moment, okay?"

Liu Weichao saw it, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

To be honest, her father is a famous patriotic entrepreneur, and Liu Weichao also wants to meet him and admire him up close.But, the point is, Tian Guifei and the others can't make it through!
So, he had no choice but to reply with a message: "Sorry, my team doesn't want to show up. I wish you a successful performance!"

The meaning of this sentence is basically a refusal, similar to serving tea to see off a guest, that's all.

Unexpectedly, the other party replied with another message.

"This concert must be a success. When I was worried about holding a press conference, I would ask about my future plans. Those reporters would definitely ask whether my future path will always be classical, will it be like this? A style of song and dance or something."

"I have no idea, and I really want to talk to you. What will happen in the future? Can you still provide such an excellent programming? If possible, can I hire your team to teach me more classical knowledge. I feel that looking for other people is definitely not as professional as your team."

Seeing this information, Liu Weichao couldn't help admiring, this is a rainy day!But it is also possible that people around her reminded her.Otherwise, she is two years younger than herself. She has just graduated from university, so how can she have so much experience, and she has already considered things after the concert's success.

But even if she has a staff team or asks her agent to give her advice, she still wants to learn and enrich herself. Liu Weichao still respects such a studious person.

With that in mind, he sent a message back.

"My company is an expert in Ming Chaofeng. As long as it is in this area, if you want, folk art programs and so on will definitely satisfy you. You can rest assured about this."

After sending it, Liu Weichao thought about it, then edited another text message and sent it.

"By the way, I happen to have a video here. You can watch it. It's also classical, but it's a different style from before. If you're interested, the next concert can be like this."

Afterwards, Liu Weichao sent the video of Qin Liangyu's [-] female guards' military formation drills.

At this moment, I saw a reminder on the mobile phone: Emperor Chongzhen initiated a video communication with him.

When Liu Weichao saw it, he knew that Emperor Chongzhen had been waiting for a long time, so he quickly connected.

"How about it? If you are not satisfied, I have to find Qin Qing to send it." As soon as Emperor Chongzhen saw Liu Weichao, he immediately said to him, "In two days, when the messenger from Shanhaiguan arrives, she will receive it." Soldiers are on the march!"

"Expedition?" Liu Weichao asked in surprise, "Old General Qin is going to Shanhaiguan?"

Upon hearing this question, Emperor Chongzhen thought of something, and explained to him: "Yes, the strategy I discussed with Du Qing is to divide the Baigan army into two routes, east and west, and block the retreat of the invaders and prisoners along the Great Wall. Qin Qing just pretended to go to Shanhaiguan..."

With that said, he explained the layout of the White Pole Army.

After listening to Emperor Chongzhen's words, Liu Weichao said worriedly: "There must be a lot of cavalry among the Jianlu who entered the customs, and the white pole army is an infantry army. I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties when intercepting Jianlu who jumped over the wall in a hurry?"

"That's why I changed all the white-armed troops!" Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen quickly replied, "The previous battles have proved that the new armor is extremely protective, and it should reduce the casualties of the white-armed army."

After hearing this, Liu Weichao was still a little worried, and immediately said: "By the way, is there a car camp? It's a van or something. It was invented by Qi Jiguang, and Sun Chengzong seems to have it too. By the way, there must be one in Guan Ningjun's side, right? At that time, the shunting battalion followed the white pole army, and with the chariot battalion in front, the cavalry of Jianlu would not be able to charge directly into the white pole army formation!"

Needless to say, there is no car camp on the capital side.But Liu Weichao is right, Guan Ningjun does have them.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately nodded and said without saying a word, "You are right in reminding me, I will ask Qin Qing to bring my secret decree, and when we arrive at Shanhaiguan, we will call Cheying to intercept Jianlu together!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao remembered Ma Xianglin's headquarters in Shanxi, where there would be no assistance from the car camp. It would be great if there were barbed wire fences!

Thinking about it this way, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen: "By the way, wait a minute, I'll search for information, and there is something that might be helpful!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was naturally happy, so he hung up without saying a word.

As soon as the video communication was hung up, Liu Weichao realized that the princess from Shenzhen had sent several messages.But at this time, he didn't have time to look at it, so he had to deal with Emperor Chongzhen first.

So he immediately searched for barbed wire and found that it was not invented until the nineteenth century.And what surprised him was that barbed wire was listed as one of the nine invention patents that changed the face of the world.

Upon seeing this title, the curious Liu Weichao searched for nine patents for inventions that changed the face of the world.

As a result, after looking at it, he found that there were actually two patents related to the textile industry.

The cotton gin, patented on March 1794, 3, invented by Eli Whitney, is a machine for separating cotton seeds.

The sewing machine, patented on September 1846, 9, invented by Elias Howe, industrialized garment making.

These two are good things, Liu Weichao thought in his heart, and he definitely went back to tell Emperor Chongzhen about it.

He then turned his attention back to the barbed wire.

This barbed wire, to put it bluntly, the ancients had no problem making it.Make a barbed wire model on ceramics, and then pour it with molten iron.

And what kind of barbed wire you want, just use what kind of model.

After checking, Liu Weichao first sent a photo of the barbed wire to Emperor Chongzhen, and then contacted Emperor Chongzhen via video, explaining to him: "You have someone produce this kind of barbed wire, and then send it to Ma Xianglin. Intercept the Jianlu, the position It is best to use it in battle, unfold it directly, fix it on a wooden stake, block a few rows, and the Jianlu cavalry will never even think about charging straight over."

The barbed wire doesn't need to be very good.It is only necessary to prevent the Jianlu cavalry from charging, and rush directly to the front of the white pole army formation.

After Liu Weichao explained to Emperor Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed immediately, and immediately said to Liu Weichao: "Okay, it's not too late. I'll send an order to the Military Warfare Bureau and ask Song Qing to start arranging the matter immediately!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up in a hurry.

This made Liu Weichao, who still wanted to talk about cotton gins and sewing machines with Emperor Chongzhen, very speechless. Well, let’s talk about it next time!
Anyway, these two are not in a hurry. For now, the most important thing is to prepare for the battle.If the Jianlu who invaded into the bandits were defeated and the entire army could be wiped out, then it could almost be said that the Jianlu in Liaodong was doomed.

Although it is still difficult to recover Liaodong, it is absolutely impossible for Jianlu to have the strength to harass the pass.On Emperor Chongzhen's side, he could also concentrate his financial and material resources to deal with the thieves first.

It doesn't mean that the world will be peaceful if the thieves are dealt with, and the chieftain rebellion in the northwest must also be suppressed.But that waits until later, it is too far away to say these now.

Thinking of this, Liu Weichao turned back to read the information about Princess Shenzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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