Chapter 254
After finishing speaking, seeing Emperor Chongzhen look a little disappointed, Liu Weichao smiled and said: "You can't become a fat man with one mouthful. Mobile phone communication has a lot of advanced technology. It may not be hundreds of years of work, even if there is My help is absolutely impossible."

After a pause, he added with a smile: "When I checked the barbed wire before, I found two good things. They are just right for you. They are related to the textile industry."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen's expression turned into surprise, and he asked quickly, "What good thing is it?"

"The previous flying shuttle and spinning machine solved the two stages from cotton to cotton yarn and then to cotton cloth!" Liu Weichao replied immediately, "There are also steps from cotton to cotton seeds, and from cloth to clothes. There are good things for you, which can greatly improve efficiency."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, then said after thinking for a while, "Actually, at this stage, you must start planting cotton on a large scale. In this way, picking this piece will actually be done by machines. Greatly improve efficiency and save manpower. However, this content is still early, let’s talk about it later, we will come one by one according to the priority and difficulty of the matter!”

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he heard it, and nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

When Liu Weichao saw him, he also said with a smile: "For the cotton cloth industry, or the textile industry, after a few years, the people of Ming Dynasty will be able to enjoy cheap and beautiful clothes to wear, and there will no longer be many people who freeze to death." In addition, your cost will be far lower than that of other countries, allowing merchants to sell it in the past, and can occupy the business of the entire earth in one fell swoop!"

Hearing this description, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help showing a look of great anticipation.

At this time, he already understood very well that a monopoly business is the most profitable business.

A business that can occupy the world is definitely a lucrative business!The government set up a state-owned enterprise in this area, yes, it is a state-owned enterprise, and the money in the treasury will continue to increase!
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen's eyes narrowed with laughter.

"By the way, you also need to improve the transportation." Liu Weichao followed this train of thought and reminded Emperor Chongzhen, "How is your railway business going?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he quickly withdrew his illusions, and immediately replied to Liu Weichao: "I have sent the Railway Department to bring carpenters and blacksmiths to test in the mining area. According to the previous reports, it is estimated that a section of the mining area can be paved. On the way."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and added: "I plan to wait until after the Battle of Jizhou, and then start mobilizing manpower to lay the railroad tracks with all my strength, at least to open the road to the capital. The other is to plan to go to Tongzhou to From the capital."

Liu Weichao saw that Emperor Chongzhen himself had a clear plan, and in his opinion, there was nothing wrong with it, so he didn't say anything else.

This night's chat, basically like this.

Early the next morning, Emperor Chongzhen summoned Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi to discuss the rebuilding of Dongjiang Town.

He also thinks that Liu Weichao's reminder is very reasonable, this Dongjiang Town should indeed be better built.

But what he didn't expect was that both Du Yinxi and Sun Chuanting opposed it.Under the current circumstances, when the Battle of Jizhou is the most important thing, even if Dongjiang Town is to be rebuilt, at least it must wait until the Battle of Jizhou before considering it according to the actual situation.

Hearing these two courtiers who knew the soldiers said so, Emperor Chongzhen also listened to them, and did not think about rebuilding Dongjiang Town for the time being.

He is still discussing on his side, and the cabinet has received a bunch of urgent memorials from the south of the Yangtze River, and the chief assistant personally brought these memorials to ask for an audience.

Emperor Chongzhen had already made arrangements, but he also showed his concern about the situation in the south of the Yangtze River.He immediately held an imperial meeting and began his performance.

In short, he showed that he was very concerned about the situation in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition to strictly demanding the suppression of thieves everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River, he also promised to send reinforcements as soon as possible.

As for his actual purpose, only a few people such as Sun Chuanting and Du Yinxi know.

Of course, it was impossible for them to expose the emperor's true intentions, they just watched from the sidelines, watching Emperor Chongzhen perform there.In my heart, I couldn't help feeling a little more reverence for Emperor Chongzhen.

Today, the emperor is really getting more and more used to the position of emperor!
He Fengsheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they received the emperor's statement.

But in the end, what they never expected was that the urgent report from Shanhaiguan Xie Xuelong arrived.

Xie Xuelong said that when he was inspecting the military and political affairs of Shanhaiguan, he found that many fields in the guard station had been invaded and occupied, and the morale of the army was unstable, and there were even signs of mutiny.

In addition, the Jianlu in Jinzhou also seemed to show signs of attacking Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan.

In short, under Xie Xuelong's description, Shanhaiguan seems to have problems at any time.

He pleaded with the imperial court to immediately send additional reinforcements to stabilize the morale and morale of Shanhaiguan, and not to give Jianlu any opportunity to take advantage of.

As soon as the memorial arrived, Emperor Chongzhen told those officials from the south of the Yangtze River that there was no other way. Shanhaiguan was the most important thing to the imperial court and nothing could happen.Therefore, the Baigan Army could not go south, but could only go north to reinforce Shanhaiguan, and the situation in Shanhaiguan had to be stabilized first.

Faced with this situation, everyone except the insider was dumbfounded.

But at this critical time, Shanhaiguan also had problems.

They never doubted that Xie Xuelong's memorial could be fake.

Because of the Songjin battle before, the vitality of the imperial court was seriously injured.On the Shanhaiguan side, the morale of the army is not stable, and there have been signs of it before.For this reason, the imperial court also sent Xie Xuelong to inspect and verify.

Even Wu Sangui's father was a little puzzled when he heard the news, wondering if Wu Sangui couldn't hold his breath, didn't listen to himself, and started to make trouble?
Thinking of this, he immediately sent someone to deliver a letter to Wu Sangui, warning his son not to mess around.

He has already grasped the news that the Beijing Camp and the Yongwei Camp seem to have been trained by the court.Moreover, there was a lot of movement at the Bingzheng Bureau, just sending carloads of things to the Baigan military camp, most likely ordnance and the like.

At this time, if Wu Sangui caused trouble, he would probably bump his head into the iron plate.

Northerners are most aware of the importance of Shanhaiguan.It is also because Shanhaiguan is too important, so the Guan Ning army can use it as a threat to enjoy the best treatment among the imperial court officers and soldiers.

Now that Shanhaiguan is going to have an accident, there is no way out.They could only watch helplessly as Emperor Chongzhen issued an order for the loyal Marquis Qin Liangyu to set off immediately with the white pole army to Shanhaiguan to stabilize the situation.

However, Emperor Chongzhen also promised that as long as the training of the Yongwei Battalion was similar to that of the Beijing Battalion, or the situation in Shanhaiguan was stabilized, he would definitely send troops to the south to counter the rebellion.

As for the present, he asked the officials below to do their best to rescue the disaster.

The Yellow River burst its embankment, and it is late autumn, and winter is coming soon. If the disaster relief is not timely, I don’t know how many people will die!
On the surface, Emperor Chongzhen was busy with this matter, but in fact, his heart was actually on Jianlu.As he said to Liu Weichao, he was really worried. He had prepared everything, but if Jianlu didn't come, he would be dumbfounded!

Of course he didn't know that this worry was actually unnecessary.

Because of the butterfly effect, the destruction of the eight major Shanxi merchants caused the slave chief Huang Taiji to send a robbery team to the pass in advance, just to grab more food and supplies in the pass.

At this time, the robbery army headed by Jianlu had already arrived on the territory of the Aohan tribe.That is, on the grasslands in the northwest of Jinzhou.

Although Jianlu did business without capital, they still had to bring the food and grass consumption on the road by themselves.

The same is true for the Mongolian tribes in the east.

After walking a long way, more than half of the way, Abate ordered to rest for a day.

The first is to adjust the physical strength of the troops and prepare for war.On the other side, they are waiting for the arrival of the Horqin tribe.

Among the Mongolian tribes in the east, the one closest to Jianlu is the Horqin tribe.

Several of Huang Taiji's concubines, including the most beloved Hai Lanzhu, all came from Horqin, and Huang Taiji also had a daughter who married Horqin.In short, the relationship is very messy, but it also proves that the relationship between Horqin and Jianlu is the closest.

This good thing of entering the customs and robbing naturally cannot be left behind by the Horqin tribe.

In the Chinese military tent, Abatai and a group of people took advantage of this opportunity to have a meeting.

"For this entry, His Majesty's order requires us to bring as much food, supplies and people as possible back to Liaodong!" Abatai looked at the group of people below and said solemnly, "Therefore, the rear road must be kept open. The previously agreed , the Ming army in Jizhou is the most powerful, we must destroy them, so that we can safely go south!"

Having said that, he looked at the two people who were obviously dressed differently and asked, "You probably know the situation in the pass best. Is there anything else that needs to be added?"

These two people are the second of the eight major Shanxi merchants who fled to Liaodong.The leader is Fan Yongdou.Hearing Abatai's words, he quickly replied: "In the Songjin battle before, all the officers and troops that the imperial court could fight and mobilize were gone. There shouldn't be any problem in conquering Jizhou. The villain just thought about it." , the Qing army can also go to Jin, the villain is the most familiar, and the harvest should be great."

Hearing this, the other person immediately retorted: "There are Datong and Xuanfu important towns in Jindi. Even if it is not working now, the foundation is still there. But other places in the pass have long been rotten. The general thinks, After defeating Jizhou, it's better to attack Lu directly!"

Hearing this, Fan Yongdou glanced at him, not daring to refute.

Since fleeing to Liaodong, he has seen clearly.Without the support of the land of Jin, he was lonely, and the Qing side did not pay much attention to him.Even after a long time, those Jurchens also spoke ill of him, and he could only bear it.

He was thinking, but Abate had already said to the person who spoke just now: "King Gongshun is right, the siege of the city is left to you, no problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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