Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 264 Reasonable Explanation

Chapter 264 Reasonable Explanation

Hearing Turg's words, Abatai was also a little puzzled.

After thinking about it for a while, he looked up at the siege of Jizhou City, and found that there was no sign of entering the city immediately.

Therefore, Abatai decisively ordered: "Ming Jin withdraws troops!"

Jianlu's orders and prohibitions can still be implemented in place.

Although the people below can't figure it out, why are you withdrawing troops now?However, this military order was still carried out.

"Clang clang clang..."

With the sound of retreating soldiers on Jianlu's side, Jianlu who was attacking Jizhou City retreated like a tide.

Seeing this scene, Abatai immediately turned his head to look at Wu Keshan, the young patriarch of the Horqin tribe, and ordered him: "You and the Aohan tribe lead the troops to the south to find out the real situation in the south. If you can fight, you can fight. Pay back!"

When Wu Keshan heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly agreed: "Lord Baylor, don't worry, if there is anything the Ming army can do, leave the south to us!"

In the previous two wars, the Horqin tribe was taken care of because of their good relationship with the slave chieftains, and they were not sent to attack the city.However, if they stay here, it will be a matter of time before they are sent to attack the city.

However, what the Mongols are least good at is siege.Now that the Horqin tribe is sent to the south, it means that there is no need to attack the city. Wu Keshan is naturally overjoyed.

As if to fear that Abatai would repent, he immediately left in a hurry with the patriarch of the Aohan tribe, without stopping for a moment, led the troops of the headquarters, more than [-] riders, and the iron riders rolled away to the south.

On Abatai's side, he said to Turg: "You lead [-] Qing troops and [-] Mongolian tribes. You can choose as you like. Go to the west and destroy that white army!"

Don't say that [-] is against [-], even if it is the other way around, if [-] is against [-], the Qing army would dare to fight.

Field battles belong to the Qing Dynasty!
Hearing Abatai's words, Turge did not say a word, and immediately took orders: "Don't worry, Lord Baylor, the mere white-armed army will go back in the end!"

No one thought there was a problem with his words, including Abate.

The reason why he made these deployments was not because he was afraid of being encircled and wiped out.

Being able to be appointed by Huang Taiji as the commander-in-chief to lead the army into the customs this time, Abate's fighting ability was naturally recognized by Huang Taiji.

As a veteran who has fought for many years, instinctively, he will not put the army in possible danger.

Although logically speaking, even if all the Ming troops were surrounded, even if the number of troops was larger than that of the Qing army, if there was a real fight, the Qing army would definitely win.

However, this does not mean that he will take care of himself.

Abate wanted to nip any sign that was going against his army.

Not to mention, he actually had other ideas.

Why did the army have to capture Jizhou first as soon as they entered the pass?

It was because he was going to lead the army deep into the pass this time to plunder in the wealthy south.In their expectation, this time they would definitely loot more supplies and population than before.

In this way, the road back to the outside of the customs is too long, and there are more supplies and population to be taken care of. If you wait until then and fight a tough battle, it will be disadvantageous to the Qing army.

Therefore, the important town of the Ming army guarding the pass must be removed first.

The same reasoning as this, the situation that has been grasped now is that on both sides of the east and west where the army is located, tens of thousands of white-armed troops have rushed to reinforce them.That being the case, instead of keeping the Baiganjun and being troubled by them when they return, it is better to kill the Baiganjun now!
To the east of the army is the Guanning Cavalry Army of about [-], led by Wu Sangui; the tens of thousands of white-armed troops are led by Qin Liangyu, and their strength is relatively stronger than that of the white-armed army in the west.

Therefore, Abatai's plan was very simple. In that case, he would first choose the western white army with the weakest combat power to attack. After destroying this part of the white army, if the east did not retreat, then destroy them.

As for the south, the current situation is unclear. Even if it is estimated seriously, there may be a [-] to [-] brave guard battalion at most.

At that time, after clearing out the white armies on the east and west sides, and gathering the whole army to deal with the Yongwei Battalion in the south, hundreds of thousands against ten to twenty thousand, they could also be wiped out in one fell swoop.

As for Jizhou City, after World War I, the Qing army was allowed to come and go freely within the territory of the Ming Kingdom.

This is also the best way. You don't have to worry about Ming's army following behind and making trouble, and you can solve them all at once.

Thinking of this, Abatai ordered the rest of the army to rest and wait for news from the other troops.

Most of the remaining troops participated in the morning and afternoon battles, so it is necessary to rest and reorganize.

After making all these arrangements, Abate didn't feel anything wrong, so he went to have dinner in peace.

However, there is one person who is a little uneasy.

This person is none other than Kong Youde, the Ming traitor general.

Speaking of which, he used to have an enmity with Jianlu, so he devoted himself to Dongjiang Town and became one of Mao Wenlong's countless adopted sons to fight Jianlu.It is true that he has made a lot of contributions, for which he was promoted to a general.

Later, Mao Wenlong was killed, and the dragons in Dongjiang Town had no leader, and civil strife began as no one obeyed the other.

However, Kong Youde was favored by Sun Yuanhua, the new governor of Denglai, and he was recruited into his command as his confidant.

However, the Liaodong soldiers were not welcome in Shandong. When they were ordered to reinforce Shanhaiguan, they didn't even have food and grass. In the end, they clashed with the local authorities. As a result, they rebelled against Daming and surrendered to Jianlu.At the same time, Sun Yuanhua was also killed.

In his life experience, he has a deep understanding of the various ills in the Ming army, as well as the dirty things in the court.

In his impression, how could today's emperor be so generous, not only conferring a chieftain woman as Marquis of Zhongzheng, but also conferring three earls, which surprised him too much.

In addition, Kong Youde was also very surprised that the White Pole Army would appear in Gyeonggi.

The [-] white-armed army is probably almost the entire strength of the white-armed army, right?Knowing that the Qing Dynasty's hundreds of thousands of troops are here, how dare you attack from east to west?And the reaction was so quick, as if knowing that the Qing army would enter the customs at this time, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to follow up so quickly.

If it was a coincidence, Kong Youde would not believe it anyway.

Also, that bastard Wu Sangui was also leading the three thousand Guan Ning cavalry, and he reacted so quickly to follow behind.In terms of time, he definitely did not get the imperial edict from King Qin of the capital.Followed so simply as soon as he received the warning, this is not what Guan Ningjun would do in his impression at all!
The more he thought about it, the more strange Kong Youde felt, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep.

This is not to say that he is so scared, after all, the hundreds of thousands of Qing troops are here, so they are very safe.It was because he couldn't figure out those questions and was held back.

In the end, Kong Youde simply went to the prisoner's side, found the Guanning Army prisoner who had surrendered, and learned about everything on the Ming side in detail.

He asked detailed questions, asking all the questions that came to his mind.

This Guan Ning army prisoner did not dare to hide anything, he would answer whatever Kong Youde asked.Of course, he couldn't answer many questions because he didn't know.

What he can answer is limited to some knowledge on the Shanhaiguan side.

However, even so, Kong Youde was shocked one after another as he asked.

He didn't expect that so many changes had taken place in the pass in just half a year.

He knew from the captive of the Guan Ning Army that the current emperor has ruthlessly raided many people's homes, even a hereditary duke like Cheng Guogong has been ransacked.

According to the legend, the current emperor suddenly became very rich, so that there are various legends in Shanhaiguan, which also made Wu Sangui want to get some benefits from the emperor.

However, the imperial court just paid the Guan Ning army a military salary, other than that, it didn't pay much.An imperial envoy was also sent to check Shanhaiguan, which made Guan Ning's army very dissatisfied.

Knowing this, Kong Youde was also a little emotional.On Guan Ningjun's side, they are paid enough!
In the past, even if it was the Guan Ning Army, it was impossible for the imperial court to pay them in full.Not to mention other armies.When he was in Dongjiang Town before, he had never seen military pay at all, so it would be nice to be able to eat enough!
For some reason, he suddenly had an idea, why didn't the current emperor ransack the house earlier, get the money, and pay all the troops, maybe the situation will not be like this.

As soon as this thought came up, he was thrown away when he came back to his senses, and continued to ask about the affairs of the Ming country.

"What?" Suddenly, Kong Youde was shocked, and quickly confirmed, "Emperor Taizu has manifested himself, and he gave the current emperor a treasure?"

This news shocked him so much!
The captive of the Guan Ning Army listened and replied truthfully: "It's been spread like this in the army, but I don't know if it's true or not!"

Kong Youde himself didn't know whether he should believe in such things as Emperor Taizu's apparition, so he quickly asked: "Then what other rumors, whether true or not, let's hear it?"

The Guan Ning Army prisoner thought for a while, and then replied: "It seems that I heard that the emperor is reorganizing the Beijing camp. The villain has heard the commander mutter, it seems that his father told him."

Hearing this, Kong Youde immediately thought that there might be Ming army in the south.

Could it be the restructured Beijing Camp?
However, in terms of time, even if it was the Beijing camp, it would be impossible to come here so quickly!
Confused, Kong Youde was suddenly startled again: Didn't Emperor Taizu show his spirit?If true, that would explain all of this.

Emperor Taizu could count the entry of the Qing army and the battle of Jizhou, so he sent troops to encircle him in advance!
The White Pole Army, which shouldn't have appeared near Jizhou, had a reasonable explanation.

All these things show that Emperor Taizu seems to have really manifested himself!
Thinking of this, Kong Youde's back suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Leaving the Guanning Army prisoner alone, he hurried to the Chinese Army's tent to ask the commander Abate to report his latest discovery.

(End of this chapter)

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