Chapter 267
First, although it is expected that Jianlu will attack Jizhou first in this battle, it is not very certain whether Jianlu will attack Jizhou in the end.Therefore, Sun Chuanting had to judge based on the situation of the beacon summons and the investigation of the night, whether Jianlu would eventually attack Jizhou.

Second, how many troops Jianlu has, this also needs to be confirmed.Only a fool would ignore it and hit it directly.Therefore, Sun Chuanting also needed time to understand how many people and horses came from Jianlu's side.

Third, it is determined that Jianlu wants to capture Jizhou first. His plan is to let the city of Jizhou consume Jianlu first. No matter how much troops are consumed, it will consume some morale more. It is better than going directly. It's better to fight Jianlu first!
The fourth point, he also wants to know the situation of the white pole army on the east and west sides. Of course, this is not the main thing.It's just that it would be better if we could understand the situation of the White Pole Army before the war started.

Therefore, the brave guard battalion and the Beijing battalion did not move fast, and their physical exertion was less.Moreover, today's Beijing Camp and Yongwei Camp are armies dominated by firearms. When it comes to war, the physical consumption will be less than that of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars with cold weapons.

However, Sun Chuanting still ordered to rest first like Jianlu. In fact, the most important thing was because of time.

At this time, it was almost dusk. Once there was a fight, when the winner was decided, it would be dark and they would not be able to pursue the enemies running around.And under the darkness, it is not friendly to firearms troops.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting chose the combat time to the next morning, so that he would have more time to annihilate the Jianlu.

In this way, the armies on both sides began to set up camp and prepared to spend the night, except for horse hunting and night refusal.

At this time, Kong Youde saw something again, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

He found that the periphery of the Ming army camp was all connected by vans, forming a line of defense that was difficult for cavalry to raid.At the back of the van, the simple tents are neatly arranged and clearly separated.

On the side of the Qing army, only chariots were placed on the periphery, but the number was obviously not enough to form a circle.

In the camp inside the car, camp according to the Eight Banners.Especially those Mongolian tribes, they also set up camp according to their respective ethnic groups, in a mess, they crowded together, and they didn't look like a well-trained army.

Just the comparison of camping made Kong Youde feel that the Ming army in front of him did not seem to be the Ming army in his impression.

Also, as the leader of the firearms on Jianlu's side, he is sensitive to firearms, and he discovered that the imperial army on the opposite side seems to have a lot of firearms.

Kong Youde understands better than anyone else that firearms are definitely more powerful than cold weapons and are more suitable for fighting.Most of the Ming army in the past also used firearms, but being defeated by the Qing army does not seem to explain the power of firearms.However, he knew that it was just the Ming army's firearms cutting corners, which greatly limited the power of the firearms.

When he was under Sun Yuanhua, he had experienced how powerful real firearms are!Now on the Qing side, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty also paid attention to the quality of firearms. Therefore, Kong Youde had a higher status on the Qing side than the other two kings like him.

If the quality of the firearms of the Ming army on the opposite side is guaranteed, this battle may not be easy to fight!

Kong Youde thought in his heart, he was really worried.

Because he thought about it from various aspects, especially the matter of Emperor Taizu's apparition, which kept him on his mind, and he felt that the firearms of the Ming army in front of him should not be too bad.

After discovering this, he was worried, and finally came to Abate to report his discovery.

"Master Belle, the current Ming army should not be underestimated!" Seeing Abate, Kong Youde said sincerely, "This Ming army is probably a formidable enemy!"

After finishing his conclusion, he began to give reasons.

However, just as Kong Youde started, he was interrupted impatiently by Abatai: "Do you think Ben Baylor is a fool? You can't see the basics? Otherwise, you will command this battle, and Ben Bayle will listen to you." Yours, okay?"

"The last general dare not!" Kong Youde was a little panicked when he heard this.

Staring at him, Abatai shouted angrily: "Do what you should do. If you go out to disturb the morale of the army, Ben Baylor will be the first to sacrifice the flag to you!"

The battle is imminent, if everyone knows that the Ming army in front of them is difficult to deal with, it will definitely be a blow to morale.

After this Kong Youde entered the customs, he was a little abnormal, always boosting the morale of others and destroying his own prestige, especially he dared to explain that the Emperor Taizu appeared.If this matter is talked about everywhere, it will even damage the morale of the army.

Therefore, Abatai has already accumulated some dissatisfaction with Kong Youde.And this time, he was treated as an ignorant person, who didn't even know how to observe the formation, so it aroused his resentment even more to come here to Balabala.

After being reprimanded, Kong Youde was terrified, he didn't dare to stay any longer, so he left quickly.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave, Abatai's cold voice came from behind him: "The battle will start tomorrow. If your artillery can't bombard the formation of the Ming army, don't blame Ben Baylor for doing it!"

After hearing this, Kong Youde quickly made a promise, and then left the Chinese military account.

With the cool wind blowing on his face, he looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and suddenly he laughed at himself.

What happened to yourself?

How can it be!

It is an iron fact that the Qing army is invincible in field battles!

Among the imperial army, even the most powerful Guan Ning army would not dare to fight the Qing army.

The imperial army in front of me is about [-]. With so many troops, mainly recruits, no matter how good they are, how can they defeat the Qing army?

After looking for so many reasons, suddenly, it seemed that another Kong Youde jumped out: Emperor Taizu appeared!

Kong Youde quickly dismissed this idea, and thought again: The imperial court was unable to defeat the Qing army before, so why can it defeat the Qing army this time?

Emperor Taizu appeared!
No, no, let's see what kind of chaos the thieves have become in the pass. The court officials and soldiers still have fighting power, or they would have put down the thieves long ago!
Emperor Taizu appeared!
No, no, this is not the beginning of the year, even Hong Chengchou, who was so capable of fighting, led an elite army of [-] to annihilate the entire army, and he himself surrendered to the Qing Dynasty!

Emperor Taizu appeared!

In the end, Kong Youde shook his head violently, rubbed his face vigorously with both hands, collected himself, and left silently.

Soon after he left, a fast horse entered the Jianlu camp from the back camp, and soon arrived at the Chinese army's tent.

"Master, the white pole army under Ma Xianglin is very cunning, they don't fight, they are stationed on the mountain. Now the battle over there is still in a stalemate!"

After hearing the report, Abatai's face was a little heavy.

This entry, compared to the previous ones, is really weird!

Logically speaking, this has just entered the customs not long ago, and the court of the Ming Dynasty is probably still discussing and discussing, so it is impossible to respond so quickly!Normally, by the time the Ming court sent reinforcements, Jizhou had already been captured by his side, and he had already gone to Shandong.

However, this time, only one day after I arrived in Jizhou, the Ming army surrounded me, as if I knew that the Qing army would enter the pass, and the first battle would be to fight Jizhou first.

But how is this possible!
Thinking of this, in Abatai's mind, he couldn't help but think of Kong Youde's worried face telling him about the apparition of Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty.

Perhaps, this explanation can explain the current weirdness.

However, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty appeared, how could this be possible!

If you really want to manifest, what will Daqing do?Even if it is Huang Ama who manifests, it cannot compare with the emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty who manifests!
No no no, this is absolutely impossible!

Abatai became a little irritable after thinking about it, it was definitely a coincidence, it just so happened that the Ming Kingdom was going to gather troops to Jizhou!It must be so!
As for why they gathered troops to Jizhou, I don't know for the time being, but we will know after winning this battle!
Yes, that's right, just win this battle, no matter what else!
So what if the Ming army is prepared, strength is everything!As long as the fist is hard enough, even if the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty shows his spirit, he can beat them until they lose their way!
Thinking of this, Abatai weighed it in his heart, and then ordered: "Send Turg to lead the troops over tomorrow morning, and win the battle here, and the other two white-armed armies will not be able to do anything." of!"


The white pole army is all infantry, even if they want to come here to support, there will be too little time.After solving the Ming army here, the battle can basically be said to be over!

After making all these arrangements, Abate finally fell asleep!

Early the next morning, the sky was twilight, and there were movements in both the Jianlu camp and the Ming army camp.

On the side of the military account of the Ming army, a military meeting is already being held.

It could be vaguely seen that there were red threads in Sun Chuanting's eyes, probably because he didn't sleep well last night!
Think about it, this battle is related to the fate of Ming Dynasty!The emperor has been preparing for so many months, and he is counting on winning this battle and turning things around in one fell swoop.

Such a major battle, it would be strange if he could sleep peacefully!

Thinking of this, they didn't dare to think about it any more, and quickly concentrated on listening to Sun Chuanting's speech.

I saw Sun Chuanting's dead fish face, without any expression, just glanced at them, and then shouted in a cold voice: "Today we will fight Jianlu, and there will only be one battle. All the generals must go all out. I will lead the Jinyiwei to supervise the battle." , anyone who dares to retreat will not be spared!"

"If you win, you won't have to worry about building captives, and you won't be able to re-enter the bandits for at least ten years; the imperial court will be able to concentrate its forces to wipe out the bandits!"

"If you lose, the fate of the country will be bleak, and there will be no hope of pacifying the world! You have failed His Majesty's high expectations. I and you are all sinners of the Ming Dynasty, and there is no redemption for a hundred deaths!"

"In this battle, Jianlu didn't know the details of our army. He used all his strength as soon as the battle started, and he never retreated. We can't give Jianlu a chance to slow down."

"I don't care about those who kneel down and surrender. Anyone who dares to resist, whether it is a Jian captive or a Mongolian Tartar, will be killed without mercy. This officer will not withdraw troops, and will keep chasing and killing until there is no enemy who resists!"

"Your Majesty has given us such a good opportunity to wipe out the enemy, we must fight to wipe out the enemy, kill kill kill!"

Hearing this, Zhou Yuji, Sun Yingyuan and the others looked serious, and immediately responded with fists in their hands, "Kill, kill, kill..."

(End of this chapter)

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