Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 274 The Big Eagle Catches Chickens

Chapter 274 The Big Eagle Catches Chickens

If it was really the Ming Emperor Taizu who appeared, then how could he, Abatai Hede, be defeated? Isn't it normal?
However, no matter what, the loss of entering the customs this time is too great!Leaving aside the Mongolian tribe, just bringing it from Liaodong is not what the Qing Dynasty can bear!
Think about it, the Liaodong side expected to wait for his side to plunder enough supplies and population in the pass, but the result was a loss of troops and heavy losses. Who can accept it?
Abate thought silently, but Kong Youde began to tell his discovery.

First of all, it was abnormal when they entered the customs. The Ming army divided into three groups and began to encircle them. This reaction speed was as if they knew in advance and prepared a trap to wait for them to enter the customs.Can a mortal have this kind of ability to predict the future?
Secondly, if there was such a powerful Ming army during the Battle of Songjin, why didn't they go to the Battle of Songjin?Why should the [-] Ming troops be lost in vain?Besides, that Hong Chengchou admitted that there is actually no army capable of fighting in the pass!

In other words, this strong army only came after the Battle of Songjin.Generally speaking, who can train such a powerful army in such a short period of time?
Besides, for this army, Kong Youde, as the party involved, is an authority on firearms in the Qing army. He can assure you that the firearms of the Ming army have a fast rate of fire and great power, whether it is a musket or a cannon. It is obviously much more powerful. of.

Also, there is such a strong armor, but everyone has a pair, what is this concept?The Qing Dynasty has fought for so many years and seized so much, but it can't do this.

As for the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty who was so poor, how could it have the ability to build so many armors in half a year?This is only possible unless it is transformed!
Also, Kong Youde began to demonstrate his point of view again based on the fact that the current emperor suddenly changed his personality.

After Balabala said a lot, Kong Youde looked at the prisoners in the Chinese army tent, and asked clearly: "You said, if the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty hadn't appeared, how could these things be explained?"

"..." The others in the Chinese military tent were silent after hearing this.

They had to admit that the Ming Dynasty was too weird this time, and they couldn't understand it according to normal understanding.

However, if you really want to admit that the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty appeared, how can you fight with the Ming Dynasty?The Taizu of the Ming Dynasty was born as a beggar and was a hero who drove such a powerful Mongolian Empire out of the pass!

Now that he has become a fairy, he must be even more powerful!
After a while, Turge still hesitated and asked: "The ordnance and armor of the Ming army are really so powerful, and they are all equipped?"

It is useless to think about the matter of the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. The most important thing is what to do now?
Therefore, Turg wanted to find out how powerful the Ming army was?

Hearing his words, Abatai continued to remain silent, but Kong Youde said excitedly: "Of course it is true, otherwise we would have lost? If you don't believe it, there are many in the army who witnessed that battle. Under the rain of arrows, there is nothing wrong with them, and the swords and guns can't hurt them at all, so if they are caught off guard, they will be defeated!"

Hearing his words, several Jian captives who fled back together in the Chinese army tent, including Wu Keshan from the Horqin clan, immediately nodded in agreement, that is indeed the case.

Seeing this, Turge was dumbfounded. This situation was beyond his imagination.

Among other things, he is very clear about the power of the armor alone.In the Qing army, it was clearly stipulated that the coat should not be armored, which can explain one or two.

At this moment, Abatai sighed and said: "It's useless to say these things. Now we have no food and grass, and the organizational system is chaotic. The Ming army will definitely launch an attack tomorrow morning. We must come up with a solution as soon as possible. "

In the current situation, it can be said that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and how to fight a war without capital?
This black light is blind, and there is no way to gather the remaining troops, let alone reorganize them.Surrounded by the Ming army, they may be attacked at dawn. It is really a desperate situation!
In the Chinese military tent, the quietness is a bit scary!
After a while, Abatay suddenly sighed, and said to Turg: "Tomorrow it will be dark, and you will lead the troops to break through. I will raise the banner, gather the remaining soldiers, attract the Ming army, and give you a chance."

Upon hearing this, Turge said with a little confidence: "Master Baylor, I should stay, and you lead the troops out of the customs?"

When Kong Youde heard it and glanced at him, he could clearly tell that he was speaking against his will.

Be polite, are you not afraid that Abate will take it seriously?
But Abatai obviously didn't care, he just said: "Do I still have the face to go back? Your Majesty will not let me go! That's it, you try to take people out of the prison as much as possible to reduce some losses, and at the same time give your majesty Report the situation on the Ming side!"

Hearing this, Turge couldn't help feeling a little regretful, he should have spoken louder just now!

Thinking this way, when he was about to say something more, Abatai had already turned his head, looked at Kong Youde and said, "You go back with me too!"

When Kong Youde heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised. Abatai didn't seem to treat him very much, but now that his life was at stake, he actually let him go back?
Others, in fact, can't figure it out.You know, those who stay are basically dead.Keeping these Han Chinese and fighting for the chance of survival for more clansmen, this is the right thing to do!
Perhaps Abatai knew what they were thinking, so he added: "In today's battle, I really saw the power of large-scale and sophisticated firearms. You are my great firearms talent in the Qing Dynasty, and you must not be broken in the pass."

Speaking of this, he still stared at Turge and said: "You have to pay attention, you must protect King Gongshun, even if you die, he can't die, you know?"

Just now Abatai explained the reason, and Turge could understand his request. After glancing at Kong Youde, he nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, Lord Baylor, I understand!"

Kong Youde was very grateful for hearing this, but after knowing the reason, he became silent.He himself felt that the pressure was great!
The power of the artillery and firearms of the imperial army was deeply imprinted in his mind.He is sure that the firearms troops of the Yongwei Battalion and the Jingying Battalion are stronger than the instructors of Flangji back then.

How can I bring out an army of firearms that can be more powerful than the Yongwei Battalion and the Jingying Battalion?No, even if it is quite level, I am afraid it will be difficult!
In the Qing army, only its own army is the firearms army. It does not mean that the Qing Dynasty advocates riding and shooting, but that there are not enough materials, including blacksmiths, and the output is limited.

Originally, before that, there were enough firearms in the Qing army.The guarantee is excellent, and the rewards and punishments are clearly defined, so there is no problem at all for the Ming army.

However now...

He was thinking about it, but Abatai was not idle, and was arranging the countermeasures for the next day.

The next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Abatai raised the banner and began to gather the remnants of the defeated generals who had not returned to the team.

It has to be said that the banner of the coach is very attractive to these remnants of the defeated generals.

When the Ming cavalry began to appear, about [-] people had already gathered around Abate.

Except for E Shuo's team and some of the troops he helped, the other Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars all starved and froze all night.Reporting to the group to keep warm did not alleviate their fear.

Unable to reorganize the system, Abatai just told his men that he would lead them to fight a way out.

Moreover, he also set an example, living in the forward position, guided by the handsome flag, and began to break through eastward.

The only advantage of today's Jianlu is that all these remnants and defeated generals have horses.Those without horses were killed or captured by the Ming army yesterday.

For the breakthrough of this Jianlu army, the Ming army naturally had expectations.More than [-] cavalry troops immediately rushed to the east to assist the Baigan Army and Guan Ning Army to intercept Jianlu and break through.

As long as the main force of the Ming army from Jizhou arrives, these Jian captives will be the turtles in the urn, and it is entirely possible to wipe them out.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Jianlu just shot a false shot, and when he saw that the Ming cavalry was mobilized, he immediately turned around and headed south.

Along the way is where the handsome flag is located, about [-] horses, rushing towards Jizhou.On the other road, there were about [-] troops, heading southwest, as if they were going to outflank the Ming infantry.

Needless to say, the Ming cavalry immediately intercepted them, including Guan Ning's army, and followed them in pursuit.

This time, Jianlu gave full play to the mobility of the cavalry.When encountering the formed Daming infantry, they stopped attacking and instead split into two, then four, and the troops began to disperse.

As I said before, the terrain of Jizhou includes the Yanshan Mountains and the North China Plain.

The Jianlu army who fled to the north yesterday hoped that the Jianlu army who fled there would feel safe; but now, they are fleeing for their lives, so it is naturally impossible for them to flee to the Yanshan Mountains, but instead fled into North China in the opposite direction. plain.

After the troops were dispersed, the Daming Cavalry Army was naturally the part that chased Jianlu Dayu, or had the most troops.

On Sun Chuanting's side, he was also caught off guard. The most important thing was that the terrain was not conducive to encirclement and suppression.Jianlu scattered and fled, making the encirclement and suppression more difficult, but this also shows that Jianlu has given up the possibility of fighting again.

To be honest, Jianlu, who has always been arrogant, did not even make a dying struggle, which surprised many people.

After hearing the report, Sun Chuanting, who was sitting at the head of the city of Jizhou, immediately noticed Jianlu's intentions and knew that Jianlu was going to escape from the pass.

However, for this, he has no good way.

The cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty was chasing the Jianlu, and the infantry rushed to the various passes to strengthen the defense, but it took time.

To be honest, once the cavalry is really trying to escape at all costs, it is very difficult to catch.

The large-scale eagle catching chickens unfolded in this area of ​​Jizhou.

Among them, the Abatai team attracted the most Ming cavalry!

(End of this chapter)

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