Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 277 Borrowing the East Wind

Chapter 277 Borrowing the East Wind

Emperor Chongzhen and Empress Zhou kept their eyes on the phone without blinking.

However, seeing that my eyes were sore, the phone was still lying there quietly, without any change.

After a while, suddenly, the phone rang while vibrating.

"La la la sway freely..."

Emperor Chongzhen watched carefully, and found that it was Liu Weichao who initiated the video communication with him, so he quickly connected.

"How is it, has your phone changed?" Liu Weichao asked excitedly when he saw the image of Emperor Chongzhen: "As expected, I guessed correctly, as soon as I changed my phone, this hyperspace communication software was on my new phone. You must have changed too, right?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen did not speak after hearing this, but turned his head to look at Empress Zhou, then turned his head, shook his head and replied, "My mobile phone is still the same as before, and it hasn't changed in any way!"

"Ah?" Liu Weichao was very surprised when he heard it, and quickly confirmed, "Is there really no change?"

If that's the case, it's still different from what he imagined.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded when he heard it, and when he was about to answer, he found that Empress Zhou pulled him, turned his head to look, but heard Empress Zhou whispered: "The voice is different!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he immediately came back to his senses, and quickly said to Liu Weichao: "By the way, the sound of the mobile phone is different. There was a reason before, but this time it has changed to something like la la la."

"Oh, the ringtone of the phone has changed! This is the ringtone of the new phone!" Liu Weichao listened, a little puzzled, and frowned for a moment.

Seeing him like this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't speak, and didn't bother him, let's see what he could come up with.

He knew very well about this kind of future stuff, he didn't have any right to speak, guessing it would only damage his image as the emperor.

After a while, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I probably understand that the limitation of time and space traversal may make data flow traversal easy, but material traversal is not as easy as data flow. Therefore, the mobile phone ringtone It will take effect if I change it, but I changed my phone, this may take a long time to take effect, or it may not take effect at all!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen just said "Oh" and didn't say anything extra.

Liu Weichao didn't care about Emperor Chongzhen's opinion, and just said according to his own thinking: "From this point of view, I thought about customizing the mobile phone, adding functions such as printing and scanning, it probably won't work. At least printing, That requires consumables such as ink, and time travel is difficult. Hehe..."

After speaking, he suddenly laughed.

Emperor Chongzhen was baffled, what was Liu Weichao laughing at?What's so funny?

I saw Liu Weichao stopped laughing, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I suddenly thought, if this is possible, then I can add functions such as airplanes, cannons and tanks to the mobile phone. If you travel through time, wouldn’t you be able to have planes, cannons and tanks at that time? Haha, this seems a bit too much, hehe..."

He thought about it for himself, who would be fooled by customizing such a mobile phone?Will those future time travel companies vomit blood?

But Emperor Chongzhen's eyes lit up when he heard it, looking forward to it.But in a blink of an eye, I realized that this was just Liu Weichao's imagination.

Ah, it's a pity that it's not true, otherwise, I would have seen those planes and tanks in my lifetime!
Seeing that the experiment was unsuccessful, Liu Weichao could still chat with Emperor Chongzhen and say that Pao Shun would help him make money, so he didn't care about the fact that the phone could not be replaced.

Putting this matter aside, he thought about the matter of Emperor Chongzhen, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Well, let me tell you, the battle of Jizhou is basically going to be won. I suggest you, be wise and brave, No matter what happens to him in the end, since he has worked hard now, he can no longer work hard, just wait for the result, so be more confident, just like..."

He originally wanted to say, just like the college entrance examination, don't think about whether you did well or not after the exam, right, it's unnecessary when you've already waited for the result.

But when I was about to say something, I felt that it would take some time to talk about it to Emperor Chongzhen, and it had nothing to do with Emperor Chongzhen, so I didn't want to say it.

"...You are the same as Emperor Taizu, so that your courtiers can trust you more. This will also help you do things in the future, right?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was a little moved, and of course he was happy to let others know that he was wise and powerful.However, he was still a little hesitant, so he asked Liu Weichao, "What if we are defeated? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless, so he asked her directly, "If you are really defeated, do you think your face is still important?"

"..." This time, it was Emperor Chongzhen's turn to be speechless.

Liu Weichao was right, if he was defeated, would he still care about face?That's the end of the country!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "I understand!"

Seeing him nodding, Liu Weichao showed a slight smile, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Let me tell you, you just treat this as a great victory. In theory, it should be a great victory. You prepare according to this, borrow this Dongfeng, implement some of your new policies."

"What new policy?" Emperor Chongzhen asked quickly after hearing this.

"I've thought about it for you. In your current situation, the reform that needs to be carried out most is..." Liu Weichao heard him ask, and immediately answered him, "Currency system reform!"

"Currency reform?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little puzzled when he heard it, but he didn't understand.

When Liu Weichao saw him, he explained to him: "I actually told you about the importance of currency before. Taking advantage of this great victory and your prestige has increased a lot, you should quickly settle the currency issue first. Of course , instead of using banknotes in one step, but using silver coins of face value."

Before Emperor Chongzhen could ask a question, he explained directly: "Don't you have a steam engine? You also have a stamping machine. You mix silver coins with other metals to mint your Chongzhen silver dollars and trade them at face value. This is metal currency and The transition of credit currency. Only by implementing it as soon as possible can your economy be revitalized, and your treasury revenue will not be copied from your home and home..."

Emperor Chongzhen was very interested, so he listened to Liu Weichao talking there.

On the contrary, Empress Zhou was also listening to it at first, but, listening to it, unconsciously, she fell asleep at some point!
I don't know how long it took, but she was woken up by Emperor Chongzhen, who excitedly said to her: "Copy out Liu Weichao's latest document tonight, I want it tomorrow morning!"

Empress Zhou knew that she had fallen asleep just now, she was a little embarrassed, she quickly agreed, and at the same time she was a little curious, what kind of document was it?
This time, Emperor Chongzhen went to sleep, and Empress Zhou summoned the trusted maids and servants in, and began to dictate the content.

Although this would disturb Emperor Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen himself requested that the mobile phone should not leave him no matter what.So, that's all.

Early the next morning, Emperor Chongzhen woke up, and the documents sent by Liu Weichao had been transcribed and sorted out.He took this document and hurried to the military bureau.

After that, whether it was a civil official or a general, it felt that Emperor Chongzhen had obviously changed.No longer as thoughtful as before, but full of confidence and drive.

One or two things can be felt in the will of the commanded them.

For example, in the face of Jianlu's re-invasion, there are many rumors in the capital city, all about how fierce Jianlu is, what places they plundered, and the Jingying and Yongwei Battalion are still recruits, who were beaten to death by Jianlu. of.

Emperor Chongzhen directly confessed that these rumors will be strictly investigated, and as long as they are discovered, they will be severely punished.

There are also those who use intimidation and rumors to increase prices, no matter what it is, as long as they think it is unreasonable, they will also be inspected.

Regardless of these rumors, who is the backer of the profiteers, in short, if the royal relatives and dignitaries are involved, they must be severely punished, and the reduction of nobles is a must.

If it was changed before, Emperor Chongzhen would definitely not be so strong.

But now, he is so strong.

Needless to say, the confidence of everyone in the capital for this battle has improved a lot.Many people even said that Emperor Taizu must have given advice to the current emperor, otherwise the performance would not be so different before and after!
Naturally, they didn't know that someone had pointed out Emperor Chongzhen, but it wasn't Emperor Taizu, but Liu Weichao from another world.

With this guess, think about it, Emperor Taizu pointed out, it must have been calculated, this time it will be a big victory.

Everyone couldn't help being very surprised at the thought of defeating Jianlu who invaded the pass.

Of course, based on the court's previous record, it's a bit ugly.Therefore, even if it is the blessing of an event such as the appearance of the emperor Taizu, for most people in the capital, they are still skeptical.

Some people believe that the Emperor Taizu's manifestation is more powerful; however, some people think that even if the Emperor Taizu manifests his spirit, the imperial army, which has always been defeated, can defeat Jianlu?Always feel a little hanging!

But no matter what, on the capital side, some confidence in the front-line war has been restored, and people are no longer so panicked, and prices have generally stabilized.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In the end, it still depends on whether the Jianlu can be defeated in this battle.

Everyone is waiting for news and results.

For most people, as long as the imperial army can prevent Jianlu from treating the land of Gyeonggi as their private land and restrict Jianlu, they think it is enough!
As for the nonsense about beating Jianlu to pieces, it's just talking to people, and it can't be taken seriously.

If there is no result in the war for a day, the capital will impose martial law early, and leave a little time to do some necessary things, such as purchasing food, firewood and the like.

On this day, it seemed that martial law was about to be imposed again. Suddenly, there was a loud cheer from the city gate.

(End of this chapter)

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