Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 295 Hematemesis

Chapter 295 Hematemesis
The noise was a little far away, and from this we could tell that it must be a huge noise, otherwise it would not have been heard so far away.

In this snowy weather, it was still very quiet before, why there is such a loud noise all of a sudden?
For a moment, Hong Chengchou was stunned, so that he didn't finish speaking.

But he soon came to his senses, no matter how noisy outside it was, it didn't matter to him.Now that he is in front of the imperial court, he must perform better. If he can persuade the two Koreans to submit to the Qing Dynasty, then his ability will be further displayed in front of the Qing emperor.

To be honest, Hong Chengchou is actually a little dissatisfied with his current situation.

He thinks that he is full of knowledge and talent, and after surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, he will reuse it no matter what!

As a result, although the Qing emperor respected him very much and always referred to him as "Sir", he just refused to appoint him an official or give him real power, which made him a little anxious secretly, thinking about how to express himself.

Therefore, after recovering from his senses, Hong Chengchou continued to say to Jin Shangxian and Lin Qingye: "The Ming country under such circumstances is already hard to protect itself. I dare to say that it is indeed exhausted. The so-called people who know the current affairs are heroes. You two When you see the situation clearly and serve the Qing Dynasty, you will definitely be able to make contributions and make a name in history in the future, so that you can live up to the abilities of the two of you, isn't it?"

Huang Taiji sitting on the throne naturally heard the commotion outside, and frowned suddenly. This kind of situation is really very rare, especially in this cold winter and the twelfth lunar month.No matter what it was, he was very displeased with such noise.

But when he heard that Hong Chengchou was continuing to speak, he ignored the outside, anyway, if something happened, he would naturally come to report to him.

After listening to Hong Chengchou's speech, Huang Taiji was very satisfied, so he looked at the two North Koreans, smiled and said: "As long as you can sincerely submit to the Qing Dynasty, I can go to your king and ask him to appoint you two as ministers." The head of North Korea's civil and military affairs!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Qingye, who was full of oil, immediately replied: "Okay, okay, the guilty minister sincerely surrenders to the Qing Dynasty!"

"..." When Huang Taiji heard this, he was very dissatisfied.

This Lin Qingye already has a criminal record.On the surface, they surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, but secretly opposed the Qing Dynasty, and colluded with the Ming Dynasty, which was not good for the Qing Dynasty.If Lin Qingye agreed, it would be like farting, so he would not believe it.

But Jin Shangxian, he has been unwilling to surrender, if he can change his mind, he can believe it.

Therefore, Huang Taiji ignored Lin Qingye and stared at Jin Shangxian.

However, Jin Shangxian did not say anything, just stared at Hong Chengchou, and suddenly said: "I have admired Master Hong's reputation for a long time, and I admire him very much, how about sending a couplet to Master Hong?"

When Hong Chengchou heard this, he turned his head and glanced at Huang Taiji, feeling very happy in his heart, was he convinced by himself?In other words, his own identity gave him a great shock.

Thinking of this, after seeing Huang Taiji nodding, he turned his head and said to Jin Shangxian: "I heard that Lord Jin wrote a lot of poems during his stay in Shengjing, so he must be very talented. I really want to listen carefully to what Lord Jin said. couplet!"

Since Jin Shangxian complimented him, Hong Chengchou changed his name to him, and he no longer spoke condescendingly.

However, Jin Shangxian was expressionless, and said in a cold voice: "The couplet I sent to Mr. Hong, the first couplet is loyalty, filial piety, etiquette and integrity, and the second couplet is one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. I haven't thought about it for the time being. It's better to let Mr. Hong Help me think of one?"

Huang Taiji next to him was a little happy when he heard it. The couplet that Jin Shangxian gave Hong Chengchou actually praised him so much, even mentioning loyalty and righteousness.Does this mean that Jin Shangxian changed his attitude and would really submit to the Qing Dynasty?Haha, it is really useful to persuade them as Hong Chengchou.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw Hong Chengchou's face turn pale, he slammed the table, pointed at Jin Shangxian, and shouted sharply, "How courageous!"

However, Jin Shangxian was not afraid at all, just sneered.On the other hand, Lin Qingye laughed immediately, as if he had seen something very funny.

When Huang Taiji saw him, he didn't understand what was going on for a while, but seeing the expressions of the few of them, he suddenly understood.

The first couplet lacks a "shame", and the second couplet forgets "eight", which is clearly calling Hong Chengchou a shameless bastard!

After understanding the truth in this couplet, Huang Taiji was furious immediately.

Because he found out that these two North Koreans were not willing to enter, and still refused to submit to the Qing Dynasty, and all his hard work was in vain, so he was so angry that he just killed him!
While thinking about it, Huang Taiji suddenly felt dizzy.

He knew something was wrong, he was in a hurry, and it was not good for his health, so he forcibly suppressed his anger, and after he calmed down, he waited to speak.

But at this moment, hurried footsteps were heard outside.Immediately, the door of the main hall was pushed open with a "bang".

"Master, it's not good!" While speaking, I saw Oboi, the commander of the guards, turned around the screen, and knelt down to Huang Taiji with a little panic, and said, "The army is defeated and returned!"

Originally, when entering the hall, one would gently push the door and then close it immediately, lest the cold wind outside pour into the hall.

However, today's Oboi pushed open the palace door with all his might, and didn't even have the heart to close the palace door, and went directly to the front of the imperial court.

Also, Oboi is the Batulu of the Qing Dynasty, facing life and death without fear, and when attacking Phi Island, he was the first to rush to Phi Island.

Such a person now has a look of panic, and his panic immediately attracted everyone.

Including Jin Shangxian and Lin Qingye, who didn't understand why for a while, and stared at Oboi who was kneeling on the ground.

Huang Taiji was very shocked, but at the same time he was a little puzzled, and immediately asked: "What are you talking about when the army returns after being defeated?"

He only heard Oboi pointing his finger outside, and hurriedly said: "Zheng Ming's deputy general Turge pleaded guilty outside the palace gate, and the army of his troops only came back about fifteen thousand!"

"What?" When Huang Taiji heard this, at a speed that didn't fit his fat body, as if he was sitting under his buttocks was a hedgehog, he stood up with a "whoosh", and the movement was so big that he even bumped into him. He knocked off the bowls and dishes on the table, but he didn't realize it, he just stared at Oboi and shouted sharply: "Say it again!"

Seeing the unbelievable expression on Huang Taiji's face.Obviously, he should have heard clearly, but he didn't believe what he heard, so he asked Oboi to say it again.

Not only him, but Hong Chengchou standing beside him unconsciously stood up and stared at Aobai with an unbelievable expression on his face, as if seeing a ghost, as surprised as he wanted.

He is the clearest about the situation inside the pass.As he told Huang Taiji, in his opinion, the pass is completely rotten.Especially after the entire army was annihilated in the Battle of Songjin, he couldn't figure out what else the court could do to stabilize the situation.

If as expected, the court after the war may not even be able to suppress the rogues, let alone defeat the rogues.

Since it is impossible to defeat even the bandits, what will the imperial court use to defeat such a powerful Qing army when hundreds of thousands of Qing troops enter the pass?
Anyway, even if Hong Chengchou was killed, his brain turned rapidly, and he never thought of the possibility that the imperial court could defeat the hundreds of thousands of Qing troops!
In his opinion, don't say [-], even if it is impossible!
Compared to them, Jin Shangxian and Lin Qingye were not so shocked.After hearing the news, although they were also shocked, there was a hint of excitement in the shock.

The Ming Empire is such a huge behemoth, no matter how many defeats it has fought, but the foundation lies there, what happened to defeating you Jianlu?What is impossible?
At this time, Obai became anxious when he heard Huang Taiji's request, and quickly replied: "Master, Turge is outside, there will be no fakes!"

After finishing speaking, when he wanted to say more, he saw his master spat out a mouthful of blood in a "poof", spit it all over the table in front of him and the ground.

Before the mouthful of old blood was finished, the person fell backwards.So, he saw this old blood sprayed into the sky and fell on himself.

Seeing this, Oboi was frightened out of his wits, he immediately rushed over with one stride, regardless of his dignity.

However, his movements were still a bit late, Huang Taiji fell backwards, even though he fell on the chair, but his head fell back and hit the back of the chair heavily.Then, the obese body burrowed into the ground.

"Master, master..." Oboi rushed forward, hurriedly helped Huang Taiji, trying to help him onto the seat.

However, even if he was named Batulu of the Great Qing by Huang Taiji, the weight of a fat man like Huang Taiji was just there, and he couldn't help him up all of a sudden.

At this time, fortunately, the other yellow jackets had come to their senses, and rushed over one after another, rushing to help Huang Taiji.

Hong Chengchou was dumbfounded watching this scene.At this moment, he didn't think about anything in his head, just stared blankly.

The things in front of him are really beyond the range of his reason.

The imperial court defeated more than [-] Qing troops, but only about [-] fled back to Liaodong?

The emperor of the Qing Dynasty vomited blood, and the personnel did not know?
What exactly happened here?
It can't be that he is dreaming, right?These are so unrealistic!

Jin Shangxian and Lin Qingye were also dumbfounded, but the two of them were more watching the excitement, gloating in their hearts.

The Ming army defeated Jianlu, this had better be true, it must be true!

Emperor Jianlu vomited blood. He didn't know about personnel affairs. It's better to die. This is the happiest thing I've seen this year!

When the hall was in chaos, there were chaotic footsteps outside, and then a large group of people broke in.

(End of this chapter)

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