Chapter 297

Turger knew that they would not believe it, so he hastily described what happened after entering the customs in detail.

Of course, everyone talks and has their ass.When Turg reported the progress of the battle, he justified himself in the words.

For example, he emphasized that he followed Abatai's military order and led his troops to deal with the white pole army in the west, and did not participate in the main decisive battle.It's just that they encountered the retreating main force of Abatai on the road, and his side was dragged down and defeated.

Why did the main force lose in the decisive battle, and lose so quickly? When it came to this point, he told Huang Taiji: "Master, Duo Luo spared Yu Baylor to lure the enemy with his body and cover us to escape. The probability is It was lost. However, King Gong Shun, who participated in the decisive battle, has escaped and is outside."

Hearing his words, although the group of slave chieftains had many doubts, they naturally called Kong Youde into the palace in order to find out the truth of the matter.

This traitor is obedient to the king, not much better than Turge.After losing the battle and fleeing, they all fled all the way back to Liaodong without rest.

However, Huang Taiji didn't seem to notice what he said, and just said coldly: "Tell me, why did this bastard, Abate, lose in a decisive battle with the Ming army?"

Kong Youde looked at Turge, who was kneeling beside him, and was a little puzzled. Why did Huang Taiji ask this question? Since Turge came to report first, he should have made it clear, right?
But doubts are doubts. Since Huang Taiji asked, he dared not not answer, so he replied to Huang Taiji: "Your Majesty, the main force of the Ming army is all wearing solid armor, which is invulnerable to swords and guns. They are all equipped with self-generating firecrackers with a range of It is farther than ordinary firecrackers and powerful. The Mongols fled first under the hard battle, so that the whole army collapsed!"

It has to be said that his answer accurately summarized the real reason for the battle that day.

However, none of the people present believed his words except Turg.

As soon as his words fell, Duoduo kicked up first. Fortunately, when Kong Youde hid his upper body, he didn't kick his head, but just kicked him on the shoulder, kicking him backwards and falling to the ground. At the same time, Duoduo shouted sharply: "Well, you bastard, do you think I'm easy to deceive? They're all in solid armor, invulnerable to swords and guns. You don't want to die, do you?"

This time, Hauge, who had always been at odds with Duduo, unexpectedly agreed with him. He also stepped forward, kicked Kong Youde hard, and scolded: "Do you think we are idiots? If you say such things, we Will you believe it? You damn thing, I can't kick you to death!"

While talking, he started kicking Kong Youde again.

Turge, who was kneeling next to him, turned his head and glanced at Kong Youde, who was being kicked with his head in his arms, and felt lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't say this and let Kong Youde do it first.

"Enough!" In the end, it was Huang Taiji who gave a cold snort, and finally stopped Hauge and Duoduo, and let go of Kong Youde, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Your Majesty, everything that the last general said is true, and I dare not say a single word that is not true!" Kong Youde hastily explained to himself again, at the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Turg kneeling there, and had an idea Under the circumstances, he quickly added: "If you don't believe it, Turg can testify!"

In a hurry, he didn't care about those who were official or not, and just called them by their first names.

Seeing Kong Youde like this, Huang Taiji couldn't help being suspicious, turned his head to stare at Turge, and shouted coldly: "Speak!"

After hearing this, Turge hurriedly reported, "Your Majesty, I don't know if all the Ming soldiers wear solid armor, but the Ming soldiers that the last general encountered were indeed wearing solid armor, which is impenetrable with bows and arrows, and impenetrable with knives!"

Even he said that, everyone in the hall couldn't help but looked at each other.In their hearts, there is such a question: how is this possible?
Turge said this, but he was not beaten, and he didn't know if he was in order to prevent possible beatings. He quickly added: "Your Majesty, if you don't believe me, you can call Wu Keshan of the Horqin tribe for questioning. He also participated in the decisive battle of the main force. Anyone who has escaped back can ask. The last general asked, and they said the same."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but pay attention to the movement outside.

At this time, it could be clearly heard that there seemed to be crying coming from outside.

If it's just one or two crying, you can't hear it.This is because a lot of people in Shengjing City are crying, so there is such a big movement!

Thinking about it, about [-] people went out to fight, and only [-] people escaped in the end. It is estimated that every household in Shengjing City died, so the crying was louder.

As soon as he thought about it, Huang Taiji felt a pain in his heart, and then something rushed into his throat.

Fortunately, this time, he suffocated it and swallowed it again.

In this battle, no matter what, the Qing Dynasty suffered heavy losses, which was unprecedentedly heavy!

Over there, Duoduo, the owner of the Xiangbai Banner, believed what his Gushan Ezhen Turg said, but he still said furiously: "What's the matter, where did Minggou get so many armors? Is it only some family members who wear armor? Didn’t you say that the Ming army has been wiped out, so there is no decent army in the pass?”

Before the expedition, everyone thought so.

At this time, after hearing what Duoduo said, everyone wanted to figure out the problem.

No, Azig turned his head to look, and immediately stepped forward, went to the corner and grabbed Hong Chengchou's collar, and shouted sharply: "Is that what you said? How do you explain it?"

The look in his eyes staring at Hong Chengchou was fierce, as if he was going to eat Hong Chengchou if he made a mistake.

In the thirty-nine years since Hong Chengchou was a child, has he ever been treated so rudely by someone by his collar?

Especially in today's background, under the premise of finding the blame for a huge defeat, Hong Chengchou saw that he had become the focus of the defeat, and looked at such cannibalistic eyes, even though he thought his brain was better than these tartars. , and couldn't help trembling with fright, he stammered and said: "I...I...slave...slave really don't know!"

Unable to hear a satisfactory answer, Azig dragged Hong Chengchou to the center of the hall with all his strength, threw him to the ground with force, and at the same time sternly shouted: "Be honest, do you have ulterior motives and deliberately concealed the truth from the Ming army?" strength?"

Before, Huang Taiji respected Hong Chengchou very much and called him "Sir", but now, he was treated like a dog by Azig, even worse than a dog.

Regarding this, Huang Taiji had no intention of reprimanding Azig for not being rude to Hong Chengchou at all.He just stared coldly at Hong Chengchou, who had fallen to his knees, and waited for him to speak.

Poor Hong Chengchou, at this time, no longer cared about his talent and IQ at all, and his movements were exceptionally agile. He turned over, knelt down on his knees, weeping, and quickly argued: "The slaves really don't know. If the court has so many Why didn’t they use armor during the Battle of Songjin, so that the entire army of [-] was wiped out, it doesn’t make sense!”

Upon hearing this, Turg, who was kneeling beside him, stopped doing it, slapped him, and yelled at the same time: "Fuck you, you mean to kill me, I lied to you, all of us Is it a lie?"

He was a little short in front of those princes Baylor, but facing the former governor of Ming Dynasty Ji Liao, who is now a prisoner, just a dog of the Qing Dynasty, he was full of confidence, and he slapped him without thinking about whether to do it or not of.

With a "slap", Hong Chengchou was knocked down to the other side.

It just so happened that Kong Youde, who was kneeling here, bumped Hong Chengchou back with his shoulder, and shouted at the same time: "Civilian officials don't have any good things. Those who lie to others, who else do they want to fool?"

Apart from his fondness for Sun Yuanhua, Kong Youde really hated other civil servants.

When Hong Chengchou was treated like this, he was really anxious, and he didn't care about any face or face, so he quickly straightened his body, kowtowed to Huang Taiji, and cried: "Your Majesty, what this servant said is true, there is no falsehood! If I knew that the imperial court had so many armors, I would definitely ask the imperial court for them. Also... Also, Your Majesty... No... The emperor of Ming Dynasty trusted the servants a lot. If there were so many armors, he would definitely give some to the servants Yes, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty would never think of losing such a big battle, Your Majesty, believe in this servant, the servant is really telling the truth..."

Listening to him crying, Huang Taiji actually believed it, and Hong Chengchou probably didn't tell lies.

In any case, if the Ming court really had so many armors, it would certainly be impossible to sit back and watch the battle of Songjin be defeated.There are so many armors, they have been taken out a long time ago!

However, according to Turge and Kong Youde, their words seem to be true.At least [-] people have escaped back. If the words are not true, you can find out by asking them later!
Since neither of them is lying, can it be said that the armor of the Ming army was forged after the Battle of Songjin?

But how is this possible?
In addition to armor, there are more sophisticated self-generated firecrackers, and the Beijing camp, which has always been unbearable, how can it fight tough battles, and it is still a field battle?

These things are so unimaginable that, honestly, they seem impossible.However, if these things were impossible, how could the hundreds of thousands of Qing troops and the less than [-] Ming troops fight back in defeat?
Huang Taiji thought about these things, and asked questions one after another. After thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more annoying he became, and the more he couldn't think about it. Finally, under the watchful eyes of these people in the hall, with a "poof", another mouthful of old blood spurted out , as if it was raining blood.

"His Majesty……"


"Huang Ama..."

In the main hall, there was a sudden exclamation, and many people rushed over to help Huang Taiji who was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Inside the hall, there was chaos again.

(End of this chapter)

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