Chapter 300

However, Huang Taiji's situation is not good, and he feels a little dying.

After waiting for a long time, I finally heard Huang Taiji's will, which is to let them, the princes, take care of themselves and deal with this incident properly.

After saying these words, Huang Taiji seemed to faint again.

When Bumbutai saw him, he began to chase away people crying.If you don't leave and affect Huang Taiji's recuperation, then you want Huang Taiji to die!
When Dorgon and others saw it, they didn't dare to stay any longer, so they moved to Chongzheng Hall to discuss matters.

In the panic, no one cared about Hong Chengchou. As for Jin Shangxian and Lin Qingye, they went back and forth, and no one cared about the two North Koreans.

After re-doing according to seniority in Chongzheng Hall, everyone looked at the top Daishan, waiting for him to speak.

Such a big fiasco should be the biggest fiasco since Nurhachi raised his troops, and it was a complete defeat!
It's really hard to deal with this matter.These people present can be said to be the first encounters.

They were looking forward to what the eldest Daishan could say.

In the end, to their surprise, Daishan rubbed his forehead with a bit of pain and said, "It's really troublesome, I have this old problem again, and I have a terrible headache, please discuss it, and leave me alone!"

In recent years, he has indeed faded out of the power center.

However, most of the people present also knew that the reason why Daishan was like this was actually suppressed by Huang Taiji.

Back then, when the Eight Kings discussed politics, the Four Great Baylors, Daishan, Mang Gurtai, Amin, and Huang Taiji had the most power to speak, and they all wanted to fight for the power of Jianlu.

As a result, after the fight, Mang Gurtai was strongly suppressed by Huang Taiji, cut his rank, etc., and finally became depressed and died of a sudden illness. He was forty-six years old and was liquidated after his death.

And Amin, on the surface, was looking for death by himself, and finally died under confinement by Huang Taiji.

Dai Shan actually knew what was going on with these two Baylors.

Facing the powerful Huang Taiji, he felt that it was impossible for him to fight alone, so he calmed down and didn't dare to fight with Huang Taiji anymore, so he began to fade out of the Jianlu power center and didn't care about things for a long time.

At this time, Daishan was going to be the shopkeeper again, and the others really had nothing to say.

When Dorgon saw him, he said, "I think the most important thing for now is to report to Prince Zheng and ask him to be careful that the Ming army might attack him, so be prepared. It’s okay to withdraw to Haizhou. The second is to count the casualties and losses, and do a good job of appeasement!”

The Prince Zheng he mentioned refers to the Heshuo Prince Zheng Jierhalang, who is currently sitting in Jinzhou.

Hundreds of thousands of troops entered the customs and were all defeated by the Ming army. It is very possible that the Ming army will take advantage of this great victory to attack Jinzhou.

Therefore, Dorgon's first thought was to inform Jierhalang to take precautions.

If it was the past, if the Ming army dared to attack, they would be eager, because in this way, they would be able to wipe out more Ming troops in the field.

However, it was still because of this battle that even if the Ming army set up an ambush in the pass, they still defeated hundreds of thousands of Qing troops in field battles.They had no idea how strong the Ming army was in field battles.

This is also the case, and Dorgon suggested that if Jierhalang felt that he could not stand it, he could give up Jinzhou and other places and retreat to Haizhou, where Jianlu had stronger control.Instead of Shengjing organizing troops to reinforce and fight the Ming army.

Regarding the two points he said, even if he was as arrogant as Duoduo and Haoge, he had no objection.

Although they did not personally participate in the battle of Jizhou, it also left a shadow in their hearts that they did not want to admit.

Seeing that they all agreed, Dorgon turned to look at Daishan who was rubbing his head.

Seeing his gaze, Daishan had no choice but to say: "I admire your ability, and I have no objection!"

After hearing this, Dorgon frowned slightly, why did he feel a little awkward!
But he didn't want to worry too much, turned around, and said to these people present: "The responsibility for this battle is probably caused by a few Shanxi merchants who tipped off the news and assassinated my Qing Dynasty. Of course, as the coach, Abatai , his crime is inevitable, and his title will be reduced. However, he attracted the Ming army to die in the pass to cover the retreat of the defeated army.

When Hauge heard this, he immediately became unwilling, and immediately stood up and said, "After such a big defeat, is it just cutting the rank? Let me tell you, we must not let it go easily..."

Before he finished speaking, Dorgon interrupted him with a cold face, "Don't tell me you want everyone in the Qing Dynasty to know that this battle is our problem, so we can't defeat the Ming army? If that's the case, why don't you Come on, or how about you lead the army to fight him a big victory to revive the morale of the army?"

"If I come, I will come. I don't believe it. When will the dog be so powerful..." After hearing this, Hauge took the words without even thinking about it, and almost slapped his chest.

But before he finished speaking, Daishan said a little irritably: "Do you think you are better than us? Can you save Huang Ama some snacks?"

Hearing this, Hauge opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't dare to speak anymore.

When Daishan saw it, he signaled Dorgon to continue.

Obviously, his headache is probably fake. When it's time for him to talk, when he thinks it's time to talk, he can still talk.

When Dorgon saw it, he didn't shirk it, and continued to say seriously: "This defeat, the first is that those Shanxi merchants were captured by the Ming court to work for the Ming court, and informed the Ming court. That's why the army was encircled by hundreds of thousands of Ming troops as soon as they entered the pass!"

"..." Haoge opened his mouth when he heard this, wanting to correct the mistakes in Dorgon's words, but seeing Daishan's eyes staring at him, he remembered what Daishan said just now, so he had to shut up.

I only heard Dorgon continue to say: "Secondly, the Ming country is rich all over the world, and has prepared in advance, and gathered a lot of armor for the first-line Ming army. As for the Ming army's entire army has solid armor, that is a rumor, it is simply a lie. impossible things!"

"Thirdly, the Aohan tribe has been secretly bought by the court of the Ming Dynasty. During the war, the morale of the army was shaken, and they mutinied before the battle. This is the reason for this great defeat!" After Dorgon said this, he glanced at the people in the hall, and saw that they seemed to be I understood what he said.

Therefore, he solemnly announced: "Therefore, the results of the treatment are as follows: First, the two Shanxi merchants were killed alive. They were the chief culprits for the failure of this battle, and they avenged the dead warriors of the Qing Dynasty..."

Hearing this, no one said anything, they were just two Shanxi merchants, if they were killed, they would be killed.

"...Secondly, Turge discovered that the Aohan tribe secretly led the Ming Dynasty and was an accomplice in the defeat of the Qing Dynasty this time, so he wiped out his tribe."

Hearing Dorgon's treatment, Turge, who was kneeling over there, was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he passed the level.

Not only will he not be held accountable for his defeat, but even the matter of destroying the Aohan tribe in order to survive has a legitimate reason and has become irresponsible.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he was a man with a white banner.

"...Thirdly, Abatai, the commander of the Qing Dynasty, was tricked by traitors. When he was in a tight siege, he upheld the style of a warrior of the Qing Dynasty, attracted the Ming army with his body, and covered the Qing army to break through. Although there are mistakes, there are merits , punish him by cutting the noble, and think of others as a warning!"

Speaking of this, Dorgon raised his voice and said solemnly: "The Qing army suffered a defeat because of a momentary carelessness. If the Ming army dares to go out, it will be my opportunity for the Qing to take revenge. The Qing will surely win." !"

After speaking, he looked at everyone present, waiting for them to express their views.

The princes present were all accustomed to fighting.Even Hauge is the leader of the war.

They all know very well that there must be nothing wrong with the morale of the army.Once the morale of the army cannot be raised because of this big defeat, and the Qing Dynasty has no strength and material advantages in the face of the Ming Dynasty, it will be impossible to fight.

Therefore, no one has any objections to Dorgon's dispositions, especially after Daishan has clicked.

To sum up, in fact, it means that this war is not a crime of war, it is all the fault of the Jin merchants, and the fault of the Aohan tribe. The Qing is still invincible. If there is another war in the future, the Qing will definitely win!

With no one objecting, Dorgon's countermeasures were written into a memorial, which was immediately sent to Huang Taiji for review and final decision.

While waiting for Huang Taiji's reply, no one in the Chongzheng Hall spoke, as if they were all listening to the sound of mourning in Shengjing City.

Even Hauge and Doduo, who are usually arrogant, look a little depressed.

Thinking about it, this time the defeat was too miserable, so many Qing warriors died, it was really a bit traumatic!
In a quiet environment, the footsteps of the commander of the guards, Oboi, were extraordinarily loud.

These princes Baylor looked up and saw him, and they all stood up.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Aobai, but Aobai brought back Huang Taiji's will.

As Dorgon expected, Huang Taiji agreed to all of his disposals.Not only that, but he also asked Obai to pass on the decree and gave Dorgon and the others some information about the current material reserves of the Qing Dynasty.

This, only the emperor Huang Taiji has the summary data in his hands. The meaning given to Dorgon and the others is that Huang Taiji urgently needs to recuperate from his illness. After he has dealt with the defeat signal, he still needs their princes to discuss material matters. .

There is no way to deal with this matter for the time being, so many people have died, it is enough for Dorgon and others to be busy.

While counting the casualties and comforting the families of the soldiers who died in the battle, they also issued a notice explaining the specific details of the war.

Afterwards, Dorgon and others transferred Shengjing's sadness and anger to the two Shanxi merchants, and held a very grand live cutting meeting.

Jin Liangyu and Wang Dayu probably never expected that they would be treated the same as Abate who was far away in the capital.

Of course, there is also a difference, that is, the two of them knew that they were dedicated to serving the Qing Dynasty, but they were killed by the Qing Dynasty. This is the fate of forgetting their ancestors!

(End of this chapter)

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