Chapter 303 What?

Li Yan was talking eloquently, when suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, but it was a tiger Li Guo, who was on duty as a sentry guard, walked in quickly.

His movement was a bit loud, and everyone's attention in the lobby was attracted to him.

Seeing that Li Guo was very excited, they were a little curious, what could make a tiger so happy?

They were thinking about it when they saw a tiger walking quickly to the side of Li Yan, who was talking eloquently, and clasped his fists with both hands and loudly reported to Li Zicheng: "General, I just got the news that the eight kings successively captured Danshui, Huangzhou, Macheng. After recruiting tens of thousands of people, they took Hanyang to the west, crossed the Yangtze River from Yadanzhou, and quickly captured Wuchang Fucheng."




As soon as he said the news, there was a sudden exclamation.

You know, they came all the way south, and the offensive was not smooth, but they didn't expect that Zhang Xianzhong's side would be so powerful there, they took down so many cities, even the important town of Wuchang?Such a comparison seems a bit unbelievable!

Li Guo glanced at the people in the hall, and nodded when he saw their surprise, and then continued to add: "Wuchang is the residence of Zhu Huakui, the king of Chu. The officials who guarded the city fled after hearing the news, and the soldiers recruited by the king of Chu were internal responses. The city gates were opened to welcome the Eight Great Kings. According to rumors, the Eight Great Kings executed the Queen of Chu and shared her meat with his subordinates. At the same time, they took away all the gold, silver and jewels from the Palace of Chu. It took hundreds of carts to finish it. They also distributed more than six million taels of silver, gathered refugees from all over the country, and are expanding the army!"




Hearing this, there was another burst of exclamation.It's not that they heard that the Eight Great Kings cannibalized human flesh, but they didn't expect that the King of Chu had so much gold, silver and jewels, hundreds of carts hadn't been pulled out, and the silver alone was able to scatter more than six million taels. This is really envious of them!
Li Guo hadn't finished speaking yet, and after hearing the exclamation, he seemed to be expecting it, and finally turned to Li Zicheng, and said: "It is rumored that the Eight Great Kings are in Wuchang, and they have called themselves Daxi Kings and established the Daxi Kingdom. Set up the six ministries and five armies, and appoint local officials. Changed Wuchang to Tianshou Mansion, Jiangxia to Shangjiang County, and I heard that there will be a department to recruit scholars and recruit talents.”




In the lobby, there was another exclamation.

This is really simple, people can't compare with each other!

Comparing the situation of my own family with that of the Eight Great Kings, it is really inferior immediately!
You know, in the past, the strength on my side was much stronger than that of the Eight Great Kings.But now, people are booming!
Thinking of this, Liu Zongmin looked at Li Yan a little bit of an eyesore, and immediately shouted to Li Yan: "You are a poor scholar, useless, return the hearts of the people? People's hearts, your mother! If you really want to follow what you said, the Eight Great Kings How do you say it? You are such a useless egg, you only know that Bibi..."

When he said this, Li Yan's face was a bit ugly, but before he said anything, the red lady next to him was unwilling, and immediately stepped out, pointing at Liu Zongmin's nose and scolding: "You blacksmith-born shabby , I only have brute force, I don’t have a brain, and I dare to say that my husband..."

Liu Zongmin was scolded by a woman like this, and he didn't realize it at all. He was the one who provoked the trouble first, so he got angry immediately, and punched the red lady with a wave of his hand.

Li Guo who happened to be at the side saw him, regardless of whether the matter was right or wrong, persuading the fight is the first priority, so he rushed to stop Liu Zongmin's punch, and at the same time persuaded: "What are you doing, talk well, and you still have to fight? "

"Get out of the way!" Liu Zongmin didn't listen to him at all, and when he saw him standing in front of him, he shouted sharply, "If you dare to protect this bitch, I will even beat you!"

When Li Guo heard this, he was immediately angry, and just when he was about to say "then draw the road", Li Zicheng became furious, and slammed the table with a "snap" sound, which surprised Luo Rucai who was beside him. .

"What are you all doing? Don't you take me seriously?"

Once he got mad, the people below didn't dare to make a fuss.The same goes for Liu Zongmin, he only has one Li Zicheng in his eyes, and he will still listen to what Li Zicheng has to say.

As a result, the lobby finally fell silent.

At this time, Li Zicheng was naturally very unhappy.

That Zhang Xianzhong, he really looked down on, and the two sides had a falling out.At this time, I heard that Zhang Xianzhong, who was originally not as strong as himself, had conquered so many places and obtained so much money. Not only was he recruiting troops, but he even dared to establish the Daxi Kingdom and call himself the King of Daxi.I just called myself "the civil and military general of the Fengtian Initiative Battalion", and I was riding on my own head!
In this case, it's no wonder Li Zicheng is happy.

He naturally didn't know that in the original history, this was not the case.This happened because a mobile phone triggered the butterfly effect.

According to the original historical development, within this year, he won the battle of Zhuxian Town, obtained supplementary troops and supplies, captured Kaifeng, gained momentum, went south to reoccupy Xiangyang, and then established Dashun country.

Zhang Xianzhong was afraid of him and was afraid of being annexed by him, so he hurried south to stay away from Xiangyang.

Then, Li Zicheng went north to seize Guanzhong, ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. This was when he was most energetic.

However, on this plane, without the battle of Zhuxian Town, not to mention the lack of replenishment of troops and supplies, the battle of Weihui also caused him to lose troops and generals. Kaifeng was not defeated in the end, and countless supplies and food were wasted.The morale of the army was not high, so they were forced to go south to replenish supplies.

On Zhang Xianzhong's side, because of the butterfly effect, Sun Yingyuan and Huang Degong on the Jiangnan side were transferred to the north, and Liu Liangzuo was ordered to guard Fengyang and not attack.As a result, Zhang Xianzhong's pressure was greatly reduced immediately.

Originally, he had to wait until the [-]th year of Chongzhen to conquer Wuchang, so it was so early.

Without Li Zicheng's so much pressure, Zhang Xianzhong is obviously doing well.As a result, he was more energetic than Li Zicheng.

At this time, after the hall became quiet, Li Zicheng asked Li Yan very unhappyly: "You said that the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are united and will resist with blood and blood. Then let me ask you, what about Wuchang? Why is Zhang Xianzhong able to recruit troops? Can you take down Wuchang?"

Li Yan obviously still believed in his own opinion. After thinking for a while, he replied to Li Zicheng: "The Eight Great Kings can achieve such achievements, and it must be what the people want. If I am not wrong, it is because the king of Chu has no way, and the people's grievances are boiling. It will be like this. Otherwise, this king of Chu is like the king of Zhou in Kaifeng, I don't believe that Zhang Xianzhong can take down Wuchang!"

Speaking of this, he said to Li Zicheng with a very sincere expression: "General, the Yellow River dam was dug a while ago, which has already ruined our reputation. All the way south, in order to supply supplies, we had to use the previous method. I even lost the hearts of the people, secretly thinking that this can no longer go on..."

"Enough!" Li Zicheng said angrily when he heard that, "The court dug the Yellow River embankment, so what's none of my business? If the people don't like it, at least wait until the brothers have enough to eat and drink!"

Obviously, he himself knew that digging the Yellow River dam would be reviled by others, so he refused to admit it.

In the past, it wasn't that he didn't listen to Li Yan. He changed the practice of thieves and put forward the slogan of "equalizing the land and exempting grain" to win the hearts of the people.

However, at that time, it was he who defeated the imperial court army in succession, occupied the land of the Central Plains, and even killed King Fu. After receiving a large amount of food and supplies, he had the confidence to follow Li Yan's suggestion.

But now, the battle of Kaifeng has cost him a lot, and he can't even get enough to eat, so he still has to think about popular support, so let's get his fill first.

No, as soon as Liu Zongmin heard Li Zicheng's words, he immediately echoed loudly: "Isn't it just that you are a scholar, you are stupid when you read books, and you have the hearts of the people. What's the use of having the hearts of the people if you starve yourself to death? You don't have a brain and you say My head was caught by the door!"

When the red lady heard this, she was furious. She didn't dare to scold Li Zicheng, but she couldn't tolerate Liu Zongmin scolding her husband.

When she was about to curse back, Li Yan stopped her and shook her head, telling her not to speak.

Afterwards, he bowed to Li Zicheng and said, "The general taught me the lesson, the students have been taught!"

After he finished speaking, he pulled the red lady back into the crowd and stopped talking.

Paper can't contain the fire. In the past few months, the news of Liu Zongmin digging up the Yellow River embankment has more or less spread among the army.

No one is a fool. It is absolutely impossible for Liu Zongmin to dig the Yellow River embankment and try to flood Kaifeng if Li Zicheng didn't know about it.

However, Li Zicheng denied it outright, and obviously had complaints against Li Yan, disagreed with his opinion of the people, and almost everything he did ran counter to it, which made him very sad.

That's right, the rebels did encounter difficulties, but that doesn't mean they can lose the support of the people.In Li Yan's view, people's hearts are invisible and intangible, but to the rebels, they are very important.

Originally, he wanted to make a suggestion to divide and disintegrate the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and to win over those who could be won, but he couldn't say that.

If you say it, it is estimated that it will attract another spray.A little disheartened, he simply stopped talking.

A discerning person in the lobby could tell at a glance that Li Yan was not in a high mood.However, no one said anything.

In the lobby, it was so quiet, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside the lobby, and then a person appeared at the door.

When everyone heard the sound and looked, they recognized Li Guo's godson Li Laiheng, who was in charge of the outer guard.

I saw that Li Laiheng and Li Guo had completely opposite expressions when they came in. They had serious faces. As soon as they entered the lobby, they hurriedly told Li Zicheng: "General, Guan Ning's cavalry is going south, about [-] cavalry, heading towards Fengyang. The leader of the army should be Wu Sangui!"

(End of this chapter)

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