Chapter 317 Gambling Agreement

This steam train is not the first or second one built on the Daming plane.In the past, in the mining area of ​​Gyeonggi, there have been experiments, but at that time, wooden rails were laid with iron sheets.

After getting acquainted with the experimental data, the Bingzhan Bureau officially started building these two steam locomotives.

Of course, in the military battle bureau, a small section of railroad track was tested.It will be relocated to the newly built train station outside the capital city when there is no problem.

Song Yingxing came up at this time to report that everything is ready, which means that it is almost true.

Otherwise, if it was the first time for everything, Emperor Chongzhen came over to show off cheerfully, but ended up being slapped in the face. Where should he put the face of the majestic Emperor Ming?The name of the father of science in the Ming Dynasty is afraid that it will become a laughing stock!
At this time, after hearing Song Yingxing's report, Emperor Chongzhen immediately stood up and waved to his wife and children in high spirits, saying, "Let's go out with me to have a look!"

Queen Zhou and the others were also excited. After all, they had watched the video sent by Liu Weichao and knew how powerful this steam train is for this era!
Hearing the greeting from Emperor Chongzhen, all of them stood up immediately, and looked at each other by the way. The clothes are neat and tidy, and they must not lose royal etiquette!

On the other side, Chief Assistant He Fengsheng and others waited boredly.It's really nothing, so it's time-consuming to talk.

I heard He Fengsheng say to the others: "Wait a while, what kind of car is your majesty? If it really doesn't work, please join me in admonishing your majesty. Take it easy and be busy with state affairs!"

After hearing this, Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, immediately said with a smile: "Then what if this train is fine? Then we have no reason to persuade Your Majesty!"

Although he said that, judging from his expression, it was obviously more of a joke.

No, I heard Huang Zongzhou, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who has always been serious, immediately said: "Look, how can such a heavy thing be used? Can it be moved? Or snail crawling? In short, if this thing is heavier than a carriage It’s still slow, according to the old man’s meaning, it’s not good, don’t toss this thing!”

After hearing this, Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, immediately laughed and said, "I heard that the Bingzhan Bureau has devoted all its energy to this car in recent months, and even the ordnance armor that is scheduled to be given to Baoding has to It has been postponed for a month. The old man estimates that this thing is expensive to make! Your Majesty is really, if you have some money, you will start messing around!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment listened to it, glanced at the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and then said: "You can do it, right? Your Majesty's cement production is all yours, and you don't want your Majesty to create another profitable business? "

Hearing what he said, Ni Yuanlu immediately got excited, and lowered her voice a little, as if she was afraid that the factory guards outside would hear it, and said in a low voice: "Do you know that His Majesty actually has a lot of good things in his hands. Textile manufacturing , are all held in the palace!"

When they were talking about this, He Fengsheng suddenly interrupted them and said: "It seems to be ready, that Song Shilang has gone to invite His Majesty. Let's go out too!"

Having said that, he turned his head and glanced at his colleagues, and then said seriously: "Just like what Master Zuodu Censor said, what kind of steam train is this, if the speed is not faster than a carriage, please follow me." The old man advises His Majesty together, you must support this kind of action for the country and the people!"

After hearing this, Zuo Maodi and others became serious and bowed to agree, obviously agreeing with Shoufu's statement.

Afterwards, a group of people waited and went out, and the cold wind blew, all of these old men suddenly trembled, no, their spirits lifted, their heads held high, and they went to the platform outside the station master's office to welcome the emperor's family.

Emperor Chongzhen came out and looked at the expressions of each of them. They seemed to be a little serious. He didn't know what they were thinking, so he immediately laughed and vomited a series of fog: "Today is a very happy day. Why are you so serious? ? This is going to be recorded in history!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen's words made He Fengsheng and the others speechless for a while.

The emperor's self-confidence was really overwhelming, and he dared to say that it was a day recorded in the annals of history!Knowing how big things are, will they leave a mark in the history books?

Thinking so in his heart, He Fengsheng came back to his senses, and when he was about to speak, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said to them again: "I don't seem to be optimistic about Zhuqing, so why not, I will fight with Zhuqing." How about a bet?"

Anyone could tell that Emperor Chongzhen was in a very good mood.

No, the eunuch Wang Cheng'en, who was serving behind him, saw it, and hurried forward, and said with a smile: "Long live, slaves see that they don't dare to bet with Long live, because they definitely can't win. ,Ha ha!"

When He Fengsheng heard it, he immediately ignored it, and immediately played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, my humble minister..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly rolled his eyes slightly, then turned around, pointed to the other senior Ming officials behind him, and then said: "All my colleagues, I would like to bet with Your Majesty. If this steam... the train does not If it is faster than the carriage, then the minister will win, okay?"

Huang Zongzhou listened, glanced at the train on the track, and then bowed and said: "Your Majesty, for the sake of fairness, some heavy objects can be carried on this carriage for competition. If the carriage is still faster, please don't let it go any further." To do this kind of thing that wastes people and money, it is better to use your majesty's wisdom and martial arts for state affairs, to calm down the world as soon as possible, and restore peace to the world, okay?"

Song Yingxing, who was waiting at the side, heard what they said, and couldn't help but want to go forward to say something, but when he heard Huang Zongzhou say that it was a waste of money, he stopped talking immediately, with a look of fun on his face. expression.

When Emperor Chongzhen's wife and children heard about their bet, they all had different expressions. Afterwards, Concubine Tian Gui, who had regained her cheerful personality, couldn't help but burst out laughing immediately.

Then, seeing Shoufu and a group of officials from the foreign court looking at her, he immediately came to his senses. It seemed that his attitude was a bit wrong, so he immediately stopped laughing and covered his mouth with his hand.

But even so, it can still be seen that she seems to be holding back a smile, and it's a little hard to hold back.

The other people were surrounded by Concubine Tian, ​​and they all wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh. The scene was really exciting.

When He Fengsheng and the others saw it, their faces became a little ugly.However, they couldn't say anything.

The harem is not allowed to do politics?

The point is that this is not a political matter. Besides, they didn't say anything, so why should they condemn them?

Forget it, what is there to argue with a group of women and children with long hair and short knowledge!
Therefore, He Fengsheng and the others regarded the expressions of the women and children behind Emperor Chongzhen as invisible.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen knew why his wife and children behind him behaved like this. He turned his head away and immediately coughed. The expression between his brows and eyes seemed to say, don't spoil my good deeds!
Then, he turned around, looked at He Fengsheng, Huang Zongzhou and the others and said, "Okay, I promise you. But what if I win? Since it's a bet, if I win, I will let the professors of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ming Dynasty How about going to the Imperial College for classes?"

He has always felt that there are too few scientific and technological talents in his hands.Much of the scientific knowledge passed down from Liu Weichao has not been studied.

Although he was training among court ladies, eunuchs, and craftsmen, most of these groups were illiterate. It was really laborious to train them from scratch, and there were still very few people who could really use them.

But Emperor Chongzhen was a little impatient, and he couldn't wait to cultivate him from scratch.He has also been thinking about how to quickly cultivate scientific and technological talents.

However, even if he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, if scholars from the Ming Dynasty are allowed to learn scientific knowledge, they will be able to meet him. It has always been only the Four Books and the Five Classics. Other than that, it is miscellaneous studies that are not valued by scholars. Let them learn scientific knowledge. , how much resistance there will be!
Therefore, taking this opportunity, if so many senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, including the first assistant of the Ming Dynasty, agree to let him go to the Imperial College to teach science courses, it will be considered a good start.

Since it was a sure-win gamble, it was natural to reap some benefits.

At this time, He Fengsheng and the others could not help but glance at each other after hearing the bet made by Emperor Chongzhen.

According to common sense, they really do not believe that Emperor Chongzhen will win. After all, the weight of the steam train is there. No matter how heavy the carriage is, it cannot compare with the weight of the steam train.

However, they are all human beings, looking at the expression of Emperor Chongzhen and the expressions of the group of women and children behind Emperor Chongzhen, it always feels a little wrong!
However, Emperor Chongzhen was watching them, and the bet was proposed by them themselves.If you don't gamble now, it seems unreasonable.

Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, rolled his eyes and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, I have no objection to this bet. However, in order to be able to see the winning or losing of the bet, I think that this carriage needs to be on the concrete pipeline. Run, is that okay?"

Upon hearing this, He Fengsheng and the others all came to their senses, understood the benefits of his proposal, and quickly followed his proposal.

How could Emperor Chongzhen not know that they were increasing their chances of winning? However, as far as this little thought was concerned, it was nothing to him.

So, without further ado, he immediately agreed and said, "Okay, I'll do it. The steam train and the horse-drawn carriage will return after arriving in Tongzhou. Let's see who is faster?"

When Ni Yuanlu heard this, the horse might not be able to handle such a distance, right?He was hesitating, but Huang Zongzhou replied to Emperor Chongzhen on behalf of them: "So, I am willing to bet!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he didn't give them a chance to repent, and immediately laughed and said: "Okay, then it's settled, let's start!"

(End of this chapter)

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