Chapter 319 Take the Train

How can this be?

This is absolutely impossible!

Surprised, He Fengsheng and the others, despite their age and their image as the most senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, rushed out to have a look.

Sure enough, in their field of vision, the steam train was slowly driving into the train station, emitting thick smoke.

As for the carriage they hoped to outrun the steam train, they didn't even see a shadow of it!

This... how is this possible!

It can be said that He Fengsheng and the others were stunned as they watched the steam train slowly stop on the platform!

The steam train seemed to let out another long "fart". Amidst the smoke, the door of the passenger compartment opened, and the eunuch Wang Cheng'en, the chief inspector of ceremonies, came out with several factory guards.

Seeing the stunned looks of He Fengsheng and other court officials, he was already in a good mood, and he immediately laughed and joked: "Master Shoufu, there is nothing blooming on our face, right? It makes our family feel ashamed to see you like this!"

When he said this, He Fengsheng came back to his senses, and ignored his words. He just pointed at him, or at the steam train behind him, and stammered a little with a very surprised expression: "This... this is coming back?"

"Could it be that our family didn't come back?" Wang Chengen touched his nose, a little surprised how he could say such mysterious and mysterious words.

Then, he ignored them, turned around immediately, walked quickly to the station chief's office, and hurried to see Emperor Chongzhen.

After a while, Emperor Chongzhen came out with his wife and children smiling.

He looked at He Fengsheng and the others with surprised expressions, and said with a smile, "How is it? I won, right?"

"This..." It was difficult for He Fengsheng and the others to accept this conclusion. For a while, instead of directly answering Emperor Chongzhen's words, they turned to look at his colleagues.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't take it seriously when he saw it, and immediately stretched out his hand and said: "You can take a look at it casually, everyone has arrived in Tongzhou, and the goods have also been unloaded in Tongzhou. Now there is no one on this car, and there is no goods!"

Hearing what he said, He Fengsheng and the others really had to go over and check.

They didn't dare to get in the car, but just looked in through the glass window, but there was really no one there.Going to the door of the open truck compartment and looking inside, it is also out of stock.


Absolutely shocked!
In their view, how could such a heavy vehicle pull such a heavy cargo so fast.When I watched the steam train go out before, it was obviously unpleasant!

Why is it faster to rush back than the fast carriage!
Thinking of this, Huang Zongzhou, the censor of Zuodu, suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, thought for a while, and said decisively: "This is wrong, there is fraud in it!"

Upon hearing his words, the others turned their heads to look at him one after another, all with a little curiosity, wanting to know what exactly Huang Zongzhou discovered would make him feel cheated.

When Huang Zongzhou saw them looking over, he immediately said seriously: "The old man pays attention to the time, and estimated it. This... the steam train went back and forth to Tongzhou, and it took about an hour. Did you notice it later? How is it possible to go back and forth to Tongzhou in an hour?"

Upon hearing this, He Fengsheng also felt that he understood, and immediately echoed: "That's right, this speed is comparable to riding a fast horse alone! Tell me, how is it possible that it is so heavy? How is it possible?"

The others nodded after hearing this, thinking about this matter in their hearts.

When the steam train arrives in Tongzhou, it will take time to unload the goods inside the train!
In other words, the speed of this steam train will be faster than what they thought just now!
This is absolutely impossible!

Then, there is only one possibility to explain this: the steam train never arrived in Tongzhou at all, and the goods were unloaded, the people were driven off, and then returned immediately!

For people like them, the steam train is a foreign object. They have never seen or heard of it before, especially this steam train is simply beyond their cognition.Therefore, when they questioned the steam train, they ignored many common sense issues.

For example, they felt that the train unloaded halfway and ran back shamelessly.But I never thought that a steam train is different from a horse-drawn carriage, and turning around is not something that can be adjusted at all.Turning back halfway, it is even more impossible when there is only one locomotive!

However, at this time, they felt that they had discovered the truth of the matter.

But in the face of the shameless emperor, for a while, few people dared to confront him directly.

After they looked at each other, Huang Zongzhou, the censor of Zuodu, finally fought it out.After returning, he played to Emperor Chongzhen with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, I will not accept it. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I will not believe that this steam train has passed through Tongzhou!"

He himself is known for his honesty and outspokenness. Now the emperor is suspected of using improper means to win the bet.

The others didn't speak after hearing this. They looked at Emperor Chongzhen and thought in their hearts that if they didn't give the emperor face at all, they would expose the emperor's tricks in person, and they might make the emperor unhappy.

They didn't expect that after hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen laughed and said, "Since that's the case, it's just right that I'm going to take this steam train once. So, you all come with me and go to Tongzhou for a stroll!"

Wang Chengen listened to it from the side, and immediately followed up with a smile: "The slaves have already been under martial law at Tongzhou Railway Station, and they are safe!"

Concubine Tian Gui couldn't wait any longer, she was afraid that these old stubborn people would ask some stupid questions again, which would ruin their long-awaited event.Not only can you take the legendary steam train, but you can also go out of the deep palace compound, out of the capital, and go to Tongzhou.

Therefore, she also said: "Then let's go!"

Anyway, it's not talking about major government affairs, so if you urge it, you urge it, what else can it do!

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't wait any longer, so he told Song Yingxing, "Then prepare to go to Tongzhou again!"

"Weichen leads the decree!" Song Yingxing heard this, and hurried to the locomotive to pass the decree in person, after all, turning around is a rather troublesome thing.

And this time, the emperor and empress and other big families, as well as the most senior officials of Ming Dynasty, had to sit on it. He also had to check the steam train again.

Seeing this scene, especially seeing Emperor Chongzhen being so confident, seeing how troublesome the steam train is to turn around, some people like Zuo Maodi came to their senses and felt that Emperor Chongzhen was not cheating?

However, if you really want them to believe that such a heavy car, pulling such a heavy cargo, can run so fast, they still can't believe it!
Of course, it would be unfair to say how stupid they are!

These people, without a doubt, were among the smartest people of their time.However, it would be really difficult for them to believe something beyond their cognition!

This is like someone saying that there will be no means of transportation such as airplanes and trains in the future. Just set the coordinates wherever you go, and then just step into a time-space gate to get there. It is almost impossible for anyone to believe it.

Compared with this example, at least people today still know the sci-fi stuff like the Time and Space Gate, and it’s not that they didn’t know nothing before.For He Fengsheng and the others, the steam train was something that they knew nothing about and would suddenly change their worldview.

When they were skeptical and even a little bit at a loss, the steam train was ready again, and Song Yingxing came back to reply.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said to He Fengsheng and others: "Well, please wait to get on the bus. Let me remind you, those who get on the bus first can occupy a seat by the window first, and you can enjoy the scenery along the way in a while!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about these courtiers any more, he immediately took a step ahead with a smile, and got on the first passenger compartment of the train.

Empress Zhou and the others followed Emperor Chongzhen into the passenger compartment according to their status.

He Fengsheng and the others looked at each other, and in the end their identities were not confused. He Fengsheng got into the second passenger compartment first, and the others filed in according to their official positions.

Wang Chengen saw him, invited Song Yingxing with a smile, led a group of factory guards, and entered the third passenger compartment.

Although the cargo compartment at the back was no longer loaded with goods, many soldiers from the Yongwei Battalion who were escorting them were also escorted by the vehicle.

After everyone got into the train, they heard another long whistle from the train.

In the first passenger compartment, as the train shook slightly, there was a low cheer immediately in the compartment.Yingying Yanyan suddenly started chirping.

This is still Emperor Chongzhen, otherwise, it is estimated that there will be more joy.

After all, for them, they thought they would be in the palace for the rest of their lives, but they never expected that not only could they leave the palace, but they could also take the incredible steam train and leave the capital. Happy!

And in the second passenger compartment, after the train shook slightly, He Fengsheng and the others couldn't help but feel nervous for a while, the kind of mental tension.

Then through the glass, they know that the train under their ass is starting to move slowly.

So, they looked at me and I looked at you, without saying a word.

Just when the steam train had just pulled out of the train station, Zuo Maodi suddenly pointed his finger through the glass window in surprise and said, "Look, the carriage is back!"

Hearing his words, the crowd turned their heads to look, and sure enough, they saw the carriage for the race coming back.And they could see that the horse pulling the cart should be abandoned.

Then, they looked at me again, and I looked at you, and they stopped talking.Everyone looked out of the window and quietly felt that the train seemed to be slowly and continuously accelerating.

 Stimulated by the lord, I'm a bit overdrawn today. The chapter of tomorrow morning is estimated to be written until twelve o'clock, and I can't write anymore. It may be updated later.

(End of this chapter)

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