Chapter 322 Lively

At this time, it was already noon.

The edge of Tongzhou Bay is naturally a lively place, and there are many restaurants and tea shops.

Emperor Chongzhen took a fancy to a restaurant that was pleasing to the eye, so he went in for lunch with his wife, children and wage earners.

Immediately, there was another flutter.

Jin Yiwei hurriedly deployed inside and outside the restaurant, and in the kitchen, from the ingredients to the workmanship, everything had to be watched.Up and down, like guarding against thieves.

The owner of the restaurant didn't have time to come to serve him, so the shopkeeper was called to the emperor to recommend the restaurant's signature dishes.

Under the entanglement of emotions such as excitement, fear, anticipation, anxiety, etc., serve the most distinguished customers in history tremblingly.

This kind of restaurant is located in a prosperous area and has a large scale, which can be favored by Emperor Chongzhen. The dishes made are not delicious, but they are certainly not unpalatable.

Emperor Chongzhen basically ate it in the palace all his life, and when he ate it in a different flavor, he was immediately surprised. Even Queen Zhou and others ate a little more than usual.

After eating to his heart's content, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly remembered something, and turned to Queen Zhou and said, "Liu Weichao said that he would provide videos of delicious food, right? Do you think there are some dishes here, can you recommend them to him? "

At his table, the wife and children all knew about Liu Weichao's existence.

It's just that I didn't expect that the emperor would miss Liu Weichao's side in such a scene.

Of course, after recovering, they all knew how much Liu Weichao had helped Daming, so it was not surprising that Emperor Chongzhen always cared about him.

At this time, Empress Zhou smiled and ordered the dishes she thought were the most delicious when she heard Emperor Chongzhen's question.

Then, Emperor Chongzhen asked the opinions of other people, and after summarizing, he made an order and asked the imperial chef to come and learn from him.In return, give two words: "delicious"!
Needless to say, this was a welcome move.

After all, Emperor Chongzhen still had state affairs in his heart. After lunch, he took his wife, children, and his courtiers back to the capital by train.

But as soon as he left and the martial law was lifted, there would be a sensation in Tongzhou.

For hundreds of years in the Ming Dynasty, although Tongzhou was close to the capital, few emperors visited the capital, let alone those who went directly to the capital for a meal and then returned to the capital.

All of a sudden, all the people in Tongzhou, old and young, men and women, were discussing today's big event.Including people on canal boats.

The focus of their discussion is that the current emperor will come to Tongzhou with the queen, noble concubine and prince.

The second focus is naturally the steam train.

No matter which one it is, it will cause a huge sensation.

And the hundred-year-old shop that was bestowed by the emperor immediately changed its name with gongs and drums. From now on, the name of the shop will be called "Delicious".

In order to celebrate this historical moment, free running water seats will be held for three days!

The elated Tongzhou people didn't know that this day was really a historical moment, but it was not a restaurant or teahouse, but the first operation of a steam train.

Those merchants were the most discerning, and they could see at a glance how much convenience the steam train would bring them, so they inquired about the steam train one after another.

First, of course what they are most concerned about is, is this steam train sold?
Second, can ordinary people take this steam train?Can private goods be transported?

Third, if possible, what is the fare?Will it be cheaper or more expensive than wagon delivery?

Fourth, will this steam train go to other places in the future?

This is what most people care about.

It's a pity that many people are surprised by the performance of the steam train, but not many people ask why!

On the canal, there are boats coming and going every day, and those boats that have to leave spread what happened in Tongzhou that day to the south.

As for the newcomers, they would naturally rush to the train station to see what was going on when they heard the discussion.

As for the capital, the only topic of discussion is the steam train.

Questions similar to those of the people in Tongzhou naturally exist.

After Emperor Chongzhen returned to the Forbidden City, he issued several imperial edicts.

The first imperial decree was for the Railway Department, asking them to announce the previously agreed plan.

That is to say, the railway station is open to the public, and the fare is more expensive than the transportation cost of the horse-drawn carriage.Whether it is goods or people, it is the same.

The second edict was to set up a railway factory in Tongzhou and announce the construction of a railway from Tianjin to Tongzhou.

The third imperial decree announced the establishment of science in the Guozijian, which would be taught by the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty.In the first class, Emperor Chongzhen personally gave a lecture on steam trains.

The fourth imperial decree awarded Song Yingxing the title of Science and Technology Boss, in recognition of his contribution to science.

As soon as these four imperial decrees came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the capital.

Merchants pay attention to the previous two imperial decrees, and they can detect them from the imperial decrees. In the future, this railway will definitely improve the whole country.Even some keen businessmen rushed to Tianjin to buy a house immediately!

Because it is foreseeable that when the railway is repaired to Tianjin, Tianjin will definitely become more prosperous.Nowadays, there are already many ships from the south that have landed in Tianjin by sea, and there will definitely be more in the future, not less.

And Emperor Chongzhen wanted to offer a science class in Guozijian, and it was the first time that the emperor personally taught about steam trains.It can be said that the impact of this matter on scholars is greater than that of steam trains on businessmen!

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the supervisors of the Guozijian to see the emperor once in a lifetime.But now, the emperor wants to come and give lectures in person. Does this count as attending lectures, making him a real student of the emperor?Who has the honor to be taught by the emperor himself?If he performed well and was favored by the emperor, wouldn't he be on the rise?
All of a sudden, all the supervising students of the Guozijian began to gear up to prepare for the emperor's lecture.Some of the supervising students even started to ask where the emperor would be giving lectures, did they have to be the first to occupy a seat, or were there any rules for arranging seats?
There are also some Guozijian students who are not in the capital. No matter how much money they have, their families immediately send out fast horses to call for someone.

There are even many scholars who did not study at the Imperial College, thinking of joining the Imperial College as soon as possible.Anyone who has a way, they all look for a way.I just thought that if I could have that qualification, I could sit down and listen to Emperor Chongzhen give a lecture.

The supervising students in the Guozijian were all wary of this and united to reject newcomers.

Originally, there were already enough supervising students in the Guozijian, it was impossible for everyone to attend the emperor's lectures, and people from outside wanted to grab the places, how could it be possible!

As a result, the threshold of Guozijian's sacrificial wine was almost flattened by all kinds of people.

Those who give gifts, those who pass notes, those who seek connections, everyone has it!

If he had suddenly become popular in the previous years, it would definitely be a joy for Jijiu.

However, this time, the sacrificial wine was one head and two big.He dare not commit crimes!

His side is so popular, several factory guards in the capital must be watching. Maybe there are factory guards among the people who gave gifts and handed over notes.

If one is not good, the most likely outcome is that the house will be ransacked!
However, there were so many people, they all crowded towards him.In desperation, he had no choice but to see Emperor Chongzhen and ask for a charter.Otherwise, this sacrificial wine cannot be served.

Emperor Chongzhen had thought about this a long time ago, and immediately gave instructions: the number of people attending the lecture is limited to fifty people, if there are too many people, they will definitely not be able to hear clearly, and it is useless.

In order to avoid the situation of playing the piano against cattle, among the fifty students, the fifty students who know the most about science are selected from the Guozijian.You can take an exam in advance, and the exam questions will be given by the Daming Royal Academy of Sciences.

As for the scope, it is the mathematics, physics and chemistry textbooks of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Ming Dynasty.The Printing Bureau of the Academy of Sciences sells them.

After dismissing the sacrificial wine, Emperor Chongzhen felt that he had been busy these days, and it finally came to an end.The next thing is to wait for a month, and then give a lecture, which is the end of a series of things this time.

After he stroked it back and forth again, he felt very satisfied.That night, he didn't look for anyone, neither Queen Zhou nor Concubine Tian Gui. He just stayed alone and contacted Liu Weichao.

After the video was connected, Emperor Chongzhen first asked with concern: "You said, have you done the charity you want to do?"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he chuckled and said, "Of course, it's done."

Earlier, he used experiments to prove that this hyperspace communication app was bound to him.In other words, this is his golden finger, and no one can take it away.It also indicates that he will have no worries about food and clothing in his life.

Therefore, Liu Weichao decided to use part of the money he earned to do good deeds.After considering this idea, he mentioned it to Emperor Chongzhen.In this regard, it was naturally praised by Emperor Chongzhen.

At this time, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen with a smile: "I donated one million yuan to our township primary school to subsidize the living expenses of the teachers. You don't know, my hometown is in the mountains, and teachers who are willing to stay here to teach Not much. When I was in school, there was a row of first graders, second graders, and third graders in one class. There was only one teacher, and after the first grade was taught, the second grade was taught, and after the second grade, the third grade was taught. Although it is better now Yes, but the shortage of teachers is still very serious. Give them more subsidies, and live a worry-free life, and I think I can teach students better!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't understand very well, but this kind of thing is definitely a good thing, so he praised a few more words.

Liu Weichao also felt it at this time, and asked, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

 There is a social event tonight, whether we can add more is unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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