Chapter 324
Regarding the matter of the steam train, the reason why Emperor Chongzhen did not discuss it with Liu Weichao in advance, but made it first, and then came to tell Liu Weichao, the biggest reason is that he still wants to improve himself, and then get Liu Weichao's affirmation!

In order to make up for the regret of another plane, he is an incompetent king of subjugation!

If he can prove himself, he can actually be the emperor well!
However, this time he excitedly came to report the results of the steam train with Liu Weichao. He thought it was a very perfect approach, but in Liu Weichao's eyes, there were still some inadequacies, which made him a little frustrated.

At this time, seeing Emperor Chongzhen's silence, Liu Weichao smiled again and said: "Of course, generally speaking, this time you already know how to advance by retreating, using strength to exert strength, and making the best use of the situation, which is already very powerful! "

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen raised his head and said with a wry smile: "But there is still a problem, isn't it? Things will become more and more difficult. Even if there is factory guard supervision, there will be no way to combine interests to do things more effectively!"

"Haha!" Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Look, you already know what the problem is, and you will definitely pay attention to it in the future. Isn't this another improvement?"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but also laughed: Yes, in the communication with Liu Weichao, he pointed out the things that were not good enough. After he realized it, he would definitely improve. This is also a kind of progress!

Thinking of this, he said sincerely to Liu Weichao: "It's really my luck to have such a good teacher and helpful friend like you!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he also said with a smile: "I have you as a partner, and I made money while lying down. It's really my luck!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but laughed in unison with Liu Weichao.

Then, the two of them said almost at the same time: "Strengthen the country and start a business, both are right!"

After finishing speaking, the two were happily happy again.

After laughing, Emperor Chongzhen said sincerely to Liu Weichao: "You are younger than me, but you give me the feeling that you really know everything and can do anything. It's really amazing!"

"..." Liu Weichao was a little speechless after hearing this, and blushed a little because he praised him too much.

With a little embarrassment, he replied to Emperor Chongzhen: "It is due to the times. My era is the era of the Internet and the era of knowledge explosion. Most men like politics, military and other topics. I’ve shopped a lot on the Internet, I’m just talking, and many people can say it!”

This is not modesty. Knowing it theoretically is one aspect, and many people really know it.But when you really want to do things by yourself, you often like to eat alone. This is probably human nature, and it needs acquired thinking to change!
In this way, this time the video communication, Liu Weichao and Emperor Chongzhen ended the chat in mutual flattery.Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen began to think about how to change his way of doing things.Of course, this time, he will discuss with Liu Weichao.


Huguang Wuchang, of course, has been changed to Tianshou Mansion by Zhang Xianzhong at this time.The original Chu Palace has now become Daxi Palace, the residence of Zhang Xianzhong.

No, in the main hall, Zhang Xianzhong was sitting on the main seat, listening to a man dressed as a civil servant in front of him.

"My lord, another Jinshi of the new department ran away, and the two of them, Lin Shansheng, both left with their crowns. After the news of the imperial court's great victory in Jizhou, this is the third time someone has run away!"

Zhang Xianzhong claimed to be the King of Daxi, and set up six divisions and five armies.

At this time, when Zhang Xianzhong heard this, he was furious and said: "The imperial court has not seen a trace yet, they are afraid of this, they are all fucking idiots!"

After a pause, he cursed angrily again: "There is also that Li Hongji, who is not a damn thing, but ran to Xiangyang, apparently to let the imperial army come and beat us first, so he can watch us beat us from the sidelines." !"

Others don't know Li Zicheng's real name, but he does, and will scold him when he is in a hurry.

After scolding for a while, Zhang Xianzhong looked at the man dressed as a civil servant in front of him, and said to him: "Military teacher, do you have any good ideas?"

That's right, the literati in front of him is his military advisor Xu Yixian.After he established Daxi Kingdom, he appointed Xu Yixian as Prime Minister Zuo and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

Xu Yixian is a capable person, he even compares himself to Zhuge Liang, thinking of assisting Zhang Xianzhong to become the overlord.This is also the case, only then did Zhang Xianzhong build the Daxi Kingdom, set up six ministers and the five military governors' mansions, and even set up courses to recruit scholars and recruit talents!

If the original history develops according to the original history, in August of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Xu Yixian drowned and died during the battle when Zhang Xianzhong's troops conquered Yuezhou, an important town in Hunan Province.Otherwise, it is really hard to say what will happen in the subsequent history.

At this time, after Xu Yixian heard Zhang Xianzhong's question, he frowned and said: "If the battle of Jizhou reported in the imperial palace newspaper is true, it is understandable that people are panicked. But the key point is that now It’s hard to tell if you can’t touch the real situation!”

When they first got the news of the Battle of Jizhou, everyone was shocked.

The imperial army was able to defeat hundreds of thousands of Jianlu army, and even defeated the Jianlu army almost completely annihilated, and the coach was captured alive!

This kind of thing sounds incredible, absolutely impossible!

Naturally, they knew the combat power of the imperial army, and they couldn't even believe it.

Therefore, when I first heard about the Battle of Jizhou, I didn't believe it.However, later on, there were more and more news about the Battle of Jizhou. From all aspects, it seemed that the Battle of Jizhou was true.

As a result, in this newly built Daxi Kingdom, everyone was panicked.

Most of them are not so arrogant yet, and feel that they are stronger than hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops.The imperial army can destroy the Jianlu army, but it is impossible to pose a threat to them!

In other words, if the strength of the court officials and army has become so strong all of a sudden, then what good results can these rebels have, they must be suppressed!

The future of the rebellion, seeing the dawn from before, suddenly became bleak and hopeless.

Against this background, there was another court decree to pardon the rebels except Zhang Xianzhong, which made some people feel that it was unconditional to follow Zhang Xianzhong again.

So, people began to sneak away.

Zhang Xianzhong and the others wouldn't care if it was just small soldiers slipping away.However, with great fanfare, he opened a course to recruit scholars, and the talents he recruited began to slip away, which dealt a heavy blow to Zhang Xianzhong.

This means that scholars are not optimistic about him.There are no scholars, just a group of hard-working people, so they can only be ordinary thieves like the old days.For Zhang Xianzhong today, this is definitely unacceptable.

At this time, Zhang Xianzhong asked angrily when he heard the words of the military adviser Xu Yixian: "How do you say it?"

After Xu Yixian heard this, he quickly replied: "According to the news from various sources, it seems that the Battle of Jizhou was real. In this case, the imperial court defeated the Jianlu, and the tax-heavy areas in the south of the Yangtze River fell into chaos. For tax considerations, those Jiangnan officials in the court will inevitably ask the court officers and troops to go south as soon as possible. However, it has been four or five months, and only Wu Sangui's Guan Ning army has reached Fengyang. Isn't it strange that no one from the north goes south?"

After a pause, he saw that Zhang Xianzhong was listening carefully, so he continued: "There will be such a situation, and one of the reasons that can be explained is that the Battle of Jizhou was not what it was rumored at all. Or if it is true, the imperial army also suffered losses. The situation is serious, and they have been unable to go south in a short period of time. Only in this way can the current situation be reasonably explained."

"There are more than [-] Jianlu troops. Even if the court officials can really wipe out the Jianlu army, and their own losses are small, then it is absolutely nonsense. They also suffered heavy losses, so it is possible!" Zhang Xianzhong agreed with this statement after hearing this. .

No matter what the purpose is, in war, concealing or exaggerating casualties is the most common thing.

After hearing this, Xu Yixian said suspiciously: "If this is the case, then there is a problem. Why did King Chuang and Cao Cao's troops suddenly march westward, capture Xiangyang, and drive Zuo Liangyu away? They are not on the side of Luzhou Mansion , are you going to do a big job? If there are no special circumstances, they should not even pass the New Year and rush westward."

Zhang Xianzhong also frowned when he heard this, and then asked a little irritably: "Then just tell me, what should we do next?"

Xu Yixian was also troubled by himself, so he answered Zhang Xianzhong: "If the imperial court really has a strong army in its hands, Huguang can't stay here anymore. We can also go west, go to Shu to seize it for self-defense, recuperate, and sit and watch the world change. Then decide to advance and retreat!"

At this point, he changed his subject, and continued: "But if the troops in the hands of the imperial court are strong from the outside, and the current news is released deliberately by the court, and it is just scary, then we don't need to leave Huguang, a land of fish and rice, and we can even go back to Huguang. Conquer more land around us, strengthen our momentum, attract heroes from all over the world to join the prince, and then aspire to the Kyushu!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Yixian shook his head and said, "But the current situation is confusing and confusing. What is the strength of the imperial court?"

Zhang Xianzhong also had a headache when he heard it. The way to deal with this different situation is completely different.If you don't figure it out, the following things will be really difficult to do, and you can't just let it go.

He was thinking about it when he heard Xu Yixian say to him suddenly: "For the current plan, this subordinate thinks it can only be like this!"

"How is it?" Zhang Xianzhong asked immediately after hearing this.

He knew that the military division had always had tricks, so he hurriedly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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