Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 327 My Cousin Is

Chapter 327 My Cousin Is
Hearing this, several people couldn't help being a little surprised, and turned their heads to look together.

I saw a tall and strong young man from the back hall, the kind of Kong Wu who is powerful.However, none of them knew this person.

So, Ma Shouying turned to look at Lin Chengcheng with some doubts and asked, "Would you like to introduce me?"

"Yes, who is this?" He Yilong also asked curiously.

Judging by the way Lin has grown up, this person should be someone with status.However, they had never seen it before, so they were curious.

Lin Chengcheng saw that they were all looking at him, so he smiled and said to the man, "These are the four brothers from the fifth battalion of Ge Zuo, please introduce them yourself!"

Hearing this, the strong man clasped his fists to salute several people and said, "My name is Yuan Zhuangfei, and my cousin is Yuan Shizhong, uncle of Xinfeng Hua County!"

Just heard this, what Yuan Zhuangfei, I have no impression, I don't know who it is!

However, He Yilong and the others were startled when they heard the sound behind them, and subconsciously stood up.

If the former Yuan Shizhong was not very famous, then the current Yuan Shizhong, because he was recruited by the imperial court and participated in the Battle of Jizhou, was even named the Boss of Hua County by today's emperor. This is definitely famous among the gang of thieves!

After realizing who it was, they all realized that this person was sent by the imperial court!
This, they really did not expect, very unexpected.

In fact, Gezuo Fifth Battalion, in the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, thought about being recruited.

Yang Zhuoran, the supervisor of the army, knew this, so he went to Qianshan and Taihu Mountains to meet Lin Chengyang and Ma Shouying, the leaders of the Fifth Battalion, and lured them to accept the imperial court's surrender with his words.

At that time, Lin Yangcheng replied: "We all have peerless talents, and the court is useless, and the rest are robbers because of the famine. If the country handles it properly, how can we know that we can't be loyal people? And I heard Liu Guoneng, Li Wanqing More than ten battalions returned to the sincerity, died for the country, and worked hard, Gu Yu alone could not do it? But there are more than one hundred thousand of us, where do we put them? And who is the master? Where does the salary come from? And what kind of officials and honors are we treated also?"

Facing his questions, Yang Zhuoran fully agreed without reporting back to the court, and designated the mountainous area of ​​Huangzhou Prefecture as the location for the fifth battalion of Ge and Zuowu. give it.

As a result, there was a fierce party dispute in the court, and Yang Zhuoran was shaken down, and the matter of recruiting security fell into disrepute.

Originally speaking, after this incident, the Gezuo Fifth Battalion also saw that the momentum of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others was soaring, and the court was unable to deal with it; they could see that the court was basically unable to recover, so they stopped recruiting thought.

As a result, they never expected that suddenly, the imperial court won the battle of Jizhou, and even wiped out hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops, which shocked them.

What shocked them the most was that Yuan Shizhong, whose reputation was not as good as theirs before, was even knighted!Those who were recruited before have never been knighted!
Since Yuan Shizhong could be knighted, wouldn't it be possible for them too?
And they naturally heard that the emperor's imperial decree allowed people other than Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin to recruit.

Under such a background, Yuan Zhuangfei suddenly appeared in front of Lin Chengcheng, which rekindled Lin Chengcheng's thought of recruiting peace, and now Lin Chengcheng called several other brothers to come to discuss with him.

Therefore, when Yuan Zhuangfei reported himself and revealed his identity, Ma Shouying and the others were surprised at the beginning, and they didn't say anything like "Come on, drag him out and chop him up" or "Okay, you dare to come to our territory. Don't be afraid that we will kill you" or something like that.

A few of them clasped their fists in response, and then asked Yuan Zhuangfei to sit down together, and then they entered the crucial link.

It was Ma Shouying who first asked a question of concern: "Who ordered you to recruit us this time?"

Don't even have to say what you're doing here because it's nonsense!
After hearing this, Yuan Zhuangfei immediately replied: "With the emperor's order in mind, I have ordered Uncle Jizhou and Minister Sun of the Ministry of War to come here to recruit you all!"

Sun Chuanting sits in Kaifeng, not just sitting in the town in a foolish way.With the grace of the emperor on his shoulders and the heavy responsibility of exterminating the thieves, of course he was thinking about how to exterminate the thieves.

In the previous discussion with Emperor Chongzhen, the main reason for such a defense was to consider that the current imperial army is not strong enough to fully encircle and suppress the thieves who have become a climate.

However, this did not prevent Sun Chuanting from thinking about disintegrating from the bandits, so after listening to the analysis of Yuan Shizhong who followed him, he sent Yuan Zhuangfei to Gezuo Fifth Battalion.

When Ma Shouying heard that Yuan Zhuangfei was sent by Sun Chuanting, he was overjoyed.

Because Sun Chuanting's official position is high enough, and he was most trusted by the current emperor.Sun Chuanting sent them to recruit them, this matter is obviously much more reliable!
Liu Xiyao was also very concerned, and immediately asked: "If we accept the recruitment, how will we be settled? What kind of officials will we be appointed?"

This topic was obviously the topic they were most concerned about, so everyone stared at Yuan Zhuangfei, waiting for his reply.

After Yuan Zhuangfei heard this, he immediately replied: "You can only accept the recruitment unconditionally, and then the team will be reorganized, weeding out the weak and retaining the strong. As for you, Mr. Sun means that you will be appointed as guerrillas after the reorganization. Promoted by military merit!"

Hearing this, Liu Xiyao and others couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Among them, He Jin even sneered and said, "Our Fifth Battalion of Gezuo has more than [-] elite soldiers and strong generals. Why do we need to reorganize them? With so many troops, just give us a guerrilla? Do you think too highly of yourself, or too much? us?"

Hearing this, before Yuan Zhuangfei could answer, Lin Chengcheng smiled and said to them: "Let me tell you guys, don't worry, just listen to what happened when Xiao Yuanying was recruited back then!"

He Jin and the others stopped talking after hearing this.To be honest, of course they were curious.

Therefore, Yuan Zhuangfei said to them: "At that time, Master Du Yinxidu, the former prefect of Changsha, came to the door suddenly. He didn't make any promises. He just said that he came by order and asked if we would accept the offer..."

Speaking of this, his speech speed slowed down, as if recalling the original situation.

He Jin and the others were a little surprised to hear that there are still people who recruit like this and don't make any promises?Is that all right?
"...My brother saw that Master Du dared to enter the camp alone, and he still recruited security in this way, so he admired his courage, so he agreed." Yuan Zhuangfei looked at them and said, "Then Master Du took us to the capital according to his will. , together with the Yongwei Battalion, and the Beijing Battalion full of recruits for mixed training. At that time, my brother was personally received by the emperor, and he praised that my Xiaoyuan Battalion would not harm the people, so he issued an order to recruit and seal him as a general..."

"Wait a minute!" He was just saying this, but He Yilong, who hadn't asked any questions, couldn't help but interrupted, "You said that you were with the Yongwei Battalion, trained with the Beijing Battalion, which was full of recruits, and then won the battle. Hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops, this can’t be true, right? To be honest, how many Jianlu were defeated in total?”

"No, how much did you lose yourself? Did you also think about recruiting us after you were disabled?" After hearing this, He Jin also asked, with even a hint of affirmation in his words.

Several other people, judging from their expressions, are obviously similar.They all stared at Yuan Zhuangfei to see how he would answer.

After clarifying this issue, they will have a better understanding of the next negotiation.

Yuan Zhuangfei couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and immediately stood up, tearing off the coat he was wearing with both hands, revealing the breastplate inside, and then said to them: "Look, how about this breastplate?"

All the people here are fighters on the battlefield, so they naturally attach great importance to life-saving armor.Seeing this, they were startled at first, and then ignored the etiquette. In fact, they were all rebellious thieves, and there was nothing impolite about etiquette. They immediately surrounded Yuan Zhuangfei and reached out to touch the breastplate.

In short, evaluate this breastplate and nothing else!

"Tsk tsk, this breastplate is fine! The whole piece is made of fine steel, so it's invulnerable!"

"It doesn't seem to be heavy. It's solid and not heavy. It's a good thing, definitely a good thing!"

"I'm afraid this breastplate is not cheap, right? How much is a pair of silver?"


It was He Jin who came back to his senses first, and immediately asked, "I asked you a question just now, why did you wear the breastplate?"

Upon hearing this, several other people came to their senses and looked at Yuan Zhuangfei to see how he would answer.

"Didn't I already answer that!" Yuan Zhuangfei smiled, and immediately replied, "What if I tell you that all the soldiers of our new army have this armor?"



"Bragging without drafting!"


As soon as he said this, there was an exclamation immediately!
Seeing their shocked looks, Yuan Zhuangfei felt very proud for some reason, and immediately said to them: "Not only is there a pair of hands, but all the weapons are also made of this kind of fine steel, and the flintlock guns are The self-generating firecrackers are also made of fine steel. Think about it for yourself, will Jianlu suffer a big loss if he encounters such an army so suddenly?"

Hearing this, Ma Shouying, He Yilong and the others couldn't help but look at each other.Yuan Zhuangfei's words made them speechless in shock.

Seeing them like this, Yuan Zhuangfei puffed out his chest and said: "Besides, the emperor received the guidance of the emperor Taizu, and he had already expected that the first battle of Jianlu's entry into the customs would be to fight Jizhou, so he planned the battle of Jizhou from the very beginning. .In the end, hundreds of thousands of Jianlu were defeated, and only about [-] Jianlu escaped. What’s so strange? As for our own casualties, hehe, I said that they were too few to be ignored, believe it or not!”

"..." After hearing this, Ma Shouying and the others were still in shock, but were still speechless!
(End of this chapter)

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