Chapter 329 Voting certificate (addition 711 for Ziyuehua Qing leader)

Hearing this, the hall suddenly fell silent.

Lin Chengcheng, Ma Shouying and the others looked at each other, and all of a sudden, their expressions were a little strange!
In the end, Lin Chengcheng put on a serious expression, and said first, "Old brothers, the Emperor Taizu has appeared, and the court is no longer what it used to be. May I ask, which one of us is stronger than the army of hundreds of thousands of Jianlu? I will fight with you." Tell the truth, before I invite you to come, I agreed to be recruited!"

After a pause, he added sincerely: "We are brothers, and we have always shared life and death. I don't want us to fight each other in the future. It is brotherly, and we are blessed to share it together. What do you think?"

"I agree!" After hearing this, Ma Shouying was the first to answer, "It's the right way to win his wife's shadow with his ability!"

Lin Chengcheng was not surprised that Ma Shouying agreed.A few years ago, when they wanted to be recruited, the two of them were the most active.

Therefore, after Ma Shouying responded, he nodded in response, and then looked at the remaining three people.

Seeing Lin Chengcheng's gaze turned to him, He Yilong slapped the table suddenly, and immediately shouted: "It's done!"

Then, the three of them turned their gazes to the remaining two, waiting for them to express their views.


In the outer lobby, Zhang Wenxiu watched the informant go in, and waited for a long time, but there was no movement, so she couldn't help being a little unhappy.

Not to mention his identity, if it is an ordinary person, that represents the prince, it is too embarrassing to be so negligent!

However, he also remembered that Zhang Xianzhong had repeatedly told him that he must invite the five leaders of the Fifth Gezuo Battalion to discuss important matters.In addition, his temperament can be regarded as relatively refined, so he didn't have any seizures and just waited quietly.

After a long time, finally, there was the sound of footsteps, and the person who had gone in to complain reappeared and said to him, "My elder brother is here!"

After hearing this, Zhang Wenxiu remained calm, and just signaled to lead the way, turned into the rear courtyard, walked into a lobby, and finally met the person he wanted to meet.

The people sitting at the wine table were all the people he wanted to meet this time, except for one he didn't know.

Regarding this, Zhang Wenxiu didn't want to worry about it, but just clasped her fists and said, "My adoptive father has something urgent to discuss, so why don't you all come with me?"

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the expressions of these people were a little weird, as if they were looking at something?
After thinking about it for a while, a word immediately jumped into his mind: Watching monkeys?

Immediately, no matter how well-bred he was, he was a little unhappy.But for the sake of the overall situation, he finally endured it.

"The Eighth King is in such a hurry to ask the five of us to go together, why is he discussing something important?" Suddenly, Lin Chengcheng asked him first.

They are of the same generation as Zhang Xianzhong, so their attitude towards Zhang Wenxiu cannot be said to be unreasonable.At least that's how it seems to them.As for the fact that Zhang Xianzhong had already established a country and proclaimed himself king, they didn't feel at ease at all.

Zhang Wenxiu heard this, and immediately replied: "Father-in-law said that he has received the exact news from the imperial court's army, and that the army will go south in a few days. Our two families need to discuss together how to deal with the imperial court's army!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chengcheng and the others couldn't help but immediately turned their heads to look at Yuan Zhuangfei, with weird eyes.

When Yuan Zhuangfei saw it, he immediately laughed and said, "The imperial army is going south soon? How many soldiers and horses, who is leading them, and where are they marching from?"

Zhang Wenxiu frowned upon hearing this, and immediately asked, "Who is this?"

"Don't worry about who I am, answer my question first!" Yuan Zhuangfei said impatiently after hearing this.

Zhang Wenxiu was a little aggressive when she heard this, and she was even more unhappy.But he immediately remembered what Zhang Xianzhong had told him, and looked at Lin Chengcheng and the others, and found that they were all looking at him, and seemed to agree with this person's problem.

In the end, he suppressed his temper, and immediately replied: "The imperial court has about [-] troops, avoiding the flooded area of ​​the Yellow River, and going south along the canal to rescue Fengyang. The first to bear the brunt is your Fifth Battalion of Gezuo!"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Zhuangfei couldn't help but burst out laughing immediately.

Everyone believed that the imperial court would save Jiangnan immediately.But in fact, the imperial court had no intention of sending troops immediately.

What Zhang Wenxiu said is really pure fabrication.

Seeing Yuan Zhuangfei like this, no matter how good-tempered Zhang Wenxiu was, she couldn't help but get angry.

But before he could speak, he saw the stranger pointing at him, and then said to Lin Chengcheng and the others: "I dare say, Zhang Xianzhong is probably plotting against you! He made up this nonsense to lure you over!"

"Who are you, dare to slander my adoptive father, sow discord between our Daxi Army and the Fifth Gezuo Battalion?" Zhang Wenxiu heard something was wrong, and immediately categorically shouted, with an angry expression.

When Yuan Zhuangfei heard this, he patted his chest and said loudly: "I don't change my surname when I sit down, and I don't change my name when I'm going. My surname is Yuan and my name is Zhuangfei, so is Yuan Zhuangfei!"

"I've never heard of it!" Zhang Wenxiu frowned again when she heard it, and said frankly.

"..." Yuan Zhuangfei's expression froze when he heard it, and he could only add, "My cousin is Yuan Shizhong, the new uncle of Hua County!"

As soon as the name was announced, there was an immediate reaction. Zhang Wenxiu immediately changed his face and pointed at Yuan Zhuangfei. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the five leaders of Gezuo Fifth Battalion. They didn't look surprised at all, and immediately understood what was going on when they came over!
So, he immediately changed his words, and immediately said: "The way is different and we don't conspire with each other. Anyway, we are in trouble together. I wish you a prosperous official career and leave!"

After speaking, Zhang Wenxiu turned around and left.

However, at the entrance of the lobby, at some point, a row of soldiers with knives and guns stood, blocking the way.

"We were worried about missing a meeting gift, so you bumped into each other!" Lin Chengcheng said with a smile, "You deserve it, if you want to complain, just blame yourself for your bad luck!"

He obviously just ignored Zhang Wenxiu's words about sharing weal and woe just now.

When the other people heard it, they all laughed together.

Seeing this, Zhang Wenxiu turned around, glared at them and said, "You traitors will surely die in the future!"

Now that you've torn your face, let's scold him.

When Yuan Zhuangfei heard this, he sneered and said, "I can tell you that the imperial court did not send troops south at all. Uncle Jizhou led troops to garrison Kaifeng and was repairing the Yellow River embankment! What is the purpose of Zhang Xianzhong's deception?"

Upon hearing this, the relationship between He Jin and Zhang Xianzhong was the worst, and they were the first to attack the case, and immediately shouted: "Huang Hu, who has known for a long time, has no good intentions and wants to annex our Gezuo Fifth Battalion, right? How dare you say we are unrighteous?"

He Yilong also followed suit and shouted: "It's just right, kill you and give the court a certificate of honor, you deserve it!"

The soldiers blocking the door naturally heard their conversation, knowing that Zhang Xianzhong wanted to kill their elder brother and annex their Gezuo Fifth Battalion, they were all very angry, and immediately surrounded them with knives and guns, and they were about to kill them. Zhang Wenxiu.

Lin raised them, but he didn't stop them.Obviously, they also wanted to show their loyalty to the imperial court, and it was naturally the best thing to have a certificate of honor.

Seeing this, Zhang Wenxiu was naturally very angry, and it was impossible to catch her without a fight, so she wanted to fight one by one.

But at this moment, Yuan Zhuangfei shouted: "Wait!"

Hearing his shout, everyone stopped their movements and turned to look at him, wondering what he wanted to do again?
Seeing Yuan Zhuangfei looking at Zhang Wenxiu, he immediately asked him: "Is your real surname Liu? Liu Wenxiu is your real name?"

Zhang Wenxiu was taken aback when he heard that, after he was adopted as adopted son by Zhang Xianzhong, he changed his surname to Zhang.The original Liu surname should have been changed a long time ago, and few people know about it.

Puzzled, he asked, "How do you know?"

Lin Chengcheng and the others were also a little strange, so they all looked at Yuan Zhuangfei, wanting to hear what he would say next.

Yuan Zhuangfei obviously softened his face, and said to Liu Wenxiu: "Your Majesty has an order. Except for Zhang Xianzhong, Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin who are not pardoned, everyone else is allowed to recruit. Some of them are requested by His Majesty. Try to recruit as much as possible, or capture them alive. Save him from dying. Among them, Zhang Xianzhong has you, Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo!"

"..." As soon as he finished speaking, the hall was suddenly quiet.

No one expected that there would be such a thing?
Even Liu Wenxiu couldn't figure it out, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

He thought that although he had some fame, all the people present were more famous than him. Why did the emperor specifically name him to save his life?Even know his real name?

By the way, there is also Zhang Dingguo. Few people know about his original surname Li!
Yuan Zhuangfei shook his head and said, "Even Uncle Jizhou doesn't know about this matter. If you want to know the reason, you have to ask His Majesty! But I have a guess..."

"What guess?" Several people present asked in unison.

It was this matter that made them so curious.

Yuan Zhuangfei glanced at them, and then slowly said: "It's probably related to Taizu's apparition. My cousin is also on His Majesty's list, so he sent Lord Du to recruit my cousin!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chengcheng and the others all turned to look at Liu Wenxiu with envy in their eyes.

I really don't know how the boy in front of him, He Dehe Neng, is actually missed by the emperor.

Yuan Shizhong was remembered by the emperor, and he was knighted in World War I.The kid in front of me probably has a bright future!

He Yilong, who was the first to yell for beating and killing just now, immediately patted the empty seat beside him with a smile, and greeted Liu Wenxiu: "Come, come, come, let me tell you why I think you are so pleasing to the eye, come and sit next to Big Brother, let's plot big things together !"

When the others heard this, they also greeted warmly.

Liu Wenxiu herself was stunned. Just now he was shouting at him, but now he is like a brother. Isn't the contrast too great?
(End of this chapter)

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