Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 331 This Is Absolutely Normal

Chapter 331 This Is Absolutely Normal

When Zuo Liangyu reprimanded his son, Ma Shixiu, the deputy general, arrived, and Zuo Liangyu let his son go, and said to Ma Shixiu: "I think the imperial court will definitely not be able to give this kind of armor, you can go for me! "

When Ma Shixiu heard it, he was suddenly surprised, and asked quickly: "Since the commander-in-chief thinks that the imperial court is unlikely to give it, why should he go?"

After hearing this, Zuo Liangyu patted the armor and said: "You go with a lot of money, and give a generous gift to Mr. Sun and a few important ones, and see if we can make a good relationship!"

Speaking of this, he sighed again and said: "The few backers in the court have all collapsed, so there is no bottom in my heart!"

Hearing this, Ma Shixiu couldn't help feeling a little sad.When he came back to his senses, he said to Zuo Liangyu: "Don't worry, the commander-in-chief, the general will go for a walk!"

As Zuo Liangyu's confidant, of course he understands that Zuo Liangyu has been doing things smoothly all these years without any fear. In addition to the military power in his hands, there is another very important reason, that is, there are people in the court.

Now the original backers have been taken care of by the current emperor, if no backers are found, the days to come will be sad.

That being the case, he did his part to see if he could hug Sun Chuanting's thigh.

As soon as Ma Shixiu left, Zuo Menggeng jumped out again, and said to Zuo Liangyu a little angrily: "Father, why don't you let the child go for such a good thing? If you are familiar with Master Sun, you will do the same to the child in the future." It's good!"

After hearing this, Zuo Liangyu felt a little headache.If the whole family hadn't died and there was only one son left, he would have beaten him to death!

After waving his hand to make the guards retreat, and only his son was left in the lobby, Zuo Liangyu explained to his son: "Do you think this is a good job? Maybe it's going to lose your head!"

"Head off?" Zuo Menggeng was taken aback when he heard this, but when he came back to his senses, he asked a little puzzled, "What lost the head, how did it happen?"

Seeing that he didn't understand, Zuo Liangyu had no choice but to continue: "Do you think the imperial court turned a blind eye to what you did for your father? In the past, there were people in the court who could help to speak. Now that there is no one in the court, who will speak for the father? For the father All these things that you have done can be punished by the Nine Clans. Moreover, the imperial court was able to defeat hundreds of thousands of Jianlu. Now that there is a strong army in hand, do you think the imperial court will still care about this little force in the hands of the father? ?”

When Zuo Menggeng heard it, his expression changed immediately, and he couldn't help crying and said: "Father, what should we do?"

"Don't worry too much about it. Didn't daddy send you Uncle Ma to check on the situation?" Zuo Liangyu comforted his son and said, "If you can hug Sun Chuanting's thigh, then the days to come will definitely be happier than before. It's easy. If there is a situation, I probably won't touch you, Uncle Ma, because the court will arrest you as your father first. If you are sent, it will be different, and the court will probably threaten you as your father! Therefore, Do you understand, why did you send Uncle Ma instead of you?"

Another point, which he did not say, is that his son has no eyesight.No matter whether it is playing by ear or knowing the truth, it is not as much as Ma Shixiu.

But he didn't say what he said because he was afraid that it would hurt his son's self-confidence too much.

After hearing this, Zuo Menggeng finally understood his father's intentions, so he didn't say anything more.


About ten days later, Ma Shixiu hurried back, but did not bring back the armor, and told Zuo Liangyu, "Those important gifts have been accepted, but Mr. Sun still insisted, saying that the new armor is of great importance, and must be commanded by the commander-in-chief." Just go there yourself!"

Speaking of this, he added: "By the way, I really saw that batch of armor, and it was piled up in the warehouse."

When Zuo Liangyu heard what he said at the beginning, he had some calculations in his heart, but when he heard what he said later, he was surprised, and immediately asked: "Did you really see the armor? Are they all armor like this?"

While speaking, he pointed at his son, because the new armor that was used as a sample had already been worn on Zuo Menggeng.

Ma Shixiu listened, nodded and said: "The warehouse is indeed full of armor, the last general pretended to be careless, bumped into it, and so did the ones underneath, that's right!"

"Then what do you think, it's true, and you just asked me to get the armor?" Zuo Liangyu was a little moved after hearing this, and asked Ma Shixiu.

If his army can be equipped with this new type of armor, he knows better than anyone else the improvement in combat power.Therefore, he was naturally very jealous of that batch of armor.

After Ma Shixiu heard this, he still thought about it seriously and said, "The general thinks it should be like this."

Of course he knew what Zuo Liangyu was worried about, so he added: "The last general has sent great gifts to Mr. Sun and the few people in power below. During the conversation, they didn't mean to blame you!"

Zuo Menggeng next to him immediately smiled when he heard this, it seems that his father guessed wrong, this is the best!

Unexpectedly, Zuo Liangyu was not happy, instead he frowned and pondered for a while, then suddenly his expression changed: "This is absolutely not normal!"

When Ma Shixiu saw it, his expression changed.He naturally had a deep understanding of Zuo Liangyu, so he admired Zuo Liangyu very much.

Hearing Zuo Liangyu's conclusion at this time, he quickly asked, "What's abnormal?"

"You think, based on what we did, Sun Chuanting didn't have friendship with us, but he chose to turn a blind eye because he gave us a big gift?" Zuo Liangyu reminded Ma Shixiu.

Hearing this, Ma Shixiu's expression changed immediately.Only Zuo Menggeng heard this and scratched his head, apparently still unable to figure it out.


Here in Kaifeng, Sun Chuanting showed Ma Shixiu a new type of armor, so naturally it was impossible for Zuo Liangyu to give it to him.There are only three thousand sets of these new armors, which are not enough for Chen Yongfu, so how can they be given to Zuo Liangyu!

The reason why Ma Shixiu showed these new armors was to trick Zuo Liangyu into going to Kaifeng.In this case, it would be very easy to solve Zuo Liangyu's case.

It's just a pity, after Ma Shixiu went back, after waiting for several days, Zuo Liangyu did not come to Kaifeng.The Yebucha who sent it over reported back, saying that Zuo Liangyu was rushing to seize the area, and even sent troops to the surrounding areas of Nanyang Fucheng to plunder.

Hearing this news, Sun Chuanting understood that Zuo Liangyu would definitely not come.

As soon as the luck was gone, Sun Chuanting no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered Luoyang to gather troops, and Yuan Shizhong and Chen Yongfu also started to prepare for the battle.

If Zuo Liangyu is allowed to harm the place under his nose again, it will be difficult for Emperor Chongzhen to explain it!
It's just a pity that there are not enough troops, and I'm afraid that this cunning Zuo Liangyu will escape!


Guide Mansion, after being plundered by Li Zicheng's troops, was flooded by the water of the Yellow River. It can be said that it is full of desolation.

However, along the Suishui River, it was a scene of excitement.Many people are here, carrying burdens and digging soil, busy building water conservancy projects.

In the distance, a group of cavalry appeared, heading south.Yuan Shizhong's troops, who were guarding along the way, immediately greeted them.

After a while, there were cheers, and then, a fast horse galloped back to the banner with the word "Yuan".

"What?" Yuan Shizhong, who was packing up his things and was about to leave the camp, couldn't help but exulted when he heard Pegasus' report, "Zhuang Fei said that the fifth battalion of Gezuo was recruited?"

After getting the confirmation, Yuan Shizhong immediately sent someone to report to Sun Chuanting in Kaifeng, and then he personally led his men to meet him south.

At the front of the Gezuo Fifth Battalion, Yuan Zhuangfei accompanied Lin Chengcheng and others. When he saw the "Yuan" flag welcoming them, he immediately said happily, "It's my brother!"

When Lin Chengcheng and the others heard this, they didn't dare to neglect, so they hurriedly greeted them with Yuan Zhuangfei and the others.

When the two sides met, Yuan Shizhong laughed when he saw Yuan Zhuangfei, and then hurriedly said loudly: "Zhuangfei, why don't you introduce me to brother!"

While speaking, he got off his horse, clasped his fists and said, "It's time to go down to Yuan!"

He didn't declare his family name as an official position, but came according to Jianghu etiquette, and even greeted him with a smile.With all these things, Lin Chengcheng and the others couldn't help feeling very fond of them.

Therefore, without waiting for Yuan Zhuangfei's introduction, they all clasped their fists in return and introduced themselves at the same time.

"Cultivated in Xialin, the bandit is called the king of troubled times, and I have met Uncle Hua!"



Of course Yuan Shizhong had heard of the name of Gezuo Fifth Battalion.Therefore, after listening to it, both parties have long admired the polite words.

"Who is this?" Yuan Shizhong asked curiously when he saw a relatively refined person who seemed to have a higher status, but he didn't say hello.

When Yuan Zhuangfei heard this, he immediately laughed, and quickly introduced: "This is Zhang Wenxiu, one of the four righteous sons of the Eight Great Kings. By the way, the surname has been changed back to Liu Wenxiu!"

"Haha, brother Liu is thinking about his mother-in-law, and he's not in a very happy mood!" He Yilong said with a smile when he heard it from the side.

Of course Yuan Shizhong knew who Liu Wenxiu was, but he didn't expect Liu Wenxiu to come with him, so he couldn't help being very surprised, and then he was overjoyed, so he hurriedly greeted Liu Wenxiu.

Seeing Liu Wenxiu, she didn't dare to be negligent, so she hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

Afterwards, they continued to go north while reminiscing about the old days.

Naturally, Lin Chengcheng and the others would not be indifferent. Instead of talking about Yuan Shizhong's downfall when he was a small Yuanying, they asked about the Battle of Jizhou.

This was the battle of Yuan Shizhong's knighthood, and it was also the most elated battle of the imperial court and the army. Yuan Shizhong was naturally very happy to introduce it, and he couldn't say enough.

As he talked, he was already approaching the construction site of Xiuhe, Yuan Shizhong pointed there with his finger and said, "Look, over there, those my brothers are guarding..."

When Lin Chengcheng and others looked over, he continued, "Did you see it? They're all money rat tails, and they're serious about building captives!"

(End of this chapter)

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