Chapter 333 Misfits

Facing the arrival of the Fifth Ge Zuo Battalion, Sun Chuanting did not always have that dead fish face, which was regarded as a welcoming gesture.

When Lin Chengcheng and others visited, he also revealed to them the content of the previous memorial.

Lin Chengcheng and others had already accepted the psychological expectation of starting from guerrillas after recruiting security, but they did not expect that Sun Chuanting took the initiative to add officials to them, and they were two levels higher than guerrillas, so they immediately felt flattered.

Generally speaking, after accepting the recruitment, the thief is at the rank of lieutenant general, but it is actually very rare.

Even Yuan Shizhong was not, and neither were the others, including Bai Guangen, Gao Jie and others, or those who had died fighting for the country.It was only after accumulating meritorious service that he was promoted to the rank of chief soldier.Even the current Gao Jie is just a general.

If it is said that Yuan Shizhong in the past was a thousand-gold horse bone, Sun Chuanting suggested to Emperor Chongzhen that the five leaders of the fifth Gezuo battalion should be named deputy generals, which means that there are hundreds of gold horse bones.

As for the surprise, it was Zhang Xianzhong's general Liu Wenxiu. Sun Chuanting did not deal with it, but asked Yuan Zhuangfei to escort Liu Wenxiu to the capital.Because this Liu Wenxiu was hand-picked by Emperor Chongzhen before, he was handed over to Emperor Chongzhen for personal disposal.

It's not that Sun Chuanting didn't think about it. With the arrival of Gezuo's Fifth Battalion, his troops are already enough to encircle Zuo Liangyu.However, considering the problem of food and grass, and the fact that the emperor's will has not come down, in the end, he decided, according to the original plan, to reorganize the fifth battalion of Gezuo first, eliminate the weak and retain the strong, and conduct a mixed formation with Chen Yongfu's new army.


"hold head high……"

"Space space space..."

On the side of the Jingshi Railway Station, a train was full of passengers, and there was a full truck behind it, puffing out thick smoke, leaving the train station and disappearing into the distance.

There were five or six young people, tall and long-armed, who were recognizable as northerners at a glance. They stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to recover for a long time.

"Young master, do you want to experience this steam train?" Suddenly, a flattering voice sounded, "You can't buy a ticket, you just need to add money, a little money, and the villain Mr. Bao can take the train. in three days!"

The young man at the head came back to his senses, saw the man in front of him, stretched out three fingers, and said to him with a flattering smile.

"Don't sit!" The young man answered immediately after hearing this, then turned around and left.

When the man heard this, he gave a "bah" sound, and then muttered: "No money!"

It was obvious just now that it was definitely the first time for them to see this steam train.According to experience, generally rich young masters will definitely spend a lot of money to sit on this steam train after seeing it for the first time.

In the end, this person didn't even think about it, but he rejected it outright, so that he didn't even have time to say something that he could be touched by the emperor. This is definitely because he has no money!

Of course he didn't know that the young man he was trying to solicit business just now was not short of money, but just afraid of dealing with people.

No, I saw that this person arrived at a slightly remote place soon, and then he stood still, showing a shocked expression on his face.

Only one of his followers said to him in shock: "Young master, we... have arrived in the capital? Why do we feel... It feels like we are in the place of the gods!"

"That's right, the car just now was able to pull so many people and goods. I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't blessed by the magic power of the gods!" Another person said in the same shock.

The performance of this train really went beyond their worldview.This kind of divine power really only exists in legends.

"Nonsense!" Hearing this, the young man reprimanded them, "We came straight to the capital, how could we go wrong?"

"But, what about this car?" His entourage said a little unconvinced, "Although we have never been to the capital before, we must have heard of it. This car, and the road under our feet, are the only ones in the world. Is it?"

"Young master, didn't you say that Emperor Taizu had manifested himself? It's not surprising that there are gods to help, right?"

"That's right, the Emperor Taizu must have sent immortals to help. That's why there is a great victory in Jizhou, as well as this road and this car, can it all be explained?"

"Then...then do we still have hope? How can we beat the gods?"


The young man at the head heard it, and immediately shouted angrily in a low voice: "That's enough, shut up, be careful that the walls have ears!"

Upon hearing this, his followers quickly looked around vigilantly, as if they were afraid of being overheard.

"My lord, shall we go back to Huguang?"

Hearing the question, the leader shook his head and said: "Although we have basically understood the rumored situation, it is not easy to come here, and the capital has changed too much. Let's go to the city first, and then go back to the city to find out the news. !"

Needless to say, this person is Zhang Dingguo, also known as Li Dingguo, whom Zhang Xianzhong sent to the north to inquire about news.

After receiving the task, he didn't inquire all the way all the way to the north, but went straight to the capital.

Because he felt that all news should be confirmed here in the capital.

As a result, when he arrived at the capital, he was shocked, and then shocked again.

The prosperity of the capital was something he had never seen before.The atmosphere on the capital's side made him feel that it was a peaceful and prosperous age!
What surprised him the most was naturally the cement road and the steam train.

Like his entourage, his three views are a bit broken.

Hiding in this remote place, after finally recovering, he sneaked into the capital with a false guide.

Because he wanted to inquire about news, he found a lively restaurant and ate in a corner of the lobby.

Naturally, while eating, he kept his ears open to listen to what the diners were saying.Some parents who are short-sighted are naturally filtered out, just want to hear some valuable news.

After a while, Li Dingguo soon heard some conversations, which attracted his attention.

"Today is the day when the science rankings are released. I don't know which fifty are so lucky!"

"No! This is the emperor's lecture. Who in the world has such an honor? I heard that officials from the south of the Yangtze River said that one month is too short. It's just a pity that the emperor has not changed his mind!"

"Actually, I feel that even if those Jiangnan talents come, they may not be able to compare with us northerners!"

"Ah, what a big tone! In terms of talent and learning, who are you northerners?"


Li Dingguo was confused, and as he listened, he saw diners at two tables quarreling over the North-South issue.

Although Li Dingguo himself has not participated in the imperial examination, he must know the general situation of the imperial examination.

The imperial examination list has always been divided into the southern list and the northern list. Whether the southerners are stronger or the northerners are stronger, they will not conflict with each other.

But he was a little puzzled when he heard it. What kind of list is this?

So much so that later, the diners at other tables in the lobby also joined in their north-south debate, making it a lively quarrel.

Li Dingguo was really puzzled. Although he is from the north, he still agrees. As far as the imperial examination is concerned, the southerners are definitely better!The same is true, always shouting that the imperial examination is unfair, so there will be a north-south list.

The people here, where did they get the courage to fight so hard over this topic?

"Aren't you convinced? Well, let me ask you a question. Why do people slip and fall easily when walking on ice?"

"Then I'll ask you too, why does my hand hurt when I slap you?"

"I asked first, you answered first!"

"Aren't you very capable, why don't you answer first?"


Li Dingguo was a little confused. It wasn't a question about what is important, but this kind of ghost question. Isn't this the simplest question, and it still needs to be answered?
Thinking of this, he was also dumbfounded suddenly.

When he was thinking about the answer, Li Dingguo suddenly realized that it was the most common thing, but how to answer it seemed to be a question!
Why do people slip and fall easily when walking on ice?Isn't it because of slippery!But is this the answer?Obviously not!

Also, when I slap someone, it is true that I slap someone, but why does it hurt me?Could it be that his face hit his own hand, which is why it hurts?

What is this ghost?

Thinking about these things, Li Dingguo was stunned.After recovering from his senses, he couldn't help shaking his head, are all these people in the capital so boring?What are your thoughts on these questions?

Unexpectedly, just as he was thinking this way, he heard those arguing diners talking, saying that this is the content of science, and the emperor will give a lecture in the Imperial College soon, and he will talk about related content, as if it is related to steam trains.

Li Dingguo was dumbfounded again!

The emperor wants to give a lecture?
Are these questions just now related to that powerful car?

What exactly happened here?
This place is really the capital I know, isn't it like in the story of Journey to the West, where I have arrived in some magical country?
Thinking of this, Li Dingguo silently recalled that he left Wuchang and headed north quickly, and the road was familiar.Even at the end, there is nothing strange about it, it must be the right way!
So here comes the question, why is this capital, and what you have seen and heard here, so strange?

Until the end of the meal, Li Dingguo still felt very confused, and it was difficult to integrate into the surrounding environment.Looking at his entourage, he found that it was similar.

Li Dingguo didn't dare to stay any longer. The signs of outsiders were too obvious. If he was spotted by the imperial hawks, he would be in danger.

Thinking of this, he immediately called Xiao Er to pay the bill.

As soon as the shop waiter came over, he greeted warmly: "Guest officer, five cents and three cents of the old money is enough, and five cents of the new money is enough. Which one do you want?"

Upon hearing this, Li Dingguo was stunned again: What new money and old money?
(End of this chapter)

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