Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 335 There Are So Many Pies In The Sky

Chapter 335 There Are So Many Pies in the Sky (Ask for a Monthly Ticket)
However, Li Dingguo's entourage has the duty to protect Li Dingguo, so it is naturally impossible to ignore everything.

They noticed a group of knights galloping at the first time, but found that Li Dingguo didn't seem to notice, so they quickly reminded Li Dingguo: "Young master, there are cavalry coming!"

As followers, it was impossible for them to drag Li Dingguo to the side of the road, because they were servants, and Li Dingguo was the master. Not to mention, Li Dingguo was the master of fighting on the battlefield, not a weak white-faced scholar.

At the same time, some followers immediately stopped behind Li Dingguo, actively blocking the way of the cavalry to protect their leader.

Li Dingguo was thinking about something, when he heard his followers talking to him, he was startled, and immediately asked subconsciously: "Which way?"

They are used to fighting on the battlefield, but not used to peaceful life, otherwise, Li Dingguo would have avoided it first.

Just at this moment, the team of cavalry has arrived.Fortunately, he was not running fast. Seeing someone blocking him, he quickly reined in his horse and stopped. At the same time, a knight in the front immediately reprimanded: "Are you blind? Get out of the way!"

Hearing the sound, Li Dingguo turned around and looked up, and found that it was a group of people dressed as officers and soldiers. He was shocked in his heart, and he had already recovered, knowing what environment he was in, so he quickly wanted to avoid it.

At this time, his identity is too sensitive, and the officers and soldiers must not be allowed to discover his identity, so as not to cause trouble.

But who knows, just as he was about to get out of the way, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man in casual clothes in this army team. He was gentle and very familiar.

Just such a feeling flashed in his mind, and immediately, a name emerged, and immediately, he looked at that man with an incredulous expression.

That gentle man also turned his head to look over because Li Dingguo was blocking the way.

The two looked at each other, and then, they all looked shocked, and almost exclaimed at the same time.

"Second brother?"

"Third brother?"

What a surprise to meet an old acquaintance in a foreign land!
Li Dingguo quickly came to his senses, and when he realized something was wrong, he quickly lowered his head, turned around and left.

This gentle and gentle man was Liu Wenxiu, and he also realized what the occasion was, when he saw Li Dingguo turned around and left, he lowered his head and remained silent when he came to his senses.

However, Yuan Zhuangfei, who was beside Liu Wenxiu, heard his exclamation, and was suddenly a little strange. Liu Wenxiu called "Second Brother" just now?
What do you mean, met an acquaintance in the capital?

How could he have acquaintances in the capital?

Should all his acquaintances be from the Eight Great Kings?
Thinking of this, Yuan Zhuangfei immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately looked at Li Dingguo's back and shouted: "Stop!"

Li Dingguo heard it, but pretended not to hear it, but secretly complained in his heart, and instead quickened his pace.

He was puzzled, how could he meet Liu Wenxiu in the capital? Isn't he in Wuchang?
Yuan Zhuangfei saw that Li Dingguo not only did not stop, but quickened his pace, he immediately realized that there was definitely something wrong with this person.

The reason why he didn't immediately think of Zhang Xianzhong's four adopted sons was because he subconsciously felt that this was impossible.

When I went to Zhao'an Gezuo Fifth Battalion before, I ran into Liu Wenxiu who ran into me, and it was already a miracle.Then when I was on my way back to the capital, I encountered another big fish. Even if the pie fell from the sky, it didn't fall like this, did it?

There is another one, the ancient people called "Second Brother" or something, not necessarily the second brother among brothers, but there are many people's names, so they are called like that.

But no matter what you think, it doesn't matter now, stop the person first, and you will naturally figure it out.

Therefore, Yuan Zhuangfei immediately waved his hand and said, "Stop them!"

Hearing this, his personal guard immediately drove forward, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Li Dingguo knew it was going to be bad, but this was in the capital, even if he ran wildly, he might not be able to escape.The current strategy is to play by ear and see if I can get away!
In desperation, he had no choice but to stand still, then turned around, pretending to be naive and asked: "This soldier, is he called a villain?"

When the pedestrians around saw a group of officers and soldiers stopping a group of people, they all hid aside, and then began to gossip curiously.

When Yuan Zhuangfei heard this, he became even more suspicious.

Because Li Dingguo is dressed like a young man, people like this are basically scholars, with family backgrounds, gentlemen and martial arts, that is engraved in their bones.And this is not in a deserted wilderness, but in the capital.

If he were really a scholar, he would definitely not be so humble. He is both a soldier and a villain.

So, instead of answering Li Dingguo's question, he just turned his head, looked at Liu Wenxiu and asked, "Do you know him?"

Liu Wenxiu heard it, and immediately said with a smile: "I don't know!"

Hearing this, Li Dingguo breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Yuan Zhuangfei immediately asked: "But I heard you call him second brother just now!"

"Did you hear it wrong?" Liu Wenxiu heard it, and immediately asked, "Do you think I have acquaintances in the capital?"

He followed Zhang Xianzhong since he was a child, and started rebelling from Qin, and traveled all over the world, but he has never been to Gyeonggi, which is a well-known fact.

Yuan Zhuangfei already had doubts in his heart, how could he explain it in just one sentence.

Although logically speaking, it is indeed impossible for Liu Wenxiu to meet acquaintances in the capital.

Seeing Yuan Zhuangfei's expression, Liu Wenxiu explained again: "I just saw that this person looked a bit like an old friend, but when I looked carefully, I found that it was not, so I realized that I had made a mistake."

Yuan Zhuangfei ignored him, turned to look at Li Dingguo and said, "I seem to have heard you calling him just now, what did you call?"

"What? What did you call him?" Li Dingguo began to pretend to be stupid, "The villain just said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss

When his followers heard this, they all nodded in agreement.

"That's right, that's right, we can all hear clearly, our young master is ah."

Yuan Zhuangfei still had doubts, and immediately shouted: "Where is Lu Yin, let's take a look!"

Upon hearing this, Li Dingguo obediently took out the guide, and his attendants handed it to Yuan Zhuangfei.Anyway, the content of this road guide is false, but the stamp is true, and the people in the government will definitely not be able to find out.

Yuan Zhuangfei glanced at Lu Yin for a moment, then a little embarrassed, turned his head to look at the crowd, and immediately shouted: "Anyone who can read, come and help see Lu Yin!"

There is really no way, he knows about himself and his personal guards, and they are all illiterate!

A good-natured person heard it, and immediately came out to help Yuan Zhuangfei read the road guide, and then read it out.

Yuan Zhuangfei listened, and when he heard the name, his expression was very strange, he looked at Liu Wenxiu and said, "Do you have anything else to explain?"

"..." Liu Wenxiu was speechless, and then turned to look at Li Dingguo, really not knowing what to say!
When Li Dingguo saw his expression, he felt a "thump" in his heart, he was a bit lost!
When Yuan Zhuangfei saw Liu Wenxiu's expression, he knew it was true. He didn't expect that he would go so far. It really was pies falling from the sky, or the big pies for himself!
Surprised, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha..."

"Oh!" Liu Wenxiu sighed and shook her head.You can make up any name you want, why use this?

It turned out that Li Dingguo wrote the name Li Dingguo on his fake guide.

Originally, Li Dingguo thought that there were too many people with the same name in the world. If he changed his surname back to his original surname, few people in the world would know it. I feel that people in the world will definitely not associate Li Dingguo and Zhang Dingguo together.

After all, if ordinary people use pseudonyms, they will definitely not change their ancestors' surnames, but their names.He is doing the opposite, very safe.

But looking at the situation now, it seems a bit wrong.

Yuan Zhuangfei didn't dare to laugh for too long, for he was afraid that extreme joy would turn into sadness, so he quickly stopped laughing, but with a smile on his face, he said to Li Dingguo: "I don't know why you are in the capital, and I don't know why you are on the road. Using this name, I don’t know why you just blocked our way? All I know is that my luck is really great!”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said, "It's just right, you can go to the imperial city with me, Your Majesty should be very happy to see you!"

"What? Master Bing, did you admit the wrong person?" Li Dingguo still had a fluke mentality in his heart and did not admit it.

In fact, until now, he was still a little confused.

What happened today, how did it happen?
When Liu Wenxiu heard Yuan Zhuangfei's words, she immediately remembered that Yuan Zhuangfei had said at the beginning that the two people, Li Dingguo and herself, were ordered by the emperor to be recruited, and if they could not be recruited, they would try to capture them alive.

In other words, the emperor should value the two of them very much.According to Yuan Zhuangfei's private explanation, this may be related to Taizu's manifestation.

As soon as Yuan Zhuangfei said this, He Yilong and the others knew that he would definitely become famous, so the change of face became so fast!

Thinking of this, he had a feeling that there must be God's will in the dark. This is God, or Emperor Taizu, or someone else, arranged such a thing, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Wenxiu saw that Li Dingguo still wanted to deny it, so she said helplessly, "Second brother, forget it, this is your fate, admit it!"

"..." Li Dingguo was dumbfounded when he heard it: this Wenxiu actually confessed?
When Yuan Zhuangfei heard Liu Wenxiu's admission, he laughed again.

"Second brother, wait with me to be summoned by the emperor, it must be a good thing!" Liu Wenxiu persuaded Li Dingguo again.

Li Dingguo was really confused, what is going on?

Why are you, Zhang Wenxiu, here, why did you go to see the emperor, why did you conclude that seeing the emperor is a good thing, and not tied to the vegetable market to be hacked to pieces?We are rebels!
 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, and say important things three times!
(End of this chapter)

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