Chapter 347 Worry
When Zhu Changhao heard this, his face turned pale.Of course, he knew clearly that King Lu's Mausoleum was beyond the control.If it is serious, it makes sense to say that King Lu is going to rebel.

But the point is, he never thought about rebelling!The Mausoleum of King Lu was not built by him, it was built by his father when he was alive.

This... this is simply a disaster from heaven!
Zhu Changhao came back to his senses, and immediately became anxious. While backing away, not wanting the factory guards to catch him, he shouted at Sun Chuanting: "Guzhen didn't want to rebel, the world can learn from you, I swear to the sky, I swear to the ancestral tablet , I really didn't want to rebel..."

When the factory guards came to talk to him before, Zhu Changhao put on airs of a vassal king and didn’t give the emperor any face. At this time, he felt a little sympathetic to him, so he went straight up, knocked off his hat, cut his hands behind his back, and slapped him on the spot. restrained him.It was as if he was Kong Wu's powerful deadly criminal.

Zhu Changhao has suffered this kind of crime, thanks to his quick wit, he understands that any rebellion is just an excuse. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of not promising money and food before.

Therefore, he hurriedly begged again: "Give me money and food alone, give me as much as I want, give me money and food alone..."

Hearing this, the factory guards hesitated a little, and looked up at Sun Chuanting.

Because when they left Beijing, Emperor Chongzhen had ordered them to listen to Sun Chuanting for the specific arrangements when they went to the local area and dealt with the affairs of the vassal princes.

Seeing this, Sun Chuanting sneered and said: "I don't mean to slander you, the evidence of the crime is solid, do you want me to commit the crime of deceiving the emperor, open your eyes and tell nonsense, pretending you didn't see it?"

The meaning of these words is already very clear. Once he mentions it, there is no possibility of changing his mind!

Huang Shu listened to it from the sidelines, and was a little secretly startled, feeling that Mr. Sun is cruel enough!
Sun Chuanting himself did not have this self-awareness, suddenly raised his voice, and shouted coldly: "Come on, arrest people, ransack the house!"

"Obey!" The surrounding factory guards and soldiers responded loudly when they heard this.There seemed to be a hint of excitement in the words.

Think about it too, in this life, how many people can walk around in the feudal prince's mansion and ransack a feudal prince's house?

After going back this time, he will have the capital to show off.

Hearing Sun Chuanting's words, Zhu Changhao was paralyzed on the spot.He knew that even if he didn't die, he was almost dead.

Thinking about his possible ending, instead of regretting that he didn't readily agree to the factory guard's request, Zhu Changhao scolded his father instead.

Well, why did he build a mausoleum that exceeded the system, and he would hurt his descendants after his own death? This is also because there is no metaphysics in this world. Otherwise, his father would probably be scolded to death.

The movements in the feudal prince's mansion naturally alarmed the people of the whole city.Seeing a large number of court officers and soldiers surrounding Prince Lu's Mansion, the cries and shouts inside were loud, and seeing boxes and other things being moved out, they were immediately excited.

"What's going on here, His Royal Highness Lu is going to move, and change to the feudal land?"

"It's unlikely, you see howling ghosts and wolves in the mansion, it's obviously not as simple as moving house!"

"Looking at this posture, why do I feel that it is similar to the legendary house raid?"

"Copy the house? Impossible? Why did our Ming Dynasty copy the family of the vassal king?"

"Hehe, you don't know, it happened before, but it's been a long time. It's not uncommon to have it again now! Don't you know? Nowadays, people like to steal their homes, such as the first assistant, the minister, and the Duke of the State. Aren't they all being ransacked?"

"However, the vassal king ransacked his home, unless he was plotting rebellion? As for Lu Wang, what did he use to plot rebellion?"

"Take King Lu's Tomb! Let me tell you, I saw Mr. Fu Zun accompany Mr. Sun to visit King Lu's Tomb. With that standard, the emperor doesn't even have such a high standard. What do you want? Isn't it treason? "

"That's right, that's right, King Lu just wanted to plot a rebellion. Now it's all right, he was discovered by the wise and mighty emperor. Let's go and drink to celebrate!"

"Yes, yes, today is such a happy event, we must celebrate..."


Listening to the movement of King Lu's Mansion, Wei Hui's common people, who had probably guessed what was going on, were overjoyed all of them. Apart from applauding, they all started to celebrate in various ways.

As Weihui locals, they must know that Lu Wang has no signs of rebellion at all.Even the Mausoleum of King Lu is just showing off, not really going on the road of rebellion.

However, who cares whether King Lu is wronged or not, they only care that King Lu, Wei Hui, is a great harm, and will be gone from now on!
Such a happy thing, I can't wait to help, how can I help King Lu complain!

After nightfall, Lu Wang's mansion was still brightly lit, with torches everywhere, and the counting of money, food and supplies was still going on.

It was not until noon the next day that Yuan Shizhong and the factory guard jointly submitted the list to Sun Chuanting for his verification.

Sun Chuanting looked at the thick list of money, food and supplies, and suddenly, he understood why today's people like to search their homes so much!
Randomly checked a few places, and seeing that there was no problem, Sun Chuanting ordered that all the money, food and materials be transferred to Kaifeng.

As for Zhu Changhao and other people in Lu Wang's mansion, he lost them to Huang Shu, the magistrate of Wei Hui.

"..." Seeing this, Huang Shu was very speechless.

At any rate, I will accompany you, Mr. Sun, to deal with Lu Wang, and I am more or less responsible for it.In the end, your Master Sun took away all the supplies, money and food, and left him a trouble, is that plausible?

So, he hurriedly expressed his meaning in a tactful manner.

When Sun Chuanting heard it, he just said to him coldly: "That's fine, how much food and supplies you want, you can take it yourself, and if there is a shortage of money and food to suppress the thieves, I will apportion it to your Weihui Mansion!"

"..." Huang Shu was dumbfounded when he heard this, and quickly thanked Sun Chuanting for his kindness with a mournful face.

But fortunately, Sun Chuanting is not really penniless. Seeing that Huang Shu didn't realize it, he woke him up and said, "Once His Royal Highness King Lu is convicted of treason, then his grain farm store will definitely become an official farm store." , Can I take these things away?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Shu finally came back to his senses, and immediately smiled again.

Killing a King Lu really deserves hello, me, everyone.

it is good!
Therefore, Sun Chuanting didn't need to explain the ending of King Lu's rebellion. Huang Shu immediately gathered his men to deal with it.


Besides, Zuo Liangyu in Nanyang Mansion sensed danger and did not dare to meet Sun Chuanting alone.

As for leading the troops to go north, he used this to ask Sun Chuanting for equipment, food and grass. In the end, he weighed the strength of his subordinates and dispelled the idea of ​​being overwhelmed.

As a veteran of the army for decades, Zuo Liangyu would never dare to turn a blind eye, and then live a happy life behind closed doors.Otherwise, I don't know how many times I have died.

For so many years, it is precisely because he has not relaxed to inquire about the news that the court asked him to fight a strong army. He dared to disobey orders, and even fled before the battle. Can hear the wind and move.

Recently this time, when he heard that Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's coalition forces were coming to Xiangyang, he didn't dare to fight at all, and he just ran away first.

Anyway, he would never do tough battles and desperate things.In this troubled world, preserving and possessing strength is the foundation of prosperity and wealth.For this point, he is very clear.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu was in Nanyang, and his sixth sense always felt that something was wrong.

However, where this danger comes from, he still has no way of knowing.

The news came from the south that Li Zicheng annexed Luo Rucai and Luo Rucai's troops, which reassured him a lot.Because he knew that, at least in the short term, Li Zicheng would definitely not be able to lead his troops north to deal with him.

What makes him hateful is that Li Zicheng's reason for killing Luo Rucai is that Luo Rucai colluded with Zuo Liangyu!
What a scapegoat!
This matter, in the long run, is not a good thing.Because he realized that once the integration of Li Zicheng's department was completed, as a neighbor, the threat to him would become very great.

Moreover, Sun Chuanting did not stay in the capital, but ran to Kaifeng. Obviously, even if he did not do anything in the near future, if he did in the future, he would definitely be ordered to attack Li Zicheng first.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, Nanyang is not a safe place.

For this reason, Zuo Liangyu and his subordinates discussed where should be the best place to go?

"Marshal, why don't we go to the east, to the south of the Yangtze River?" Ma Shixiu first suggested.

After hearing this, Zuo Liangyu shook his head and vetoed, "No, Li Zicheng and Luo Ru just came from the east, so what's there to do?"

Now his subordinates claim to have [-] troops.Of course, most of them are cannon fodder.But with the number of people here, the matter of eating and drinking Lazard has to be considered.

"Father, let's go to Henan Mansion to have a look? I heard that Li Zicheng killed King Fu and made a lot of money!" Zuo Menggeng also suggested.

When Zuo Liangyu heard this, he ignored him and turned to look at the others.

Since the Henan Mansion has already been filled by Li Zicheng, he will still have his share, so I don't bother to say.

"Guoying, tell me!" After looking around, Zuo Liangyu finally called Li Guoying's name.

This Li Guoying, who was born in Liaodong, followed him when he was still in the Guanning Army.For this Li Guoying's brain, he still values ​​it more.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu naturally didn't know that Li Guoying, in the original history, would follow his son to surrender to Jianlu after his death, and then began to rise to the top. , awarded the first-class Ashhani Hafan post.In the history of working for Jianlu, he left a strong stroke.

Without this Li Guoying, it is very likely that the history of Nanming will be rewritten.

A simple example, in Liu Wenxiu's most proud battle to restore Sichuan, seeing Wu Sangui being defeated again and again, Wu Sangui wanted to escape from Shu, but he was persuaded by this Li Guoying, and finally fought in the battle of Baoning Turning defeat into victory in the middle, leading to failure!

(End of this chapter)

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