Chapter 350 Decision
Zuo Liangyu's most important thing is to make a prompt decision.

For example, when the governor wants to transfer him to fight against a strong enemy, he can make a quick decision, no matter how powerful the governor is, don't go!

For example, when the army arrived at the front line and felt that the situation was not right, he could make a quick decision and run away overnight no matter what the impact of the battle situation would be!

For example, when confronting the enemy, knowing that he can't beat the enemy, he can make a decisive decision, abandon his teammates who are fighting the enemy, and retreat without hesitation!


All these are enough to prove Zuo Liangyu's decisiveness.

No, after he received Li Guoying's instructions, he immediately acted without hesitation.

As soon as Zuo Liangyu's army moved, his control over the army immediately went down a few steps, and deserters in the army immediately appeared.For these, he is also ruthless enough, he will kill if he catches it, and leave it alone if he can't catch it.

The movement of the [-] troops was still very loud.Immediately, Ye Bushou, the imperial court wandering around in Nanyang Mansion, noticed him, and quickly reported to Sun Chuanting.

"Run away?" Sun Chuanting sneered immediately after receiving the report, "I knew he would run away! Order, according to the original plan, advance southward in a safe manner, and prevent the rebels from fleeing northward!"

Logically speaking, he led the troops to encircle and suppress Zuo Liangyu, and if he heard that Zuo Liangyu's troops had escaped, he would definitely send troops to chase after him immediately.

However, Sun Chuanting did not at all.Because his purpose is not just to eliminate Zuo Liangyu, but has more purposes.

First, the punishment of Zuo Liangyu's subordinates was widely announced, and the whole world knew about it. Zuo Liangyu was spared no effort to make preparations.

Regardless of the strength of Zuo Liangyu's subordinates, but he violated the laws of the court, the court can now make up his mind and deal with it without hesitation.If other troops dare to learn from Zuo Liangyu, Zuo Liangyu's end will be their end!

Second, for court officials like Zuo Liangyu, the thieves did not kill many, but they ruined the reputation of the court, so that the common people were as afraid of the officers and soldiers as they were of the thieves, or even worse, and lost the hearts of the people.Now being able to dispose of Zuo Liangyu's subordinates is also to restore the hearts of the people!

Thirdly, as Zuo Liangyu had guessed, driving away wolves and tigers put pressure on Zuo Liangyu's subordinates, forcing them to escape.In this way, Zuo Liangyu's troops will inevitably collide with Li Zicheng's troops in the south, and there is a great possibility of killing each other!It would be best if both sides could be hurt.

Fourth, it is still to drive away the wolves and tigers. This time, the army is going south and pressing it steadily. If Zuo Liangyu or Li Zicheng are not given a chance to go north, then they will have no choice but to escape.And to the south of them is Zhang Xianzhong's troops.Drive them away, and let them bite dogs again.

Fifth, even if they were forced to unite under pressure, Sun Chuanting would not be afraid of the military power in his hands.There is also a hidden purpose. Emperor Chongzhen only told him that he wanted to clean up the officialdom and places in the south of the Yangtze River.For Sun Chuanting from Shanxi, he also agrees.

Under such circumstances, when he heard that Zuo Liangyu's troops had escaped, it was only logical that he continued to fight steadily.

On the contrary, the five leaders of the Fifth Gezuo Battalion, Lin Chenggong and the others, who are all lieutenant generals of the imperial court, were in a bit of a hurry.According to this marching speed, Zuo Liangyu will never be caught.

Therefore, they sent people to ask Sun Chuanting for a fight, and they wanted to lead troops to chase Zuo Liangyu, but Sun Chuanting refused.

Now that Sun Chuanting's official position and prestige are sufficient, leading the army is just going south according to his wishes.


Not only did Sun Chuanting receive the news of Zuo Liangyu's escape, but Li Zicheng also received the news, and an emergency military meeting was held immediately to discuss countermeasures.

"I knew Zuo Liangyu would run away, but I didn't expect that he would run so fast!" Li Zicheng said angrily, "Our side has been delaying to give him an answer, and this time is not counted. He He ran away!"

Nanyang Mansion and Xiangyang Mansion are close, and Zuo Liangyu sent someone to communicate, so naturally this side already knew about it.Originally, Li Zicheng refused straight away. If he agreed to unite with Zuo Liangyu, he would not be able to explain to Luo Rucai's subordinates.

Relatively speaking, annexing and assimilating Luo Rucai's subordinates is the most important thing for Li Zicheng at the moment.

However, Song Xiance suggested to him, saying that he might as well delay the reply, and said that he wanted to discuss it, and asked Zuo Liangyu to wait for the news in Nanyang Mansion, so that he could block them in the north and give them more time to integrate and digest Luo Rucai's situation. men.

Li Zicheng thought the idea was good, so he kept procrastinating.Unexpectedly, without waiting for his reply, Zuo Liangyu ran away as soon as he said it!
And judging by that posture, he was still leading the troops south and rushing towards him, it seemed like the kind of posture that you have to agree to even if you don't agree.

Therefore, after Li Zicheng finished speaking, his No. [-] general Liu Zongmin said indifferently: "Since he has come, I will lead the troops to kill him!"

Li Guo, a tiger, also stood up and said: "It's just for Cao Cao's subordinates to see that we and Zuo Liangyu are at odds with each other, and we all have blood feuds!"

After hearing this, Niu Jinxing also stood up and made a suggestion: "It's best not to fight recklessly, as long as they are beaten to flee north, it would be best to let them go and bite the dog with Sun Gouguan!"

Hearing this, Song Xiance stood up and shook his head and said, "I guess Zuo Liangyu didn't have the guts to go north. Otherwise, he wouldn't go south."

"Then where will he go?" Li Zicheng asked immediately after hearing this, "With his little force, he definitely can't beat us! Now that he's coming at us, isn't he courting death?"

To be honest, at this moment, he actually didn't mind fighting with Zuo Liangyu.Because in this way, it can be confirmed that they, the rebels, and Zuo Liangyu's subordinates are inseparable. Then Luo Rucai secretly informed about Zuo Liangyu's matter, which is something they cannot tolerate. It is reasonable for Li Zicheng to kill Luo Rucai.

After hearing this, Song Xiance shook his head immediately, and replied to Li Zicheng, "What about Zuo Liangyu's troops is not important to us. The important thing is how we deal with Sun Chuanting's army. This is the enemy!"

Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but have serious faces.Because they all knew that what Song Xiance said was right.

With their current strength, Zuo Liangyu's troops are under no pressure.However, Sun Chuanting's troops defeated hundreds of thousands of Jianlu troops.And the damn Ge Zuo Fifth Battalion, they all surrendered to the imperial court.Not to mention, now that they have just annexed Luo Rucai's troops, the morale of the army is still not stable.

To be honest, among the people present, none of them could confidently say that they could defeat Sun Chuanting's troops.

When Song Xiance saw them like this, he immediately expressed his thoughts: "The current strategy, my subordinates think, thirty-six strategies, the best strategy is to walk, avoid the sharp edge, and sit on the mountain to watch the tigers fight!"

Upon hearing this, Li Zicheng immediately thought of something, and said excitedly: "The words of the military adviser mean that we will enter Sichuan immediately?"

Niu Jinxing didn't want Song Xiance to behave alone, so he quickly took Li Zicheng's words and said quickly: "The general is wise, in this way, whether it is the imperial army attacking Zuo Liangyu's troops, or going south to attack Zhang Xianzhong, we It’s all sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight!”

After hearing this, Song Xiance nodded slightly, and had no intention of grabbing Niu Jinxing's words.

After hearing this, the people in the lobby relaxed a lot.

Because they know that once they occupy the land of Shu, as long as they guard the way into Sichuan, it will be much safer.No matter how strong the soldiers and horses of the imperial court are, they can't easily attack them.

However, one of the people present, Yuan Zongdi, soon had doubts, and immediately asked: "But Shu is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we attack Shu, we may not be able to take it immediately! When the time comes, If the road to Sichuan is not cleared in front, and Sun Gouguan leads the army to attack behind, it will be dangerous!"

This is also very reasonable, because everyone knows that there are actually only a few roads into Sichuan.

The most common ones are the roads in the north of Sichuan. They all enter Sichuan from the Qin land. There are two or three roads that can be taken, but they are all steep, and they are also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

There is another one, which is to enter Shu along the Yangtze River from the east of Sichuan.The same goes for this road, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.If the officers and troops in central Sichuan were heavily guarded, no matter how strong the army was, it would be very difficult to enter Shu.

Hearing this, Li Zicheng immediately chuckled and said, "The military division had planned this retreat long ago, so he had already planned in advance. Not only did he find out that Chen Shiqi in Shu was incompetent, he only knew how to play tricks, but he let the military equipment go to waste. Moreover, an internal response has been arranged. Either we don’t enter Sichuan, or if we want to enter Sichuan, it’s as easy as pie!”

Hearing this, there was a burst of applause in the lobby.When most people looked at Song Xiance, they praised him very much. He deserves to be a military strategist with ingenious calculations!
But Song Xiance smiled and stroked his long beard, accepting it calmly.

Seeing Li Zicheng, he immediately laughed and said, "Others, do you have any other suggestions?"

The implication is that there is no other better way out, so it is decided.

All the people in the lobby had no other thoughts.

Li Zicheng glanced at them, suddenly frowned slightly, looked at a person dressed as a scholar and asked, "Li Yan, do you have any other plans?"

When Li Yan heard the roll call, he immediately shook his head, saying no.

Regarding this, Li Zicheng frowned again immediately, and said with displeasure in his heart: "I see that you haven't talked much recently, but your health is not good?"

After hearing this, Li Yan saw that all the eyes in the hall were focused on him, and quickly replied: "The general is wise, it is true that he has been ill during this period, but under the care of the lady, it is no longer a problem!"

As soon as the red lady heard it, she immediately nodded in agreement.

When Li Zicheng saw it, he casually comforted him, and then made a decision on the spot: "That's it, all the ministries will go back to clean up immediately, and we will go west to Sichuan early tomorrow morning!"

After hearing this, everyone quickly agreed and dispersed.

Among them, after Li Yan returned to his house, he didn't clean it up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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