Chapter 352 Rage
Upon hearing this, Li Zicheng replied without thinking, "I didn't send him out!"

As soon as he said it, he felt something was wrong, and suddenly his face darkened and he said: "In the previous meeting, he said that he was ill, so he went out now, and pretended that it was my military order?"

"No, look at him, riding a fast horse, he doesn't appear to be in any health condition!" Gao Yigong asked curiously after hearing this.

Hearing this, Li Zicheng's face was filled with anger immediately, and he shouted sharply: "What a Li Yan, he is handsome and honest, and he dares to defect!"

"No way?" Gao Yigong said in amazement after hearing this, "Mr. Li can't have defected, right? And Hong Niangzi is also with her. Hong Niangzi hates corrupt officials to the bone!"

Li Zicheng judged by himself that Li Yan had been quite abnormal before. It happened that he had been silent at the meeting and asked him, but it turned out that he was ill.In a blink of an eye, he falsely passed on his own military order to go out. If it's not defection, what is it?
If you really have something to do, come and talk to yourself directly, do you need to fake a military order?
It's a defection!

Li Zicheng was very angry when he came to this conclusion.

Because in the past, there was also a pair of dogs and men who defected, but now it is another pair of dogs and men who defected!
Damn, damn, damn!

Li Zicheng cursed angrily, and immediately ordered Gao Yigong with a grim face: "You go to chase and kill immediately, you must see people in life, and corpses in death, no matter what, you must not let this pair of dogs run away!"

As soon as Li Zicheng described Li Yan and his wife as dogs and men, Gao Yigong immediately remembered that the general was reminded of the past between Gao Jie and Xing Shi, and was stimulated again.

Therefore, he didn't dare to say anything, he quickly agreed, and then ordered his men to set off immediately.

Before he left the camp, he met Li Guo's adopted son Li Laiheng, and asked him curiously, why did he set off in such a hurry as soon as he came back?
"Mr. Li and Hong Niangzi have defected, and the general ordered me to hunt them down immediately, and we cannot let them escape!" Gao Yigong replied without thinking too much in a hurry.

When Li Laiheng heard this, he was very surprised, and quickly said to Gao Yigong: "Impossible, Mr. Li is a scholar, he is polite, and he treats us well at ordinary times. The red lady is even more jealous, and she hates corrupt officials the most. They Where will you defect? ​​I don't believe it, is it a mistake?"

After hearing this, Gao Yigong said hesitantly: "I also think it's a bit impossible. After Mr. Li came, he would assist the general, equalize the land and free grain, and even open warehouses to release grain. This is for the world. He should Don’t defect, otherwise, he would do this?”

Speaking of this, he paused and then said helplessly: "But the general was very furious, so he concluded that Mr. Li had defected and issued a military order, then I have nothing to do!"

"Don't get me wrong!" Li Laiheng immediately said to Gao Yigong when he heard this, "Wait a minute, I'll go see the general before I talk about it!"

After hearing this, Gao Yigong said hesitantly: "Military orders must not be violated. In this case, I will move slowly, and you go and come back quickly!"

"Okay!" Li Laiheng immediately agreed upon hearing this, and hurried to Li Zicheng's side.

As a result, on the way, Tian Jianxiu saw Li Laiheng in a hurry, and asked curiously, "Why are you in such a hurry? But there is a new enemy?"

"No!" Seeing that it was Tian Jianxiu, Li Laiheng hurriedly replied, "Brother Gao said that the General judged that Mr. Li and Mrs. Hong had defected, and I'll go ask about the situation!"

This Tian Jianxiu is one of the old people who followed Li Zicheng in the early years. He is generous and can win the hearts of all. In the original history, after Li Zicheng ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he was named Zehou and admiral of the generals.

At this time, Tian Jianxiu was very surprised when he heard Li Laiheng's words, and he didn't believe it, so he quickly said: "Then I will go with you, is there some misunderstanding by the general?"

Afterwards, the two of them rushed to Li Zicheng's side to ask for clarification.

However, Li Ziben himself was stimulated by this incident, remembering the incident that his general Gao Jie had committed adultery with his wife and then kidnapped and defected, and now seeing that they didn't believe his own judgment, they even interceded for the couple. Angry!

His roaring and cursing voice was heard far and wide.

Li Laiheng and Tian Jianxiu were severely scolded, and had no choice but to escape from Li Zicheng's residence and rushed to see Gao Yigong first.

Such a big movement quickly attracted the attention of other people. It didn't take long for the news to spread, and more and more people knew about it.

Song Xiance went to Li Zicheng to talk about the matter, but he also bumped into him on the way, and a group of generals in the army were talking about it.When he heard about it, he was startled, and rushed to Li Zicheng's side, and said to Li Zicheng, "General, please take back the military order, and announce that Li Yan and Hong Niangzi are following your military order to act!"

When Li Zicheng heard this, he was immediately annoyed!
Others just came to ask about the situation, but you are actually pleading for mercy for that couple, and want to let them go by yourself?Did you hook up with someone too and want to run away too?
Seriously, at this moment, Li Zicheng wanted to draw his sword and kill someone!

Thanks to Song Xiance's understanding of Li Zicheng, seeing his expression, he knew that he had misunderstood, so he quickly explained: "General, I believe that Li Yan and Hong Niangzi really defected! But now, it's not about chasing and killing them both. When I'm human..."

As soon as he said that he believed in his own judgment, Li Zicheng immediately calmed down some of his anger, but he couldn't figure out why he had to cancel the killing order and cover up for Li Yan and Hong Niangzi, so he wanted to ask the reason.

As a result, before he could ask a question, Song Xiance said hastily: "Cao Cao's subordinates have not been completely appeased yet, and Li Yan and Hong Niangzi have always been popular in the army. If the whole army knows at this time, Li Yan and Hong Niangzi If Hong Niangzi defected, I am afraid that people's hearts will be unstable, and more people will defect. Now that the army led by Sun Chuanting has gone south, the most important thing for us is to go west to Sichuan. The general decides!"

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "Li Yan and Hong Niangzi defected alone, at least it will have little impact on us today. But if this matter makes a lot of noise, it affects more people and shakes the morale of the army. Even if Li Yan and Hong Niangzi are captured and hacked to death, the loss outweighs the gain!"

Hearing his words, Li Zicheng felt that what he said was reasonable, and he finally calmed down before the big event.

Although, as Song Xiance said, he really wanted to cut Li Yan into pieces, but in this extraordinary period, what he valued the most was to annex and digest Luo Rucai's troops, and to avoid the edge of the court officials and soldiers, and sit down. Watching tigers fight in the mountains.

Therefore, in the end, Li Zicheng still listened to Song Xiance's words, and immediately sent someone to the highest meritorious service, saying that he had just remembered, and that he had indeed asked Li Yan to do something, not a defection.

However, many people are not fools.

At the beginning, they didn't believe that Li Yan and Hong Niangzi would defect; but under the agitation, Song Xiance went to see Li Zicheng and changed his words, saying that Li Yan was not defecting, but made them suspicious: this Li Yan Did he defect, or did he not?

For a while, many people in Li Zicheng's army were discussing this matter in private.

Li Zicheng was annoyed when these things spread to Li Zicheng's side, but he still listened to Song Xiance's persuasion, and pretended that he didn't listen to the discussion below, otherwise, the more he explained, the more attention this matter would get, which is definitely not a good thing!
Afterwards, Li Zicheng gave the order to set off quickly, get busy and exhaust them, so no one will gossip.

Today's Li Zicheng's army, after annexing Luo Rucai's troops, has at least [-] horses, and its main base is Xiangyang, as well as the surrounding areas, and began to march westward in a mighty manner.

The vanguard was Li Guo, who was ordered to contact the internal response of Shu, and took down the entrance to Shu in one fell swoop, opening the way for the army to enter Shu.

However, what Li Zicheng didn't expect was that before he left Xiangyang City, there would be reports from scouts saying that the whereabouts of Zuo Liangyu's troops who had gone south were uncertain, but one thing was for sure, that he would no longer go south.

The reason why it is said that Zuo Liangyu's troops are indeterminate is because Zuo Liangyu's subordinates have many deserters.After being arrested and interrogated, they said everything.

Some said that Zuo Liangyu's military order was to attack Xiangyang, others said that he wanted to bypass Xiangyang and flee to the south, and some said that he wanted to flee to the east or even the west.

In short, there is everything to say, but verification takes time, so the whereabouts of Zuo Liangyu's men are uncertain.

After Li Zicheng heard this, he didn't care where Zuo Liangyu wanted to go. If he dared to make an enemy of him, he didn't mind beating Zuo Liangyu.

He therefore ordered to continue on his way.

However, at noon, it was Li Guo who sent someone to report urgently: "General, Zuo Liangyu's troops took the first step and seized the pass into Sichuan, blocking the way!"

When Li Zicheng heard this, he was a little dumbfounded, and asked incredulously, "Has Zuo Liangyu entered Sichuan?"

"According to the captured captives, it was said that the day before yesterday, Zuo Liangyu led [-] men to leave the brigade and suddenly marched west. It was said that Li Guoying had bought the defender of Sichuan, so he was able to enter Sichuan smoothly."

"..." Li Zicheng was speechless. After being stunned for a while, he suddenly became furious. At this moment, he really wanted to kill someone.

The road to Sichuan is steep, and it can be regarded as a one-handed pass. If there is no internal support and only a strong attack, it is basically difficult to capture.

Now that Zuo Liangyu got the upper hand and stepped into Sichuan first, he must have sent his capable men to guard the way to Sichuan.Not to mention, Zuo Liangyu already knew that he was going to enter Sichuan, so he would be heavily guarded.

Basically, it can be said that Zuo Liangyu's action has cut off the possibility of him entering Sichuan!
The escape route that was well thought out suddenly disappeared, and Li Zicheng was really furious.

Really, since the Battle of Kaifeng, it has been not going well.

How to do?
 Today is the last day to double the starting monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

  There will be more changes today, if there are no accidents, there will be three more.

(End of this chapter)

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