Chapter 355 (Add 2 for Ziyuehua to clear 22 rewards)

His Majesty again?

Li Yan heard very clearly that Sun Chuanting didn't mean himself just now, but said that the emperor had thought of it a long time ago!

He read from the mansion newspaper before that the emperor discovered this, the emperor invented that...

Now he heard from Sun Chuanting that the emperor knew this, and the emperor arranged that...

It gave him a feeling that the emperor had become omnipotent!
At this moment, Li Yan immediately had a thought: Could it be that the legend is true?
Even if he was under Li Zicheng's subordinates, he had already heard rumors that the emperor Taizu appeared and bestowed treasures on the current emperor!
This kind of thing, for scholars, must not believe it at the first time.

If you really believe that your ancestors will show their spirits, there will not be so many people who forget their ancestors.

For example, if Fan Wencheng, who claimed to be the successor of Fan Zhongyan, really believed that his ancestors would appear, unless he was pretending to be a descendant of Fan Zhongyan, he would never dare to join the Tartars and murder his own country.

Think about it, Fan Zhongyan, who worries about the world's worries first, and enjoys the world's joys later, knows that his descendants have planned countless tragedies for the world's ten thousand people, and will definitely show his spirit to destroy this unworthy descendant.

He was thinking on this side, but Sun Chuanting finally frowned and said: "Come here, order the troops to discuss matters!"

Although Emperor Chongzhen had told him in his will that he had rushed to block Yinxi, the governor of the three sides, for [-] miles, so that he could help defend the new governor of Sichuan, Lu Daqi, and guard the land of Shu.

However, Sun Chuanting did not dare to guarantee that Sichuan was already prepared.Communication is inconvenient, that's the trouble.

Another reason for Sun Chuanting's steady and steady march to the south was also to consider the situation in Sichuan. He was afraid that the army of thieves would rush into Sichuan before they had time to prepare.

I really didn't expect that before Li Zicheng's side was threatened, he would plot Sichuan first!

Watching the messengers leave, Sun Chuanting did not stay on the top of the city anymore, and when he was about to go down, he suddenly saw a fast horse galloping towards him, and said to him: "My lord, Zuo Liangyu has about [-] troops. Kuizhou was captured yesterday!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting and others, including Li Yan, were all shocked.

None of them expected that Zuo Liangyu would jump into Sichuan first!

It seems that Zuo Liangyu was the chief soldier during Chongzhen's reign, and it's not unreasonable!

In the afternoon, generals from all walks of life rushed to Nanyang's original government office, which is now Sun Chuanting's Xingyuan, within the specified time.

They didn't know what happened. Before Sun Chuanting came out, they asked each other, and Sun Yingyuan explained the situation.

Upon hearing this, to be honest, these generals who lead troops actually have some opinions in their hearts.

If they had followed their thinking, they would have fought so steadily, they would have rushed straight up, without giving the thieves like Zuo Liangyu any time to deal with them, just kill them.

That is to say, civil servants are more troublesome. You have to pay attention to this and that. Now it's all right, let Zuo Liangyu run away!
But no matter how they have opinions, they dare not speak out.After all, Sun Chuanting's prestige is there, not to mention their commander in chief, even the deep-rooted concept of using literature to control military forces also affects them.

Not long after the stipulated time came, Sun Chuanting turned out from the back hall.Following him were Li Yan and Hong Niangzi.

This situation surprised the generals who were born as bandits, such as Lin Chengcheng and other members of Gezuo Fifth Battalion, and even Yuan Shizhong.

Li Yan and Hong Niangzi belong to Li Zicheng, and most of them have met each other.

Especially when Li Yan was in Li Zicheng's army, he had a serious background, and Hong Niangzi was a female general. The pair of them will be even more impressive.

This suddenly appeared in front of them, and also appeared behind Sun Chuanting, which was beyond their expectations.

As soon as Sun Chuanting stretched out his tent, he roughly explained the situation to his generals, and then said: "I have sent an order to the governor of Baoding, asking him to send troops to respond in two ways. One is to go west to Kaifeng, and then south to Nanyang. Army; the second route, go south along the canal, and move west at any time, blocking the road where the bandits may turn east and then turn north."

Having said that, after he paused, he said with a serious expression: "Where are Chen Yongfu and Lin Chenggong?"

When Chen Yongfu and Lin Chengcheng heard this, they immediately stepped out, clasped their fists and responded, "The end is here!"

Sun Chuanting immediately issued orders: "You two, lead the troops of the headquarters and set off immediately, from Tang County on the east line to the south, passing through Zaoyang and pushing towards Xiangyang!"

"The last general obeys orders!" Chen Yongfu and Lin Chengcheng both clasped their fists and accepted the orders.

"Where are Yuan Shizhong and He Yilong?"

After Yuan Shizhong and He Yilong heard this, they immediately stepped out and responded with clasped fists, "The last general is here!"

"You and the two of you, lead the troops from the headquarters, go west out of Zhejiang and Sichuan, pass Dangzikou, and win the front lines of Xunyang, Junzhou and Gucheng."

As soon as Sun Chuanting's military order came out, Yuan Shizhong and He Yilong did not hesitate, and immediately responded with cupped fists: "The last general obeys the order!"

Sun Chuanting glanced at the others, and then shouted in a deep voice: "The rest of the generals, follow me to Xinye, to Xiangyang!"

"The last general obeys!" In the lobby, there was a louder response.

This layout still advances southward in a flat push method, but the speed is much faster than before. It is no longer occupying a place and appeasing a place first, but directly approaching the front line of Xiangyang.

As for the fact that the speed is too fast, there may be remnants of thieves in some places causing chaos, so Sun Chuanting handed over this matter to Governor Baoding.

Although in this way, more money and food will be consumed, but the battle ahead is not completely carried out as expected, so the plan can only be changed according to local conditions.

It can even be said that this is a strategic change that affects the whole body.

When he was in the back hall just now, Li Yan proposed a bigger plan to Sun Chuanting, and only with Sun Chuanting's affirmation would there be changes in mobilizing more troops to join the battle.

Sun Chuanting only revealed part of this matter to his subordinates. As for the rest, he felt that his subordinates did not need to know.

Sun Chuanting sent his new strategic layout to the capital at an expedited speed of six hundred miles and reported it to Emperor Chongzhen.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, needless to say, he took out his mobile phone and initiated a video communication request to Liu Weichao.

For important matters, he has formed a habit, and he must ask Liu Weichao for his opinion.

As soon as the video was connected, Liu Weichao appeared on the phone smiling.

Emperor Chongzhen knew that it was convenient for him to answer, so he said to Liu Weichao: "Just now Sun Qing...Sun Chuanting sent an urgent report saying that Zuo Liangyu suddenly jumped into Shu, and Li Zicheng originally wanted to go to Shu. Sun Chuanting Worried that the land of Shu is not ready yet and there will be chaos, Li Yan suggested..."

Liu Weichao was a little curious when he heard this, and immediately asked: "Li Yan, which Li Yan? The one under Li Zicheng?"

"Well, yes." Emperor Chongzhen explained with a smile when he heard this, "This Li Yan, with his red lady, took the initiative to vote, and he also brought back the news that Li Zicheng also wanted to enter Sichuan."

After explaining, he continued to talk about his original topic: "Li Yan suggested that by taking advantage of this chaos, it is possible to solve most of the thieves. He will talk to the people on the side of Gezuo Fifth Battalion, Go with him to persuade Li Zicheng's subordinates to accept the recruitment; then also ask Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu to also go south, and they will persuade Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates to accept the recruitment."

Speaking of this, seeing Liu Weichao seemed to be a little puzzled, Emperor Chongzhen continued to explain: "Li Yan's statement means that because Zuo Liangyu entered Sichuan first, Li Zicheng's deployment was disrupted. The Ministry had just annexed Luo Rucai's troops and hadn't been completely appeased, so he estimated that Li Zicheng's military adviser Song Xiance would definitely persuade Li Zicheng to go south to Huguang. In this way, he would also conflict with Zhang Xianzhong."

Having said so much in one breath, Emperor Chongzhen slowed down a bit, and then continued: "No matter what kind of conflict between Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, chaos is inevitable. Therefore, this gave the court an opportunity to send someone to recruit , there should be more people turning to the light!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately said: "I have a question. It seems unreasonable to ask their original subordinates, that is, Li Zicheng's subordinates to persuade Li Zicheng's people to accept recruitment, and Zhang Xianzhong's subordinates to persuade Zhang Xianzhong's people to accept recruitment. , Aren’t those who mess around in the rivers and lakes pay attention to a word of righteousness? Will you agree to deal with their original brothers in turn?”

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Sun Chuanting also mentioned this matter in his memorial. It should be said that Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu may not be willing, so Li Yan also gave them a reason to persuade them! "

"Oh?" Liu Weichao couldn't help being very curious when he heard it, and asked quickly, "What reason?"

This Li Yan must not have been born in the Jianghu, because he doesn't know the most important word in the Jianghu.Accepting the recruitment, this is tantamount to betraying the brother, and going back to poach the corner of the original brother. For ordinary people who are in the rivers and lakes, this should be unacceptable, right?
There are many such examples in many movies and TV series that Liu Weichao has watched.But anyone who does this must be a villain!

According to the description of Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu in the history books, it shouldn't be possible to do this, right?

Thinking about it this way, to be honest, he was very curious. What advice did Li Yan give Sun Chuanting to persuade Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo to help the court deal with Zhang Xianzhong?
Emperor Chongzhen was not as surprised as Liu Weichao. After all, he was an emperor, and his perception of this was completely different from Liu Weichao. He thought it was a matter of course for him.

Therefore, seeing Liu Weichao asked the question in surprise, he was a little puzzled, so he told Liu Weichao the reasons for persuading Li Yan.

 Today is five more, the double monthly pass will end soon, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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