Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 357 What kind of chicken

Chapter 357 What kind of chicken
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen told Liu Weichao all the actions he had just thought of.

"Not bad, not bad!" Liu Weichao couldn't help nodding his head in praise after listening, "I found that as long as I know how to do it, I can come up with any method, and my brain is very active!"

Hearing such praise, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly. Although it was very useful, he was able to maintain his restraint, and was no longer as excited as last year.

I heard him say to Liu Weichao: "Of course this is also due to your contribution. I don't know how much knowledge I have. I even dare to say that in the current Ming Dynasty, my knowledge in some aspects is better than those of those great scholars. It is much stronger, and the methods that can be thought of will naturally be better than before!"

This is more or less flattering Liu Weichao, which is very useful to Liu Weichao.You know, this is the emperor's flattery. Does anyone else have the ability to make the emperor flatter?

He was thinking that Emperor Chongzhen had settled his affairs and was in a good mood, so he asked him, "You seemed to be very happy just now, is there anything good about it?"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he laughed again, nodded immediately and said, "Of course there is a good thing. I just calculated the profit for the second half of the year. Do you know how much it is?"

"How much?" Emperor Chongzhen simply had ten senses and nine senses about the business of later generations, and he didn't know anything, so he simply didn't guess, so he asked directly.

Liu Weichao stretched out a slap, and immediately said with a smile: "It is estimated that there will be a profit of [-] million, and if there are no accidents, there may be a profit of [-] million in the second half of the year!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was a little disappointed and said, "Didn't you earn [-] million in one business last year? This is only [-] million, which is still too little!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he shook his head and smiled: "It's different. Such a business can't last long. It's just that I also met a good owner, and it's a brand-new classical theme. The combination of various factors makes it worth a thousand dollars." Ten thousand. There will be a second concert in the second half of the year, which is the classical military and heroic style. It was already scheduled last year. You can make up more songs, so that an extra [-] million will be credited. But I It is estimated that this kind of extra money is just like this.”

Having said that, he lifted his spirits, and said to Emperor Chongzhen with a little excitement: "But this one is different now. This is a long-term business. Your video has attracted tens of millions of fans for me, and it is There are several video sites, which continuously attract traffic to the online store. Among other things, the Yuchu series is the most popular and best-selling. Let me tell you, everyone is not short of money now, as long as The taste is good, there is a story, and repeat customers are right."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't quite understand it, so he wanted to ask, but in the end, Liu Weichao said bluntly: "I also thought of an idea, for example, the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes produced by your court, let's get some cultural connotations out. Or some poems and songs, preferably original, and let your great Confucians write them. If I add this kind of cultural connotation, even if I don’t raise the price, it will definitely be more tasteful, more popular, and make money. Just more!"

Emperor Chongzhen didn't understand this kind of request very well. Why can it sell better if it has cultural connotation?

However, this did not prevent him from agreeing immediately: "That's no problem. It's hard to say how well my ministers govern the country, but as long as they are Jinshi, poetry is the most basic. When I turn around, I will let them write a batch first. Give it a try!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Liu Weichao was filled with joy when he heard it, and thanked him immediately.

On his side, because Emperor Chongzhen sent a lot of videos, it can basically be said that one video a day can be achieved, which means that his few video accounts are updated every day.

They are all from the Ming Dynasty, with various themes, including video introductions on basic necessities of life.

Today, what can be converted into money is mainly food and clothing.Among them, eating this piece is the big one.

In the first half of the year, others may be busy with video production, but he is actually only responsible for uploading with one click of the mouse.Most of the energy is spent on opening a food factory and controlling the quality of food.

Although it is said that the profit in half a year is [-] million, in fact, it is estimated that it will take about three months to start making money.

Of the [-] million profits, the profit from clothes is only about [-] million.Everything else is for food.

According to the monthly sales curve, Liu Weichao is sure that if there is no problem, at least from the current point of view, the profit of one month must be higher than that of one month.

The steady stream of income made him more happy once or never, compared to the music provided by the concert.

At this time, after thanking Emperor Chongzhen, before Emperor Chongzhen could speak, he stated his future plans: "My business is now on the right track, and I don't need much energy. I just need to click the mouse. Just upload the video. Clothing factories, food factories, and online stores are all in charge of others, so there is more time. So, I want to do a graduate student in history!"

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little confused when he heard it.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao explained to him: "It's just to delve into history again. In this way, maybe I can provide you with more accurate information in the future; in addition, if I have this layer of identity as a cover, I produced such a It is not surprising that there are many ancient videos.”

As for whether he could pass the exam, he wasn't worried at all.The undergraduate is a 985 school graduate, and the IQ is here.Although he hasn't studied for two years, but now he has no pressure.

Liu Weichao believed that as long as he was serious, he would not have any problems taking the entrance exam for such a relatively unpopular graduate student.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about anything else, when he heard that Liu Weichao's postgraduate study would be helpful to him, he agreed immediately without saying a word: "As the saying goes, there is no end to learning. I really admire your spirit of learning. what!"

Another flattery of the emperor, Liu Weichao heard it, and gladly accepted it!

As a return gift, he also said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your diligence, no, your diligent spirit makes me ashamed. Come on, Comrade Iron Man, work hard!"

What does that mean?Emperor Chongzhen was a little confused, but he still understood the general meaning of the whole sentence.Then he smiled, and after all, he was still thinking about the important affairs of the country, so he said to Liu Weichao: "If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up first. Shu is too far away, and I don't know what will happen. I am a little worried, and I have to deal with it." Good strategy!"

The fact that Zuo Liangyu had jumped into Sichuan made him feel a little fly in the ointment.Not to mention that Qin Bing hadn't entered Sichuan yet, and even Lu Daqi hadn't entered Sichuan yet, then the situation in Sichuan would definitely be very chaotic.And if Zuo Liangyu's troops attacked fiercely and controlled all the roads entering Sichuan first, then there would be big troubles.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: "It would be great if my mobile phone could also directly contact Shu, but it's just a pity..."

Hearing his words, Liu Weichao didn't even think about it, so he said with a smile: "Although your mobile phone is impossible, if you use wired telegrams or wireless telegrams, you can also communicate in real time over long distances!"

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, and then he was overjoyed, and quickly confirmed: "You mean, I... can I talk to each other from a long distance?"

If the appearance of the steam train has already overturned the world view of the people of the Ming Dynasty, then if something like a mobile phone that can make long-distance calls appears, it will definitely surprise the people of the Ming Dynasty and subvert their world view even more than the steam train!
After all, even if it is unimaginable that the train pulls things, it can be referred to by the prototype of the horse-drawn cart and the bullock cart.But for things like mobile phones, even the legendary gods seem to be impossible to do it, and there is no such similar legend.

The only thing that is somewhat similar is the legend of Shunfenger.However, that can only be listening, and cannot speak normally like a mobile phone.

At this time, upon hearing Emperor Chongzhen's question, Liu Weichao smiled and said, "It should be possible, I'm not sure. In addition, it's not as convenient as a mobile phone, but to replace a sentence with strange characters, and then you can Immediately transmit it to a very far place, and the other side can immediately receive these strange characters, and then convert these strange characters back to the original language. It is also this kind of operation to transmit back from a long distance, which is more troublesome.”

"No trouble, no trouble..." Emperor Chongzhen said happily when he heard this, "It's not trouble at all! No matter how troublesome it is, it's not too much trouble, right? This..."

Speaking of this, he thought of Liu Weichao saying that it might not be possible on his side, so he was a little worried, and quickly said: "What kind of chicken is this, hurry up and see if I can do it here!"

Seeing his haste, Liu Weichao said to him: "This involves the application of electricity, and you don't even have electricity. Even if it can be done, it must not be done in a short time. How about it?" !"

After a pause, he thought for a while and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "You select a group of people first, and I will send you the knowledge about electricity. You should familiarize yourself with the principles first, and then I will pay you. Have someone design it to see how it can be easily realized under your conditions!"

After finishing speaking, he thought of something, and added: "This electricity belongs to the category of physics. You can choose someone who is better in physics!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he quickly nodded and replied: "No problem, no problem, then you are busy, you are busy, I will not bother you!"

Seeing this, Liu Weichao couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.It has been a long time since Emperor Chongzhen was so eager!
So, he smiled again and said, "Okay, then hang up!"

"Hang up!" Emperor Chongzhen immediately agreed and hung up the phone first.Then, he quietly imagined what would happen if Daming had that chicken.

After a while, he issued an order to summon the cabinet and discuss matters with the six ministries and nine ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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