Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 360 Ancient 1 Emperor

Chapter 360

Since Emperor Chongzhen wanted to talk about this matter, of course he knew that the matter of exceeding the system was universal.He wouldn't even mention it if it was just an individual case.

Of course, at the same time, he also knows that he also thinks it is universal, so if he wants to take the law seriously, it will definitely not work.

Also, when Liu Weichao and he discussed this matter, they also told him.With the development of the economy, people's lives are getting richer and richer. Against this background, the laws enacted by Emperor Hongwu must be out of date. It is not wise to forcefully comply with the laws of that time. way of doing.

For these two reasons, Emperor Chongzhen already had a plan, but he didn't want to say it directly.

As an emperor, facing the ball kicked over, it is easy to kick it back. No, just listen to Emperor Chongzhen staring directly at He Fengsheng and asking: "Qing is the chief assistant of the Ming Dynasty and the head of all officials. For things that exceed the system, Qing What's the charter?"

"..." He Fengsheng was depressed for a while when he heard this, if there is a good charter, he has already said it directly!
If Lu Wang hadn't been dealt with, it would be easy to say this.

However, King Lu has already dealt with it severely, so what do you say now?
For a moment, he couldn't think of how to answer the emperor's words.

But after all, he is still an old man in the officialdom, and when he rolled his eyes, he heard Emperor Chongzhen say: "Your Majesty, the way of law is in the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. I am ashamed of myself, and dare not use my axe!"

Xu Shiqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Your Majesty is asking you, the head of the officials, do you understand it, and you are also above the Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, yet you dare to feel ashamed!
At this time, it is okay for Emperor Chongzhen to stare at He Fengsheng and continue asking.However, he didn't continue to ask. Anyway, everyone answered the same, let them all know that this matter is not easy to deal with.

Therefore, he turned his head to look at Xu Shiqi and asked him: "The first assistant's words are reasonable, and in the face of the law, Xu Qing is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. What do you think?"

Xu Shiqi couldn't help crying secretly, there's no way to answer this!
He Fengsheng is in a dilemma, so I, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, shouldn't be in a dilemma!
You can't be the villain by yourself, saying that you should be dealt with according to the law, right?

If you don't deal with it according to the law, then in the future, if you are the minister of the Ministry of punishment, how can you obey the officials under you?

Fortunately, he was also born out of fighting among scholars, with ups and downs in the officialdom, he can be regarded as the kind with rich combat experience.

In his haste and wit, he really came up with a countermeasure, and hurriedly bowed and said: "I think that if you turn a blind eye to the way of the law, or don't follow the law, where is the majesty of the court? Your Majesty Where is the majesty..."

Hearing this, the other people in the Wenhua Palace couldn't help being a little surprised, and turned to look at him. Is this going all out?
If you really want to act according to the law, everyone in the world will scold you to death!
At this moment, many people also admired his courage, that he was able to stick to such a principle!
Even Emperor Chongzhen did not expect Xu Shiqi to answer like this.

This Xu Shiqi, of course he also asked Liu Weichao about the ending of this Xu Shiqi!

If it is the original history, it was originally taken away by Emperor Chongzhen in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen and lived idle.After Emperor Chongzhen hanged himself, Emperor Hongguang enabled him.

However, in a blink of an eye, the Hongguang regime perished.At that time, Xu Shiqi lived outside the county city, and the city was about to be broken. Xu Shiqi said: "My minister is also, the city is dead!" He returned to the city and hanged himself in court clothes on the twenty-sixth day of the leap month. He was sixty-eight years old.

This Xu Shiqi can be regarded as a courtier with integrity, but this integrity can be persisted to the point where he is an enemy of the world, and he has to say things like adhering to the law. I have to say that he is definitely a good official with integrity and principles!

However, this answer was not what Emperor Chongzhen wanted.This was different from what he had expected. For a moment, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but find himself in a difficult situation. How should he pull back to his preset direction?

Or, give Wang Daban a wink and ask him to cooperate!
Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about this, but he heard Xu Shiqi suddenly change the subject, and then said to Emperor Chongzhen: "However, your majesty is the lord of the people, and the law is also decided by your majesty. In matters of overreach, in the end How to deal with it? I think that it all depends on His Majesty's words."

This sudden turning point almost made everyone in the Wenhua Hall wait.

This old slicker actually kicked the ball back to the emperor, amazing!

Emperor Chongzhen was also a little speechless, looking at Xu Shiqi and seeing his calm face, for a moment, he was a little confused whether it was Xu Shiqi who was cunning and dared not take responsibility, or did he really think so?
From what Xu Shiqi said just now, it seems that there is no fault.The emperor is above the law, and the emperor has the final say on what the law should be!

Although he couldn't see what Xu Shiqi's real thoughts were, Emperor Chongzhen finally heaved a sigh of relief, because this matter came back to what he expected.

But he didn't speak immediately, but turned to look at the others.

As soon as He Fengsheng saw Emperor Chongzhen looking at him, he immediately replied: "The old minister thinks that what the Minister of Punishment said is reasonable, and the old minister has no objection!"

The ball has been kicked back to the emperor, if you want to retrieve it yourself, your head will be caught by the door!

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was noncommittal, and then turned his head to look at Zuo Maodi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials.

When Zuo Mao saw it for the first time, he quickly replied, "My minister seconded the proposal!"

So, Emperor Chongzhen looked at it again, and the answer he got was also "the humble minister seconded the proposal"!
After reading all of them, they are all "secondary proposals"!
Regarding this, on the surface, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be a little troubled, but in fact he was already laughing in his stomach, and nothing escaped the scope of discussion between him and Liu Weichao, not bad!
It seemed that he thought about it in silence for a while, and then he heard Emperor Chongzhen say to his courtiers: "It's not that I don't know that there are so many people who exceed the limit, it's hard to deal with it, but if they don't deal with it, just like what Xu Qing said, Where is the majesty of the court? Where is my majesty?"

Speaking of this, he also changed the subject, and then said: "The etiquette system was made by Emperor Taizu back then, please wait and wait for me for a while!"

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone from the sachet on his chest in front of his subordinates, and then turned into the apse.

Upon seeing this, Xu Shiqi was dumbfounded, then turned his head to look at the chief assistant who kicked the ball to him, and said, "Your Majesty, are you going to ask Emperor Taizu for instructions?"

Isn't the treasure hanging on the chest bestowed by the emperor Taizu?Seeing what the emperor means, it involves the laws set by Emperor Taizu, so he must have discussed it with Emperor Taizu, right?

He Fengsheng naturally thought so too, even though Emperor Chongzhen didn't say it clearly just now, so he nodded and said: "It should be!"

One of the characteristics of old oily officials in the officialdom is that they basically don't talk to death!

The others were not bad either, and they all thought that Emperor Chongzhen was probably going to contact the Emperor Taizu in the sky, so they all waited quietly.

When the time comes, when the result comes out, what should it be? No one has the guts to object!

Naturally, they didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen deliberately led their thoughts on this crooked path.After turning into the apse, I just contacted Liu Weichao, smiled and said the situation just now: "You don't know, after listening to the first half of the words of the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, I was worried, so many people who violated the rules, How could it be possible to deal with it according to the law! As a result, he..."

Liu Weichao laughed when he heard it.After a while, he stopped laughing and said, "Actually, it's nothing. You are the emperor, you have the final say. Even if he didn't say the second half of the sentence, you still have the final say!"

"That's right!" Emperor Chongzhen nodded with a smile when he heard it, and then said to Liu Weichao: "Then I will throw out the things I discussed with you in a while. If there is this opportunity, I believe that the possibility of their opposition Very small!"

After finishing speaking, seeing Liu Weichao nodded, he said with some emotion: "Although I am the emperor, I can make a decision with one word, but they are the ones who handle the specific affairs. Things. With these officials, I now feel that it is really a battle of wits!"

Liu Weichao understood that what Emperor Chongzhen meant was that although he was the emperor, he couldn't really act arbitrarily!
Naturally, he would not say anything, but encouraged Emperor Chongzhen: "You are doing better and better, come on!"

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen already knew what it meant to refuel.However, it was also because of the word “refueling” that reminded him of something, so he said to Liu Weichao: “Then I won’t talk, let’s get things done quickly, so that we can have more money and food, and more scientific talents. Seriously.” , for your world, I am very envious and looking forward to it, bring more good things from your world as soon as possible!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he smiled and said, "It's definitely possible, go for it, you will be an emperor through the ages!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled until his eyes narrowed. Obviously, he liked hearing this the most.

Afterwards, he hung up the video communication and turned back to the front hall.

These officials in Wenhua Palace have been waiting closely.Of course, they didn't dare to speak casually, after all, the group of eunuchs from the Supervisor of Rituals were also there.If something bad is said, it will definitely reach the emperor's ears later.

At this time, when they heard footsteps coming from the back hall, they all looked up.

I saw Emperor Chongzhen holding the treasure, which was still glowing.After seeing them looking over, Emperor Chongzhen stopped for a while, manipulated the treasure, and then it disappeared, and then put it into the sachet on his chest.

This is definitely the end of communication with Emperor Taizu, right?

When they were thinking this way, Emperor Chongzhen walked back to the throne, then glanced at the group of civil servants below, and said with a serious expression: "I have made a decision on the matter of exceeding the rules!"

(End of this chapter)

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