Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 362 Defending the Family and the Country

Chapter 362 Defending the Family and the Country (Addition)
The meaning of this sentence is actually the etiquette system below the prescribed red line, and skilled workers can also enjoy it, as long as they can get the titles of capable person, master, and master.

However, one exception is that for businessmen, they have to pay money every year to buy this title, which is different from other technical jobs.

For this kind of thing, if you really want to look for it in history, it is actually the official position of buying and selling scattered officials, which is similar to this.

However, it is also obvious that there is still a difference.These new titles do not have other benefits of being an official, such as taxes.Because the emperor emphasized at the beginning that it was for the purpose of adding official titles in terms of etiquette.

Regarding this newly added official position, He Fengsheng was a little uncertain, and when he was about to ask for proof, he heard Zuo Maodi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, play: "Your Majesty, can this capable person, master, and master have a grade? Is it because he is not popular? "

After all, it is a newly added official position. As the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who manages the officials of the world, it is also his duty to ask this question.

Emperor Chongzhen listened, thought for a while, and then replied: "Others are of high quality, the grade is to be discussed, and businessmen are not popular."

Don't say that he is an ancient person. His idea of ​​emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce is serious. Even if his idea is not serious at first, but the eight major Shanxi merchants and the top ten salt merchants have happened, and he definitely does not like the profession of merchants. of.

If it weren't for the sake of the merchants' money, Emperor Chongzhen might have directly excluded the merchants if they took money from these merchants.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen certainly knew that these civil servants asked about this matter, and he probably thought about his answer, so he explained: "Qing and others think that the craftsman who helped me build the steam train should be rewarded ? And the craftsmen who refine the molten steel and continuously produce steel as I said, don’t you want to reward them? All kinds of things, such as state-owned big workers, I always want to show that there are clear rewards and punishments, right?”

The emperor explained it to you, it was to save face, and anyone who was stupid would argue with the emperor.Unless it is about personal interests, otherwise, no official will argue with the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen's explanation is also based on the truth, not to mention other things, just the steam train is something that subverts their worldview, and it is definitely worth rewarding.

Although Emperor Chongzhen had already rewarded Song Yingxing, who took the lead, as the Boss of Science and Technology, just like the Battle of Jizhou, the commander-in-chief Sun Chuanting was named Boss of Jizhou, so his generals also received great rewards.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible to give some high-grade officials to craftsmen!
Thinking about it this way, no matter whether it was He Fengsheng or Zuo Maodi, there was no objection.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen looked at them, suddenly his expression became serious, and he shouted in a cold voice: "For those who should not exceed the limit, just like the ones at the Mausoleum of King Lu, once found, they will be severely punished!"

The meaning of this sentence still involves imperial power, and Emperor Chongzhen will not be polite if he dares to offend the imperial power.

In this way, even if King Lu found out about the revision of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" this time, he would still have nothing to say.

For this meeting, Emperor Chongzhen gave an outline. He Fengsheng and others will be the leaders of the specific regulations.And it is foreseeable that this matter will definitely not be completed in a short period of time.

Emperor Chongzhen and his courtiers are busy.

After the meeting, the news that the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" was going to be revised spread, causing a sensation immediately.

After all, the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" is related to the life of every Ming citizen, and it can even be said that it also affects the surrounding vassal states.

Among other things, the founding emperor of North Korea was a slob. After the founding of the country, he directly issued an order to move the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" as the basic law of the court.

This point, it seems that future generations can also learn it!

There is also the country of Wa, which is also deeply influenced by the "Law of the Ming Dynasty".

It's just that during the reign of Chongzhen, the Ming Dynasty declined, and the impact was small.

The Wa country has been closed to the outside world, and North Korea has now transformed the puppet Qing Dynasty into its suzerain state.

Ordinary people who know about the revision of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" can only discuss it at most, while those who have the ability to influence the revision of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", such as other censors, royal relatives and dignitaries, all went to visit He Fengsheng and others People, put forward some of your own opinions and suggestions.

Needless to say, these opinions and suggestions represent the interests of themselves or those of them. They want to take this opportunity to modify those that are not friendly to them and increase the ones that are friendly to them.

Generally speaking, the laws of ancient times all reflected the interests of the ruling class, even in the Chongzhen Dynasty, it was the same.

But no matter how the officials below change, the final decision is still in the hands of Emperor Chongzhen.For Emperor Chongzhen, it must be an absolute thing to discuss with Liu Weichao.

Therefore, this revised "Law of the Ming Dynasty" will definitely represent the interests of more people than any law in history.

In the news this time, although ordinary people do not have the right to speak about the revision of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" for the time being, this does not prevent them from being happy and grateful.

One of the simplest facts is that the establishment of scattered officials from all walks of life today is equivalent to giving scholars an unexpected group, and also has the possibility of glory.

However, according to the news from the Yamen, for the time being, there may not be many industries that will set up scattered officials. Most of them will be related to the Military Bureau and the Railway Department.

Although there are no other industries for the time being, there is a hope, which is exciting but also regrettable.

There is only one industry, the merchant class, which is the kind that is loved and hated.

For the court's plan, spending some money to buy a glory, I still like it.But the key is that it costs money every year, and it pays differently according to the level.This is absolutely painful!
If you don’t pay or pay less, the money you earn will be buried in the cellar and moldy?So what's the point of making more money?Clothes, decorations, housing, etc., are all a series of etiquette requirements. You can't have moldy money in the cellar, live in a small house, and wear coarse linen, right?
However, paying the money that meets the status is equivalent to making a confession to the imperial court every year, which really hurts me!

But hearing this news, the most exciting, and even weeping with joy, still belongs to the original lowly nationality.

Originally, Daming had been doing this for hundreds of years. Suddenly, pie fell from the sky, allowing them to live normally like ordinary people.For today's emperor, it is definitely to be grateful and enshrine the longevity tablet!


It is still an era of war, and it will take time for the news to spread.For example, the land of Shu didn't know about it at all.Of course, even if you know, you don't have time to worry about it.

Because Zuo Liangyu's troops fled into Shu.

Lv Daqi had just entered Shu, and had handed over with Chen Shiqi, the former governor of Sichuan, and sent an order to officials and generals from all over the country to hold a meeting in the governor's office to prepare for his new official to take office.

As a result, before the officials from all over the country arrived, there was an urgent report, saying that Zuo Liangyu's troops, who had been convicted by the court, had captured the important town in eastern Sichuan and threatened Chongqing.

This time, Lu Daqi's sweat came down.Under normal circumstances, if he encountered this kind of thing when he was just a new official, he would be caught off guard, and Zuo Liangyu would definitely ruin the land of Shu.

Fortunately, the emperor was wise enough to prepare a lot of measures for him in advance.

Therefore, Lu Daqi suspended the large-scale personnel changes in Shu, and sent people to report to Du Yinxi, the governor of the three sides, to ask Qin soldiers to rush to Sichuan for reinforcements; at the same time, he sent a white army to Chongqing to stabilize the situation in eastern Sichuan.

To mobilize the army and use swords and guns is not a one-sentence matter, but requires money and food.

However, there was not much food in the yamen, Chen Shiqi knew how to recite poems and compose poems, and when his military equipment was relaxed, he needed more money and food.

In an emergency, it is impossible to prepare money and food through normal channels, what should I do?
The first thing Lu Daqi thought of was naturally the richest person in Shu, the King of Shu.

However, as soon as the king of Shu heard his intention, he directly served tea to see off the guests.That's the business of you officials, what's the matter with him, a feudal lord waiting to die?

In this regard, Lu Daqi had nothing to do, because he did not get the emperor's order, and moving the vassal king was a rebellion.

So, he could only think of other ways by himself.

At this time, both Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan stepped forward one after another, expressing their willingness to spend all their family wealth and raise money and food for military supplies, just like in the original history.

After hearing this, Lu Daqi didn't say anything else, he directly named Zeng Ying and Yang Zhan as guerrillas, and raised his own troops to rush to eastern Sichuan to join Ma Xianglin.

Afterwards, Lu Daqi himself wrote a letter to the family, calling on his father and fellow villagers to contribute money and efforts. This time, it was a real defense of the family and the country!

Under Lu Daqi's leadership and appeal, not to mention, many squires in Shu took money.

Sichuan has already experienced the torment of Zhang Xianzhong, a gangster, if he doesn't work hard, he will be tormented by Zuo Liangyu's subordinates later.

And the reputation of Zuo Liangyu's department has definitely been notorious over the years.

Zeng Ying, Yang Zhan and others, holding high the banner of defending the country, set off from their hometown and headed eastward all the way to catch up with Ma Xianglin's white pole army.

Along the way, quite a few disciples from Chuanzhong joined their team without asking for money or food.As they moved eastward, the ranks grew.

But all of this was not what Zuo Liangyu could have expected.

At this time, he inspected Li Guoying's defense. Faced with the helplessness of Li Zicheng's subordinates, he laughed triumphantly, in a very happy mood, and admired his foresight.

Seeing that Li Guoying's defense was absolutely impeccable, and there was no need to worry that Li Zicheng would follow him into Sichuan, Zuo Liangyu waved his hand and marched towards Chongqing, preparing to capture Chongqing and then the entire Shu region as his power.

"Father, these imperial troops in central Sichuan are simply vulnerable!" Zuo Menggeng was beside him, grinning, "I can lead the army to take Chongqing!"

 This is because the explanation is not clear, please add a more meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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