Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 364 The Danger of Chongqing

Chapter 364 The Danger of Chongqing
Tongluo Gorge has a total length of 53 kilometers and a wall height of 513 meters. It is a waterway gateway to Chongqing from the Jiajiang River with sheer cliffs.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Siam led tens of thousands of soldiers and once defeated the Mongolian army at Tongluoxia; at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Daxia Kingdom was also king here, and they also defended Tongluoxia, but they were defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang's general Tang He and others. .

Now, Zhao Guangyuan has assembled heavy troops in Tongluo Gorge, prepared a large number of artillery, rolled wood and rocks, and set up iron chains to block the river at the mouth of the gorge. In his opinion, this measure is foolproof.

No matter how powerful Zuo Liangyu's troops are, in the face of such natural dangers, if they can't attack for a long time, they will definitely lose their vigor. In addition, the number of rebel warships is not only small, but most of them are fishing boats, so he is sure to win.

Therefore, Zhao Guangyuan first strictly ordered his men not to attack, and waited for the rebels to attack the natural danger first.

However, what surprised him was that the rebels did not immediately attack Tongluo Gorge. They seemed to know that Tongluo Gorge was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and they might not be able to defeat it!
This made him a little proud. Anyway, if it takes time, he has the advantage!

As soon as Zuo Liangyu's troops entered Sichuan, they had already asked Chengdu for help.Time is running out, and once reinforcements arrive, the rebels will be more likely to win.

The only regret is that part of the credit for defeating the rebels will be shared by others.

Therefore, in Zhao Guangyuan's view, the best outcome is that the rebels are exhausted and have lost their morale before the reinforcements arrive. Then he can wipe out the rebels in one fell swoop and perfectly accept the military exploits.

"Report, the rebel commander is actually Zuo Liangyu's son Zuo Menggeng, not Zuo Liangyu!"

"What?" Zhao Guangyuan couldn't believe it when he heard Yebu's report, and quickly confirmed, "Where's Zuo Liangyu?"

"According to the captives, Zuo Liangyu is in Kuizhou and did not come with the army!"

"Haha..." Zhao Guangyuan laughed out loud when he heard this.

Since it's not Zuo Liangyu, but the unknown Zuo Menggeng, this battle is really a credit from the sky, and he deserves to be knighted by Zhao Guangyuan!
However, sometimes, the truth often does not come true.

The actual leader of the rebel army is Ma Shixiu, Zuo Liangyu's deputy. Seeing that the Tongluo Gorge mouth is steep and the court officials and troops are heavily defended, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so he concentrated the main force of the army at the Tongluo Gorge mouth and made a plan to fight against the court officials. Under the illusion of a decisive battle, thousands of people were secretly mobilized to capture Jiangjin by land, seize the boat and go down the river to occupy Futuguan, the throat of Chongqing.

Moreover, Ma Shixiu personally led a group of surprise soldiers, carried a small boat, cut wood to clear the way from the dense forest on the top of Baiyan Mountain on the south bank, went around behind the defenders of Tongluo Gorge, and attacked from upstream and downstream at the same time by surprise.

On Zhao Guangyuan's side, he was a little at a loss when he heard that the rebels had bypassed Tongluo Gorge and occupied Futu Pass without knowing when. Chongqing was in danger. What should we do next?
While panicking, Ma Shixiu led the troops to kill.And Zuo Menggeng immediately responded and attacked Tongluo Gorge at the same time.

Under the simultaneous attack from upstream and downstream, Zhao Guangyuan's troops were defeated, Tongluo Gorge changed hands, and he himself fled south of Sichuan.

Because he knew that once Tongluo Gorge was lost, the enemy would go straight to the city of Chongqing, and Chongqing would definitely be unable to hold it.And Chongqing is an important town in eastern Sichuan. Once it falls into the hands of the rebels, it will be easy for the rebels to attack Chengdu. As far as the current military equipment in Shu is concerned, Chengdu is also very easy to lose.

In this case, to defend Chongqing is a mental illness, and to retreat to the rebel attack route to stop the unstoppable rebels is to have your head caught by the door!
At the Pass of Tongluo Gorge, Zuo Menggeng couldn't help laughing as he watched countless court officials and troops surrender, especially capturing a large number of warships at once.

The Tongluo Gorge was captured beautifully, the army has grown in strength, and Chongqing, an important city in eastern Sichuan, is just around the corner. Even if my father came to command, it would be no more than that at most!
the student surpasses the master!At this time, Zuo Menggeng had this idea in his mind!
The victory of this battle made him a little bit flustered!
After resting for three days and reorganizing the soldiers, Zuo Menggeng led the army and marched towards Chongqing mightily, surrounded Chongqing, and ordered Chongqing to open the gates and surrender, otherwise the city would be massacred!

Wang Xingjian, the governor of Chongqing, saw the rebels appearing outside the city, and the defeated soldiers who fled back said that Zhao Guangyuan's entire army was wiped out.

However, he had never thought about surrendering.

Worried, he personally went to the top of the city to sit in town, and mobilized the whole city to defend the city.

The reputation of the rebels is there. If you talk about massacring the city, it is really something that can be done to massacre the city.

Therefore, many squires in the city began to contribute money and efforts to defend the city.However, some squires began to have other plans.

In their view, the armed forces in central Sichuan were slack, and Zhao Guangyuan, the only Qiang Han commander they could rely on, was completely wiped out by the rebels. In this way, who else can Chongqing expect to rescue?
In other words, they have no hope of keeping Chongqing!
Since they couldn't defend Chongqing, in order to survive, they naturally wanted to curry favor with the rebels and avoid being killed.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu's unit had an advantage over the bandits.

If it is a bandit, ordinary people may have a chance to survive, but clans, vassal kings, local officials and squires rarely have a chance to survive.

But Zuo Liangyu's troops were different, they basically wouldn't kill these people, of course, because at that time, they still belonged to the imperial court army in name.

But this kind of gave Chongqing squires some hope, thinking that if they dedicated the city, they should be able to avoid death.

They even found a reason for themselves. The reason for doing this was for the good of Chongqing and to avoid the danger of being massacred by the rebels.

As a result, these local snakes began to privately send people to contact the rebels outside the city, expressing their willingness to serve as an internal response and offer Chongqing.

"Haha..." Zuo Menggeng laughed so much that he had never seen before, and the joyful mood was the best during this period of time.

It's as if he has transformed into a generation of war god, invincible and invincible!

His father had even lost battles, but he had achieved such a great victory as a commander for the first time, and his prestige was so high, look, the enemy has come down in anticipation!

His subordinates, especially Zuo Liangyu's cronies such as Ma Shixiu, of course knew that Zuo Liangyu's intention was to train his son.Now that he has achieved a great victory, he will take advantage of the opportunity to flatter Zuo Menggeng, making Zuo Menggeng even more ecstatic, not knowing how much he is worth.

Therefore, Zuo Menggeng made an appointment with the squire who had an affair with him, cooperated internally and externally, and took Chongqing, an important town in eastern Sichuan, in one fell swoop.

On this day, Zuo Menggeng personally shouted to the city of Chongqing: "Wang Xingjian, listen carefully to my commander. You are limited to surrender before sunset tomorrow. If you deny entering the city the day after tomorrow, this commander will cut you alive!"

Naturally, Wang Xingjian on the top of the wall would not be frightened by him, and shouted to him: "Chongqing city defense is impenetrable, and reinforcements from central Sichuan will arrive soon, I advise you to surrender early, maybe the emperor will spare your life!"

When Zuo Menggeng heard that Wang Xingjian was stubborn and refused to surrender even though he personally persuaded him to surrender, Zuo Menggeng immediately became annoyed, and immediately shouted sharply: "Toast, don't eat fine wine, Wang Xingjian, you wait for me, the day after tomorrow I will make your head into a urinal!"

Naturally, the negotiation was fruitless, but after Wang Xingjian thought about it afterwards, he figured out something was wrong.

Why is Zuo Menggeng so sure that Chongqing will be captured the day after tomorrow?

Is it a civil servant?There may not be many other thoughts, but there will definitely be intrigue thoughts.

After thinking about it, he was a little scared immediately.Because he thought of a possibility that someone in the city might be colluding with the rebels.

So, he immediately began to investigate secretly.

I don't know if I don't check, but after a search, he really found clues that there were indeed some people in the city who had secretly liaised with the rebels.

However, within a short period of time, he couldn't determine who in the city was secretly cooperating with the rebels, so he became anxious!

He was in a hurry, but Zuo Menggeng had the chance to win. As long as the agreed time came and Chongqing changed hands, he would be famous all over the world, at least in Shu!

He was having a sweet dream, when suddenly, the outside scouts reported urgently: "One day's journey to the north of Chongqing, and about [-] white-armed troops are coming quickly!"

"What?" Zuo Menggeng was a little surprised when he heard it, and immediately confirmed, "The White Pole Army? Coming from the north?"

For him, the white pole army should be in Shanhaiguan. Why did the white pole army appear in the north of Chongqing?

Upon hearing this, Ma Shixiu on the side hurriedly asked: "Are you sure there are only six thousand white-armed troops and not more? Who is leading the army?"

If we talk about the enemies in Central Sichuan, who is the most taboo on Zuo Liangyu's side, the Baigan Army is definitely the number one, and it is at the forefront.

It's also the same, Zuo Liangyu always told them to avoid Shizhu Xuanfu Division when they came to attack Chongqing this time.

Tan Ma heard this, and quickly reported: "At least so far, I only found out that there are less than six thousand white-armed troops, and the leader seems to be Ma Xianglin, the chieftain of Shizhu!"

Hearing this, Zuo Menggeng laughed loudly and said, "Okay, well done! Since you are in a hurry to die, let them be satisfied!"

In his opinion, there were only less than [-] troops, and they were directly crushed by him.

Ma Shixiu listened, thought for a while, and finally nodded and said: "It seems that this white army is determined to rescue Chongqing. Even if we don't want to be enemies with them, it is impossible. If this is the case, we can only go to war." .”

After a pause, he went on to say: "Today's White Pole Army is not what it used to be. There are only more than [-] horses, and most of them are infantry. There can be [-] horses, no, [-] horses. People and horses, it should be possible!"

"I'll go!" When Zuo Menggeng heard that even Ma Shixiu said that, he immediately jumped up and said, "It's just a white-armed army, I will go and destroy them in person, just enough to frighten the dog officials in Chongqing. When the time comes, I will carry the head of Ma Xianglin, no, I will escort Ma Xianglin to the city and let them see it, and I will surely scare them to open the city and surrender immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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