Chapter 374
Seeing Li Ruolian listening carefully, Ma Shiying quickly continued: "He was a Jinshi in the [-]th year of Wanli. He is proficient in all kinds of poems and songs. The most popular, everyone loves to watch, hard to get a ticket, and he can personally perform and sing..."

Listening to his introduction, Li Ruolian immediately remembered that the emperor seemed to want people with such talents very much, and it was said that he would be called into the palace by Concubine Tian Gui for assessment.

As the commander of Jin Yiwei, the emperor's confidant general, he knew that this might have something to do with the immortal.

Of course, the Department of Political Affairs and Communications seems to need talents who are good at these aspects.If he can uphold his wishes and earnestly do what His Majesty asked him to do, then he is a good candidate.

Thinking of this, Li Ruolian immediately asked, "Who is this? What is his name?"

"Ruan Dacheng, who is dismissed from office and is at home now!" Ma Shiying felt that the ground was almost ready, so he carefully said his friend's name.

After finishing speaking, he stared at Li Ruolian's face closely, worried that he would be rejected by Li Ruolian.

Because Ruan Dacheng's reputation is worse than Lu Bu's reputation as a house slave with three surnames.

Because he offended the Donglin Party, and the Donglin Party is all great Confucian scholars, there is absolutely nothing to say about his writing style. He was so criticized that no one dared to use him.

As for the eunuch party, it collapsed because of the rise of Emperor Chongzhen.Ruan Dacheng was identified as a member of the eunuch party and dismissed from office.But he wanted to be an official very much, so he went to curry favor with the Donglin Party and the successor of the Donglin Party to restore the society.

As a result, Emperor Chongzhen felt that the members of the Donglin Party were not useful, so he used people from the original Eunuch Party as officials.As for Ruan Dacheng, he was rejected again, and he was not pleasing to both sides.

At this time, Li Ruolian heard that it was Ruan Dacheng, let alone, he had indeed heard of Ruan Dacheng's reputation.

If Ruan Dacheng was just a mediocre person, he wouldn't have come to this point.His talents and learning are still certain.

However, everyone recommends a person, which is rarely impartial.As a result, some people in history who were truly selfless, and even recommended their opponents for the state council, were all famous in history.

When Li Ruolian heard the name Ruan Dacheng, he naturally had to consider what would happen if he recommended this person to the emperor.

As he was thinking about it, Ma Shiying seemed to be a little bit wrong. He knew that this opportunity was rare, so he immediately said to Li Ruolian: "Jiangnan is mostly a member of the former Donglin party, but now it is a place where people from Fushe are located. The imperial court wants to check out the hidden households. Re-measurement of the land and strict taxation will definitely harm the interests of these people. Now that Ruan Dacheng is attacked by them, no matter whether it is public or private, he must want to do his best to do this well, and he will never disappoint the holy will of!"

Speaking of this, seeing that Li Ruolian seemed to be a little moved, Ma Shiying immediately said while the iron was hot: "Do you think this is good? I will go and pick up Ruan Dacheng immediately, and he will be responsible for conveying the court's intentions, appeasing the people's livelihood, and letting him How about giving it a try in this official administration?"

Hearing this, Li Ruolian didn't hesitate, and immediately nodded and said: "This is under the governor's rule. Whatever the governor wants to do, he can do it. The general is only in charge of the army, and the prince is in charge of civil affairs. If it’s all convenient, then everyone’s happy!”

Although there was no positive answer, Ma Shiying was still overjoyed.At least for Ruan Dacheng, this is an opportunity to try it out.As long as you do well, returning to officialdom will not be a dream!

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait any longer, so he immediately told his personal guards to tell him to go ahead and invite Ruan Dacheng to come to Fengyang immediately.Then, he and Li Ruolian transferred out of the front office.

There is nothing to say next, Ma Shiying announced the reorganization of Liu Liangzuo's department, and assigned the various troops to the station.Among them, Huang Degong's troops were stationed in Fengyang, and they were watching the reorganization of Liu Liangzuo's troops.

Although Liu Liangzuo was not very happy about this, he was relieved. At least he was not punished. He just wanted to reorganize the army, just like Hu Dawei's.

When the army is stationed, it must also defend against thieves, and then reorganize the army, pre-handle the affairs of the state capitals, etc. There are a lot of things that can't be done all at once.

On this day, when Ma Shiying was busy dealing with government affairs, he suddenly heard a report from his subordinates saying that a friend came to visit outside the door.

When he saw the name post, he was immediately taken aback.So, he quickly put down the business at hand and hurried out to greet her.

At the gate of the governor's yamen, Ma Shiying rushed to see the man with a half-grey beard waiting at the gate, and clasped his fists in surprise, "Brother Ji, why did you come here so quickly?"

All in all, it was Ruan Dacheng's character, and the person who came was Ruan Dacheng, Ma Shiying's best friend.

What Ma Shiying didn't expect was that Wang Dehua, the Duke of Dongchang from Songjiang Mansion, hadn't arrived yet, and Ruan Dacheng, a half-century old man who was nearly fifty-five years old, arrived first, which was really a bit surprising.

While speaking, he hastily welcomed Ruan Dacheng into the mansion.

Not to mention, Ruan Dacheng, who usually likes to be elegant, is a bit embarrassed and sweaty, not at all like his usual personality.

At this time, Ruan Dacheng followed Ma Shiying inside, and hurriedly asked Ma Shiying, "My dear brother, you can't be a brother! Hearing the news you sent someone, I really have to travel day and night to come here." ! If Dangyou is a brother, this will be so pissed off!"

Upon hearing this, Ma Shiying smiled and said: "Brother Ji's great kindness and virtue, I have always remembered it in my heart, so how can I fool my brother! Come on, let's talk inside!"

Ruan Dacheng looked very tired, as if he couldn't walk anymore.Hearing this, the footsteps accelerated again, and the speed suddenly increased.

Soon, Ma Shiying led Ruan Dacheng to the Houya, and sat down in the living room where the guests and hosts were divided. After serving tea to his subordinates, Ruan Dacheng couldn't wait to ask Ma Shiying again: "My dear brother said, what kind of opportunity is it that can make you happy?" Do you still have a chance to enter the officialdom again?"

In the past, he spent a lot of energy, money and effort to help Zhang Pu send Zhou Yanru to the throne of the chief assistant.However, under such circumstances, Zhou Yanru did not dare to use him as an official.

To be honest, this incident really hit him.It also made him realize that those Donglin Party members and Fushe people used him like a dog and discarded him after using him.

Therefore, he is actually already desperate about re-entering the officialdom.

In the original history, after he was appointed by Ma Shiying, he immediately set out to retaliate against the suppression of Donglin Party members and Fushe members.

This shows how much he hates the Donglin Party members and the Fushe people in his heart.

Block his official path, humiliate him and still not give him a way out!
At this time, Ma Shiying heard Ruan Dacheng asked this matter again, so he told Ruan Dacheng about the situation.

In the middle, when his subordinates served tea, he paused for a while, otherwise, he almost finished speaking in one breath.

After listening to Ma Shiying's introduction, Ruan Dacheng couldn't help being greatly disappointed, and said a little angrily, "Brother, I thought that Mr. Sun or Mr. Shoufu had some news for my virtuous brother, but this, what is it?"

When Ma Shiying heard this, he quickly said to Ruan Dacheng: "Brother Ji, if this matter is not very promising, how can the foolish brother pass on the letter. Zhengtong envoy, third-rank official title, just wait for Brother Ji!"

After Ruan Dacheng became a Jinshi, he served as an official for a total of three years, not to mention that the third-rank official was in charge of a yamen official, and the officials of several lower ranks did not do well.

Therefore, after hearing Ma Shiying's words at this time, he immediately shook his head and sighed: "Don't say anything else, just being a brother is impossible in the eyes of today's emperor to have a high position."

Ma Shiying heard this, and immediately said with a chuckle: "Don't look at the present with old eyes! Brother Ji, think about it, Uncle Jizhou was there before, but he was punished by the present, and how many years he was imprisoned, no, Isn’t it the same as Jizhou uncle, we are the third civil servant of the Ming Dynasty to be knighted!"

Hearing this, Ruan Dacheng couldn't help but brighten his eyes: Yes, Sun Chuanting was treated badly by him before, at least he just lost his job, but Sun Chuanting was sent to prison for interrogation!

Seeing the change in his expression, Ma Shiying smiled and continued to say to him: "Young brother has been paying attention to the capital. From the Songjin battle last year, it was said that after the emperor Taizu appeared, today's life is different from before. And Yu, you can no longer use the previous method to figure out the holy will!"

"Oh, please teach me!" Ruan Dacheng was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked for advice.

Ever since Zhou Yanru didn't use him, he has actually been discouraged, and spends his days with his hobbies, and really doesn't care about the affairs of the court.

After hearing this, Ma Shiying told Ruan Dacheng some of his conclusions about Emperor Chongzhen carefully.

"... From these things, we can see that today's people pay attention to reality. Whether it is a member of the Donglin Party, the Eunuch Party, or the Zhejiang Party, as long as there is a skill that can rejuvenate the country, it will be used today. And the more If it is urgently needed, His Majesty will leapfrog promotion!"

When Ma Shiying said this, he paused and then said: "Now, His Majesty is making a big plan. The purpose is to rectify the officialdom and the people in the south of the Yangtze River. He even doesn't hesitate to fail to collect taxes within a few years, so that the thieves will make trouble here. It can be seen that His Majesty is determined! If brother Ji can help His Majesty in this matter, Brother Yu believes that it is not impossible for His Majesty to leapfrog promotion, so don't worry about the past!"

Hearing Ma Shiying's well-founded analysis, Ruan Dacheng couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly assured: "Don't say that you are doing this to give those Donglin Party members a good look. Do your part, but do your best and die!"

When Ma Shiying heard this, he burst out laughing, and he knew that Ruan Dacheng would definitely do his best on this matter.

Thinking of this, he said to Ruan Dacheng again: "There is one more thing, which can also give brother Ji a little more security in his official career!"

(End of this chapter)

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