Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 379 Various means

Chapter 379 Various means
I heard Liu Weichao say to Emperor Chongzhen: "Remember what I told you before? The interests of the emperor should be consistent with the interests of the vast majority of people. In this way, even if someone wants to rebel and oppose the emperor, it is against the emperor. Can the vast majority of people succeed?"

Emperor Chongzhen nodded after hearing this. He remembered this matter very clearly. Liu Weichao had told him about it, and he had been thinking about it.

Of course, it is one thing to think about it, but it is another thing to actually apply this idea to practical things, and it does not mean that it can be done by doing.

At this time, it seemed that there was an opportunity, so Emperor Chongzhen hurriedly asked modestly: "In terms of this matter, what do you think is more appropriate for me to do?"

"Just like what I just said!" Liu Weichao immediately replied after hearing this, "You need to reach a wide audience! Drama is indeed a good means, but I don't think it should be very popular for people who like drama. In this case, it should be publicized in a way that the largest audience will like to watch and is easy to watch.”

Liu Weichao remembers that when he was a child, there were no entertainment programs in their corner. There were only two TVs in one village, both black and white, and there was only one central TV and one provincial TV.During the holidays, the biggest entertainment program in the village is to invite opera troupes to sing operas.

Most of the opera troupes are older people will like it more, and there are children who will join in the fun, but they don't go to see it at all. Who knows what the singing is about!

As for the young people, they all go to play cards, mahjong and so on, and they are impatient to watch the theater.

In ancient times, there must have been more audiences for dramas, because they had no other entertainment activities.However, no amount should be limited, after all, this audience has a certain threshold.

Ruan Dacheng's script gave Liu Weichao a hint.He no longer mirrored it at all, and made up a story about the previous dynasty, but directly acted out what the court was doing in a dramatic way.

If this method is put in later generations, it should be put in another entertainment category, that is, skits.

At this time, I heard Liu Weichao introduce to Emperor Chongzhen: "I will show you a few sketches later, a new way of artistic expression, I think it is more suitable for your national policy communication. Classes must be easy to understand, not about singing skills, but for everyone to understand. This method has a wide audience, men, women and children love to watch it."

"Oh?" Emperor Chongzhen was very interested when he heard it, and said quickly, "Then show me a few sketches? If it's really suitable, I can ask Concubine Tian to do it, and I can also ask Ruan Dacheng to do it."

Hearing this, Liu Weichao suddenly thought of something, and added: "Of course, it may seem a bit ahead of the transition to sketches. There is also a category called model opera, which is a transitional version of drama and sketches. You can also take a look. Look back. See which one is more suitable, whichever one is better for you!"

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Chongzhen was very happy when he heard this, and immediately agreed repeatedly.

After finishing speaking, he wanted to hang up the video communication and asked Liu Weichao to send it to him quickly.

But Liu Weichao still had something to say, seeing his appearance, he quickly said: "There is more, don't worry!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he felt a little embarrassed, and quickly replied: "Say it, say it, I'm listening!"

Obviously, the more ways that can help him, the better, and he definitely welcomes it.

So, Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen again: "Do you still remember the ringtone I set before? The previous phone's..."

Having said that, he hummed a few words and reminded Emperor Chongzhen: "There is a truth that doesn't need to be said, soldiers should go to the battlefield..."

As soon as he hummed, Emperor Chongzhen quickly nodded and said, "I remember, I remember, I am most familiar with this voice!"

He was ashamed to say that he had dreamed of this voice several times in his dreams.

After hearing what he said, Liu Weichao smiled and said: "This song is actually very easy to sing. Even someone like me who can't sing can hum. You should know the meaning of this song. The lyrics are easy to understand. Everyone has parents, and when you become a soldier, you should defend your home and country and kill the enemy bravely, that’s what it means. Earlier, I also told you that unity is strength and so on..."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen already understood what he meant, and immediately confirmed in surprise: "You mean, I also let people sing similar songs? For example, write the content of the national policy into this kind of song, and then let people To spread the song, as long as it is good to sing, it will naturally spread, so that it will get twice the result with half the effort?"

Liu Weichao laughed as soon as he heard it, nodded immediately and said: "That's right, these songs have a unified name, which is popular pop songs, which means that songs that are easy to understand and popular, I think they will be more suitable for you. To promote national policy. Of course, this song must be catchy, easy to sing, and even better!"

The request seems a bit too much. When he was talking, he was also thinking in his mind that the ancient people might not be good at composing this kind of music.

As soon as he was thinking about it, Liu Weichao suddenly had an idea, and immediately had an idea, so he smiled and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I can give you some classic tunes, and then you ask Concubine Tian Gui and the others to replace the words, so it should be the best. It's easy."

"Okay, okay, that's a good idea!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen praised repeatedly, seeming to like it very much.

This time, Liu Weichao didn't want to add any more, Dang even said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Okay, that's it, I'll hang up first, and then I will send you some past information."

Emperor Chongzhen naturally had no objections, and soon hung up the video communication.

Holding the mobile phone, Liu Weichao flashed a list in his mind, including model plays, sketches, and popular songs.

As for model plays, the classic ones are "Shajiabang" and "The White-haired Girl".But these are the past, okay?

For a moment, he was a little uncertain.

As for the sketches, there are many, Chen Peisi has a lot of them, they are all good-looking, what the imperial army asked me to tell you, eating noodles, running with Xiyi, selling abductees, etc.

But if it is suitable for Chongzhen at that time, it seems that we can't just pick up such funny ones.Also think about it.

As far as these are concerned, popular songs are the easiest to choose. The warriors I just talked about with Emperor Chongzhen should go to the battlefield.

And unity is strength, which is also suitable for the troubled times at the end of Ming Dynasty.

However, suitable for the end of Ming Dynasty, the songs that Emperor Chongzhen could use seemed to be all songs created in previous years. In recent decades, most of them are about love and the like.It's not that you can't give it, but that it doesn't fit the topic you just talked about.

Liu Weichao thought about it, so he simply searched it online first.


At the same time, in the principal's office of the Township Central Primary School, a person was pushing the door in: "Principal, are you looking for me?"

When the principal saw the girl at the door, he smiled and said enthusiastically, "Come here, Mr. Zhang, come here!"

Upon hearing this, Teacher Xiao Zhang hurried to the principal's desk.If Liu Weichao were here, he would immediately recognize who this girl is.

"Let's leave tomorrow? This is your subsidy, count it and sign it!" The principal said as he opened several stacks of money and pushed them in front of Teacher Xiao Zhang.

When Teacher Xiao Zhang saw it, he was taken aback and said, "Principal, I was arranged by the school volunteer association. I have only been teaching for two months. As I said before, I came here for volunteer service and there is no salary subsidy."

The principal laughed when he heard it, and explained to Mr. Zhang: "Hehe, that's right, but this money is donated to the school by an entrepreneur in our township, and is designated as a living allowance for all teachers. It's two thousand a month. You come here. After two months, that’s [-]. In addition, in the anonymous grades given to the teacher by the children every month, if you get excellent, you still have [-] rewards. Sign it, it’s what you deserve!”

"Ah?" Teacher Xiao Zhang was very surprised when he heard it, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

When the principal saw him, he pointed to a photo on his desktop and said, "Here, he donated it to the school. It was agreed at the time. The conditions here are poor, the teachers are not treated well, and we can't keep the teachers. Therefore, I will give teachers extra subsidies, hoping to retain good teachers for my hometown. This money is your income from labor, it should be received, sign it, otherwise I will not be able to pay the bill. "

When Teacher Xiao Zhang heard him speak, he naturally looked at the photo.After seeing this, he was a little surprised and said, "It's him?"

"Oh?" The principal asked a little surprised when he heard it, "You know him?"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang came back to his senses, and quickly said: "I don't know him, but I think this person is so young, he is an entrepreneur, and he can still donate money to the school?"

After hearing this, the principal smiled and said, "He used to be in the South, and he only came back to start his business for more than a year. He is no better than others. He donates money to the school when he makes some money. He is a good boy!"

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "You are also a good boy, and you come to support education in our remote and remote places regardless of pay! I wrote a commendation letter and sent it to your school. I sincerely hope that good boys like you Can have more!"

After hearing this, Mr. Zhang didn’t insist anymore. After signing, he took the money, then bowed to the principal, and said sincerely: “Principal, you are a good person. You have dedicated your youth here! If you go to the provincial capital, Be sure to contact me and treat you to dinner!"

The headmaster laughed as soon as he heard it, and waved the girl away.

Naturally, Liu Weichao didn't know about this matter. When the summer vacation came, the headmaster would send him the money collection account, but he didn't know that this teacher Xiao Zhang had actually had a relationship with him.

At this time, he finally selected some model plays, sketches and some songs, and then sent them to Emperor Chongzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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