Chapter 401 Gap (Addition)
Regarding the situation of Zhou Yuji's army, the urgent report was sent to the imperial court long before the army arrived.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen certainly knew the specific situation of Zhou Yuji's army.I also inquired about the news with Liu Weichao in advance, and knew what the original history of Wu Sansheng and others was.

Emperor Chongzhen had a good impression of those who insisted on maintaining the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty and resisting Jianlu during the Southern Ming Dynasty.

Because he knew very well that in that desperate situation, if he wanted to persist in maintaining the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty, and not surrender until his death, how rare it would be to shed the last drop of blood for the Ming Dynasty!

Therefore, he immediately summoned Zhou Yuji, Li Dingguo, Liu Wenxiu, Wu Sansheng, Wang Zhibang, Bai Wenxuan and others to have an audience at the Wuying Hall.

Regarding the emperor's decree, Zhou Yuji had nothing to say, but the others were very pleasantly surprised.

Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu enjoyed the treatment of being summoned by the emperor as soon as they arrived in the capital. They were pleasantly surprised because their brothers also received such treatment.

Don't underestimate this treatment. Many officials are not qualified to meet the emperor when they come to Beijing.

As for Wu Sansheng and others, needless to say, I didn't expect the emperor to attach so much importance to them.It's just that when I heard this decree and felt the emperor's attention, I felt that I had done the right thing and that the scholar would die for his confidant.

On this way back north, when they first went to Fengyang Mansion to rest, they saw the court rectify the place. They were very surprised that the local gentry they usually resented were cleaned up by the court, and they were very surprised by the performance of the Department of Political Affairs, especially the sketch. , also like it very much.

There is also the song that is loved by all the soldiers. They also like it. When they continued to return north, they had already been taught by other soldiers.

Along the way, they saw that the people no longer avoided them, but welcomed them, and saw that construction was in full swing everywhere. Compared with the south, compared with their original impression, there were really earth-shaking changes, and they were deeply moved. shocked them.

This made them feel that the common people yearn for a peaceful world!

Along the way, they also saw cement roads being used in some places, and the legendary railway being laid southward.After arriving in Tongzhou, they even saw the steam train that Li Dingguo told them that they had never been able to imagine.

Naturally, they were shocked again.

All these things have greatly changed their impression of the emperor.

When they went to the Forbidden City to meet the emperor, everyone was very excited, afraid that such a reckless person would be rude.

Therefore, when they greeted Emperor Chongzhen, their shouts were also extremely loud.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Emperor Chongzhen, sitting high on the throne, looked at the group of young and strong men in front of him, and said with a smile: "Let's all get flat!"

Zhou Yuji led them to level up together, and then stood up according to their official positions.

Wu Sansheng and the others did not dare to look directly at the emperor, they lowered their eyebrows and stood with their hands down.

Looking at the bottom of the Hall of Martial Arts, they all felt as if they were dreaming.I actually stood in the palace of the Forbidden City one day!
If this was changed before, who would believe it?
Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said to them: "I have heard that you voluntarily went north to kill Jianlu. It is rare to have such courage as you. I am very happy!"

Wu Sansheng and the others couldn't help being very happy when they heard that the emperor praised them as soon as he spoke, and could hear a strong sense of appreciation in his words.

It is said that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger, and that seeing the emperor is always trembling, and some people say that the current emperor is mean and ungrateful, killing the chief assistant is like killing a chicken, the most difficult thing to serve!

It turns out that these are all fake, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I was almost deceived by those rumors!
As they were thinking about it, they heard Emperor Chongzhen continue to say: "You are all good men of the Ming Dynasty, and you dare to fight against Jianlu. Naturally, I want to protect you more and reduce the possibility of bloodshed. Therefore, you should rest in the capital for half a month first. , After completing the training and changing clothes, after the new governor of Jiliao arrives, we will go to clean up the Jianlu!"

Along the way, Wu Sansheng and others naturally saw the excellent armor and ordnance of the soldiers of the Beijing camp, and they were very envious.

You know, when a soldier fights a war, having a good piece of armor means he will save a few more lives.Especially the armor worn by the soldiers of the Beijing camp is almost invulnerable.With such armor worn on the body, unless it is a place that is not protected by the fancy armor, it will be difficult to hurt them.

Therefore, they even secretly asked Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu, wondering when they would be able to change their outfits and have such excellent armor and ordnance!
It was also for this reason that they were very happy when they heard Emperor Chongzhen say that they would be given half a month to change their outfits and train them first.

Led by Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu, they thanked Emperor Chongzhen for their decree.

Emperor Chongzhen always had a smile on his face, looked at them, and said with a smile: "The situation today is different from the past. The reason why Jianlu is invincible in field battles is because our imperial army was not able to do it before. But now, you can ask Uncle Zhongwu, listen to his situation in the battle of Jizhou. Jianlu is also a human being, and his armor and weapons are not as strong as ours. Kill them one by one, and it won’t be long before we turn around and recover Liaodong. At that time, I will definitely Lun Gong is rewarded, as long as the military merit is great enough, it is not a problem to be named a marquis or a general!"

This is a promise made, and the group of people who are eager to be named marquis can't help but be very happy.

Later, Emperor Chongzhen decreed that Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu had made meritorious service in recruiting security, and they were both appointed deputy generals of the Beijing camp, also known as deputy generals.

Wu Sansheng, Wang Zhibang, and Bai Wenxuan abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, which saved Luzhou Prefecture and Anqing Prefecture from the disaster of swords and soldiers, and were named generals of the Beijing camp; other generals were named guerrillas of the Beijing camp.

Their subordinates just happened to be in the capital for training and changing clothes, so they would be mixed with the original Beijing camp, including adding new soldiers from the Beijing camp, expanding into [-] reinforcements, and heading to Shanhaiguan.

Originally, Wu Sansheng and others were worried.

If they were born as thieves, would they be discriminated against if they were compared with the court officials?Is there any difference in treating them?For example, in terms of military pay, food, ordnance, etc., will it be worse than the original imperial army?
Now, they can be regarded as letting go of [-] hearts.

Not only did Emperor Chongzhen attach great importance to them, he summoned them immediately, and he also promised to change their clothes, which would be the same treatment as the soldiers of the Beijing camp.

This expectation far exceeded when they decided to accept the imperial court's recruitment.At that time, they only agreed to accept the recruitment for the reasons of Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu.For the imperial court, to be honest, there is not much sense of identity.

But now, their hearts are full of gratitude to Emperor Chongzhen.What they saw and heard along the way gave them more recognition, and from the bottom of their hearts, they were more able to accept their current status as an imperial court officer.

So, after Emperor Chongzhen summoned them, they all happily returned to the camp outside the city.

For the time being, their homes are still in Nanjing, and the capital does not have their homes, only those who live in the barracks.

But in the military camp, watching them come back from seeing the emperor happily, one person was very envious.

This person is Wu Sangui who was transferred back to the north together.

After the Battle of Songjin, he originally thought that he would survive the disaster without incident, and thought about being transferred from the dangerous city of Guanning to Shanhaiguan, but he did not expect that Emperor Chongzhen would settle accounts afterwards, not only cutting off his position as the general soldier, but also During the Battle of Jizhou, he was transferred from Guan Ning, and he was sent to Fengyang in the south to suppress the thieves.

Originally, he was confident that with his ability and the [-] Guan Ning Cavalry under his command, he would have no problem at all fighting bandits, and he would be able to accumulate meritorious service and be promoted soon, and he would be back as his commander-in-chief.

Unexpectedly, after arriving in Fengyang, he was not asked to suppress the bandits, but was only stationed in Fengyang.And the bandits didn't come to attack Fengyang at all, so he was wasting his time.

After finally going to Zhou Yuji again, he was preparing for a big battle, but he didn't expect that the rogues in the nearby prefectures were all recruited, and he basically didn't get any credit for running around.

Well, it is certain to fight Wuchang, right?
Wu Sangui held back all his energy, and was ready to fight this battle well, and it would be best if he could capture the Eight Great Kings with his own hands.In this case, even if it is not as good as that of Jiangyin Dianshi, he must be able to return to his original post, right?
Unexpectedly, he was not part of the expected battle, so he was directly transferred back to the north.

If there is a choice, Wu Sangui doesn't want to fight the Jianlu, but chooses to fight the bandits.After all, in his opinion, Jianlu is hard to fight, while thieves are easy to kill.

However, he didn't expect that after returning to the capital, all the rogues who came back with him accepted the emperor's summons and were appointed officials one by one, but he was not summoned by the emperor.

This gap made him feel very lost.

So, when he was returning home at night, he asked his father about this matter.

His father has always been in the capital, so he is naturally concerned about his son's future, and because he is in the capital, he can keep abreast of the movements in the court.

Just when his son returned to Beijing, he wanted to talk to his son about the matter. When he heard his son say that the thieves who surrendered were summoned by the emperor but his son did not, he told his son his point of view.

After Wu Sangui heard this, he thought of his own series of encounters, and felt that his father was right, so he went back to the barracks outside the city early the next morning to train the army, and did not go to the city anymore.

About three days after Zhou Yuji and others returned to Beijing, Du Yinxi, the former governor of the three sides, hurried to the capital.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard the report, he immediately summoned Du Yinxi to discuss the war about Jianlu.

 Ask for a monthly pass!There will be more tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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