Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 413 The little girl just turned 8 years old

Chapter 413 The little girl just turned eight years old
However, when Azig came back to his senses, he was not afraid or frightened. On the contrary, he was very excited and immediately ordered the whole army to assemble and prepare for battle.

One of the main purposes of his leading troops to go deep into the front line of Guan Ning this time is to test how strong the so-called strong army of the Ming Dynasty is!
But now, he finally waited for reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty, and he would not send them if he was not strong. It must be the Ming army that participated in the Battle of Jizhou.

Well, let's weigh the weight!
Anyway, it's full of cavalry, if you can't beat it, just run away!

Besides, he might not be defeated!
Azig's subordinates, except those Jianlu who participated in the battle of Jizhou, other Jianlu were also eager to try when they saw the appearance of the Ming cavalry.Under the passing of the military order, they gathered to prepare for war.

And on the top of the city of Guangning's former guards, the defenders who were already desperate, the moment they saw the appearance of the Ming cavalry, they all burst into tears with excitement!

At this moment, looking at those brothers who are also wearing red military uniforms, it is really closer than seeing anyone!
They all followed suit, regardless of the result, they shouted first at this time: "Daming Wansheng!"

The loud shouts attracted the hatred of many Jianlu.

But for the time being, they have no choice but to defeat the Ming reinforcements first.

Wu Sangui hadn't lost his mind yet, when he saw Jianlu's main force here, he rushed forward.

He also hastily ordered the entire army to stop advancing and take precautions.

The sky was getting dark, and he ran for hundreds of miles in one breath, which was not a good time for fighting.

Azig looked at the dust rolled up by the Ming army, and at the continuous appearance of the Ming cavalry, and he did not immediately order an attack.Because he couldn't figure out how many Ming reinforcements had come?
The sound of rumbling horseshoes never stopped.

More and more Ming cavalry appeared in Jianlu's sight.Flags fluttered in the wind, hunting.

Until it got dark, the sound of horseshoes still did not disappear.

This situation finally made Azig's face darken.

At this time, he didn't know whether there were really so many Ming cavalry troops, or whether it meant that the cavalry troops just returned secretly under the cover of night, and then pretended to be reinforcements, continuing to appear continuously.

Originally, he didn't have to worry about this kind of thing, and he would report to the Ming army if he visited the horse.

However, this time, it was a large-scale cavalry army who came to hide and kill them, without any detection of horses.The whereabouts of Turg, who was sent out, are now unknown.From the looks of it, there must be more bad luck than good luck!
Looking up at the sky, I don't know if it's going to snow, the clouds cover the sky, and after it gets dark, I can't see the situation in the distance at all.

A war in this situation is definitely not easy to fight.We can only wait until dawn and decide how to play according to the situation?
Or whether to retreat depending on the situation!

Fortunately, there is a military camp on his side, Azig thought in his heart, and ordered half of his men to go to rest first.However, he is indiscriminate, and he can act immediately if there is a situation.

Under the howling cold wind, neither men nor horses could stay on guard all night.

But on the side of the Ming army, it is much better than Jianlu, they have the former guards to rely on!
The entire Qiantunwei was brightly lit and crowded with people.

The people inside the Acropolis boiled hot water and steamed buns, and sent them to the Daming cavalry army formed in the city.

The continuous sound of horseshoes, at this moment, in their eyes, is the most beautiful sound in the world!
However, this voice disgusted Jianlu very much.

As time went by, the voice never stopped.Even if they knew that Ming Jun's voice was likely to be fake, it made them more and more worried!
In case, these voices are not fake!
How many troops will the Ming cavalry have?
Thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand, or even one hundred thousand?
No matter how bad the Ming army was, their cavalry were all at the level of servants. If there were too many people, even the brave Jianlu would have no idea!

Originally, when the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty arrived, there were still many Jianlu who were eager to try.

However, with the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer such Jianlu!
Even later, almost all Jianlu were worried.

Those Jian prisoners who are on rotation can't sleep either!

The sound of rumbling horseshoes was like the sound of King Yama urging their lives, how could they fall asleep peacefully!

Azig, who was covered with a blanket and lying in the tent, was also unable to fall asleep.

Even annoyed by the continuous sound of horseshoes, he yelled: "These smart dogs can only play tricks, this is definitely a trick of the enemy!"

Although the mouth said so, in fact, he was still a little worried.After waiting for so long, Ming's reinforcements remained silent.It took so long to appear, is it gathering an army?

Thinking about it this way, Azig felt more and more reasonable.

Generally speaking, if one Qing warrior beats three Ming dogs, a thousand Qing warriors can beat five thousand Ming dogs.It is impossible for Minggou not to know about this situation.

But now, if they dare to come for reinforcements, their strength must be several times that of the Qing army.Otherwise, it is to die!

If you really have to have several times the military strength to come here, then you will definitely not be able to fight, it is best to withdraw to Jinzhou first!
However, what if the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty took advantage of the night to attract suspicious soldiers, but in fact there were not many troops, and then they scared themselves back, not to mention whether the emperor would spare themselves. Hold your head up before whom?

Hauge probably laughed at himself every time they met, right?
Thinking of this, Azig made up his mind, and waited until dawn to see the situation of the Qingming Army before making a resolution.

If it's really hard to fight, anyway, I'm all cavalry, just go back to Jinzhou, who can stop me!
However, before midnight, hurried footsteps came from outside the tent, and then a personal guard quickly led a scout into the room, and said to Azig: "Your Highness, it's not good, the White Army Appeared in Ningyuan City, and cut off the road to Jinzhou!"

"What?" Azig jumped up from the camp bed when he heard the news, stared at the scout in front of him, and shouted sharply, "Where did the White Army come from? Isn't the White Army in Shanhaiguan?"

This news, whether it was the news collected before or the prisoners of the Ming army captured alive this time, has been inquired clearly.The main force of the Ming army in Shanhaiguan, or the army that can make the Qing a little more afraid, is the more than [-] white-armed troops led by the old woman.And this white pole army is stationed in Shanhaiguan, the most important place, why suddenly, it is said that the white pole army has gone to Ningyuan, and also cut off the road to Jinzhou!
"Returning to Your Highness, the White Pole Army seems to... seem to have passed by the sea!"

Azig was stunned when he heard it.

maritime?Yes, at sea!

The Ming Dynasty is so big, it is not impossible to use a ship to transport troops to the north!
Now the White Pole Army is going north first, and then an unknown number of Ming cavalry troops appear here. This is to encircle and wipe out their own army!
When Azig thought of this, he suddenly panicked!

I didn't expect that the Ming army would either not move, and if there was any movement, it would be the movement that forced myself to death!

Along with being wary of the strong army of the Ming Dynasty, it is not easy to fight, but because the Qing Dynasty has no navy at sea, the Ming army may be left out from the sea and go to the back road!
But now, the damned white pole army has gone around to the back road!
Those savages with long poles are the ones who don't know how to live or die, they have a single-minded mind, they can't be captured, and they won't retreat even if they die.

Thinking of this, Azig panicked even more.

He hastened to order: "Send an order to tell all those who are resting not to rest. Wrap the horse's feet in cotton and prepare to evacuate."

After a pause, he ordered again: "Tell Kong Youde to come see me!"

The orders were issued one after another, and Azig didn't dare to stay here anymore.

Taking advantage of the cover of the night, retreat first, buy time, and break through the defense line of the white pole army before the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty attacks, so that they can escape back to Jinzhou!

However, to be able to do this, there must also be troops left here to create signs that the main force is still there.Otherwise, the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty would have to chase after them. In that case, it would be impossible to escape back to Jinzhou if they were attacked by the enemy.

And the troops left here must be abandoning troops.For this reason, without thinking about it, Azig immediately decided to keep the Han army under Kong Youde's troops.

Soon, Kong Youde got the military order and came to see him in a hurry.

As soon as they met, Azig said to Kong Youde kindly: "I heard that your daughter is virtuous and capable, and I really want to accept her as my daughter-in-law. What do you think?"

"..." Kong Youde was stunned when he heard this.

He never expected that under such circumstances, he thought it was an urgent military discussion, but he didn't expect that the Prince of England just mentioned what his daughter could do. What does this mean?
"Why, you're not happy?" Azig's face changed when he saw that Kong Youde didn't respond, and he immediately turned his face and shouted in a cold voice.

When Kong Youde saw it, he quickly replied: "Your Highness values ​​it so much, the villain is naturally very happy, but the little girl has just turned eight years old and has not yet arrived..."

Hearing this, Azig interrupted immediately, put on a smile again and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's just settled..."

After Kong Youde heard this, he wanted to say more, but Azig didn't have the time to write, and immediately changed the subject: "Now we are in-laws, and now there is an important matter that I want to tell you, and you can't refuse it!"

As soon as Kong Youde heard it, he knew that this was the highlight!
But he was also a little strange, Azig hadn't been so particular about it before, if there was anything, he just opened his mouth to order, why did he have to win him over in advance?

He was thinking about it, but he heard Azig said to him in a cold voice: "You lead your troops and pretend that the main force is still there. This king leads the main force, first withdraw secretly, and find a place to ambush. After dawn, you If you lead the troops to retreat again, the Ming army will definitely pursue them, and when the time comes, I will kill him by surprise and annihilate the Ming army in one fell swoop!"

 This is the third year I can't go home or even leave the place.This time for Chinese New Year, I took my wife and children to Chimelong for Chinese New Year.There should be no time to code words, today is basically two chapters.But I will take my computer with me. If I have time tonight, I will code another chapter and wish everyone a happy new year!
(End of this chapter)

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