Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 419 Hematemesis

Chapter 419 Hematemesis
"Your Highness, you cannot enter here!"

"Your Highness, please wait a moment, let the villain go and report!"

"Your Highness, you can't enter!"


In the Shenyang Imperial Palace, a group of eunuchs and maids wanted to stop Dorgon, but no one dared to go forward and stop them. They shouted loudly, expressing that they had done their duty.

The guards in the palace, that is, yellow jackets, also appeared. They had the responsibility to guard the palace, so someone stopped in front of Dorgon, and also shouted: "Your Highness, you are not allowed to trespass without the master's will!"

"My king wants to see His Majesty!" Dorgon didn't pay attention at all, but still rushed inside, and at the same time shouted sharply, "The frontline military situation is urgent, and the military affairs are delayed, who can be responsible?"

Hearing his words and seeing his very stern expression, these ordinary yellow jackets hesitated a little.Of course, they didn't dare to really shoot at Dorgon, just like that, they were forced in by Dorgon.

Arriving at the gate of a palace, the commander of the guards in the palace, Guerjia Aobai, rushed over upon hearing the sound, but without any hesitation, he immediately stood in front of Dorgon and shouted in a deep voice: "Prince Rui, what do you want to do? You didn't get the master's will. , Those who trespass in the palace will die, don’t you know?”

Dorgon held up the urgent report written by Ying Erdai, and said to Oboi sternly: "Go and tell Your Majesty, the military situation is extremely urgent. If it is too late, Prince Zheng may be gone. Go!"

Hearing that Jierharang might die, this matter is very important.

To be honest, Oboi didn't believe it, but with Jierhalang's ability, no matter what, there would be no such situation, right?
So, he didn't give in, just shouted: "Your Majesty is sleeping, the dragon is not in good health, please don't disturb me!"

"You are so brave, you have delayed the important military affairs, even if you have ten heads, you are not enough to cut off!" Dorgon saw, and continued to shout sharply, "Prince Ying has been wiped out, you want to kill the Qing Dynasty too!" Is it gone?"

"What? The entire army of Prince Ying was wiped out?" Even Oboi was shocked when he heard this, but this is Prince Heshuo, and his entire army was wiped out?

At this moment, he felt the urgency of the situation, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment, Concubine Zhuang Bumbutai walked out of the palace quickly, and said to Oboi: "Your Majesty has a decree, and Prince Rui has an audience!"

Hearing this, Obai didn't stop him, and quickly moved out of the way.

"Hmph!" Seeing this, Dorgon hummed heavily at Ao Bai, and then strode into the palace.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a strong smell of medicine.Obviously, his real brother is a medicine jar!
Soon, Dorgon put aside these thoughts, took three steps in parallel, stepped inside quickly, and saw Huang Taiji lying on the hospital bed.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Huang Taiji, who was so fat before, seemed to have lost a lot of weight.Judging from his face, it seems that the sick body has not recovered.The look in his eyes is not as bright as before.

While he was looking at it, Huang Taiji was lying on the hospital bed, and asked weakly: "What happened... what happened?"

A simple sentence seems to be a bit difficult.

He obviously knew that Dorgon would not be able to break into the palace if it was not a particularly important matter.

After asking the words, he wanted to sit up.

When Bumbutai who came in with Dorgon saw it, he hurried forward to help Huang Taiji sit up.

Even with the sick look on Huang Taiji's face, Dorgon didn't dare to underestimate him, and hurriedly reported: "Just received the urgent report, Prince Ying led more than [-] cavalry troops and the entire army was wiped out. The troops withdrew to Haizhou, and sent urgent envoys back to Haizhou to ask for reinforcements."

"What?" As soon as Huang Taiji heard this, he was being supported by Bumbutai to sit up. He didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly pushed Bumbutai away, sat up by himself, and immediately stared at Duo Dorgon asked sharply, "How could this be?"

Azige reinforced Jinzhou, and together with Jierharang tested the true strength of the Ming army. Of course, Huang Taiji knew about such an important matter.

As far as Huang Taiji is concerned, he also believes that this plan is appropriate.Whether it is Jierhalang or Azig, the ability to lead troops in battle is there.Not to mention, both of them were there.

Even if the Ming Kingdom really had a strong army, it would not be difficult to retreat unscathed.After all, he was outside the customs, unlike the last time he entered the customs, and he was unfamiliar with the place, so he was caught in an ambush and suffered a great loss.

However, he never expected that the urgent report now said that Azig led more than [-] cavalry troops and had been wiped out, and Jierhalang led the rest of Jinzhou and fled back to Haizhou.How is this possible?
Azig's more than [-] cavalry troops retreated in time to prevent unfavorable battles. They were all elites from the Qing Dynasty. How could the entire army be wiped out?This is impossible!
If the entire army of more than [-] cavalry is wiped out, it must be a major blow to the Qing Dynasty!If... If Jierhalang's troops were also surrounded and wiped out by the Ming army...

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji's face suddenly turned red unnaturally, and then, with a "poof", a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Bumbutai just leaned over to tidy up the cup for Huang Taiji, but it turned out to be a good thing, Huang Taiji's mouthful of old blood immediately sprayed all over her face!
Bumubutai was so frightened that he screamed immediately, and stretched out his hand to wipe his face involuntarily. Immediately, the whole face was covered with blood, glowing red like a ghost.

She couldn't help but looked down at the hand after wiping her face again, and found that it was full of blood. The panic in her heart can be imagined.

At this moment, she saw Huang Taiji's eyes closed again, and he tilted to the side.

Seeing this, she was so frightened that she didn't have time to care about the blood on her body, and hurriedly went to help Huang Taiji in a panic, and at the same time shouted in fear: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The other maids and servants, even Oboi, were also panicked, they all went over to see the situation, and shouted in unison.

"His Majesty……"



Inside the palace, there was a mess immediately.

When Dorgon saw it, he felt a little complacent, as expected.

But he didn't show it, his face was also extremely anxious, and he immediately shouted to the chaotic crowd: "Everyone be quiet, imperial doctor, where is the imperial doctor, send it to the imperial doctor!"

Hearing his voice, the others reacted and rushed to pass on to the imperial doctor.

In fact, the imperial doctor has been waiting in the side hall, and will arrive as soon as he is passed on.

However, before the imperial doctor stepped forward to check, Huang Taiji woke up by himself.

However, it could be seen that his complexion became even worse. Looking at the crowd of people in front of the bed, he said weakly: "Back... back down, you can't... enter until... you are summoned!"

When the surrounding people heard what he said, they all retreated quickly, and in front of his bed, only Bumbutai, Aobai and Dorgon, the three most important people, were left.

Afterwards, Huang Taiji looked at Oboi, and still gave orders weakly: "Go... go pass the ceremony to the prince... come quickly... see you!"

"Cha!" Hearing this, Oboi hurriedly knelt down to receive the decree, worried in his heart, and hurried out to deliver the decree.

Afterwards, Huang Taiji looked at Bumbutai whose face was covered with blood, and also ordered her: "Go to the door and watch, don't let anyone... come in!"

"This..." Bumbutai glanced at Dorgon when he heard it, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Huh?" Seeing Huang Taiji, a voice came out of his nose, expressing his dissatisfaction.

After hearing this, Bumbutai didn't dare to hesitate, so he hurried to the gate of the palace to guard it.

So, in front of Huang Taiji's bed, Dorgon was the only one left.

Seeing this posture, Dorgon couldn't figure out what Huang Taiji was trying to do, and recalling Huang Taiji's previous methods, he couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

To be honest, for Huang Taiji, he is deeply afraid of him.From childhood to adulthood, it can be said that he has been living under the shadow of Huang Taiji.He even had similar nightmares sometimes.

Huang Taiji looked at Dorgon standing in front of the bed, and didn't speak immediately, as if he was gathering strength, and he seemed to be examining Dorgon.

This situation made Dorgon even more uneasy.

Just when Dorgon felt like he was on his back, and wanted to open his mouth to ease the awkward atmosphere, he heard Huang Taiji say to him: " your wish come true? I'm won't be able to live Already!"

Hearing this, Dorgon was shocked.He knew in his heart that if he used this urgent news to stimulate Huang Taiji's mind, he was afraid that Huang Taiji would see through it!
what is this?This is equivalent to killing the king!

Thinking of Huang Taiji's means, Dorgon was very frightened.Afterwards, he immediately had another heartbreak, now that Huang Taiji was lying on the bed, it was difficult for him to even move, and he was the only one beside him at this moment, so he simply kept doing nothing...

Thinking of this, Dorgon's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely.

But before he could make a move, Huang Taiji continued to say to him: "You...promise...I have one condition, and I...can pass on the you!"

Upon hearing this, Dorgon was immediately stunned.He couldn't believe his ears.Did Huang Taiji just say that he could pass on the position of Emperor of the Qing Dynasty to himself?

How many people did Huang Taiji fight for the position of the Qing emperor?Can the Ninth Five-Year Throne, which has been painstakingly managed, be released?
To be honest, at this moment, he really felt that he had heard wrong!How could such words come out of Huang Taiji's mouth?
Could it be that this was just a test for him?
Thinking of this, Dorgon immediately suppressed the excitement in his heart, and when he was about to express that he had no intention of being the emperor, he heard Huang Taiji continue to say to him: "How? Can... promise... my conditions?"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to have no strength again, and it seemed a little difficult to even catch his breath.

When Dorgon saw it, it didn't look like he was probing, so after weighing it in his heart for a while, he turned his head and immediately replied to Huang Taiji: "What conditions, please tell me, Your Majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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