Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 421 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice

Chapter 421 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice
If we talk about the early years, Dai Shan was the kind who wished Huang Taiji would choke to death from drinking water, fall to death while riding a horse, die early and be reborn early.

However, under Huang Taiji's continuous suppression, Daishan lost all his thoughts, and Daishan himself saw that when Dajin reformed the Qing Dynasty and became stronger and stronger, in the end he was sincere and sincere. He bowed his head to Huang Taiji.

Because he knew that Huang Taiji was the most capable of these brothers, the one who could lead the Qing Dynasty to glory.

Now, in the eventful autumn of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji is seriously ill and unable to govern, which is already very worrying for him.Unexpectedly, it was Huang Taiji's corpse when they met again this time.

The emperor of the Qing Dynasty, a generation of Ming masters just disappeared?

To be honest, Daishan is really a bit hard to accept.Even if Huang Taiji was seriously ill and lay there hanging there, it would be better than dying!
At this moment, after Daishan came back to his senses, he immediately strode towards the bed, he didn't believe it, he had to see it with his own eyes, to confirm whether Huang Taiji was really killed or not!

When he got to the bed, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he saw that Dorgon and Bumbutai were covered in blood.But at this time, he couldn't care about anything else, so he hurried to see if Huang Taiji was really dead!

Daishan is qualified for this. Bumubutai, who had been crying on Huang Taiji's body, saw that it was Daishan, and quickly got up, holding the imperial edict tightly in his hand.

"Ah..." After just a while, Daishan wailed, and the old man said with tears, "Your Majesty, why did you leave! The Qing Dynasty cannot do without Your Majesty, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

But he had only cried for a while, and suddenly his eyes showed a fierce look, he turned his head to look at Dorgon and Bumbutai and asked, "What's going on, isn't Your Majesty well, why did he disappear all of a sudden?"

Dorgon and Bumbutai heard this, looked at Daishan's fierce face, and suddenly remembered that this person was not a good stubble, and he was once a powerful man.

So, the two of them couldn't help but looked at each other again.

Bumbutai looked at Dorgon, as if saying, His Majesty was mad at you, if you hadn't brought some urgent report to His Majesty, His Majesty would not have died!
And Dorgon looked at Bumbutai, but he seemed to be saying that His Majesty still had a breath, and it was only after you showed His Majesty the imperial decree that His Majesty couldn't breathe and died!
Both of them are smart people, and they seem to understand the meaning in each other's eyes.

So, Bumbutai turned his head to look at Daishan, sobbing and said: "Your Majesty's deadline has come today, and Prince Rui has passed an order to explain the funeral, and there is a will for this!"

While speaking, she gestured to the imperial decree in her hand.

As soon as Dorgon heard that Bumbutai didn't directly say that he took the urgent report to find Huang Taiji to stimulate him, so as to avoid the possibility of being angry on behalf of Shan Xingshi, Dorgon nodded and said following Bumbutai's words. : "Yes, His Majesty asked me to explain the funeral!"

Hearing what they said, Aobai raised his head to look at them, but in the end he didn't speak, but lowered his head.

He knew that Dorgon had come to find Huang Taiji by himself, so he forced his way.However, he also knew that Huang Taiji did intend to arrange funeral affairs, and entrusted it to Dorgon.This point, no matter when he was at the scene or at the door, he vaguely knew it.

Furthermore, it is reasonable to say that such an important military situation should be known to the Qing emperor. From Dorgon's point of view, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The only problem was that the Qing emperor's body could no longer bear such a big stimulus.

He naturally didn't know that if in the original history, Huang Taiji would have died in August.And on this plane, it may be because he handed over all the political affairs to Daishan and Dorgon, and he has been recuperating his body under the service of Bumbutai, so he reluctantly dragged on for about three months.

At this time, Daishan listened to what Bumbutai and Dorgon said, then looked down at the imperial decree in Bumbutai's hand and asked, "Is this His Majesty's last decree?"

After hearing this, Bumbutai immediately nodded and said, "I was ordered by His Majesty to draw up the decree and use the seal, and then I showed His Majesty to have a look!"

When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help but glance at her again.After looking at it, Huang Taiji's life was eventually killed. There may be something wrong with this imperial decree!
"Did I tell a lie?" When he was thinking, Bumbutai suddenly turned to look at him and asked very seriously, "Your Majesty is not far from the Spirit of Heaven, and he is watching us. Tell Prince Li, I Is it true?"

Upon hearing this, Daishan naturally turned his head and stared at Dorgon immediately, the kind of staring at him firmly.Because this is the will of the Qing emperor, it is absolutely very important to the Qing Dynasty!

Dorgon looked at Bumbutai, felt his aggressive attitude, and felt that things were not simple.For a moment, he hesitated a little.

"Is what she said true?" Seeing that he was silent, Daishan immediately asked.

After hearing this, Bumbutai also said: "In front of His Majesty's body, let the facts speak!"

Hearing their pressing questions, Dorgon felt that the situation was a bit out of his control, so in desperation, he could only nod his head and say, "It's true, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Bumbutai immediately turned his head to look at Daishan, handed over the imperial decree with both hands, and said loudly: "Prince Li, please follow His Majesty's will, and don't fail His Majesty's final arrangement." !"

After she finished speaking, she gestured to herself and Dorgon, and then added: "Your Majesty vomits blood, but refuses to heal him, and just confessed this last will!"

When Dai Shan heard it, without hesitation, he immediately stepped forward, kneeled down solemnly, stretched out his hands to receive the imperial decree that was already covered with some of Huang Taiji's blood, and then looked at it immediately.

When Dorgon saw her, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy. He stared at Bumbutai again and looked at her profile, feeling that this woman was playing tricks!

However, he was also a little uncertain. In the current situation, only he was the most suitable to be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.She can't possibly come to snatch it, can she?
Before his death, Huang Taiji also confessed that if he set the conditions, he would pass on the throne of emperor to her son after a hundred years.And she has to cultivate his son herself, no matter from which aspect, it is also beneficial to her.

Anyway, it's impossible for her to change the imperial decree privately and pass the throne to Hauge, right?If that's the case, it won't do her any good!

When Dorgon was thinking, Daishan had already read the imperial decree, stood up and looked at Dorgon and asked, "Your Majesty's last decree will be handed over to you after the Qing Dynasty?"

Upon hearing this, Dorgon couldn't help but feel overjoyed.But on the surface, after all, it was in front of Huang Taiji's corpse. When everyone else was sad, he didn't want to show anything, so he nodded with that sad and firm expression, "Exactly!"

"Okay!" Dai Shan turned his head and said to Bum Butai when he heard this, "Then follow His Majesty's will, let's do this. I fully support it, and I believe that Prince Su will hardly object!"

"Everything is up to Prince Li!" Bumbutai became very well-behaved at this time, the kind that is harmless to humans and animals, and immediately replied Dai Shandao.

After hearing this, Daishan said solemnly to Dorgon: "In this troubled time, whether it is the matter of the new emperor's ascension to the throne or your vision as the regent, keep everything simple and put the state affairs first!"

Dorgon nodded when he heard Daishan talk about the new emperor's ascension to the throne, but soon he realized that he was not the new emperor, but the regent!
Immediately, his eyeballs popped out, showing an unbelievable expression, and immediately turned to look at Bumbutai.

At this moment, he finally understood why Huang Taiji had such an expression when he saw the imperial decree before he died!

Sure enough, it was not wrong, it was changed by this stinky woman!
Seeing him staring at him, Bumbutai didn't seem to see the fierceness in Dorgon's eyes. Instead, he bowed to him and said softly: "Your Majesty has also explained that how Fulin will be a good emperor in the future will not matter." I want His Royal Highness the Prince Regent to teach me a lot!"

For her, instead of hoping that Dorgon would keep his promise and pass the throne to her son in the end, of course it would be better for her son to become the emperor directly and Dorgon to be the regent!

Dorgon looked at Bumbutai and couldn't help but hate him.For him, the regent is certainly not better than being the emperor directly!It would be strange if he wasn't angry for dropping so many out of thin air!

In the original history, Fulin was actually the emperor, and Dorgon was only the second regent, and the first regent was Jierhalang, Prince Heshuo Zheng who supported Hauge.

It's just that Jierhalang didn't fight for power, and slowly, it became Dorgon's disposal of all political affairs, and he became the one-sided regent.

At this time, Dorgon found that he had nothing to do, because the deal was done and the raw rice had already been cooked.If he does not recognize this imperial decree at this time, then he will overthrow the ones he recognized before.

Afterwards, Hauge will definitely come to compete with him for the throne. At that time, he may not even have a regent.

Now Fulin is only six years old, and until he reaches adulthood, all the power of the Qing Dynasty will be in the hands of the Regent.When Fulin reaches adulthood, this immortal Daishan will surely die, and his own power will be stabilized.At that time, whether to repay the government or not, it is not a decision made by oneself!

Thinking of this, Dorgon suppressed the hatred in his heart, and said with a dignified expression: "Empress Dowager, don't worry, I will definitely obey what the previous emperor told me!"

Upon hearing this, Bumbutai knew that Dorgon had recognized the imperial decree, and he was relieved immediately.

In this way, her son Fulin is the biggest winner of the inheritance of the Qing emperor, and the biggest loser is probably that stupid Hauge.

Before Hauge was sent to North Korea by Dorgon, I don't know if it was just a coincidence!When he came back, it was really raw rice and cooked rice!
(End of this chapter)

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