Chapter 427 Phone Pair (Longzhong Pair)
So Liu Weichao said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Do you think this will work?"

"Say it!" Emperor Chongzhen heard that he seemed to have a good idea, so he quickly signaled.

"Look, Turge is a Jiankui, and he is Gushan Ezhen with a white flag!" Liu Weichao pondered and said, "Even a Jiankui of his level has surrendered to Ming Dynasty, so if he is sent to the Mongolian tribe to disintegrate Wouldn't the alliance between Mongolia and Jianlu be better?"

After a pause, he explained his thoughts: "Even if he didn't really surrender to Daming, it was just a helpless act, and if he was let go to the grassland, and he ran back to Liaodong, it would not be a big loss to Daming; if To say that he sincerely surrendered, and that he can dismantle the alliance between Mongolia and Jianlu for Daming, would be a crime! What do you think?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, and said: "This idea is good, I will consider it!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao thought that he had already talked about the Mongolian grassland anyway, so he continued to say to Emperor Chongzhen: "At this time, according to what I have learned from my side, the various ministries of Mongolia, including Mobei Mongolia, and Western Mongolia, etc. , the strength is actually not strong anymore. The reason is that firearms are becoming more and more powerful, and firearms have always been the weak point of the Mongolian tribe. Therefore, you can consider conquering the entire Mongolian tribe and use it for you. At least they are the best grooms, too. A master of animal husbandry..."

Emperor Chongzhen's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he was obviously very moved by this proposal.

The founding of the Ming Dynasty was to expel the Mongolian Tartars.And after the founding of the People's Republic of China, strict precautions have been taken against the Mongols.During the time of Chengzu, he went deep into the grassland many times, trying to conquer the Mongolian tribe.

It can be said that from the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present, the Ming and the Mongolian tribes have always had grievances and hatreds.

There have been changes in the Tumu Fortress, and Altan Khan invaded the capital. Of course, the Ming Dynasty also recovered Hetao, but it could not be occupied for a long time.Generally speaking, against the tribes on the Mongolian grassland, the Ming Dynasty took a defensive position most of the time.

If he could really conquer the grassland when he was the emperor, it would definitely be a very big achievement.

Compared with the recovery of Liaodong, this achievement can be said in the Taimiao.

Emperor Chongzhen thought so, and quickly said to Liu Weichao: "How did I conquer the entire Mongolian tribe? This is easy to say, but a little difficult to do, right?"

The surrender of the Mongolian tribe to the Jianlu is actually similar to the relationship of a vassal state, and even the high-level Jianlu married the Mongolian tribe.Then, they formed an alliance, or in other words, the Mongolian tribe became the accomplice of Jianlu, and together they robbed the big family of the Ming Dynasty.

And what if, on the other hand, let the Mongolian tribe submit to Daming, and go to rob Liaodong with Daming?What Mongolian tribe is not profitable!

And if it is necessary for the Ming Dynasty to form an alliance with the Mongolian tribes by means of marriage and marriage, or to recover the Mongolian tribes, it has never been done in the most difficult time of the Ming Dynasty. Will consider this way.

The Mongolian tribe is no good, and will definitely not follow you.In this way, the only way to beat the Mongolian tribes is to surrender.However, the Mongolian tribes are nomadic on the endless grasslands, and it is not easy to beat these Mongolian tribes to surrender.

At the time of Chengzu, the Ming army was powerful, but the Mongolian tribes were not fools, they avoided fighting immediately, and led you by the nose in circles on the grassland.When the army ran out of food and grass, it had to return without success.

Now, although he has a strong army, if he really wants to subdue the grassland tribes, he will probably be the same as Emperor Chengzu was back then.

There are precedents to refer to. Emperor Chongzhen was a little worried, so he asked Liu Weichao for advice, and at the same time told Liu Weichao his concerns.

When Liu Weichao heard this, he was slightly taken aback, he felt that he was thinking simply.

For a long time, in the forums of later generations, there has been a relatively popular opinion, that is, the end of Ming Dynasty was a bad era, Mongolia was worse than Ming Dynasty, so it could not beat Ming Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty was worse than Jianlu , so they can't beat Jianlu.

However, if you really have to think about it carefully, as Emperor Chongzhen said, there are actually difficulties.

In fact, Liu Weichao didn't know that during the reign of Chongzhen, the Mongolian tribes often entered the pass to fight the autumn valley.No way, during the Little Ice Age, it would be difficult for them to survive the winter without entering customs to grab things.

It's just that in the history books, or in the eyes of the public, Liaodong was the most violent at this time, which attracted everyone's attention.

Say Lin Danhan is dead, but the Ming Dynasty couldn't do anything about him, so they used the method of offering rewards, coaxing and buying him, and let him deal with Nurhachi in Liaodong.If Da Ming is really much better than Lin Dan Khan, he can just order it directly.

Except for the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty has always been defensive against the nomadic tribes on the grassland.If you attack, the gain is often not worth the loss. The main reason is that people who are weak will not fight you at all.The vast grassland, you can't surround them.

The reason why Jianlu was able to recover the Mongolian tribes for their use, in the final analysis, was actually because of the powerful family of Daming.Moreover, in order to recover the Mongolian tribe, they did not hesitate to marry. You marry my daughter, and I marry your daughter.

During the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the reason why the attack was effective was that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was recuperating under the rule of Wenjing, and his national power was already very strong, and his opponent was the Huns.In this way, after defeating the Xiongnu, the Han Empire also went downhill, because it was a loss-making business to attack the grassland, which consumed the national power.

Another reason is that saddles and stirrups, especially double stirrups, were not invented at that time, which seriously affected the combat effectiveness of cavalry, or the combat effectiveness of grassland tribes.The crossbows of the Han Empire were advanced at that time, and it was much easier to defeat the grassland tribes than later generations.

In today's Ming Dynasty, if you just want the Mongolian tribe to submit, it's actually not difficult.Let Turge persuade and let the Mongolian tribe know the strength of the Ming Dynasty.But, if someone surrenders to you, you have to give benefits.

For example, the mutual market itself was a method used by Ming Dynasty to manipulate the Mongolian tribe.

However, the mutual market actually has disadvantages.If the Mongols are given what they want, they will become stronger, and then they will wage a unified war internally. After the unification, the spearhead will naturally point to the Central Plains. This is the law of history and destiny!

In fact, the officials of the Ming Dynasty also realized this, so they have always been more cautious about the mutual market with the grassland people.

What Emperor Chongzhen wanted to ask was definitely not this kind of reincarnation surrender, but the real recovery.

Thinking about this, Liu Weichao suddenly thought of a post he had seen on the forum before, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "The progress of science will be the fundamental way to solve the grassland tribes. The appearance of machine guns, tanks, or aircraft will surely Let the grassland people only like to be good at singing and dancing, and never mention dancing with knives and guns! But these things are still relatively far away for you!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded with regret.

Liu Weichao said all these things, he has seen them in the video.He agreed in his heart that if there were such a powerful weapon, the grassland people would have to obey orders obediently.

As he was thinking, he heard Liu Weichao continue to say to him: "I have seen a way to deal with the grassland people. It is said to build cities on the grasslands and build railways to make it easier to travel. The obedient tribes will all move to settlements for management. , If you don’t obey the order to move, you will be killed! If you have one, you will kill one, if you have two, you will kill two, and you will be obedient when you kill them on the grassland. You can send cavalry to kill them from time to time, or you can let the Mongolian tribes kill themselves. "

Emperor Chongzhen listened with a serious expression, obviously considering the feasibility of this plan.

"But I said before that if any war loses money, it cannot go on for a long time!" Liu Weichao's expression became much more serious, and he said seriously, "This has been proved by countless history, including In later generations, those once very powerful countries, countries with aircraft, tanks, and cannons, will all lead to the destruction of the country if they fall into the quagmire of losing money in wars."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen's expression became more serious, and he listened to Liu Weichao's words with pricked ears.

I only heard Liu Weichao continue to say: "If you want to conquer the grassland, in the short term, it must be a loss-making business. Whether it is building a city or building a railway, it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources. However, under the grassland, there are actually Treasures such as coal, iron, and petroleum are resources that future generations must possess. Therefore, I will give you a suggestion to conquer the grassland, and take a few steps!"

"Please speak!" Emperor Chongzhen listened very attentively, and even used honorifics in his honor as an emperor.

Liu Weichao didn't notice this either, and suggested to Emperor Chongzhen: "The first step is to disintegrate the alliance between the Mongolian tribes and Jianlu, and let the Mongolian tribes be used by Ming to conquer those tribes who disobeyed Ming, and assist Ming to restore Liaodong. Wait, and the benefit to them is to allow them to attach."

The Mongols' internal attachments have always existed throughout the Ming Dynasty.Including the Three Thousand Battalion of Emperor Chengzu, or the Mangui in the late Ming Dynasty, etc., are all Mongols attached to the imperial court.

"What if they don't want to be attached?" Emperor Chongzhen asked his question after hearing this, "I just want to open up a mutual market and strengthen the strength of its tribe."

Generally speaking, the leaders and patriarchs of the Mongolian tribe basically would not choose the way of internalization, only those ordinary herdsmen would internalize and find a new way out.

Based on this idea, Liu Weichao immediately smiled and said: "If you don't want to be attached, then kill those who don't want to be attached. I believe that for most herdsmen, as long as their lives are better than before, they will not make up. Impossible!"

Emperor Chongzhen nodded upon hearing this, his serious expression softened a bit, and he asked again: "Then what about the second step?"

(End of this chapter)

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