Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 435 Zheng Zhilong Sighs

Chapter 435 Zheng Zhilong Sighs

What Zheng Zhilong never expected was that he felt that he was already well-informed.However, the prosperity of the capital still surprised him.

This train station is just outside the city, and the crowds, as well as the sounds of hawking and soliciting customers, can deafen people.

"Tea eggs, tea eggs for sale, freshly baked tea eggs, no money if they don't taste good!"

"Steaming steamed stuffed buns, guest officer, why don't you try one?"

"Stay here, stay here, the price is affordable, and there is everything in the store, you are guaranteed to be satisfied!"


This is a day when the wind is howling, these northerners are not afraid of the cold, and they go to the streets early in the morning?
To be honest, Zheng Zhilong was a little confused.But he didn't think much about it, so he tightened his mink fur coat, got into a luxurious carriage that Zheng Hongkui had summoned casually, and went to the post station in the capital to settle down, waiting for the emperor's summons.

Outside the carriage, the coachman chatted with Zheng Zhilong's bodyguard. He listened inside, and finally realized that the area around the railway station is the most bustling and bustling area in the capital.

"However, these days, there is another place that is more lively than the train station!" The coachman said in a loud voice and enthusiastic manner, "Guest officer, do you want to go and have a look? By the way You can do it by abducting, and you will only be charged an extra five cents, which is very cheap!"

"No need!" The guard did not dare to agree to come down, it was justified to go to the post station.

As for Zheng Zhilong who was sitting in the carriage, he wouldn't make any troubles.

However, when Zheng Sen heard this, he was curious, so he asked across the carriage: "Where could it be more lively than here?"

As soon as the coachman heard this, he knew there was a door, so he quickly introduced: "On the square not far ahead, His Majesty issued a reward, whoever can open two hemispheres, will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver!"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Sen became even more curious.

Although his family is indeed rich, he can also understand that fifty taels is a lot of money!

So, he asked even more enthusiastically: "Is it difficult to pull the two hemispheres? How many people have pulled them apart?"

The capital is so big, with so many people, there are always many strong men, no matter what hemisphere he is, he can definitely pull it away, right?

"No one has pulled it away so far." The coachman quickly replied, "There was a new order from the palace the day before yesterday, that two people can pull it and pay ten coins, and if one more person pulls it, the money will be turned over." times. But this time the reward has also been changed, to one hundred taels!"

Hearing this, Zheng Sen was surprised immediately, went to lift the curtain of the car, looked at the coachman and asked, "Is this true?"

When the coachman heard the words, he turned his head and saw that he was indeed a young man, so he immediately replied: "How dare a villain lie to you, you can ask anyone who knows this kind of thing. I heard that many people are forming gangs today." Let’s try it! That’s one hundred taels!”

"Then no one pulled it away?" Zheng Sen was not stupid, after thinking for a while, he came to a conclusion and immediately confirmed it.

If someone pulls away, there is nothing exciting to watch!And the coachman said that it was more lively over there, obviously no one had pulled away yet.

The coachman nodded immediately after hearing this, "Of course, why don't you go and have a look?"

"Why don't we go and have a look?" Zheng Sen was obviously moved, but at least he knew his father was here, so he had to ask his father first.

Seeing that Zheng Zhilong had been closing his eyes and resting his mind, Zheng Hongkui, who was at the side, replied instead of him: "What's so interesting about this kind of excitement, it's important to be serious!"

Zheng Sen was a bit disappointed when he heard it, but before he said anything, Zheng Zhilong closed his eyes and suddenly asked, "Is there anything special about those two hemispheres? Why can't ordinary people pull them apart?"

The coachman heard this, and quickly replied: "It's strange to say, it's just two hemispheres made of iron, filled with water first, then drained the water and plugged the air holes, it's as simple as that. People pull away!"

"At most how many people have been there?" Zheng Zhilong asked immediately after hearing this.

Zheng Hongkui at the side felt a little strange when he heard it.

In his opinion, when his brother came to the capital, he had important things to do, at least he had to deal with the emperor's summons. He shouldn't care about such ordinary people having fun!
Zheng Sen didn't think like him, and wanted to know the answer, so he hurriedly followed his father and asked, "Yes, how many people did it together?"

"I don't know. It's said that the most people there were nine people yesterday." The coachman didn't dare to say anything, "If we haven't pulled away, there will probably be more people today!"

"Nine people?" Zheng Zhilong asked immediately after hearing this, "Did you pay one, two, two and eight cents?"

"This master is really amazing!" The coachman nodded and said, "That's the money!"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong opened his eyes and said, "I'm afraid it will take sixteen people to open this thing!"

"Why?" Zheng Sen asked curiously when he heard it.

Zheng Zhilong didn't answer him, but told the coachman: "Then go for a turn!"

"Okay!" The coachman exhausted his saliva in order to earn more five cents, and finally got his wish. He was very happy, immediately agreed, and hurriedly concentrated on driving.

Zheng Sen got back into the carriage, looked at Zheng Zhilong and asked, "Father, how do you know it takes sixteen people to pull it apart?"

At the same time, Zheng Hongkui also looked at Zheng Zhilong and said, "Brother, the business is important!"

Obviously, although he was curious, he could distinguish the seriousness of the matter.This time, he didn't understand why his elder brother wanted to see it.Logically speaking, it shouldn't be!

After hearing this, Zheng Zhilong answered Zheng Hongkui in a low voice: "This is the emperor's decree, it's the emperor's meaning, go and have a look, you should be able to learn more about him!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed in a low voice and said: "Now it seems that this guy really knows how to calculate, it's not easy to deal with!"

"Ah?" Zheng Hongkui asked in surprise when he heard it, "How do you say that?"

It's not all gone yet, how did you come to such a conclusion?

Zheng Sen doesn't care about these things, anyway, in his opinion, today's emperor is a wise king, so there is nothing to worry about!
What he cared about was his father's conclusion. Seeing that his father didn't answer, he asked again: "Father, you haven't said anything yet. Why are you so sure that it takes sixteen people to pull it apart?"

When Zheng Zhilong heard what he said, he turned his head to look at him, a bit resentful that iron could not be made into steel, this son didn't even learn half of his skills.

But fate is good, because of my own reasons, I have now become the commander of Jin Yiwei!

If you want to meet this son in officialdom, you have to call him "Master".

Zheng Zhilong put these distracting thoughts to the back of his mind, and said to his son: "There is a reward of one hundred taels of silver in the palace, and according to the payment, if sixteen people go to pull it, they should pay ninety-nine taels and four cents. Therefore, I only guessed that it would take sixteen people to pull it, so that there would be no loss."

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed and said, "I don't think anyone can separate the two hemispheres!"

Zheng Sen was thinking about his father's previous words, and suddenly heard the latter words again, and couldn't help but be puzzled, so he subconsciously asked, "Why?"

Zheng Zhilong looked at him, but he was patient, and answered him: "If seventeen people go to pull, they will have to pay a fee of one hundred and ninety-nine taels and eight cents, which is far more than the reward. Who would lose money?"

After finishing speaking, he said with emotion: "This one in the palace must have made a lot of money, so shrewd..."

While talking, Zheng Zhilong looked at Zheng Hongkui and said, "... Tell me, is it easy to deal with?"

Zheng Hongkui was speechless when he heard this, but Zheng Sen who was beside him disagreed, and immediately retorted: "How much money can you make with this? Your Majesty is rich all over the world, would he care about this little money? My child thinks..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that Zheng Zhilong's eyes were not friendly, so he stopped talking immediately.

In the car, it was quiet for a while.

In the end, Zheng Zhilong still taught his son: "Human nature is greedy. If two people can pull it apart, three people will never pull it away. Especially when there is one more person and the cost is doubled, it will be even more difficult. People think that I have great strength, and I can pull it away with fewer people. Just try to go up a little bit, and the money will definitely not be a small amount!"

After Zheng Sen heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, obviously disapproving.No matter how much this money is, he is the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, so he will care about this money?

However, he immediately found that his father's face darkened again with this action of his, so he immediately returned to the expression of listening attentively.

On the other hand, Zheng Hongkui understood Zheng Zhilong's meaning, so he explained to his nephew: "Brother's meaning is about the palace's grasp of human nature, not about how much money it makes!"

"Oh!" Zheng Sen listened and replied respectfully, "I know!"

Zheng Zhilong's eyes are poisonous, and it's his own son, how can he not see that his son's words are insincere.

However, this kind of human cognition is ultimately lacking for those who have not experienced it.

His son, everything is going smoothly, if he can really understand these things, he is a genius!

But obviously, this son, no!
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong sighed in his heart, and without forcing, he closed his eyes and went to rest.

It didn't take long, after arriving at the scene, it turned out that there was a huge crowd of people here, there were soldiers from the five cities' soldiers and horses here to maintain order, and teams of people, forming gangs, calling friends and friends were all lining up here to try their skills.

Of course, there are still some who should be the sons of the capital, with slaves, and want to try.

Looking at all this, Zheng Zhilong taught his son here, pointing to those people and said: "These people should be for the reward; and those people are probably out of anger with their friends; and those people may be for the sake of their own money." Spread the fame to the palace!"

Zheng Sen didn't understand half of what he heard. Anyway, when the old man spoke, he just had to nod his head.

(End of this chapter)

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