Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 448 Happy Chinese New Year

Chapter 448 Happy Chinese New Year

The construction of the railway will definitely speed up after next year.However, due to the obstruction of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, at least for now, it is impossible to build a bridge across the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and it cannot be directly opened to traffic.

In this way, between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, as well as south of the Yangtze River, one must also be selected as a railway hub to radiate railways to other places.

In this way, it is necessary to build a factory for making steam trains in this railway hub. Otherwise, it is only a big problem to build steam trains here in the capital and transport them to various railway lines.

This location selection is very important. Under normal circumstances, Song Yingxing has to send craftsmen who understand railways to verify the suitable place.

However, if Liu Weichao is here now, I believe that listening to his advice will be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

This thing must be done in the next year.Only by rolling out the railway across the country as soon as possible can the imperial court further control the country, and it can continue to expand the territory without having to think about things too far away.

In other words, probably in the next few years, a lot of manpower and material resources will be spent on road construction, including railways and roads!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately thought of manpower, captives are really easy to use!If more captives can be captured to build roads and railways, it will save the court a lot of worry!

But where did this prisoner come from?

It seems that there are many people who are dissatisfied with the imperial court nowadays, both in the southeast and the northwest.Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart that it was necessary to change the reward method for military merit: the bounty for beheading should not be too much, and the beheading of captives would be of no use to the court at all, it would be a loss!
Write down this matter first!
Later, Emperor Chongzhen remembered another very important event in the coming year.The new spinning machine and flying shuttle have proved that the output of cloth can be greatly improved.

From next year, the imperial court will be able to purchase a large amount of cotton.By the way, there is also wool, and the more the better.

When thinking of wool, Emperor Chongzhen naturally thought of the Mongolian grasslands, and only their nomadic tribes had much wool.

That Turg will go to the grassland in the next year, and it seems that a charter must be made for him.

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Chongzhen felt that there are really many things to do in the coming year, and each of them is very important.

In addition to what I just thought of, there is also the matter of crossing the Pacific Ocean to America, and the sooner the better.Liu Weichao has already said that there are many good things in South America, not only rubber trees, but also cinchona trees. Later, he will compile a copy of the materials for himself.

By the way, there are huge iron mines, copper mines, etc. in South America, and they must be snatched!

In this way, the route to America must be verified this morning.

Then Ming still needs a powerful navy capable of ocean-going operations, and an invincible one. More shipyards need to be built, and sailors need to be expanded...

Thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Originally, I thought that with the improvement of the situation, I should be able to relax a bit.It turns out that there are so many things to do just by thinking about it so roughly!
Fortunately, electric lights can be used in the palace, which is much better than candles, and the night time can be used more effectively.

Emperor Chongzhen thought for a long time before he had a general idea.

Afterwards, he picked up a pen and roughly wrote down what he had just thought about, and prepared to discuss it with his courtiers.


There are a total of 18 statutory holidays in Ming Dynasty, which are clearly recorded in the "Ming Huidian".There is no holiday on New Year's Eve. It starts from the first day of the new year, which is the Zhengdan Festival in the Ming Dynasty. Starting from the first day of the new year, all civil and military officials have a five-day holiday.Then comes the Winter Solstice Festival, which starts today and has a three-day holiday.The last is the Lantern Festival, which begins on the eleventh day of the first lunar month and has a ten-day holiday.

Therefore, there is actually no holiday on New Year's Eve.However, the custom of Daming, in fact, has been preparing for the New Year since the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month.

A few years ago, the situation in the world was in chaos, and Emperor Chongzhen had no money, so it was impossible to have a good New Year.

But this year's situation has improved a lot. Naturally, this year must be passed, and it must be lived well, so as to give a good sign for the coming year.

Also on New Year's Eve, the revised "Law of the Ming Dynasty" was officially announced to the world.

Liu Weichao has also read this new version of "Law of the Ming Dynasty" and made some comments, so it is more humane and more tolerant of the low-level people.

Among other things, in the form of the Law of the Ming Dynasty, the lowly status was abolished. Except for criminals who still belonged to lowly status, all others belonged to civilian households. Marriage and so on, I don't know how many people will benefit.

Although this article has actually been announced before.However, the new version of the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" came out, and it was clearly recorded, which gave the yamen all over the place a clear legal basis.If anyone still suffers unfairly because of this, they can sue.

Another piece of good news was officially announced to the world on this day.

It is said that Jianlu and the puppet emperor Taiji were pissed off because of Ningyuan's great victory!

Southerners probably didn't feel much about it, and of course, the news didn't reach the South that quickly.On the side of the capital, it was a sensation.

The people in the capital, basically every household has been tortured by Jianlu. Relatives and friends, anyway, relatives and relatives, can tell some things about being harmed by Jianlu.

Although it is said that Aixinjueluo Abatai and Aixinjueluo Azig were captured alive and cut to pieces.However, this is the false emperor of Jianlu!To be pissed to death alive, how relieved it is!

All of a sudden, the sound of firecrackers in the capital city, compared to previous years, was non-stop because of the announcement of these two major events.

What's the best-selling one for Chinese New Year?Definitely firecrackers!

Whether it is the poor or the rich, they will play a few rings during the Chinese New Year.

Those who have money put more, and those who have less money put less. The sound of firecrackers will never stop all day long, and it is more festive than any previous year.

Basically, the people in the capital are more willing to spend money than in previous years.Not because of anything else, just because this day is getting better every day!

Relatives and friends, neighbors met each other, and apart from saying "Happy Chinese New Year", they all spoke with smiles.

"Master Zhang, I heard that you went to the bank for a loan again?"

"Isn't this bank run by the imperial court with low loan interest rates? The world is becoming more and more peaceful, so I want to open up more fronts!"

"Where is the place to get rich, take me with you!"

"Hehe, you should know how lively the train station is, right? I heard that there will be train stations in many places next year. If you have connections, go and build a shop yourself!"

"That's right, that's the reason, the train station will definitely make money!"


"Mr. Liu, I heard that your daughter is going to take the women's department?"

"The women's department is still undecided, right? My daughter is pretty smart. If she really opens a women's department, she will have to try her luck!"

"Won't there be Chunwei next year? Maybe the women's department can be settled!"


"Master Zhao, I heard that your father has seen the night pearls in the palace with his own eyes? Are there really many bright ones?"

"That's not a night pearl, it's called an electric lamp, do you understand? I heard from my father that His Majesty has decreed that during the Lantern Festival, there will be a colorful lantern made of electric lamps. It's just outside the Meridian Gate. You can go and see it when you turn around."

"It's such a rare thing, it must be seen for a long time!"


"Master Sun, I heard that you have received a lot of dividends from the glass factory this year!"

"Ha, it's average, it's just a little more than last year, and it just happens to be available during the Chinese New Year."

"Now that I think about it, I really regret it. If I had known that His Majesty asked for the money to do this, I would have paid more anyway!"


"Mr. Li, you are wearing glasses on your nose, are they very expensive?"

"It's glasses, but it's okay, it's not made of crystal, but made of glass in a glass factory, it's cheaper!"

"Really? Then I've read a lot, and I can't see far. I'll have a look some other day. If the price is acceptable, I'll buy a pair!"


"Old Wang, I heard that you want your two sons to enroll in the army after the Chinese New Year?"

"Yes, look at those who are soldiers, their income is much higher than ours. My two sons, who are five-year-old and three-year-old, won't be wasted if they don't serve as soldiers?"

"It's true, the soldiers now are not the poor soldiers they used to be. And the military households have also been changed. Now they are all civilian households, so there is no need to worry that the descendants will all be soldiers."

"It's not just about money, don't you know? The one under construction outside the Forbidden City is called the Ming Dynasty Loyalty Monument and Memorial Hall. Even if soldiers die in battle, they can be enshrined by the court. It is said that the emperor They will all go to worship in person.”

"No way, you have so much face? If you really want to do this, well, let my eldest son try his luck too. You can make more money in life, and you will have face in death. It's better than him eating at home and waiting to die!"

"Isn't that true, what if one day you make great achievements in battle and return to your hometown one day? Right, the imperial army has won many battles now, and it's not the time when they were defeated at once!"


Not to mention how people outside the palace celebrate the New Year, the New Year's program in the palace is still the same as before. After eating the New Year's Eve dinner and going through the process of the New Year, Queen Zhou and others gathered under the lamp, knocking on melon seeds and chatting.

From time to time, they looked up at the rows of electric lights, and then looked at Emperor Chongzhen from time to time, waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to finish speaking early, and they were all waiting for the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala!
Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen was talking all the time, Concubine Tian Gui suggested to Empress Zhou: "I don't know how long we have to wait, or next year, we will hold a Spring Festival Gala ourselves, what do you think, sister?"

"Sure, good!" Auntie Zhu, Princess Kunxing, immediately clapped her hands and applauded!

(End of this chapter)

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