Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 457 1 Divine Chapter

Chapter 457 A Myth

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen said kindly to Wang Laowu: "I have a way to deal with Ye Xiang, which is a cycle-integrated method, which is much better than your current way of dealing with Ye Xiang. The most important thing is that it can make more money." , would you like to?"

To a certain extent, he is actually the same as this Wang Lao Wu who collects night incense, he is a poor man who really wants to be rich.

Therefore, he knew that, how to put it, he could make this Wang Lao Wu his guinea pig!

Sure enough, Wang Laowu was still trembling at first, but when he heard that he could make more money, his expression immediately became pleasantly surprised, he knelt down and kowtowed, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes!"

"Okay!" Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied, so he said to him: "Go to the household department to exchange the bonus first, and I will send someone to teach you how to do it later!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Wang Chengen and said, "Big companion, send someone to follow him and see where he lives."

"Your servant obeys the order!" Wang Chengen agreed quickly when he heard this, and then turned his head and said to Wang Laowu with a smile, "You are really smoking from the ancestral grave, and you actually need your Majesty's advice on how to make money!"

Needless to say, this kind of opportunity will definitely make others envious.

Wang Laowu was too excited to speak, and kowtowed repeatedly.

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen no longer needed to drink the northwest wind on the Meridian Gate Tower, so he drove back.

As for Wang Laowu, he was led by an eunuch, went down to the top of the city, and returned to the Meridian Gate Square.

This is the first time that the welfare lottery has been redeemed, and according to Emperor Chongzhen's prior instructions, it must be done more grandly.

Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, personally came forward to redeem the award for Wang Laowu.Not only that, but also put a big red flower on him, rode a horse, and sent several people to blow and beat the ground to send him home.

For a while, it was not a good time.

Even those rich people who don't care about a hundred taels of silver are envious when they hear that he is so prominent.

"This is He De and He Neng, who actually parades around the streets to praise his achievements like a champion. This... is this a compliment to that disciple?"

"Don't even mention it, although it's not as grand as the number one scholar, it still imitates seven or eight images! It's the most majestic day, why not!"

"Why? This is luck! Great luck, even if you boast about it, it doesn't seem to be a big deal!"

"The key is that His Majesty has received him. If he behaves better, won't he leave a good impression on His Majesty?"

"That's right, if you win the special prize and His Majesty summons you, you will have to win the special prize no matter what!"

"How did you hit it? Is it possible that you can hit it if you want it? It depends on luck!"

"Stupid, if someone wins, isn't it just one hundred taels of silver? I'll pay two hundred taels for his special prize lottery ticket, okay?"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe they also want to have a chance to face the saint?"

"Then I bought all the accounts, so I can always get the special prize, right?"

"Hey, that's a good idea, but I don't know how much it will cost?"

"That's not easy, just go back and ask the accountant to do the math!"


Not to mention, according to the sales rules of the current welfare lottery, a special prize, if it must be won, is more than six hundred and eighty taels of silver.For ordinary people, it is definitely a lot of money.But for some rich people in Daming, they are really willing to spend this money in exchange for a chance to face saints.

It's just a pity that what they didn't know was that Emperor Chongzhen was very excited for the first time, so he came to the scene.The lottery went smoothly again, so I personally met the lucky winner of the special prize.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't know that he could make money from an interview, otherwise he might sell the opportunity to meet him when he was pressed for money.You can even clearly mark the price, how much it costs for one meeting, how much it costs for the time you meet, how much it costs for a meal with the emperor, and so on.

Maybe Emperor Chongzhen could use this method to earn a life-saving money!

If you think it's too much trouble, you can also use the auction method, right!

Now that the lottery is over, the announcement of the lottery from the Ministry of Accounts has been posted.At the same time, the legend about Wang Laowu also spread over time.

It can be said that the hottest topic of this Lantern Festival in the [-]th year of Chongzhen was the welfare lottery.

"Have you heard? That man named Wang Laowu bought a welfare lottery ticket. He won the special prize for only five cents!"

"His luck is also very good, five cents was exchanged for one hundred taels of silver!"

"Wrong, his good luck is not measured by money! He won the special prize, got the chance to face the saint, and the most important thing is, do you know what it is?"

"What? Say it!"

"It is said that he has also received advice from His Majesty to make a fortune!"

"What do you mean? Isn't he just a collector of night incense? Can your majesty give advice?"

"I don't know, anyway, I heard that His Majesty was in a good mood at the time, so I gave him advice, saying that there is a way to make more money than his original way of collecting Yexiang!"

"This... His Majesty understands everything?"

"That's not true. Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, and the Emperor Taizu showed his spirit. Now those rare and useful opportunities to make a lot of money are all coming out of His Majesty's mind!"

"So, what kind of Wang Lao Wu really got shit luck, such good luck!"

"That's not it! I'm thinking, is it because I have dealt with shit too much, or is it so lucky that I have such good luck?"

"Why, is it possible that you want to learn?"


All of a sudden, I don't know how many people are envious and jealous of Wang Lao Wu.And the name Wang Laowu, which few people knew at first, has spread all over the capital, and it is almost a household name, even the big girl in the deep boudoir knows it!
In the later generations, winning the big prize was always concealed, and ordinary people had no idea who had won the big prize.

But this time in the Ming Dynasty, it was the complete opposite.

Of course, under normal circumstances, there will definitely be relatives and friends who will come to borrow money; maybe there are other people who want to play the one hundred taels of silver.

However, Wang Laowu's situation is different.

Not only did he face the saint, but also the eunuch went back with him. It is said that His Majesty will give him some advice later.

With this level, who would dare to play Wang Laowu's idea!
The changes brought about by winning the grand prize are naturally great.

For example, Wang Laowu, who was not liked by others, would pinch his nose when he saw him. When he saw Wang Laowu again, he was so kind, and he said "Master Wang, Master Wang" from a distance. Shout out.

Wang Laowu went to buy decent clothes for a change. After all, he would have to deal with the people in the palace later on, so he couldn't wear the original clothes. As a result, the shopkeepers of the tailor shop rushed to let him go to their own shop to buy them. To the extent that no money is given.

Merchants are shrewd after all, they don't lose money, not only can they take advantage of Wang Laowu's luck, but they can also publicize that Wang Laowu, the winner of the special prize, buys clothes in their store, and the house is full of luck!
Wang Laowu is an old man, and no one thinks highly of him, he is alone, but now, those who come to the door to talk about matchmaking will have to break through the threshold, and the kind that has to queue at the door.

In short, because of a welfare lottery ticket, Wang Laowu changed his fate, was talked about by the people in the capital, and became a myth in the capital!
Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, knew about these situations, so he immediately arranged for people to spread the word more vigorously. As a result, he had greater expectations for the second phase of lottery sales.

According to the regulations of Emperor Chongzhen, it is once every half a month.

After he summed up the experience of selling the welfare lottery for the first time, he reported it to Emperor Chongzhen, and after receiving instructions, he could carry out the second sale, which was agreed in advance.

Because the sale of this welfare lottery will also be promoted to the provincial capitals of the two capitals and thirteen provinces. The proceeds from the sales will be used to build new schools, recruit school-age children, hire teachers, and teach students to read and write. after the actual operation.

As for Emperor Chongzhen, he was also busy, wanting to fulfill his promise to Wang Laowu.

No, after he returned from the Meridian Gate Building, he took out his mobile phone and contacted Liu Weichao while he was in the mood.

Unfortunately, Liu Weichao didn't pick it up right away, but waited for about half an hour before Liu Weichao came back to him.

As soon as the video was connected, Liu Weichao said to him a little embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, I've been on the phone just now, and I didn't notice the video communication request. I only found out after I hung up!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he immediately chuckled and said, "I thought I would be lucky, but I didn't expect this luck to be that you just called when I initiated a video chat with you!"

"Ah?" Liu Weichao listened, shook his head immediately and said, "No, I've been calling for a while during your video chat, it's not like I just called."

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard it, "Did something happen?"

There must be something very important to make such a long phone call, and it is likely to be a difficult problem, the kind that is difficult to solve, otherwise, it will definitely not take that long.

Hearing his words, Liu Weichao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head again and said, "What can happen to this New Year's Eve!"

"Then why did you make such a long phone call?" Emperor Chongzhen was a little puzzled when he heard this, and asked in puzzlement.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a little embarrassment: "It was just a casual chat with Zhang Juan. Her mother called her, so she hung up."

"What?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being very shocked when he heard it.

He knew who Zhang Juan was.

Isn't it just a woman who has to make such a long phone call and have so many things to say?
To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen was a little confused.

But after all, he didn't care much about women's affairs. If he had something on his mind, he quickly added an "oh", and then got down to business.

 I am very grateful to Bai Lantianci for the reward, and Xiaobinghe for the reward, which is being saved.Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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