Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 467 Sneak Attack

Chapter 467 Sneak Attack

At the beginning of February in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, Zhang Xianzhong secretly completed the mobilization of the main force. There were a total of [-] troops. These were the elite and all his capital.

Obviously, since Zhang Xianzhong had already decided to fight, he would naturally go all out to defeat Liu Liangzuo, and if he escaped the blockade of the court officers and soldiers, the rest of the miscellaneous cards would be gone.With these main forces as the foundation, it will be the same as before, and it will soon be able to make a comeback.

Zhang Xianzhong's decisiveness has never been lacking.

Because he thought very clearly that relatively speaking, Ma Shiying's troops on the eastern front were weaker than Sun Chuanting's troops on the western front; not to mention, as a coach, Sun Chuanting was definitely stronger than Ma Shiying.

It is impossible to break through the blockade on the western front. After all, that Sun Chuanting is old and cunning, and if he is not careful, he will fall into Sun Chuanting's trap.

Originally, Ma Shiying's side is also unlikely.But now, Nanjing Xungui and the local gentry's resentment towards Ma Shiying gave him this opportunity.If they missed this opportunity, once Ma Shiying rectified the surrounding area of ​​Yingtian Mansion, they would attack again and drive Zhang Xianzhong south, and the chance of returning north would become increasingly slim.

In this way, Zhang Xianzhong gave it a go.


On this day, Liu Liangzuo's army barracks outside the official road, swaggeringly came an officer army, it seems that they came here to escort food and grass.

According to the usual practice, it was indeed at this time that the food and grass came from the local area.

That's it, the people who saw it didn't take it seriously. The farmland on both sides of the official road was busy with spring plowing, and no one had the leisure to take care of this kind of thing.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that there are more grain carts in this grain delivery team than before, and the traces of the grain carts behind are on the ground that has not completely dried up shortly after the rain. Leaves a deep trace.

When Liu Liangzuo's barracks could be seen from a distance, Ye Bushou, who was patrolling around, stepped forward to stop him, conducted interrogation as usual, and checked the official documents: "What's going on, where is the Qianhu who led the team a few times?"

"I'm sick, so I changed my official to lead the team!"

There were no problems with interrogation and official documents, and the food delivery team was soon relieved.

Watching the food delivery team continue to go to the barracks, Ye Bushou smiled and said: "It seems that this Qianhu is much stronger than the last one, and the soldiers under him seem to be much stronger!"

"That's right, it looks like these are all fightable, unlike the last few times, there is no murderous look on him, almost like a farmer!"


When this food delivery team was approaching the gate of the barracks, they were stopped by the guard post at the gate, who also wanted to interrogate and check the official documents.Of course, these are routine things.

Originally, at this time, there must be a food delivery team, and there is still a long distance from the forward position of the rogue.All along, they were the ones who attacked forward, and the bandits fled south, and they were used to it.

Naturally, there was still no problem with cross-examination and checking of official documents.The leading hundred households on the sentry post ordered: "Go, send it to the supply camp!"

"Okay!" Qianhu, the leader, agreed, waved to the team, and continued to walk into the barracks.

Just as the team was passing through the gate of the barracks, suddenly, the Baihu came back to his senses, and immediately went to stop the leader Qianhu and asked, "Where are you from?"

When the leader Qianhu heard this, he immediately said with a smile: "Where else can we be from, of course we are from Nanjing!"

After hearing this, Baihu's complexion changed a little, and he waved his hand and shouted to his subordinates: "Come on, search for the grain truck for me!"

Different from Ye Bu Shou outside, this gatekeeper has been explained by Liu Liangzuo, so he is more sensitive to details.

Although the cross-examination just now, the verification of the official documents, and the delivery time of the food and grass are all correct, but this person is a bit wrong.

Logically speaking, the food and grass must be delivered by the local guard, so they will naturally bring the local dialect, at least the southern dialect.However, the leader's accent is a northern accent, which is a bit abnormal.

Of course, if Liu Liangzuo hadn't explained it, he wouldn't have investigated it carefully.After all, it is also possible that this person's parents and the like may come from the north, so it is not necessarily that he has a northern accent.

"This brother? What are you doing?" Qianhu, the leader of the team, changed his face when he saw it, "It's all here, so don't delay the brother's work!"

Hearing this, the gatekeeper felt even more wrong.At least the military officers who delivered food in Nanjing a few times ago were not considered brothers. They were full of official accents, and even a little hostile to them, so they would smile like this, and they would be brothers one by one!
At this time, he was not polite to the team leader Qianhu at all, his expression turned cold, and he personally supervised his subordinates to check the grain trucks.

Seeing the soldiers getting closer to the grain cart, the leader Qianhu suddenly showed a fierce expression, turned his head to look around the barracks, and found nothing special, so he pulled out his waist knife and rushed towards the Hundreds of gatekeepers shouted loudly at the same time: "Kill!"

His subordinates had been watching him for a long time, and when they heard his words, they all drew out their weapons and rushed towards the dozen or so soldiers guarding the gate.

The gatekeepers had been on guard for a long time, and when they saw something was wrong, they immediately turned around and fled, while shouting loudly: "Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

After shouting a few times, a sharp arrow shot him in the back, and the arrow branch was full of power, leading him to fall forward.

It can be seen from this that the arrow at close range must be shot with a hard bow.

However, what is unexpected is that this Baihu did not die, the arrow was hanging on his back, he got up and ran, and at the same time continued to shout: "Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

This scene stunned the people transporting grain. This hundred households guarding the gate actually wore solid armor?Didn't see it!

The leader escorting thousands of households was actually Zhang Nengqi's disguise. He was a sharpshooter under Zhang Xianzhong's department. Everyone, let me grab the boat!"

Behind Liu Liangzuo's barracks is the wharf of a tributary of the Yangtze River. According to Nanjing Xungui's news, a fleet of ships happened to be resting here in the past few days.

This Neng Qi's subordinates have obviously been arranged.I saw some thieves immediately opened the grain carts in front one by one, and saw that they were full of arsonists prepared in advance, while the grain carts behind, after being opened, jumped out one by one. Flow thief.

According to the plan here, as long as this grain truck team sneaks into the barracks and sets fire to it while seizing the pier, even in Liu Liangzuo's barracks, it will inevitably create more chaos and prevent them from reacting in time. The probability of success is very high.

When Zhang Xianzhong led the rest of the army to kill, even if Liu Liangzuo finally organized an army to counterattack, it would definitely be useless.

Then the next step is to hold the pier until the captured ships transport the troops to the other side and get out of the attack range of Liu Liangzuo or Huang Degong's reinforcements, then crossing the Yangtze River north will be a breeze.


These selected thieves are all elites among the elites. Including those hidden in the grain carts, there are a total of about [-] people. On the side of Liu Liangzuo's barracks, according to the information provided by Nanjing Xungui, there are only [-] people. About a thousand people.

Unprepared, the success of this strategy is very high!

At this time, these thieves also knew that success or failure depended on one action, and each of them was desperate.

Those who set fire set fire, those who gather gather, and they are ready to make a big fuss in Princess Iron Fan's stomach.

However, what Zhang Nengqi never imagined was that when he dared to start his actions here, he saw groups of court officers and soldiers appearing around him, not the ones to deal with in a panic, but organized siege formations!

"Dang, clang, clang..." Under the hurried sound of the police gong, more and more court officers and soldiers rushed over after hearing the sound.

"Blah blah blah..."

The sound of flintlock guns rang out one after another, and the shields on the thieves' side were useless at all, and they fell to the ground screaming one by one.

Zhang Nengqi led his men, and while shooting arrows to fight back, he watched this scene in disbelief.

What's happening here?
Was it an ambush?Otherwise, how could Liu Liangzuo's department react so quickly?
But, it doesn't make sense!
The news has been verified. Those Nanjing nobles and local gentry really hate Ma Shiying to the bone. How could they help Ma Shiying set up a situation?
However, if it weren't for the trap, unless Liu Liangzuo's army was a very elite army, would it be possible to react so quickly?

However, it's not that they haven't dealt with Liu Liangzuo before, they all know how powerful his subordinates are!
What the hell is going on here?

Looking at the battle situation in front of him, Zhang Nengqi's heart was suspended.

Only a few tents were burning, but the subordinates who went to set fire were either beaten to death by the court officers or forced to return, and it was already impossible to set fire to other tents.

And with just these few camps, there was no way to create a big mess and burn other camps.

Between the camps, more and more court officials and troops appeared, and the comparison of the combat power of the two sides would soon become bigger and bigger.If the main force of Zhang Xianzhong's troops does not rush to reinforce, his entire army will be wiped out here.

Thinking of this, Zhang Nengqi suddenly thought of a word: Sheep come into the mouth of tiger!
But he quickly comforted himself that it was all agreed in advance, and the reinforcements from his adoptive father would arrive soon, as long as he persisted.At that time, Liu Liangzuo's troops will be defeated even faster when they attack from inside and outside!
At this time, he didn't realize that Liu Liangzuo had already rushed over upon hearing the news.Looking at the bandits pretending to be a food delivery team in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional: "Sure enough, as expected by the governor, the bandits really wanted to break through, but what I didn't expect was that they chose my side to break through! "

 In the afternoon or evening, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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