Chapter 485
In Qufu, the Kong family is the common surname, and the rest of the non-Kong family are basically tenants of the Kong family.

Those with the surname Kong are divided into two types: inner hole and outer hole; the so-called inner hole refers to the direct lineage of the Confucian family, which belongs to the real Confucian family;
And the so-called outsiders are those who sold themselves to the Kong family and changed their surname to Kong.

Before the Ming Dynasty, the Confucian family could go out to serve as officials, so in the Yuan Dynasty, there were many Confucian family members in the court.

But after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang raised the rank of Yan Shenggong from the third rank to the first rank, but he no longer allowed the Kong family to directly enter the court as officials.Qufu is under the management of Duke Yansheng.

During the Jiajing period, because of the intrigue within the Kong family, all the dirty things in Qufu were uncovered, and it was brought to the Emperor Jiajing's side.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing took back the power of Qufu county magistrate from Yan Shenggong, and planned to appoint officials to manage it.

However, the courtiers refused and persuaded Emperor Jiajing that the county magistrate of Qufu should still be selected from the direct line of the Confucian family.

Therefore, the county magistrate of Qufu, from the Song Dynasty to the abolition of the county magistrate in the Republic of China, has always been surnamed Kong.It can be said that this is the only one in the world.

The power of the Confucian family in Qufu is definitely as big as the sky!Like the toast in the southwest, it is the local emperor!
Logically speaking, it would be extremely difficult to catch the head of the family surnamed Kong in such a place.In terms of numbers alone, not to mention two thousand cavalry, even if it is doubled, it is impossible to form a military advantage.

If Liu Wenxiu led two thousand cavalry to arrest people in the chieftain's territory, it would definitely be dangerous, and it might not be possible to get things done.

However, in Qufu, these people with the surname of Kong can do good fortune and dominance at ordinary times, bullying people with foreign surnames in Qufu, even those of their own clan, there is no problem at all.

However, in the face of the soldiers who have fought for many years, just the aura can scare them, so they thought about uniting and resisting.

After the reading of the imperial decree, Liu Wenxiu's subordinates began martial law throughout the city, and the Kong family was just fish on a knife board, ready to be slaughtered!

The decree of Emperor Chongzhen was actually not as serious as outsiders imagined, and it did not punish the Nine Clans.Otherwise, Liu Wenxiu's two thousand troops would not be enough.

Instead, they arrested the Kong family and went directly to Beijing for trial, confiscated the Kong family, and escorted the gold and silver property to Beijing.

That's it, usually in Qufu, the class that belongs to the masters, is in bad luck.

Teams of soldiers knocked on the door one by one to verify their identities.They were directly related to the Kong family, so they were immediately expelled from the house and put in custody.All belongings are confiscated.

Liu Wenxiu's subordinates are already familiar with this kind of beating of local tyrants, and their eyes are so poisonous that they can find out where the property is stored without interrogation; afterward, they will go to interrogate the Kong family to find out more property.

All of a sudden, those directly related to the Kong family confessed to each other under the tactics of Liu Wenxiu's subordinates.

To a certain extent, the one in Qufu is a bit similar to Li Zicheng's pursuit of stolen goods and subsidy after he entered the capital, but it was only a smaller one, and no one was killed.

People with foreign surnames, and people with foreign surnames, while hiding at home uneasy, are also very emotional in their hearts.

They never expected that the sky-like direct lineage of the Kong family would have today!
Looking at it like this, I'm afraid it's hard not to die!Otherwise, as a descendant of Confucius, it is absolutely impossible to have such treatment.

Just as they were thinking about it, on the second day, Liu Wenxiu had freed up some staff and started knocking on their door.

This surprised them, thinking that they would be implicated by the Kong family.As a result, he opened the door tremblingly, only to find that these wolf-like soldiers came to the door, just asking if they had any grievances and if they were oppressed by the Kong family.

There is a saying that is very good, the tree falls and the monkeys scatter!

All the direct lineages of the Kong family were ransacked, and everyone was arrested. It was obvious that it was over.In other words, there is no need to be afraid of the Kong family's retaliation afterwards.

So, there was a grievance for a grievance, and a revenge for revenge, and it broke out all at once.

Some people even coveted the fields of the Kong family and so on. Even if they didn't, they would dare to make up some stories to see if they could benefit from it.

On Liu Wenxiu's side, she didn't intend to be a judge at all, so she recorded all of these according to Emperor Chongzhen's will.

On Qufu's side, the "pursuit of stolen goods and subsidy for payment", collecting illegal things about the Kong family, lasted for three full days.

During these three days, the state capital heard the news and sent people to check on the situation.However, here is to do things according to the order, or the regular cavalry, and there is not a single civil servant.Therefore, the state capital did not dare to move forward, lest the court think it was in collusion with the Kong family.

However, no matter what, the news that the Kong family was ransacked quickly spread around the surrounding area, which made people very emotional. I didn't expect the Kong family to fall down!

Of course, there are also some literati who have a headache and want to come to petition, feeling that the imperial court should not treat sages like this.

For these, Liu Wenxiu's people didn't say anything at all, they just beat them up, and then arrested them together with Kong's family.

Three days later, as soon as the seal was pasted, the army took the stolen property and escorted the Kong family on their way.

The team stretched so long that it was several times larger than when it came.Liu Wenxiu was filled with emotion, so many squires, even vassal kings, ransacked their homes, but the Kong family was the richest!

It is impossible for such a huge team to go all the way north to the capital without attracting attention.

Especially when passing through those big cities, there are more people onlookers.

"Wow, is this car full of gold, silver and jewelry? There are so many!"

"Don't even think about it, whose family it belongs to! Can you not be rich?"

"That's true, the Confucius family in Qufu, who can have as much money as them?"

"It's all right now, the imperial court has money again!"

"This is really ruining the Kong family, making them rich... the court, haha!"


Compared with ordinary people, those scholars and officials have different points of discussion.

"This Yan Shenggong is really, there is something that can't be taken care of. He has to interfere with the royal affairs. Is this something he can interfere with? Look, even the saint can't save him!"

"Can't you see it? Maybe he has the intention to stir up trouble, but he got kicked in the head by a donkey to touch the royal affairs? Obviously he was dragged down!"

"Anyway, he's the one who started it, the Kong family is doomed!"

"It's so pitiful, Mr. Yansheng was clearly wronged, but now he has implicated the whole family. The emperor's punishment is really too heavy!"

"That's right, after the saint, if you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, the emperor should give the saint some face, so killing the whole family like this really makes us feel ashamed to wait for scholars!"

"Yes, look at the old and weak in the team, it's really pitiful. This is the queen of the saint!"


As Liu Wenxiu's escort went north, more and more scholars sympathized with the Kong family.

Because they all know that the Kong family is unlucky and has no sense of propriety.However, if it is really said that the Kong family wants to gather a crowd to rebel, it must be impossible!
As a result, some scholars began to spontaneously see the team off, and even saw the miserable state of the Kong family, and wanted to make it easier for them.

Under normal circumstances, they would bribe the escorting soldiers, or intercede with the leading military leader, so as to give preferential treatment to the prisoners, and it would be no problem to recover after returning to the capital.

However, when they tried to do this, they discovered that this cavalry army turned out to be rogues recruited by the court, and they couldn't beat the local gentry at all. .

Those who talk about favors have nothing to say; those who want to bribe are almost regarded as accomplices, so they have no choice but to die.

But, no matter what, this is the blood of the Confucian saint. As a Confucian child, how can he watch the Qufu Confucian family being punished by the court?

Therefore, many literati began to call on their friends and invite their fellow-men to follow the escort team to Beijing.

There are so many literati in the world, even if only one out of ten people does this, the number of people gathered along the way cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, these are literati, if they are warriors, they must send more troops.

More people make you bolder. This point, even if you have learned a lesson, it is still the same.

These literati who followed the team were the hard-headed ones who believed in death. They believed that it was absolutely impossible for Yan Shenggong to gather a crowd to rebel.

The status of the Confucian family in Qufu in the minds of literati was manifested at this time.

Along the way, there were more and more similar people, and some even rushed to the capital ahead of time, asking the princes of the capital to avenge their submission to the Confucian family.

The officials in the court, including the chief assistant He Fengsheng and others, of course know it well. If they don't do something and just watch the Confucian family in Qufu being wiped out by the emperor, they will definitely be stabbed in the back by scholars all over the world. .

As far as their hearts are concerned, they also want to help the saints.

If it can be proved that the one who called out that virtue was unworthy and asked the emperor to abdicate was not instructed by Lord Yansheng, and they actually believed that it was not ordered by Lord Yansheng, then this matter would be much easier to handle.

However, helplessly, those literati who caused trouble were all imprisoned in the prisons of Dongchang and Jinyiwei, not in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so they couldn't interrogate and correct their confessions.

A group of civil servants had no choice but to find another way.

Fortunately, half a month has passed, and the emperor should have become more rational.

I believe that so many scholars escorted Yan Shenggong's family to Beijing, and the matter of calling for grievances for Yan Shenggong also reached the emperor.

The emperor cannot govern the world without literati.Taking advantage of the opportunity of Yan Shenggong being escorted to the capital, he must fight for the blood of Kong Sheng anyway, so as not to ruin his name in the history books.

Respecting teachers and teaching, how can we ignore it!
As a result, a massive movement to preserve Kong broke out as Kong Yinzhi's family was escorted to Beijing.

 The state is not good, there may not be a change today
(End of this chapter)

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