Chapter 495
At the beginning, Ma Shiying's side followed the newly revised "Law of the Ming Dynasty" and suppressed the local state government offices in Yingtian Mansion and surrounding prefectures.

Not to mention anything else, just the violation of the etiquette system caused a lot of commotion.

The Jiangnan side is the most economically developed area in Ming Dynasty.The luxury atmosphere is also the first to spread and lead the country.From housing construction to clothing and travel, rich people all compare with each other, and over-control is the most basic operation.

Not to mention the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" before the revision, even the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" after the revision has relaxed a lot in terms of overreach, but there are still many overrules.

Ma Shiying was under the pressure of the factory guards to investigate the thieves and rectify the place. Without the emperor's clear will, he did not dare to mess around. Naturally, he also had to demonstrate his ability in other aspects.Therefore, in the aspect of checking the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", it was really vigorous and resolute, and it immediately made trouble for these prefectures centered on Yingtian Mansion, which was like flying dogs.

Fines, demolition of illegal buildings, and arrests for exceeding the system are all over the place.According to the local saying, it made people's lives difficult.

If it's just this, after all, it's doing things according to the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", so it's hard to say anything.

But at the same time, there are also factory guards who are investigating cases with great fanfare, military rations on fire, official ships being robbed, etc., and many Jinyiwei school captains have died, and the factory guards are merciless in their actions.

"Drive..." On the official road, either the Dongchang fanzi or the captain of Jinyiwei led the way, riding on horseback.

Behind them, there are teams of imperial court officers and soldiers, which look like regular ones, holding knives, guns, halberds, and flintlock guns, etc., walking in order, making the footsteps of a person, Accompanied by the sound of armor colliding, it shocked all directions.

The official army behind the factory guard is under the command of the Nanjing garrison.In other words, they are Li Dingguo's subordinates.

After Li Dingguo took over the post of Nanjing garrison, he immediately rectified the original Nanjing garrison and evaluated the officers.No matter what the background of this person is, what kind of uncle is a prince, he will ignore it at all, and it will be useless to give money to accompany him, or to show his loyalty.

Just like that, most of the officers under the Nanjing garrison were kicked out.Under normal circumstances, the troops defending Nanjing would also be dispersed.

However, Li Dingguo took over with his own army, so he didn't have this scruple at all, and just took over with his own army.

Under such vigorous and resolute actions, Li Dingguo quickly took control of the troops defending Nanjing.Therefore, in such a short period of time, each branch of the factory guards was sent to each branch of the army to perform official duties.

Otherwise, with the small number of factory guards in the south of the Yangtze River, if they are distributed to arrest important criminals, it may be a question of whether they can go back.

The villages and towns in the south of the Yangtze River cannot be compared with those in the north. They have a large population and are relatively prosperous.

An army led by Dongchang Fanzi rushed directly to the largest mansion in a town.

"bang bang bang..."

The sound of knocking on the door would be loud, and even without waiting for the porter inside to open the door, people would knock open the door, and the army would swarm in.

With shining knives and guns in their hands, they arrested anyone they saw, regardless of gender, and escorted them all to the courtyard.

"What are you doing? Do you still have the law?" The stewards of the mansion heard the sound, and they all shouted in panic, "This is the house of Mr. Liao in Nanjing!"

"Who cares about your mansion!" The leader of the Dongchang stall shouted immediately, "Someone reported that the house is harboring bandits who intercepted and killed Jinyiwei, so you all stood up and investigated!"

On behalf of the imperial power, the factory guards intercepted and killed the official ship of Jinyi Guards, which shocked the south of the Yangtze River. Who would dare to stop it?
For most of the houses under investigation, or in other words, the inspection method of factory guards, basically those thieves could not be found.

However, with such an unreasonable investigation by Thunder, many problems were found at once.

Regardless of whether the women are old or weak, as for the men in the mansion, as soon as their identities are verified, many of them are unidentified, that is, hidden households, and they are immediately arrested, and the masters of the mansion are also immediately arrested.

Such a scene happened in Yingtian Mansion and Zhenjiang Mansion and other places, and the world was turned upside down.

Most of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are not afraid of you checking out thieves, but they are afraid of you checking out hidden households so unreasonably.So, either quickly let the hermit hide away, or quickly get a household registration.

However, in such a short period of time, it is not easy to escape or get a household registration.

Especially on the factory guard side, they checked several prefectures and counties, and found that the household registrations were all new Canadians, but there were no records of tax payment and military service over the years, so they were arrested together with the county and state officials, charged with falsifying household registrations.

All kinds of troubles made the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River restless.

So, unable to take it anymore, the country gentry in Nanjing and the surrounding areas gathered in Nanjing city one after another, looking for the nobles here, the Six Metropolitan Procuratorates and other high-ranking Ming officials to see how to deal with this matter.

However, as far as this matter is concerned, no matter whether it is Ma Shiying's side or the factory guard's side, they all occupy a righteous position, and they cannot object to it from a bright point of view.

However, it is impossible to let them stand still.

In Nanjing city, in Wei Guogong's mansion, several people are discussing matters.

"Grandpa, it's not okay to go on like this. In the name of Zha Na robbery and killing the official ship of the Jinyi Guard, these factory guards have turned upside down!"

"Yes, my lord, these factory guards are really unreasonable, and I have suffered heavy losses!"

"How about throwing those people out and calming down the matter? Then the factory guard has no reason to do this, right?"


Listening to them talking there worryingly, Wei Guogong Xu Hongji also had a headache.

Those factory guards are really unreasonable, not to mention them, even his house in Zhenjiang was raided.

They couldn't catch the thieves they wanted to catch, but they found those hidden households. For the factory guards, they didn't care about it at all. They just patted their buttocks and left. manpower.

Regarding this matter, Xu Hongji and others did not come forward, but many officials in Nanjing official circles had already come forward and approached Ma Shiying.

As a result, Ma Shiying said that he had no right to interfere with the factory guards.And said that after such a big thing happened, some people dared to rob and kill Captain Jin Yiwei, no wonder they went crazy.

They even went the other way, saying that the newly revised "Law of the Ming Dynasty" had been promulgated throughout the country, and local officials might as well do a good job in matters related to the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" instead of managing the factory guards.

Relatively speaking, Ma Shiying can at least talk.

However, after the emperor's decree came to this matter, Ma Shiying also turned his face at once.

He immediately announced that Zhang Xianzhong's bandits tried to break through, but there was actually an internal response, and now he followed the emperor's order to start a thorough investigation.

First, the states and counties in various places acted as a large-scale attack by the bandits and strongly appealed for help when they encountered a little banditry. Is it suspected of cooperating with the bandits to break through the encirclement?

Second, who revealed the secrets of Liu Liangzuo's barracks?
Thirdly, who disclosed the details of the grain transportation team and gave the official documents?

Fourth, according to reliable sources, the people who contacted the bandit army were related to Nanjing Xungui, and all Nanjing Xungui should cooperate, otherwise they should be dealt with as bandits.

Thinking about these things, Xu Hongji asked them: "Even if those pirates are thrown out, what about Ma Shiying?"

"Ma Shiying's side, is it possible that they can still catch the real evidence?"

Hearing this, Xu Hongji couldn't help but feel a little pain in his head, and had to explain: "Can't you see it now? The drunkard's intention is not to drink! They just followed this excuse and started to target us!"

Since Ma Shiying led the army into Nanjing, they have been worried that Ma Shiying will rectify Nanjing like Fengyang Mansion, and they did not hesitate to make a lot of troubles because of this.

But now it seems that those things are useless at all. Ma Shiying and the factory guard are still starting to rectify the place.Now the main thing is to continue to catch the thieves and clean up the hidden households. Maybe I will start measuring the land again when I look back!

After Xu Hongji said this, he sighed and said, "In the final analysis, they have an army in their hands, so they can find all kinds of excuses to do this!"

Hearing this, everyone was waiting with a headache.

In the past, if anyone dared to do this, people from Nanjing would write a letter to the imperial court together to impeach Ma Shiying.

Even if the emperor trusted Ma Shiying very much, it didn't matter. Just like when Emperor Wanli used to send eunuchs to collect taxes, the degree of trust was definitely higher than that of Ma Shiying.

In this case, instigate a civil uprising to deal with it, and with the cooperation of the local government, those people in the civil uprising will be able to beat Ma Shiying to death in the south of the Yangtze River, and after the incident is over, they will launch a few scapegoats. This kind of thing will not be resolved .

However, the means that could be used before are not available now.This is where Xu Hongji and others are most troubled.

Originally thought that Zhang Xianzhong, a big bandit, would be able to live up to his expectations. He broke through and went to Jiangbei, disrupting the imperial court's deployment of bandits, and causing the north to fall into the flames of war again.Such a big crime will definitely force Ma Shiying to leave.

Unexpectedly, Huang Degong worked so hard that Zhang Xianzhong was wiped out...

A group of people discussed and discussed, but they couldn't come up with a good solution.

In the end, Xu Wenjue, the son of Wei Guogong, who was mainly an observer, said angrily: "This is not okay, and that is not okay. Just show your cards? I don't believe it. What do they dare to do to us? We have the iron certificate of Danshu !"

Upon hearing such a bold speech, the other people who were suffering from headaches simply stopped thinking about it, and immediately echoed it.

"That's right, we have the Iron Book of Danshu, so what can we really do?"

"If you really want to take ours, do you want the emperor's face? We were bestowed by the emperor Taizu, and the founding heroes came!"


(End of this chapter)

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