Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 511 Plan ahead

Chapter 511 Plan ahead
"Ah, if you hadn't explained it first, I would have thought it was poison!" During the video connection, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said to Liu Weichao.

After hearing this, Liu Weichao immediately laughed, and then looked at Emperor Chongzhen and asked, "After that spicy feeling goes down, will there be a very refreshing feeling?"

Earlier, he introduced chili pepper to Emperor Chongzhen, saying that using this as a condiment would make the food delicious, and my mother would no longer have to worry about her appetite!

Emperor Chongzhen didn't believe it, so he wanted to try it.It just so happens that there are plants in the imperial garden, which were originally only used for ornamental flowers.

That's why Liu Weichao reminded, so Emperor Chongzhen asked the imperial chef to use only a little chili, and he didn't need others to try the dish, he tasted it himself, and it turned out to be very spicy.

Of course, this is because he trusts Liu Weichao. If anyone else said this, he would not eat it himself first.

At this time, upon hearing Liu Weichao's words, Emperor Chongzhen immediately nodded and said, "Don't tell me, it was so hot that I was sweating at the beginning, and then after the heat was over, I really felt a very... cool feeling. I think that in the future, I can go to the Put a little pepper in the dish!"

Hehe, once you get used to eating spicy food, you will never be able to live without chili peppers, otherwise, the food will not taste good!

Having harmed an ancient emperor, Liu Weichao laughed in his heart.

No, Emperor Chongzhen asked very interestedly: "By the way, are there other similar ones? I want to try it too!"

As the Ninth Five-Year Lord, the world is delicious, so it’s fine if you don’t know it. Now that you know it, you want to eat it.

This, Liu Weichao really couldn't think of it for a while, so he said casually: "I can't think of it for the time being, but I still have it."

"Suck it?" Emperor Chongzhen was curious when he heard it, and immediately asked, "What is that?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said without thinking, "Cigarettes are tobacco, didn't you already have them at that time?"

"Uh..." Emperor Chongzhen listened, and said after thinking for a while, "Could it be a foreign thing, just introduced into Ming Dynasty? I haven't even heard of it!"

"Ah! I'm not very clear either!" Liu Weichao replied after hearing this, "Then I'll check!"

So, Emperor Chongzhen waited curiously for a while, and then heard Liu Weichao said with a little surprise: "This tobacco has existed since ancient times. It is said that when Zhuge Liang led his army to the south, the soldiers were infected by miasma, and the local people sent leeks. Ye Yun vanilla, burn and inhale its smoke to expel miasma poison. This is a kind of tobacco called yellow flower smoke."

After a pause, he continued: "Tobacco in your time, my time, originated in South America, and has been introduced to Ming Dynasty. That Ni Zhumo mentioned tobacco in his 1624 "Materia Medica Hui Yan"."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen asked a little puzzled: "Listen, this thing seems to be a good thing, but why didn't you include it in the list of South American specialties before? The team has already set off, and I want them to bring it before it's too late!"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao's expression became serious, and he said to Emperor Chongzhen: "I personally oppose this tobacco, because smoking is harmful to health, has side effects on the body, and is addictive! So at that time I checked the tobacco in South America. Although I found out about the special products, I didn’t recommend them to you. My idea is very simple, I just don’t want to give you tobacco!”

Speaking of this, he showed a wry smile and said: "However, this matter does not seem to be transferred by my will. Whether I like it or not, it will eventually flow into Daming, and it should be foreseeable that this smoker will still become more and more. More and more!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen also became serious, and at the same time he asked a little strangely: "Then why did you let me eat this chili? After I tasted it, I felt that I wanted to try it again. Is this also an addiction? "

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it!

But after regaining his senses, he replied immediately: "Chili pepper is a kind of edible food, and it will not be harmful to the body."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he remembered that this was an essential difference, and he was relieved. He was really shocked just now.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Liu Weichao say to him: "But you also reminded me that everything has two sides. This tobacco is also a kind of medicinal plant, which can be used as medicine. On this point, you people of Ming Dynasty I already know it. In addition, he is also a good thing for money..."

"What?" Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately regained his spirits and asked immediately, "Is this a good thing for money?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao told Emperor Chongzhen: "Yes, this tobacco has a very important function, which is refreshing, and because it is addictive, once people smoke it After that, it is easy to become dependent. But relatively speaking, his side effects are not too strong on people, and if you really want to wake up and quit, it is also easy to do. Therefore, in my world, the court only stated that smoking is harmful to health , but it is not prohibited, but it is used to become a very large source of tax revenue!"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen became very energetic as if he had already smoked, and immediately asked: "Really?"

"I won't lie to you!" Liu Weichao listened, and immediately searched, and showed Emperor Chongzhen the tobacco tax data over the years, and it was obvious that Emperor Chongzhen seemed to be drooling a little.

Suddenly, Emperor Chongzhen asked Liu Weichao: "Do you smoke?"

"No!" Liu Weichao replied, shaking his head.

After thinking for a while, he added: "My dad smoked, but he quit later and just drank a little wine. My grandpa smoked all the time!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen stroked the little black beard under his forehead, and asked after thinking: "Then, I can still do something about smoking?"

"It's up to you!" Liu Weichao listened and answered him, but he quickly remembered something and said to Emperor Chongzhen, "But there is one thing that you must not let the people of Ming Dynasty smoke. The sex is very strong, and it is also very harmful to the body, I can tell you about the history!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very interested, and quickly said, "Say it!"

Therefore, Liu Weichao talked about the influence of this thing on the history of China.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't know what was going on in his head, so he suddenly asked Liu Weichao: "Then if I throw these things to Jianlu to smoke, what do you think?"

"..." Liu Weichao was speechless when he heard it. After he came back to his senses, he said to Emperor Chongzhen, "I won't hide it from you. On the Internet in my world, when discussing the history of the end of Ming Dynasty, some people have This kind of point of view allows you to use this kind of thing to harm Jianlu. But, for me, I don’t agree with it.”

"Why?" Emperor Chongzhen asked a little puzzled after hearing this.

When Liu Weichao heard it, he said seriously: "This kind of thing, from the long river of history, is critical. You don't want to be criticized by people in later generations, do you? Also, as far as you are concerned now, whether it is military power or national power , or economics or something, is it possible that you still can’t beat Jianlu? Do you need to use this method? You want to be the emperor through the ages, do you need to rely on this method?”

There are actually many reasons, but there is no need to say.Liu Weichao knew Emperor Chongzhen well, so he only mentioned a little bit.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen finally nodded solemnly and said, "That's right, my Ming Dynasty is the most powerful country in the world, how can I learn from Xiyi!"

After saying this, when Liu Weichao was about to nod his head, he suddenly changed the topic and said again immediately: "But, it is always okay for me to make this tobacco?"

When checking the information just now, Liu Weichao has already seen that tobacco has become popular in the West, and there are already signs of it in Daming.

Therefore, he nodded and said: "Yes, it's just right, I told you these two things in advance, you can plan ahead, so as not to cause major problems when you, the official, don't pay attention!"

Whether it is tobacco or that thing, it must be controlled by the government, using its beneficial side to strictly prohibit the prohibited side.

Emperor Chongzhen wanted to be an emperor through the ages. Of course, he obeyed Liu Weichao's words.He will not do things that are reviled by people in later generations, unless he is forced to do so.

After listening to Liu Weichao carefully, Emperor Chongzhen asked for information again.

Seeing his positive appearance, Liu Weichao reminded him: "You have my help, and there are many ways to make money. I don't want you to vigorously promote this tobacco thing."

The reason why the West has become popular is because of the result of their government's compulsory implementation.

Emperor Chongzhen heard Liu Weichao's train of thought, nodded, and then changed the subject: "Sweet potatoes, I have spent the past few years promoting them in the north. Anyway, they don't take up grain fields, so it's really a problem for famine." It’s a good supplement. But potatoes still lack enough promotion, and cotton too. It’s a pity that Wang Qing was sent to Qiongzhou to experiment with hybrid rice. Do you have any recommendations for talents in farming?”

Hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while, and asked, "That student of Xu Guangqi's name seems to be Zilong. Are you using it?"

Speaking of this, he checked it casually, and then added: "Chen Zilong, Xu Guangqi's "Agricultural Encyclopedia" was compiled by him."

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't know this person, so he asked for his information with great interest, and then hung up the video communication.

Then, he quietly read the materials that Liu Weichao passed on to him, and then ordered to pass the eunuch Wang Chengen, the chief inspector of ceremonies and the admiral of Xichang, to have an audience.

Unexpectedly, when you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Wang Chengen himself rushed over first, obviously he had something to report to Emperor Chongzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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